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Not a new article but I don't remember it was mentioned or discussed here.

Luka Magnotta sexually abused by older man as a child: Motive for murder?

It's from the Examiner... Take it with a grain of salt as the current incarnation of the Examiner is the equivalent to writing a rumour on the wall of a bathroom stall...

Almost all Magnotta rumors and weeks claims can be traced back to a voice desperately shouting "Look at me! Look at me!" believe my lies because I bring nothing to the table... The desperately shouting voice is that of: Luka Rocco Magnotta.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2
Yeah HastingsChi! I think the article was written based in weak evidence. I mean there is no proof that LM was sexually abused in childhood and we will probably never know for sure. He is such a unreliable person that he probably said to his girlfriends that he was abused because he wanted them to feel sorry for him. He always played the victim. I liked the readers comments in the page though.
Yeah HastingsChi! I think the article was written based in weak evidence. I mean there is no proof that LM was sexually abused in childhood and we will probably never know for sure. He is such a unreliable person that he probably said to his girlfriends that he was abused because he wanted them to feel sorry for him. He always played the victim. I liked the readers comments in the page though.

With Magnotta I always try to keep in mind that he's probably claimed responsibility for everything from the Miraculous Conception to the invention of penicillin to the Holocaust to the atomic bomb to the JFK Assassination to the events of September 11, 2001... and everything that has happened throughout history or will happen in the future.

Edit: I'm sure he'll take credit for Katie filing for divorce from Tom Cruise; what great timing with yesterday's Magnotta scientology article malarkey...

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I do not know if this is common knowledge in America, but one of the songs he used in his videos was called "little drummer boy". This is a christmas song, but in the Uk it is also connected to the Moor's murders. In the early 1960's a young couple Ian Brady and Myra Hindley abused and murdered at least five children from ages ten to seventeen. The ten year old, Lesley-Ann Downey was recorded as they abused her and as she cried for help. At the end of the tape they blend in the song little drummer boy.
WOW! i didnt know that about the song. LM was clearly obsessed w/ the Moor's murders, as we all know.
Here are the lyrics to The Little Drummer Boy:

Come, they told me, parum pum pum pum,
A new born King to see, parum pum pum pum,
Our finest gifts we bring, parum pum pum pum,
To lay before the King, parum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
So to honour Him, parum pum pum pum,
When we come.

Little baby, parum pum pum pum,
I am a poor boy too , parum pum pum pum,
I have no gifts to bring, parum pum pum pum,
That's fit to give the King, parum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
Shall I play for you, parum pum pum pum (shall i)
On my drum?

Mary nodded parum pum pum pum,
The Ox and Lamb kept time, parum pum pum pum,
I played my drum for Him, parum pum pum pum,
I played my best for Him, parum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
Then He smiled at me, parum pum pum pum,
Me and my drum.

To know the killers (Brady & Hindley) blended this song with the desperate wailing of a little girl being raped and killed is just an abomination. To think that the female (Hindley) was used (and agreed to) to lure these kids away and deliver them into a rapist/killer's hands is horrific enough, but to then read some of these lyrics..."Our finest gifts we lay before the king"...evil personified. Ugh. Truly a low for mankind. I feel so sorry for the surviving parents of those killed.
From all LMs internet ramblings only one of his texts really stood out to me. It was the email he wrote to the english journalist.

Parts of the email:
"You know, the fun part of all this is watching millions of people get angry and frustrated because they can’t catch me. (…) It’s fun watching people work so hard gathering all the evidence, then not being able to name me or catch me. (…) You see, I always win. I always hold the trump card and I will continue to make more movies. (…) “London is wonderful because all the people are so stupid. It’s easy."

As an armchair psych, I feel this was the most truthful writing I’ve seen of him. I think this really reflects what he ‘loves’. Nefarious cat and mouse games, in which he is in control, plays/taunts to his liking and bec of his ‘genius’ (eugh) cant be caught.

It made me think of one of the characteristics of a sexual psychopath: “The essential feature of sexual sadism is not in the feeling of sexual excitement resulting from the infliction of true pain on the victum, but rather it is from witnessing his or her suffering”. I wonder if the anger, frustration etc (the suffering) he inflicted on people by posting the kill videos online gave him sexual gratification.

Psychopats use people not as sex mates but as sex toys to masturbate with. So maby in the age of the internet the rest of the world can be turned into a virtual sex toy...

He was having sex with both living and dead animals (I found a photo of him naked with a dog between his legs).

Have you seen the picture of LM with the Burmese python on the couch? His zipper is completely open. Do you think... ?
From all LMs internet ramblings only one of his texts really stood out to me. It was the email he wrote to the english journalist.

Have you seen the picture of LM with the Burmese python on the couch? His zipper is completely open. Do you think... ?

You might be right about the rest of your post but that zipper is not computer let's me zoom on the pic and blow it up. He just has camel toe. :floorlaugh:
<snip> <snip>

I have some problems with the use of this article. Its an interesting read but I’m not quite sure how much you can extrapolate from it.

My 2 cents...

The studied population is serial lust killers (as defined in the article). As to now, LM doesnt meet the criteria used in the article for being a serial lust killer. We cant extrapolate any data/conclusions and use them for (copy paste them on) the general psychopath population. Im using the word psychopath bec I think he is one, LOL.

The studied population of serial lust killers is too small. You cant even use the statistic outcomes to give general statements about serial lust killers in general.

They used Children and Families 2001 statistics for the general population numbers and compared them with their serial lust killers statistics. I’m not that well known with serial killers but I saw Dahmer on the list. So I quess there are a lot more older men on the list. I dont think you can use 2001 Children and Families statistics and compare them with the studied serial lust killers statistics. Whats considered child abuse in 2001 or now might be considered normal practise in the ’60, ’70. ’80 or ’90.

There are also lots of methodological problems about how the research has been conducted.

Even if he turns out to be a serial lust killer... the statistics say something about the studied population in general, not even the general population of serial lust killers, so you cant draw conclusions from it for the individual LM.

Shoot, I know this is coming so late, but I haven't been on here :)

I was not the one who brought this study into the thread, lol. I was just commenting on parts of it that were interesting, and one that refuted the reason it was used as a source by its poster. This was back during the psychopaths-are-always-abused debate that has been refined on both sides.

Good post, though! He's not a serial killer, imho, even if I think he has very much in common with many of them and may have become one. Psychopaths in general really are not necessarily sexually motivated like serial killers tend to be. That's not a given at all; I agree.
My post landed at an odd spot!

I think Eric is a sexual sadist (well a sexual sado-masochist, but I mean that in the really, really out-there way, like sexual sadism). I think he is a psychopath whose sexual aspects can't be ignored, because he is too similar to other sexual sadist psychopaths who make up the notorious serial killers we all know about. He's not just a narcissist or just a psychopath, imho.

The boy isn't just a ruthless CEO type, clearly ;)

I saw that tic video on youtube before Eric was arrested. I thought it was him, too. That link with the stills is the video. It's about all it showed; those stills are excellent. I still do think it's Eric, so the beavis connection was really weird and I caught that, too.

Maybe the poster is another sex worker who is friends with Eric through that *advertiser censored* site? I wouldn't be surprised at all if Eric did webcam *advertiser censored*. If the tic video poster is another webcam guy, his posts about the unfair treatment of the male workers in the contest make sense, too. In any case, I do think he really knows him pre-arrest, somehow.
My post landed at an odd spot!

I think Eric is a sexual sadist (well a sexual sado-masochist, but I mean that in the really, really out-there way, like sexual sadism). I think he is a psychopath whose sexual aspects can't be ignored, because he is too similar to other sexual sadist psychopaths who make up the notorious serial killers we all know about. He's not just a narcissist or just a psychopath, imho.

The boy isn't just a ruthless CEO type, clearly ;)

I saw that tic video on youtube before Eric was arrested. I thought it was him, too. That link with the stills is the video. It's about all it showed; those stills are excellent. I still do think it's Eric, so the beavis connection was really weird and I caught that, too.

Maybe the poster is another sex worker who is friends with Eric through that *advertiser censored* site? I wouldn't be surprised at all if Eric did webcam *advertiser censored*. If the tic video poster is another webcam guy, his posts about the unfair treatment of the male workers in the contest make sense, too. In any case, I do think he really knows him pre-arrest, somehow.

I agree with most of what you post and a likely connection that exists between the two, but the only thing I question is the part about the LM sympathizer also being in the cam model *advertiser censored* business. Strangely enough, if you google the name, he has quite a few posts, one of them asking about a type of computer tablet to purchase, another mentioning his car and getting some part, and, of course, a lot of posts that seem he is connected to the music industry in some capacity.

Somewhere along the line, it shows his age was or is 41 (depending on the date of that post or when the profile was made, so he could even be older). While one can be 41 or older and be a cam *advertiser censored* model, it seems less likely iMO. At 41, you're more set in your life and given his writing ability, he doesn't seem a total idiot from an intellectual perspective. However a 41 y.o. watching a twink cam *advertiser censored* guy makes a lot of sense to me. And you have to consider that anyone can lie about his/her age.

There is also a reference in one his posts mentioning having children. I was thinking he might be more of a closeted, married or divorced guy based on all the postings I read. I'm guessing he might be a lonely, often bitter guy that develops or developed some sort of online relationship/attachment with one or several online model guys...enough to write a post to "protect" them. Based on all the connections made on the net, it sure does point that the two knew each other on some level.

Having said all that, if we are accurate in our assessment that they had some sort of relationship, I wonder if it has any relevance to the case at hand and garnering a prosecution. The only relevance is if they had discussions regarding the fantasies that LM might have had as a precursor to the crimes or if there was any knowledge of the other videos with the animals.
You might be right about the rest of your post but that zipper is not computer let's me zoom on the pic and blow it up. He just has camel toe. :floorlaugh:

So you're saying that apparently "Little Luka" gets excited with a giant snake in his hands... :)
(To anyone reading this, before you ask: Yes, it's sarcasm)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2
So you're saying that apparently "Little Luka" gets excited with a giant snake in his hands... :)
(To anyone reading this, before you ask: Yes, it's sarcasm)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2

LOL. I hate that I have to filter sometimes. All my replies are so, so wrong.

But we digress, so bringing it back ... as a certified armchair doctor of psychology, IMO LM is just a crazy nut and so is that dude that complained about the unfair web cam contest. And so are those fan club posers seeking a minute of attention that will land them a lifetime of regret (i.e. job hunting, relationships, etc).

Oh i do actually have a more serious question. Since he's innocent until proven guilty, does he have a right to use the Internet right now? If he's not given a psychological assessment, then he's not determined too mentally ill to use the Internet.
LOL. I hate that I have to filter sometimes. All my replies are so, so wrong.

But we digress, so bringing it back ... as a certified armchair doctor of psychology, IMO LM is just a crazy nut and so is that dude that complained about the unfair web cam contest. And so are those fan club posers seeking a minute of attention that will land them a lifetime of regret (i.e. job hunting, relationships, etc).

Oh i do actually have a more serious question. Since he's innocent until proven guilty, does he have a right to use the Internet right now? If he's not given a psychological assessment, then he's not determined too mentally ill to use the Internet.

You raise an important question regarding Internet access in Canadian jails and after reading your post I have an answer:
Correctional Service of Canada told CTV News that, "inmates in incarcerated facilities do not have access to the internet, including social media sites."
Sourced from a 9 May 2012 CTV article "Was a sexual predator allowed to use Facebook in jail?"

Regarding the "fan clubs" I could not be more adamant in my belief that none of these individuals had a dialogue with Magnotta after he fled Canada.
Oh i do actually have a more serious question. Since he's innocent until proven guilty, does he have a right to use the Internet right now? If he's not given a psychological assessment, then he's not determined too mentally ill to use the Internet.

I am not familiar with Canadian law but do believe I've read other posters who have said he would not have access to the internet while incarcerated.

I find the thought of him having that opportunity repulsive, but do think even if he did get access to a computer it could be used as a way of gathering yet more corroborating evidence about him. Given I believe he's an internet addict, I just don't think he could abstain from the impulse/temptation to look up various comments added to his sock puppets, websites and various other online entries. I'd imagine he'd be so intoxicated by viewing his name in the headlines and the splash of notariety he now has, that he may get so caught up in that as to leave additional damning evidence on the computer hard drive.
Two things:

1. Well, I'm all upset about the 'connection' to "Little Drummer Boy". That's my favourite Christmas tune; now I'll have to think of it in different ways. :maddening:

2. Just to confirm - NO, incarcerated people in Canada do not have internet access. That said - some do have computer access I think. I think (could be wrong) that it was via computer that Clifford Olsen repeatedly wrote to The Toronto Star.

Quoted from CuriousRus:

Oh i do actually have a more serious question. Since he's innocent until proven guilty, does he have a right to use the Internet right now? If he's not given a psychological assessment, then he's not determined too mentally ill to use the Internet.

I would highly doubt that he has ANY contact with anyone on the internet/computer.

@writer7 and @CuriousRus

I'm a tiny bit confused (not first time, LOL). By "webcam *advertiser censored*", would you also include "internet video"? It seems to me that all LRM's films were internet video
Oddly enough, an individual i've been sleuthing (can't name due to TOS) would fit your profile. Only thing i can't find is the age, but would appear to be older than LRM, seems reasonably educated, Canadian, bisexual, previously married, has kids, adult *advertiser censored* performer, prominent and somewhat of an advocate in the gay *advertiser censored* industry, definitely knew Luka.
To be honest i think he is just a vile nasty piece of work who wants to be admired, and famous and have everyone thinking he is very clever (like some sort of hanibal lector character) and the only way he thought he could do that in the end was murdering someone. I now it seems banal, but I really just think he is an attention seeker, albiet one capable of murder. The tragic thing is that although he will be in prison, and not some mysterious fugitive like he obviously wanted to be, he is still going to get his "fame and glory" as there will be lots of news articles, books etc look at the fans he had online! His victim will eventually be forgotten except by all those who love him.
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