TX - Cameron Willingham executed for '91 murders of 3 daughters

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tybee204 said:
Condemned man sits up and tells executioners, 'It's not working'

How the hell could he have set up? They are straped down from every angle.

I think he just raised his head up a little. They do tend to overexaggerate when they report these things. :D
The people sending me the information were Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. It's possible he wiggled an eyebrow and they elaborated. :-)

I do know that many people against the Death Penalty will use the statistics about how many people were on Death Row and are now not on Death Row to bump up the number of people they claim are innocent - when in fact, some just got off on a technicality but may still be guilty.

To be fair, MANY pro death penalty people will claim that ALL the people who get off Death Row are off on a technicality, and that isn't true, either.

I'm thinking it's like a kindergarden arguement. "Is NOT! Is TOO!"

I, too, would like to know if he sat up, and how.
"Just before Willingham received the lethal injection, he was asked if he had any last words. He said, 'The only statement I want to make is that I am an innocent man convicted of a crime I did not commit. I have been persecuted for twelve years for something I did not do. From God’s dust I came and to dust I will return, so the Earth shall become my throne.' ”


I'm busy, but I'm not so busy that I don't have a few moments to post an article that everyone should read.

(When I have time, I usually post wrongful convictions in the "Crimes In The News" forum on Websleuths. I post such articles, because I believe that no one else here will. However, this article takes the next step and highlights the final sword of injustice. Please don't stop reading the article simply because it's long; I assure you the read will be worth your time.)

God bless.
Thank you for posting this, Wudge. I read the whole thing. This is so unbelievably sad. This is exactly why I am against the death penalty.
I am against the DP for many reasons, which this is one (although I have moral struggles when it comes to crimes against kids yet still my heart and logical mind know the DP is not the answer....)

so I thank you for posting this article.
Thank you for posting this. This is a horrible testament to our justice system.
I hopefully think that the members of this board are interested in justice, and would welcome these postings. Hope I am not wrong.
I am pro-DP, but do recognize horrible injustices exist.

That being said, I'm not really convinced by this case. I'm not convinced he DID do it, either, but I still have questions regarding the evidence. Yes, this may have happened in this instance and that might have happened in another, but this was a perfect storm of both evidence and witnesses conspiring together to convict this man. It's either the most horrible of wrongful convictions, or this guy is getting vindicated after death for a crime he DID commit. One expert is saying he didn't do it, while another said he did. At best, they offset.

Either way, he shouldn't be dead right now.
I just finished and I'm sitting here crying. I too do not believe in the DP, mainly to me it's legalized murder. Even though some truly deserve it...child murders/abusers.
Horrible! This, along with all the other inmates found not guilty due to improved DNA testing really makes me sad to know there are those doing time and even being killed for crimes they didn't commit.
I read all 17 pages. This story is so sad. This was a miscarriage of justice. Something needs to be done about the appeals system. Someone should've read over the reports. The amount of money spent on the appeals process it should be handled correctly.

I am pro DP! I do believe that people who commit crimes such as the terrible things that were done to Channon Christian and her boyfirend should pay with their life.

I do not believe the DP should be stopped. I do believe they need to fix the appeals process for those who are innocent.

I know everyone who posted above disagrees with me, but this is my opinion.
A Black man in my town was wrongfully convicted of rape. All he did was flirt (supposedly) with an undercover cop because there were serial rapes going on near the university and he was mistakenly identified by only one victim. Rapes before he got to town and rapes after he was arrested, yet he still was convicted. I never remember hearing of serial rapes though, we must not have been told. Anyway, he died of an asthma attack in prison years after dna was available and the real rapist had confessed. It's so sad and totally disgusting to see someone die for a crime they did not do.
I read about 8 or so pages ....was there proof he was wrongfully excuted in the end? The fridge being in the way, him moving his car....I am not so sure....
I read about 8 or so pages ....was there proof he was wrongfully excuted in the end? The fridge being in the way, him moving his car....I am not so sure....

It is worth it to keep reading.

I thought the same thing, lets cut to the chase and explain to me why the forensics are wrong. Eye witness and opinions of character aren't going to sway me one way or another.
Thanks for sharing this with us wudge.

It's important to be reminded that the system is far from perfect, and the focus needs to be on finding justice for victims, not allowing suspects to be used as pawns for political advancement ,scoring points for so-called experts with overblown egos, and any other personal agendas.

Hope he is playing with his babies now in rolling fields dotted with wildflowers, and that his family has found peace in having his name cleared by true professionals who actually gave a damn.

Its truely frightening how many innocent people are imprisoned, let alone sent to their death. Which is why I always try really hard to never rush to judement in any case...
There seems to be a mentality where as long as someone is imprisoned for a crime, thats all that matters-but we need to get the RIGHT people behind bars to protect society.
This man was murdered by the state- and the people who were involved in his murder will never spend a day behind bars.
Where is the justice in that?

Thanks Wudge! This is also one of the several reasons I am against the death penalty in every single case. every single case. every single case.

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