What's in this cellar room photo?

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Stuffed Santa??? I've seen it in the video montage. I know that a Santa Suit was retrieved from the basement crawl space. Perhaps they stuffed it every Christmas...

We know the Christmas trees were kept in the wine cellar...and that JonBenet's Christmas tree was decorated with Angels. Perhaps the two dolls in the wine cellar came from JonBenet's tree. I recall the Ramseys stuffing the trees in the wine cellar without taking off all the ornaments.


Seems like there was a lot of stuff in that wine-cellar.


Seems like there was a lot of stuff in that wine-cellar.

Seriously though the impression(*coughspincough*) that was originally given(if my memory serves me)was that the cellar was basically 'disused' and hard to find & that the Ramsey's themselves barely used it etc etc
Apparently that wasn't the case...it was both designated storage(X-mas decorations) as well as "catch all" storage(i.e the suitcase).
Just another item on the long list of things that make you go "HHHhhhmmmm"(imo).
I can sort of kind of see the Barbie doll in the close ups but it would have to be some kind of life-size Barbie if it is a doll, IMO. Otherwise the perspective with the window screen and door would be off.

Maybe it's just some clothes or blankets all scrunched and thrown aside? I just can't tell. See those two cans in the back of the room? I think those would be the size of paint cans if you take the door in persepective.
I can sort of kind of see the Barbie doll in the close ups but it would have to be some kind of life-size Barbie if it is a doll, IMO. Otherwise the perspective with the window screen and door would be off.

Maybe it's just some clothes or blankets all scrunched and thrown aside? I just can't tell. See those two cans in the back of the room? I think those would be the size of paint cans if you take the door in persepective.

There were paint cans found in there.
I can sort of kind of see the Barbie doll in the close ups but it would have to be some kind of life-size Barbie if it is a doll, IMO. Otherwise the perspective with the window screen and door would be off.

Maybe it's just some clothes or blankets all scrunched and thrown aside? I just can't tell. See those two cans in the back of the room? I think those would be the size of paint cans if you take the door in persepective.

I think that it is either a life size barbie (MY SIZE BARBIE), or a Barbie Sleeping bag. My daughter was born a year after JB, she was 5 when JB was killed at the age of 6, and she had (we still have it) a Barbie sleeping bag. It has a huge image of Barbie on the front of it.
I'm trying to factor the doll into the staging, and why it should ever be there. I can only think of three obvious reasons for a doll to be in that wine-cellar.

1. It is a Christmas gift, unwrapped either by lea or a Ramsey?

2. It was placed there as part of the staging?

3. It is part of the original crime-scene?

Assuming as evidence it has been redacted, then lea do not do this unless they are fairly certain that only the person(s) involved in JonBenet's death would know it was located there.

If this doll is a barbie then having a blood-stained barbie nightgown also in the same room appears too coincidental to me.

This might be the reason why Tom Haney asks Patsy about JonBenet having a favorite bedtime toy e.g. to rule out any doll in the wine-cellar originating from JonBenet's bedroom?

So it seems the doll may not be intended as part of the staging, and if it not a gift then is it part of the original crime-scene was JonBenet playing with it prior to her death?

Trip Demuth gets Patsy to confirm that the Barbie Nightgown was usually stored in a drawer next to the one that contained the longjohns. And that Patsy left one of those drawers open, also Tom Haney asks Patsy if JonBenet took a toy to bed e.g. indirect reference to the doll found in the wine-cellar? Patsy answers Sister Socks. There is reference to a Barbie Doll which is ambiguous as to where it is located, is it the wine-cellar or JonBenet's bedroom?

1998 BPD Patsy Interview
19 TOM HANEY: 145.

20 PATSY RAMSEY: What is the pink thing?

21 TOM HANEY: We have next up, we have some

22 close-ups of the two items in 145, which is the white

23 blanket and the paint can. So if we take -- and if we

24 skip to the other numbered one and go to -- there is a

25 black and white dated 11 February of '97, and this is a


1 photo in, I believe, a plastic container still, would

2 that be the blanket that was on the bed?


4 TRIP DEMUTH: That is JonBenet's blanket on

5 her bed in her bedroom?

6 PATSY RAMSEY: I could say that, yes.

7 TRIP DEMUTH: Looking at picture 145.

8 PATSY RAMSEY: Okay. What is this pink --

9 what is that?

10 TOM HANEY: We will show you a photo of that

11 in just a second. Just want to get through some of

12 these first of the blanket itself.

13 PATSY RAMSEY: This looks a little --

14 (inaudible).

15 TRIP DEMUTH: This was sent to CES, so every

16 piece of trace evidence that was ever collected by a

17 lab, so all of that is going to be documented. Our

18 main concern is that you believe this is JonBenet's

19 blanket on her bed.


21 TOM HANEY: This is the pink -- excuse me --

22 the pink item that again is in a plastic bag where the

23 photo was taken.

24 PATSY RAMSEY: That is her (inaudible). Why

25 was that there?


1 TOM HANEY: What is it?

2 PATSY RAMSEY: It is her Barbie nightgown.

3 TOM HANEY: Is that hers or her Barbie

4 doll's? When would she have worn that last, do you

5 know?

6 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, she didn't wear it that

7 night because she had her -- she had the long underwear

8 pants and her little white shirt. And the night before

9 on Christmas Eve night she wore the pink little

10 (inaudible) that was under her pillow. You saw that.

11 And before that I don't remember. But neither of those

12 two nights she wore that.

13 TOM HANEY: Where would this particular --

14 well, let me back up.

15 Does this item have some particular

16 significance?


18 TOM HANEY: How many nightgowns did she have?


20 TOM HANEY: Twenty, 30?

21 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, 10 or so.

22 TOM HANEY: Did this one have some particular

23 significance?


25 TOM HANEY: Do you remember who gave it to


1 her?


3 TOM HANEY: Do you remember whether you got

4 it for her? Was it a gift.

5 PATSY RAMSEY: Oh, God, it might --

6 TOM HANEY: Take some time because this is --

7 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. Is this the only

8 picture we have of this?

9 TOM HANEY: Correct. The only one here

10 today.

11 PATSY RAMSEY: I'm thinking of a Barbie

12 nightgown that had a big face of Barbie.

13 TRIP DEMUTH: It has a plastic over it, so

14 there is some glare there. You see the plastic.

15 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah; right. What I'm saying,

16 I'm -- I remember a Barbie nightgown with a picture,

17 big picture of the head of Barbie on it. So I am not

18 quite sure this is her -- you know, one that she had.

19 TOM HANEY: Okay. You know, it appears --

20 PATSY RAMSEY: That is a Barbie doll under

21 there.

22 TOM HANEY: It appears from the waist down

23 you can see that much, but from the waist up, because

24 of the plastic, there is a flash and the reflection

25 that is washed out.


1 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. The nightgowns were

2 kept in the bathroom, in her bathroom in the side

3 drawer there. Her pajamas were there.

4 TOM HANEY: All of them?

5 PATSY RAMSEY: Unless they were in the dirty

6 clothes.

7 TOM HANEY: We talked earlier about a few

8 things kind of thrown here or there.

9 PATSY RAMSEY: Right. Could have been, I

10 guess.

11 TOM HANEY: Do you remember her wearing it on

12 the 23rd?


14 TRIP DEMUTH: Which drawer, looking at photo

15 18?


17 TRIP DEMUTH: This is her bathroom, her sink.

18 Which drawer would the Barbie doll nightgown have been

19 kept in?

20 PATSY RAMSEY: Probably that one or the one

21 below it.

22 TRIP DEMUTH: The one that is opened or below

23 it right there in photo 18?

24 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh.



1 TOM HANEY: We've heard at some point this

2 was a particularly favorite nightgown. Did she have

3 such a thing?

4 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, her favorite little

5 pajamas were like -- was this one piece sort of Jeannie

6 thing my mother had given her, kind of nylon; a little

7 one piece thing. You stepped into it and put your arms

8 out. Other than that, nothing special.

9 TRIP DEMUTH: But would your sister, Pam,

10 call this her travel nightgown for any reason? I could

11 be wrong.

12 PATSY RAMSEY: I mean, like pageants did we

13 take one?

14 TRIP DEMUTH: Is there a reason she would say

15 that?

16 PATSY RAMSEY: I just don't remember making a

17 big deal about taking one special nightgown to the

18 pageants. I think more likely we took the little

19 Jeannie pant thing because it would be -- if she had

20 her hair in curlers, you could step into it instead of

21 pulling it over your head. I don't know.

22 TRIP DEMUTH: Do you know where that was

23 before Christmas?


25 TOM HANEY: It would not have been in the


1 wine cellar?


3 TOM HANEY: On the 25th when you put JonBenet

4 to bed, do you recall seeing this?


6 TOM HANEY: In the bed.


8 TOM HANEY: Do you recall the blanket that is

9 in this previous --

10 PATSY RAMSEY: No, I don't. I don't really.

11 TOM HANEY: When you put her down, covered

12 her up.

13 PATSY RAMSEY: I know I covered her at least

14 with the sheet, but I don't know that. We tend to get

15 real warm, so, you know, you don't do a lot of tucking

16 it in.

17 TOM HANEY: Probably not the comforter?


19 TOM HANEY: But the cotton blanket, you know,

20 I think those are pretty -- it is kind of like the ones

21 in the hospital.

22 PATSY RAMSEY: They are not real heavy;

23 right.

24 TOM HANEY: So would that --

25 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. It would not have been


1 unusual to put the sheet and the blanket on her. I

2 truly can't remember.

3 TRIP DEMUTH: Patsy, why the long underwear?

4 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I remember I was digging

5 around for something. I was trying to find the pink

6 ones she wore the night before. I couldn't put my hand

7 on them right quick. And so I went to these drawers

8 looking for the pajamas, and she was just laying there,

9 so I didn't want to raise her up and get everything off

10 of her to put a long nightgown, so looking for pajamas

11 bottoms to put on her. I couldn't find any, and the

12 long underwear pants were in there drawer, so I got

13 those.

14 TRIP DEMUTH: Could you have left that drawer

15 open yourself?

16 PATSY RAMSEY: Possibly.


18 TOM HANEY: Did you have a particular stuffed

19 animal, blanket, toy, whatever, that she took to bed?

20 PATSY RAMSEY: She had a kitten we called

21 Sister Socks. It is a gray and white stuffed animal

22 that she liked the best.

23 TOM HANEY: Inseparable or she just liked --

24 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, not really inseparable,

25 but she liked that pretty much all the time.


1 TOM HANEY: Some kids can't go to bed --

2 PATSY RAMSEY: No. She wasn't like that.

3 TOM HANEY: Okay. Without something,

4 somebody to talk to, somebody to keep them company.


6 TOM HANEY: No, okay. Could this have been

7 under the pillow? Would you have noticed anything like

8 that?

9 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I didn't notice the pink

10 shirt under there, you know, so, I just don't remember

11 where that was or the last time she wore it.

12 TOM HANEY: Or where she got it, from whom?

13 PATSY RAMSEY: Can't remember.

14 TOM HANEY: Okay. Say on birthdays the kids

15 get a lot of presents, do you keep a list of who gets

16 them what to make sure they send them a thank-you card

17 or whatever?


19 TRIP DEMUTH: Do you think that is

20 JonBenet's?

21 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, see, that is the thing.

22 If I could see it for real I would know.

23 TRIP DEMUTH: You are not sure at this time?

24 PATSY RAMSEY: I'm not really sure, no. The

25 one I'm thinking of had a big picture of Barbie on it,


1 a face, a big face.


3 PATSY RAMSEY: But she had a lot of them, so

4 you know, I just -- I just can't. If I could see it

5 for real, you know, I could touch it and touch it, but

6 look at it up close I might be able to.

7 Regardless, it is totally out of place down

8 there in the wine cellar.

9 TOM HANEY: The last time you were in the

10 wine cellar was Christmas Eve, Christmas day.

11 PATSY RAMSEY: Probably Christmas Eve

12 bringing packages out.

13 TOM HANEY: Would there have been any reason

14 for you to go back in there on Christmas day or did you

15 go back in there?

16 PATSY RAMSEY: No, I don't believe I did.

17 No.

18 TOM HANEY: Okay. And on Christmas Eve, when

19 you went in there --


21 TOM HANEY: -- this wasn't there?


23 TOM HANEY: How about the blanket?


25 TRIP DEMUTH: If we could go back, kind of


1 skipped over a couple of pictures here, 145.

2 PATSY RAMSEY: There is the bicycle.

3 TRIP DEMUTH: I have a question for you, 148

4 here.

5 PATSY RAMSEY: These were gifts I think I was

6 holding back for Burke's birthday.

7 TRIP DEMUTH: They are in the red and white

8 and yellow FAO Schwartz wrapping?


10 TRIP DEMUTH: Now in 148 there is also this

11 white pocket, do you know what that is?

12 PATSY RAMSEY: Huh-uh, it looks like cotton.

13 I don't know.

14 TRIP DEMUTH: Okay. It is hard to sort of

15 figure out where all of these pictures are taken, but

16 there is another package over here.

17 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh.

18 TRIP DEMUTH: Does that look out of place or

19 in the proper place?

20 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I had -- you know, I

21 stacked up some packages along there (inaudible).

22 Kicked (inaudible) or something. I kind of have it

23 backed up here.

24 TRIP DEMUTH: Okay. So the packages in 146,

25 it looks like it is out of place to you?


1 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh. Yeah. See, that

2 looks -- the door would be here.

3 TRIP DEMUTH: It is hard.

4 PATSY RAMSEY: So that would be back in here

5 somewhere. I was right in front of the door.

6 TRIP DEMUTH: No. Here are the screens. You

7 see the screens over here, the small screens, so it is

8 more back in this.

9 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. I would tuck them

10 there.

11 TRIP DEMUTH: I guess the point is, there

12 wasn't one that was off by itself. They should have

13 all been together.

14 The location in picture 148 is the correct

15 place for all of the packages to have been?


17 TOM HANEY: Before we go on, could we just

18 talk briefly about the packages, these were presents

19 for whom, the ones that were left in there?

20 PATSY RAMSEY: I believe for, you know, I

21 held some back for Burke's birthday which is in

22 January.


24 TOM HANEY: So that could have been that.

25 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. I don't remember what


1 was in them.

2 TOM HANEY: Would any of these packages be

3 opened?

4 PATSY RAMSEY: Probably. Well, see, these

5 came up, I was at FAO Schwartz in New York when

6 JonBenet and I were up there for a trip, and I had them

7 sent back to Boulder and they wrapped them, free gift

8 wrapping.

9 So like right here it looks like I kind of

10 peeled a little back to see what was in it because I

11 couldn't remember what was in them.

12 TRIP DEMUTH: If the wrapping has been undone

13 partially, that was --

14 PATSY RAMSEY: I probably would have done

15 that to peek to see what was in there.


17 TOM HANEY: Where did you do the bulk of your

18 Christmas shopping, the items you put in there?

19 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, all of this stuff right

20 here was from FAO Schwartz in New York. JonBenet got a

21 bicycle that year. I got a university bicycle, and she

22 got a twin doll which I mail ordered, and --

23 TOM HANEY: Did she get to ride her bike?

24 PATSY RAMSEY: She got to ride her bike.

25 TOM HANEY: Christmas day?


1 PATSY RAMSEY: Out in the back driveway.

2 TOM HANEY: You don't remember the weather

3 that day, was --

4 PATSY RAMSEY: Sunny, nice.

5 TOM HANEY: So did she get much time on it?

6 Was it training wheel equipped or was she able to ride

7 a two wheeler by herself?

8 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't think it had training

9 wheels. I think it did.

10 TOM HANEY: Did she get much time on it?

11 Could you give us a glue.

12 PATSY RAMSEY: No idea; riding out in the

13 back.

14 TOM HANEY: But she was able to handle it,

15 she didn't crash or anything?


17 TOM HANEY: Do you remember shopping before

18 Christmas, did you go with somebody?

19 PATSY RAMSEY: Shopping?

20 TOM HANEY: Yeah.

21 PATSY RAMSEY: Can't remember. I don't

22 remember what everybody got.

23 TOM HANEY: That was another one of the

24 questions.

25 PATSY RAMSEY: Burke got Nintendo 64. That


1 was a big deal. I got that down at some little

2 computer store kind of place down by Perilli's

3 (phonetic), Baseline and 30th or around there.

4 Gameworks. Got that right before Christmas.

5 TOM HANEY: Let's take it easy. What about,

6 do you guys put on a big production, are the presents

7 hidden?


9 TOM HANEY: A lot of presents out?


11 TOM HANEY: Big ones, we have the Nintendo

12 and a bike.


14 TOM HANEY: How about for you, what did --

15 PATSY RAMSEY: I got a bicycle.

16 TOM HANEY: Okay. From John?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: From Santa Claus.

18 TOM HANEY: Do you remember anything else?

19 PATSY RAMSEY: JonBenet gave me a little

20 thing she made at school. I haven't been able to find

21 it yet. I hope I find it. It was a little thing that

22 said, the best Christmas present is me. There was a

23 little picture of her on it.

24 TOM HANEY: That is something that they made

25 at school, okay. Was it for you, for you and John


1 or --

2 PATSY RAMSEY: She gave it to me.

3 TOM HANEY: Okay.

4 PATSY RAMSEY: She had one also, I think, for

5 John.

6 TRIP DEMUTH: JonBenet made that?

7 PATSY RAMSEY: Yes. I haven't seen it.

8 TRIP DEMUTH: Does it have a picture of her

9 on it?

10 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I think (inaudible).

11 TOM HANEY: We might have that. We might.

12 PATSY RAMSEY: Really? Okay.

13 TOM HANEY: How about John, what did he get?

14 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I made him a painting --

15 golf or whatever it is. He gave me a gold bracelet.

16 I had given JonBenet a little gold bracelet

17 the night of our Christmas party. It had her name

18 engraved on it Christmas day, but she was all dressed

19 up that night, and I gave her that. She got a lot of

20 craft making things, the little bead things you melt

21 together kind of, stuff from Toys R Us.

22 TOM HANEY: Did you shop with somebody, a

23 girlfriend or Priscilla or somebody, let's go Christmas

24 shopping?

25 PATSY RAMSEY: Not usually. I can get it


1 done myself.

Patsy: That is a barbie doll under there.

Why didn't Det. Haney follow up on that statement??? This is what makes me mad. I have seen statments made by both John and Patsy that could have been scrutinized by law-enforcement and they just totally blew it.
Patsy: That is a barbie doll under there.

Why didn't Det. Haney follow up on that statement??? This is what makes me mad. I have seen statments made by both John and Patsy that could have been scrutinized by law-enforcement and they just totally blew it.

I also want to know what they were referring to when then said "still in the plastic container". They later referred to the pink nightie as being in a plastic bag, so I don't think they would refer to a plastic bag as a "container". We can see that the doll seems to be still in its plastic box, and I can see them referring to the box as a container.
I also want to know what they were referring to when then said "still in the plastic container". They later referred to the pink nightie as being in a plastic bag, so I don't think they would refer to a plastic bag as a "container". We can see that the doll seems to be still in its plastic box, and I can see them referring to the box as a container.

I think that it also may be referring to items photographed in evidence containers. IMO the blanket could be in a clear plastic tote and the nightgown in a clear plastic evidence bag.

It would sure help if WE could see the photos he's questioning her about!
Patsy: That is a barbie doll under there.
Why didn't Det. Haney follow up on that statement??? This is what makes me mad. I have seen statments made by both John and Patsy that could have been scrutinized by law-enforcement and they just totally blew it.

Possibly he did not want to be seen leading Patsy, they knew the evidence had been redacted, so its likely only the R's would know of its existence?

1998 BPD Patsy Interview
19 TOM HANEY: Okay. You know, it appears --

20 PATSY RAMSEY: That is a Barbie doll under

21 there.

22 TOM HANEY: It appears from the waist down

23 you can see that much, but from the waist up, because

24 of the plastic, there is a flash and the reflection

25 that is washed out.


1 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. The nightgowns were

2 kept in the bathroom, in her bathroom in the side

3 drawer there. Her pajamas were there.


I reckon the barbie doll is in the wine-cellar since the photo is of the barbie-nightgown. If Tom Haney was going to switch topic, say to the bedroom, he would have said to Patsy "here we have picture nn, showing JonBenet's bedroom." "Under there" must refer to the Barbie Nightgown.

Here is a much clearer photo showing the white blanket and the Barbie Nightgown. Under which I reckon Tom Haney elicits an identification from Patsy e.g. Barbie Doll , I'm assuming Tom Haney never used that phrase. If this is correct then it also agrees with posters who have also identified the blurry image as a Barbie Doll.

Look closer at the Barbie Nightgown and to me it appears quite bloodstained, so was JonBenet killed whilst wearing the Barbie Nightgown, and playing with her doll?


I still stand by my opinion that she was wearing the nightgown when it happened.

JOHN RAMSEY: It wouldn't be, no,
6 it would be unusual for her to have those on.
7 Leggings, kind of just a regular nightgown. She
8 didn't always wear a nightgown to bed. If she
9 was awake when she went to bed, she got into a
10 nightgown
and brushed her teeth, got into bed.
11 But if she was asleep, we usually just tried to
12 make her comfortable, make sure she was warm.
13 Didn't go into the trouble of getting her into a
14 nightgown, necessarily. Sometimes she had a tee
15 shirt on.

JOHN RAMSEY: I laid her on the
21 bed. I didn't -- I don't remember the cover,
22 if the bed was made or not, but I laid her on
23 the bed. Because I knew Patsy would follow up
24 to put her nightgown on and get her ready for
25 bed.

LOU SMIT: We have heard
16 that a Barbie nightgown was one of her
17 favorite nightgowns. What can you tell us
18 about that?
19 JOHN RAMSEY: I think she had a
20 Barbie nightgown, yeah, as I recall. Pink,
21 maybe.
22 LOU SMIT: The night you put
23 her in bed, do you remember anything about
24 a Barbie nightgown?
25 JOHN RAMSEY: When I put
1 her to bed she had on, when I laid her
2 down in the bed, she had on what she had
3 worn to the Whites. She had that same
4 shirt on when I found her.
(BS IMO.He first says put her to bed,which IMO indicates she was awake,then changes it to laid her down in the bed)

The redressing.....maybe it wasn't done just to clean her up .......it was also part of the "she was sleeping when we arrived home" scenario .And why does JR say the gown shouldn't be there??Because they forgot to get rid of it?
Look closer at the Barbie Nightgown and to me it appears quite bloodstained, so was JonBenet killed whilst wearing the Barbie Nightgown, and playing with her doll?



Dunno in which depo it is but it's either Beckner or ST who says that the nightgown had blood on it.I swear I read it somewhere.
6 LOU SMIT: And then we have a

7 Barbie or a nightgown. There is just

8 suggestions that are made to that, and

9 what's your opinion of that, and what's

10 your impression?

11 JOHN RAMSEY: God, I can only

12 imagine it. That that was something very

13 perverted.


How tall was that Brabie doll they are talking about?
And did JB's Barbie gown fit the doll as well?
Or where there two separate Barbie gowns?one belonging to the doll,one was JB's?

Dunno in which depo it is but it's either Beckner or ST who says that the nightgown had blood on it.I swear I read it somewhere.

Samples were taken from the Barbie Nightgown to be used for DNA testing. e.g. #17A, #17C .


Remember that Screen Capture of the DNA lab report shown on the 48 Hours program? It wasn't clear, but here's what I got out of it:

AGENCY(?) NAME – CD0878136 – F2 ACBLDER(?)

EXTRACTED(?) BY: blacked out EXTRACTION DATE: 123196(?)
ABSTRACT(X) AFA(?) ?/? ???

#5A,5B# (?) Bloodstains from shirt
#7 Bloodstains from panties
#14B Bloodstain ????? from JonBenet Ramsey
#14J DNA? Or Swab? with Saliva????
#14L, #14M Right and Left hand fingernails from JonBenet Ramsey
#15A, #15B Samples from tape
Bloodstains from white blanket
#17A, #17C Bloodstains from nightgown??
#13A, #13B Semen ??? stain from black blanket
Bloodstain Standard from John Andrew Ramsey

If corect then this should change our assumptions regarding what JonBenet was wearing prior to being killed. I've always suspected she was wearing that Barbie Nightgown. Also why is the white blanket not as blood-stained as the nightgown, if the nightgown arrived in the wine-cellar accidently?

Looks like we need to revise the RDI to include the Barbie Nightgown and Blood-stained Barbie Doll.


How tall was that Brabie doll they are talking about?
And did JB's Barbie gown fit the doll as well?
Or where there two separate Barbie gowns?one belonging to the doll,one was JB's?


I think there was two, or more, and that Patsy's sister purchased one for JonBenet.

20 PATSY RAMSEY: That is a Barbie doll under

21 there.

22 TOM HANEY: It appears from the waist down

23 you can see that much, but from the waist up, because

24 of the plastic, there is a flash and the reflection

25 that is washed out.


1 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. The nightgowns were

2 kept in the bathroom, in her bathroom in the side

3 drawer there. Her pajamas were there.

4 TOM HANEY: All of them?

5 PATSY RAMSEY: Unless they were in the dirty

6 clothes.

IMO they were talking about a doll that was down there (and collected as evidence because it was in a plastic bag,right?) and she changes the subject.


This is getting interesting.
6 LOU SMIT: And then we have a

7 Barbie or a nightgown. There is just

8 suggestions that are made to that, and

9 what's your opinion of that, and what's

10 your impression?

11 JOHN RAMSEY: God, I can only

12 imagine it. That that was something very

13 perverted.



Good find! Nicee! Perverted , so he knew , he knew the prior molestation would eventually be revealed.


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