Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #7

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Lawyer Courtnay is claiming not to have known anything in 1998-9 0r 2002:
“I was never made aware of the alleged incidents of sexual misconduct regarding Sandusky until I read about them in the AG’s presentment,” Courtney said. When pressed, however, he said he became aware in 2009 that a report of possible misconduct by Sandusky with a boy had been made to Clinton County authorities and was being investigated.
Lawyer Courtnay is claiming not to have known anything in 1998-9 0r 2002:

“I was never made aware of the alleged incidents of sexual misconduct regarding Sandusky until I read about them in the AG’s presentment,” Courtney said. When pressed, however, he said he became aware in 2009 that a report of possible misconduct by Sandusky with a boy had been made to Clinton County authorities and was being investigated.

Why does this not surprise me?

In similiar fashion to Judge Bradley P. Lunsford's statement of “Not one thing was said to us,’’ “Not a damn thing’’, here's another player, completely immersed in both the judicial system and the inbred comingled affairs of a University and this freak's play pen, attempting to claim ignorance despite DIRECT grand jury testimony to the contrary.

I'm not buying it for one second.
Lengthy, interesting look at the new boy:

Penn State President Rodney Erickson has reputation of being practical, personable
He spent his first news conference talking about the past and the two men who had dominated the school until the very moment they had been forced aside not 48 hours earlier, Graham Spanier and Joe Paterno.

He filmed a YouTube video talking directly to the camera, hostage-like, in a clipped monotone about one of the saddest weeks in the history of Penn State.

When he has appeared since — in halftime commercials, email blasts, town hall meetings with students and faculty — he has offered few new specifics or rhetorical flair. Instead, he repeats the same themes: The terrible nature of the allegations against Jerry Sandusky, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz. Tragedy. Support for alleged victims. Commitment to transparency. Core values. Five promises. Moving forward.

For the moment, those talking points have been his whole message. But how much longer can that work?
much more at link above
Good article on Second Mile insurer's fight not to pay Sandusky's bills:

"But at the same time, it is incorrect and downright specious for Federal to argue that Sandusky's actions were not committed in his capacity as an official at Second Mile. Yes, none of the alleged crimes actually took place at Second Mile, but it was because of his stewardship of the program that Sanduksy had access to the youngsters against whom he is alleged to have committed these heinous crimes. And Sandusky met all eight alleged victims mentioned in the grand jury report at Second Mile."

BTW, is Amendola implying that if Dorothy did need a lawyer she shouldn't have the same one as Jerry?
I suppose anything's possible, but I've got a problem in buying into the notion of an abundance of ignorance on the part of these TSM board members and officials.

Take this Judge for example.

In a place no bigger than his circuit or area, do you really think it's likely or even logical that more than one child rape investigation of the public figurehead of an organization he is a board member of would escape his awareness? Do you really think he doesn't have a friend in LE, CPS or the SA's office who wouldn't make him aware of what was being looked into for his own reputation's sake?

How about TSM's CEO, Dr. Jack Raykovitz? According to the grand jury report, he knew about the investigations into this freak's actions. Are you really suggesting that he wouldn't and didn't make any of the other board members aware of the issue? Do you think he at least told his wife, the longest term employee in the organization?

Last, but certainly not least, we have Attorney Wendall Courtney who was aware of the whole enchilada regarding TSM's public figurehead. He's supposed to have come on board as their counsel and not made the board aware of these investigations? Aside from the basic moral obligations at play, I'm of the opinion that there were certain fiduciary responsibilities on his part in making the organization aware of what had been/was being investigated. How likely or logical is it that an attorney would have been so committed to protecting Sandusky that he would have placed himself in such a position of not telling ANYONE?

The FACTS that have been coming out have shown us that aside from MANY VICTIMS and their families, janitors, coaches, high school principals, and teachers knew about this freak. Members of LE, District Attorneys, State Attorneys, and even a Gubernatorial candidate knew about this freak.

Yet somehow, these wealthy captains of industry, jurists, and intellectual scholars who made up TSM's board of directors and trustees were supposed to have been in blissful ignorance of what this animal was doing to the children of The Second Mile? I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt that possibly they believed in "the greater good" of the organization or something of that sort, but there's no way I can believe the Judge Lunsford's of this mess who are singing loud and strong that “Not one thing was said to us, Not a damn thing.’’

I can't buy it.

I don't know. To me, it's easier to believe that Raykovitz kept all of his knowledge to himself than to suggest all of the board members are lying.

Having served on a board for a local social service agency, I knew nothing about the day-to-day operations, nor would I have been aware of any rumors or scuttlebutt.

Judge Lunsford was a respected jurist in the area - would he really have been so committed to protecting Sandusky or the Second Mile that he would have placed himself in such a position? Again, in my opinion, it is more likely that Sandusky's actions weren't widely shared with the board members, even if only out of concern that one rogue member might have taken action.

There may have been an inner circle with whom information was shared, but I doubt it was known among the rank-and-file. Most of them just weren't invested enough to have purposefully looked the other way.

I think both of you make good points. I think it is possible that they wanted to keep it out of the boardroom altogether. However, I also find it hard to believe that someone on the board didn't know anything about it.
I suppose anything's possible, but I've got a problem in buying into the notion of an abundance of ignorance on the part of these TSM board members and officials.

Take this Judge for example.

In a place no bigger than his circuit or area, do you really think it's likely or even logical that more than one child rape investigation of the public figurehead of an organization he is a board member of would escape his awareness? Do you really think he doesn't have a friend in LE, CPS or the SA's office who wouldn't make him aware of what was being looked into for his own reputation's sake?

How about TSM's CEO, Dr. Jack Raykovitz? According to the grand jury report, he knew about the investigations into this freak's actions. Are you really suggesting that he wouldn't and didn't make any of the other board members aware of the issue? Do you think he at least told his wife, the longest term employee in the organization?

Last, but certainly not least, we have Attorney Wendall Courtney who was aware of the whole enchilada regarding TSM's public figurehead. He's supposed to have come on board as their counsel and not made the board aware of these investigations? Aside from the basic moral obligations at play, I'm of the opinion that there were certain fiduciary responsibilities on his part in making the organization aware of what had been/was being investigated. How likely or logical is it that an attorney would have been so committed to protecting Sandusky that he would have placed himself in such a position of not telling ANYONE?

The FACTS that have been coming out have shown us that aside from MANY VICTIMS and their families, janitors, coaches, high school principals, and teachers knew about this freak. Members of LE, District Attorneys, State Attorneys, and even a Gubernatorial candidate knew about this freak.

Yet somehow, these wealthy captains of industry, jurists, and intellectual scholars who made up TSM's board of directors and trustees were supposed to have been in blissful ignorance of what this animal was doing to the children of The Second Mile? I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt that possibly they believed in "the greater good" of the organization or something of that sort, but there's no way I can believe the Judge Lunsford's of this mess who are singing loud and strong that “Not one thing was said to us, Not a damn thing.’’

I can't buy it.

You pretty much named the small, inner circle I referred to. What would Raykovitz gain by sharing the warnings he received from Curley, as well as any other knowledge he may have had, with the full board? If you want to keep things secret, and effect the cover-up people are suggesting, you have to be extremely sure of the people you include.

I don't know Judge Lunsford, but if you were the CEO of the Second Mile, and you learned that very bad acts were being perpetrated by the charity's founder and public face, would you be likely to tell a retired judge?

I know you feel strongly about this Papa, but I just don't think it is very likely. We will probably never know for certain exactly who knew what, but we already have plenty of people that we can be sure were in a position to do something, but didn't.
You pretty much named the small, inner circle I referred to. What would Raykovitz gain by sharing the warnings he received from Curley, as well as any other knowledge he may have had, with the full board? If you want to keep things secret, and effect the cover-up people are suggesting, you have to be extremely sure of the people you include.

I don't know Judge Lunsford, but if you were the CEO of the Second Mile, and you learned that very bad acts were being perpetrated by the charity's founder and public face, would you be likely to tell a retired judge?

I know you feel strongly about this Papa, but I just don't think it is very likely. We will probably never know for certain exactly who knew what, but we already have plenty of people that we can be sure were in a position to do something, but didn't.

Thank You for your reply.

I don't know any of these players either but, particularly in the case of Judge Lunsford, irregardless of what the CEO may or may not have told him, wouldn't you think it would be prudent for any other member of the judicial system who was privy to the information to be certain a Judge who was also a TSM board member was made aware for his own reputation's sake?

If you KNEW about this freak and DIDN'T tell the Judge,

-How would you like to be a member of LE needing this judge to sign off on a future search warrant?

-How about if you were an attorney and KNEW but DIDN'T tell this judge, could you really look forward to trying a case in his courtroom?

-What about a CPS worker needing this Judge to sign off on an order to remove a child from one parent and give to the other parent?

-How would you like to be the District Attorney in charge of this freak's investigation if you DIDN'T tell a Judge who was also on TSM's board? Wouldn't you be concerned that this Judge could develop a problem with some of your future motions and pleadings?

I don't necessarily believe that everyone knew about Sandusky's actions, but I do believe that some of the ones claiming ignorance the loudest very likely did.
Good article on Second Mile insurer's fight not to pay Sandusky's bills:

"But at the same time, it is incorrect and downright specious for Federal to argue that Sandusky's actions were not committed in his capacity as an official at Second Mile. Yes, none of the alleged crimes actually took place at Second Mile, but it was because of his stewardship of the program that Sanduksy had access to the youngsters against whom he is alleged to have committed these heinous crimes. And Sandusky met all eight alleged victims mentioned in the grand jury report at Second Mile."

BTW, is Amendola implying that if Dorothy did need a lawyer she shouldn't have the same one as Jerry?

From your link this is interesting:

For Federal to try to avoid association with an alleged child molester is entirely understandable. It's not as if the company had known all along about the Sandusky rumors and was just now starting to flee the scene.

But if Sandusky's "secret" was whispered about in the cloistered community, as some say it was, could Federal have possibly known about it?

More to the point, this case shows that there must be a heightened degree of due diligence with insurance companies. As soon as rumblings of problems with Sandusky emerged at Penn State, especially when he was let go so quickly by the school, everyone involved with Second Mile should have been paying greater attention.
You pretty much named the small, inner circle I referred to. What would Raykovitz gain by sharing the warnings he received from Curley, as well as any other knowledge he may have had, with the full board? If you want to keep things secret, and effect the cover-up people are suggesting, you have to be extremely sure of the people you include.

I don't know Judge Lunsford, but if you were the CEO of the Second Mile, and you learned that very bad acts were being perpetrated by the charity's founder and public face, would you be likely to tell a retired judge?

I know you feel strongly about this Papa, but I just don't think it is very likely. We will probably never know for certain exactly who knew what, but we already have plenty of people that we can be sure were in a position to do something, but didn't.

But Curley never warned Raykovitz about any "very bad acts" involving Sandusky. In fact, the opposite happened: Curley told Raykovitz that an investigation cleared Sandusky of any wrongdoing.
From your link this is interesting:

For Federal to try to avoid association with an alleged child molester is entirely understandable. It's not as if the company had known all along about the Sandusky rumors and was just now starting to flee the scene.

But if Sandusky's "secret" was whispered about in the cloistered community, as some say it was, could Federal have possibly known about it?

More to the point, this case shows that there must be a heightened degree of due diligence with insurance companies. As soon as rumblings of problems with Sandusky emerged at Penn State, especially when he was let go so quickly by the school, everyone involved with Second Mile should have been paying greater attention.

Reader, your point is so well stated that the retirement should have raised some questions. I would guess that Jerry had an answer and reason for his retirement at the ready, if he were asked. But a part of me says, maybe some of these people did not want to know the reason, the real reason. I'm always amazed at intelligent, highly regarded people who often shy away from anything that may render them "involved" in case something illegal comes along.

When I was on the board of directors for a local Boys & Girls Club, if the director even spit on the sidewalk, I wanted to know about it. But then, I was working as a newspaper reporter then so my curosity was always on point.

But sadly there are people who make it a point of not knowing the exact story. And often tell themselves it's just a rumor and they want no parts of it. Great Post Reader.
Just my O
Imo, no one associated with TSM or Penn State wanted to know anything about Sandusky abusing children-- each and every time there was a whiff of impropriety, they collectively, and intentionally, buried their heads in the sand as to avoid the fall of the house of cards we've witness in this past month. The only real question I have is was there a conspiracy to bury the facts???? That insurance company should sit down and shut up before they're sued for everything they have going, if you ask me.

Ultimately, we're talking about Penn State, JoePa, and all the revenue/business that entails for the entire region. Sandusky, though a bit player, had them ALL by the b*lls... He got to do what he desired right under their noses, out in the open, in front of them, in well lit public spaces. He flaunted it, lived within reach of a schoolyard, pulled kids from public schools for his own gratification, all the rules were broken. Routinely. He, himself, was untouchable! Audacious as the devil himself.

Until Mike McQueary needed to clear his conscience-- or maybe, he was making a grab for the ring, who knows. (but with JoePa's sudden health decline, I wonder if Mike knew that time was short for Paterno no matter what).

In short, that entire region wished this away-- that's why he got away with it for so long. MOO
Imo, no one associated with TSM or Penn State wanted to know anything about Sandusky abusing children-- each and every time there was a whiff of impropriety, they collectively, and intentionally, buried their heads in the sand as to avoid the fall of the house of cards we've witness in this past month. The only real question I have is was there a conspiracy to bury the facts???? That insurance company should sit down and shut up before they're sued for everything they have going, if you ask me.

Ultimately, we're talking about Penn State, JoePa, and all the revenue/business that entails for the entire region. Sandusky, though a bit player, had them ALL by the b*lls... He got to do what he desired right under their noses, out in the open, in front of them, in well lit public spaces. He flaunted it, lived within reach of a schoolyard, pulled kids from public schools for his own gratification, all the rules were broken. Routinely. He, himself, was untouchable! Audacious as the devil himself.

Until Mike McQueary needed to clear his conscience-- or maybe, he was making a grab for the ring, who knows. (but with JoePa's sudden health decline, I wonder if Mike knew that time was short for Paterno no matter what).

In short, that entire region wished this away-- that's why he got away with it for so long. MOO

Excellent assessment, Quiche. My only point of difference is that I believe you're giving McQueary too much credit. If it wasn't for the mother of victim one reporting Sandusky to authorities, McQueary may have remained silent.
Imo, no one associated with TSM or Penn State wanted to know anything about Sandusky abusing children-- each and every time there was a whiff of impropriety, they collectively, and intentionally, buried their heads in the sand as to avoid the fall of the house of cards we've witness in this past month. The only real question I have is was there a conspiracy to bury the facts???? That insurance company should sit down and shut up before they're sued for everything they have going, if you ask me.

Ultimately, we're talking about Penn State, JoePa, and all the revenue/business that entails for the entire region. Sandusky, though a bit player, had them ALL by the b*lls... He got to do what he desired right under their noses, out in the open, in front of them, in well lit public spaces. He flaunted it, lived within reach of a schoolyard, pulled kids from public schools for his own gratification, all the rules were broken. Routinely. He, himself, was untouchable! Audacious as the devil himself.

Until Mike McQueary needed to clear his conscience-- or maybe, he was making a grab for the ring, who knows. (but with JoePa's sudden health decline, I wonder if Mike knew that time was short for Paterno no matter what).

In short, that entire region wished this away-- that's why he got away with it for so long. MOO

I tend to agree with what you are saying and, frankly, it leaves me dumbfounded. How did this freak have them by the b*lls? Your descriptive term of "bit player" certainly sums up all that I can see about him, so what was his drawing card that caused people not to see or care about what he was flaunting right in their faces? His nonprofit TSM certainly wasn't an income center for a 4.6 BILLION dollar per year University, but something made an awful lot of people stick their heads deep in the sand. I can readily believe the TSM officials fearing a loss of revenue, but what in the hell was the big concern for Spainer, Schultz, Curley, and Paterno? Were they really just sweating some kind of rah, rah, go team go, we are Penn State BS because they had presented this chump as a larger than life defensive guru? I hate to break it to em, but I could go into a few NCAA record books and find any number of defensive coaches whose team statistics made ole Jer's defenses pale in comparison. The complete apathy for this animal's victims is something I've grasped at understanding since he was exposed.

I wish I could ask these captains of industry and intellectual scholars who are now claiming they didn't know or notice a thing, one question. What if it wasn't little boys that tripped this freak's trigger, but instead it was five dollar crack ho's. Would they have noticed him parading that kind of lil darlin to team functions, parties, and the like? Wonder if the missus would still be proclaiming his innocence and her outrage at the besmirching of his hallowed character if he had drug a steady string of crack ho's down to her basement over the past couple of decades?
If this donation was irrevocable, Lunsford will stay p'd off the rest of his life.

"Judge Bradley P. Lunsford has donated parts of his estate through a living trust to the Second Mile, according to the organization's 2010 annual report. He also recently made a $500 donation to the charity on behalf of the State College Elks Club."

I was picturing Lunsford as an old guy so I looked him up. He's about 50?

I was wondering if there was much age stratification in this cast of characters in how they might have made up their circles, picturing a young Raykovitz not talking to an old Lunsford- but not so, they are contemporaries.
Quiche sums up:
"Sandusky, though a bit player, had them ALL by the b*lls... He got to do what he desired right under their noses, out in the open, in front of them, in well lit public spaces. He flaunted it, lived within reach of a schoolyard, pulled kids from public schools for his own gratification, all the rules were broken. Routinely. He, himself, was untouchable! Audacious as the devil himself."

Home confinement (with Dottie) must be making him crazier- a big TV interview would break the monotony. Any bets on how long before he is caught breaching his GPS boundaries or blowing up in some other instinctive way?
Quiche sums up:
"Sandusky, though a bit player, had them ALL by the b*lls... He got to do what he desired right under their noses, out in the open, in front of them, in well lit public spaces. He flaunted it, lived within reach of a schoolyard, pulled kids from public schools for his own gratification, all the rules were broken. Routinely. He, himself, was untouchable! Audacious as the devil himself."

Home confinement (with Dottie) must be making him crazier- a big TV interview would break the monotony. Any bets on how long before he is caught breaching his GPS boundaries or blowing up in some other instinctive way?

I've been wondering that myself, StellarsJay. This is not a guy who knows how to control himself too well, as his interviews display.

I think as the pressure gets more intense, he will either incriminate himself with some outlandish statement, or will start lashing out at others involved in this, from the victims to the other guys from Penn State. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro, as they say.
I tend to agree with what you are saying and, frankly, it leaves me dumbfounded. How did this freak have them by the b*lls? Your descriptive term of "bit player" certainly sums up all that I can see about him, so what was his drawing card that caused people not to see or care about what he was flaunting right in their faces? His nonprofit TSM certainly wasn't an income center for a 4.6 BILLION dollar per year University, but something made an awful lot of people stick their heads deep in the sand. I can readily believe the TSM officials fearing a loss of revenue, but what in the hell was the big concern for Spainer, Schultz, Curley, and Paterno? Were they really just sweating some kind of rah, rah, go team go, we are Penn State BS because they had presented this chump as a larger than life defensive guru? I hate to break it to em, but I could go into a few NCAA record books and find any number of defensive coaches whose team statistics made ole Jer's defenses pale in comparison. The complete apathy for this animal's victims is something I've grasped at understanding since he was exposed.

I wish I could ask these captains of industry and intellectual scholars who are now claiming they didn't know or notice a thing, one question. What if it wasn't little boys that tripped this freak's trigger, but instead it was five dollar crack ho's. Would they have noticed him parading that kind of lil darlin to team functions, parties, and the like? Wonder if the missus would still be proclaiming his innocence and her outrage at the besmirching of his hallowed character if he had drug a steady string of crack ho's down to her basement over the past couple of decades?

I don't know, but my personal suspicion is that after the first time they all gave him the benefit of the doubt (and we may not even know about that yet, or it may be the shower incident with McQueary), every other time after that Jerry may have mentioned the trouble they and the school would be in for not turning him in back then.

I cannot even begin to imagine what else he could have on so many people to keep them quiet. The brain drifts off to thinking maybe they were all in some horrible pedo ring, but I have to believe that victims of at least one of them would have spoken up by now, or that one of the current victims would name another perp if that were true.

I am routinely astonished by the lengths some people will go to in order to cover up a crime - sometimes even committing a greater crime than they are covering up.
Spheres of influence, circles of trust, one big happy family, RICO ties, whatever you want to call it---->

Judge Lunsford, a member of 2d Mile bd/tt'ees, was quoted in

“The first award I ever received was the State College Police Department’s O.F. Brown Memorial Award for good citizenship,” he said. “That meant a lot to me as well.” [emphasis added]

Thanks to Stellars Jay for linking that article, several posts upthread.
Interesting to see the nitty gritty on what theoretically might happened if, on seeing shower 'incident' w. JerSan and boy in 2002, grad asst MMcQ had followed what appears to be SOP (at least in locations other than the Lasch Bldg).


To outline the University's policy regarding accidents or sudden illnesses occurring on University property and involving persons other than students or employees and to provide mechanisms to document such occurrences for appropriate handling.

It is the policy and intent of the University to render emergency assistance to anyone who is injured or stricken with sudden illness while on University property. The University has an Emergency Medical Services system in place to respond to medical emergencies. The EMS system is activated by calling the local emergency number, such as 911. This EMS system also includes assistance that may be provided at the work unit through treatment at the medical care facility and includes trained and professional staff.

After the necessary initial assistance has been given to an injured or suddenly ill person, an immediate report of the circumstances should be made as specified below.
(Details follow, along w. effective dates, revision dates, etc.)


If then-grad asst MMcQ had followed above proc in 2002, w/out checking further up the chain, would further assaults, rapes, etc. on campus still have transpired?
Imo, no one associated with TSM or Penn State wanted to know anything about Sandusky abusing children-- each and every time there was a whiff of impropriety, they collectively, and intentionally, buried their heads in the sand as to avoid the fall of the house of cards we've witness in this past month. The only real question I have is was there a conspiracy to bury the facts???? That insurance company should sit down and shut up before they're sued for everything they have going, if you ask me.

Ultimately, we're talking about Penn State, JoePa, and all the revenue/business that entails for the entire region. Sandusky, though a bit player, had them ALL by the b*lls... He got to do what he desired right under their noses, out in the open, in front of them, in well lit public spaces. He flaunted it, lived within reach of a schoolyard, pulled kids from public schools for his own gratification, all the rules were broken. Routinely. He, himself, was untouchable! Audacious as the devil himself.

Until Mike McQueary needed to clear his conscience-- or maybe, he was making a grab for the ring, who knows. (but with JoePa's sudden health decline, I wonder if Mike knew that time was short for Paterno no matter what).

In short, that entire region wished this away-- that's why he got away with it for so long. MOO

Good assessment. That inner circle is very closed minded.
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