WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #6

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If we were to believe every grapevine rumor that's been repeated about Mackenzie here on WS, then she'd be a drug-abusing, pregnant gangster involved in a love triangle with her mother's husband.

Am I saying that none of that's true? No. I'm simply saying that WE DON'T KNOW YET.

If you fling enough poo at the wall, sooner or later some of it will stick.


Also killed by said "lover" & with her own mother in co-hoots to cover up the murder.

I honestly don't see how that poo can possibly stick but I can't rule it out from what's been said on here & at WW.
Alt: I'm with you on your theory except this final phone call. Wasn't there an aunt that commented on FB that WC had a visitor prior to getting off work/school? "Someone" could have stopped by the salon and said "I need to drop my truck off at the....let's say....tire shop. Can you pick me up and give me a ride home when you get off work?" Then they have a prearranged meeting time and place, no need for phone contact.

I believe the aunt just mentioned MC was suppose to be meeting someone outside/nearby???

I guess I have another hunch that this wasn't premeditated, (mostly for what I see as a lack of motive), therefor no reason not to just call her. (Police are pulling records of all the family/friends I think because he did use his cell phone to call her to setup this meet).

If/unless/until we can get some verifiable info that MC had some involvement in extracurricular activities which she would want secret, I'm starting to think it wasn't some secret meeting. Simply a family member or well known friend of the family who would have wanted a ride that day. (That leaves open whether or not there was a relationship between him and MC but that would only play into the motive for the "ride home"). Even the aunt appears to have gotten wind of this meeting very early on? That makes me think it wasn't the secret meeting just something the police don't want made public and have told the family not to tell anyone either. Another reason family wouldn't be making public appeals - they would practically have to lie because most know exactly who she was last suppose to be with. I know I would really want to call this *advertiser censored* out! In fact, if I was the father those sheriff cars recently seen would need to be there to protect the *advertiser censored*, (hint: they would fail).

I find it hard that after 4 weeks keeping this info from the public is still helping the investigation. He's already given his alibi a dozen times, (and probably changed it that many times too). He knew from early on he was a suspect, ("suspect" just not being used in the legal capacity... yet).

I do really like the angle of him dropping car off at tire shop or some such, and that being why he wanted the ride. (Although that leaves him without his ride, maybe he has an extra? - could the extra be the "NOT a new pick up" sitting in the driveway which someone possibly recently viewed on a possible drive by of the unknown residence???)

Also, if he was smart??? he might have stopped using his cell phone as soon as the murder took place, (left it at home during the moving of body and the transfer of MCs car to Pitcher Canyon). Therefore he called the scummy friend he knows asking for a ride out of the canyon from payphone or such. If he wasn't eye-witnessed with this scummy friend on the drive home and didn't make the call for the ride from a phone he can be tracked to, the situation becomes his word against the scummy friends word. (That would be wise thinking if the scummy friend has a long record - whose the jury gonna believe?)
From the You Tube video above (1:26/1:27) I still don't see this area as a "walkable" beach..What am I missing?

We've heard rumors that the person who decided to walk the beach that day had been told earlier by another neighbor that they noticed something different down there. I believe del rio has a closer connection to this rumor.

But yes, walking on that "beach" I think would not be done very often. It is not what most people would picture as a walk on the beach. Another reason I think the killer didn't want the body found.
is it possible to trace a licence plate number? (legally)

I don't know where you would do it. I have looked before online, because I was trying to hunt down and old car that I got rid of. I was interested in buying it again, but I couldn't find anything. Good luck.
Del Rio, thanks for your insight into the Mackenzie tragedy. It is very helpful to have someone that knows so much about the area, especially to those who aren’t able to check it out personally because of the distance.

I have a couple of questions for you. I noticed in an earlier post you said the body was found with the feet in the stream, then later near the river. Could you please clarify this for us? Was it hidden in the brush or at the edge of the brush line? I am a little confused.

You said that you drive past the house at least four times per week. Do you work at CB? I know that there is a lot of construction, with some interior painting going on year around.

Just one small correction: you keep talking about the property being owned by a construction company in (2008/2009) According to public records; in 2007 the property is listed as owned by a private party, who does not live in Central Washington. In 2010 the property is listed as owned by a development company, I assume after the repossession. In 2006 it appears that it was owned by the company you keep talking about.

Again thanks for being our eyes in Central Washington.

The stream in which MC's feet were placed comes from a spring on the CB property. The spring is the pond. The pond is located at the same elevation as the CB house. From the pond, the stream flows down the hill and empties into the river (approximately 50 yards from the pond). The brush line ends about 5 to 20 feet from the river (depending on the level of the river, which can vary from day to day). In in the stream where the brush line ends is where MC's body was found. Whether her body was actually in the brush or just beyond the brush line, I don't know.

Based upon differences between what I saw at that spot last fall and what I saw 2-weeks ago, I speculate that the perps placed some loosed brush and/or branches on her body to conceal it. Why I know about the loosed brush and/or branches I will reveal when the perps are charged.

I hope that helps.

No, I don't work at CB. I work nearby. I must go often to CB in order to run, what I'll call, "errands."

Also, you could be correct about the years in which the construction company was the listed owner. But I know that the "B" construction company still stored some of its machinery (backhoe and etc.) at the CB property as late as 2008. I don't know why.

There is to be absolutely no discussion here at WS of the details of MC's parents' divorce. We've already stated that. And now we're stating it again.

Also, it is against TOS to try to guess or sleuth the identity of another poster at WS.


From the You Tube video above (1:26/1:27) I still don't see this area as a "walkable" beach..What am I missing?

I believe most parents (especially a Mom not matter how devastated) would make a public plea not for the killer to come forward (please how often does that happen?) but to beg for any & all info that may help to find the killer of their child..It doesn't have to be on national tv (NG, HLN) but local where any info would come from anyway & in this case such a small community wouldn't even warrant national exposure..To say it would hurt the investigation I think is BS..Even if they already have a poi how does this hurt? It actually helps to throw them off the track.

It's actually more suspicious not to hear from family (it's become so common recently) & from what I've seen it seems to be the cause for so much speculation about mom & bf..IOW!..It's backfired IMHO

It is a "walkable beach" when the level of the river is very, very low. Since January of this year, the level of the river has been very low (unusually low). So, on February 13, the beach was walkable.
Hey folks- First time posting after lurking for a little over a week. First of all, I'd like to compliment all on how civil the tone and focused the message is here.

I am a longtime (25+ years) Wenatchee resident. I did not know Mackenzie, nor do I know any of her family members or the aquantiences mentioned here. I have a degree of seperation with all, as I know and regularly interact with several folks who either knew Mac or her family. I also know Wenatchee pretty well, and I'd like to offer some observations, some speculation and a comment or two.

Factual Observations Regarding cameras/video between Hair Academy and Boat Launch: While out walking this morning, I noticed another camera on Orondo street and this got me thinking. So, I checked the possible paths Mackenzie (her car) took from the Beauty Academy lot to the boat launch and possibly to the Car Wash located on Wenatchee Ave betweem Dusty's In and Out and Shell.

There are FOUR fixed lens cameras in the parking lot at the beauty academy. In many of the lot pictures posted here and in other spots, one can clearly see two- likely one of them was the camera that shot the film most of us have viewed of Mac walking to her car and exiting the lot onto Kittitas and then turning north up Mission (a one way). Two of the other cameras are located on the same building wall and can record activity above the lot and traffic down Mission street. It is possible at least one of these cameras filmed her Pontiac driving north up Mission on her way to Orondo. If this film exists- it has not been made public.

One block north up Mission from Kittitas is the Wenatchee Police station, on the west side of Mission. At least one camera in the parking lot adjacent and north of the station ( along Mission- mis block)) is at an angle that would be able to film traffic on Mission- thus recording the car. The parking lot runs all the way to the corner of Orondo and Mission, where she likely turned to go East down Orondo and to the boat launch. There are two more Cameras near the end of the lot (closer to Orondo) that angle in a way that would clearly film traffic on Mission and liklely would have recorded her turning onto Orondo.

Regarding cameras between Boat Launch and Car Wash: There has been speculation here about the car and Mac being seen at the Super Wash car wash located on the east side of Wenatchee Ave between the Shell station on the corner of Maple and Wenatchee ave and Dusty's In and Out. If Mac's car was at this car wash, it came either down Wenatchee ave or up Maple from Walla Walla street and the park. There are FOUR small, rotating lens cameras located on the ends of the gas pump canopies on the Shell station and it is possible the car was captured on film by at least one of these. It is also possible one of these cameras captured activity at the car wash.

Regarding cameras and Mac's car heading to Spec House following car wash. A block down Wenatchee Ave, and before any possible right turns (and one must exit the car wash to North, so either the car went north or took a U turn) there is a Les Schwab tire center with FOUR fixed lens cameras facing their parkimg lot adjacent to Wenatchee Ave. At least two of these appear to be at angle that would capture traffic heading North on the Avenue.

I have worked where security cameras, fixed and rotating lens, such as the ones described have been present. They are usually set to capture as much, wide and deep, as possible. Where I worked, they were set up to record on a hard drive that stored the data for approx. 15 days before a re-write.

SPECULATION If every camera I viewed today recorded images on Feb 9th, it is possible that at least 15 more videos exist of Mac's car on that date. With LE in possession of the timing and location of phone pings and activity, it's pretty simple fro them to know what to look for and when.

I'd bet that LE knows exactly who did this. I bet they have a TON of film. If Mac's car went up or down Wenatchee ave, to either the car wash, and or to the spec house- it's likely on film. I bet they have known for awhile. I bet the stuff they release is simply to appease the public curiousity and to attempt to get a confession, as they are showing the killer they have info.
Mostly, they are awaiting DNA evidence to tie this up and secure the case.

We can be frustrated they release so little to the public, but it makes sense.

I have some theories about who and what happened, and have heard many of the same rumors that have been discussed here. When the truth is told- and I bet it's about a week away with DNA coming in soon- I bet that a lot of the speculation here is going to be SPOT ON as to who did this and how.
I've done some searches on the park and any arrests related to drugs or gang activities. I found one incident--only one--about any gang activity, and that involved a 14 year old boy with a gun. Besides that, I've found nothing. If anyone can post some sourced material showing that the boat dock area has a history of drug problems, I'll be glad to read it.

I'm keeping an open mind, but I've yet to read anything about the park other than it seems like a place where townspeople gather for lots of festivals and other events, and it seems to be used by all segments of Wenatchee society, from church groups to canoers. I'm open to any proof that it's a haven for drug activity. I've just not seen any yet.

If there were anything...ANYTHING...at all about Mackenzie's history of lifestyle that indicated drug use, then I might see this differently. But anecdotal stories about people's own friends, family members, and associates who use/sell drugs is not proof that Mackenzie was involved in the same.

I took my dog there the other day to look at the area my relatives told me about. There are empty pill packets all over the place.
I don't know where you would do it. I have looked before online, because I was trying to hunt down and old car that I got rid of. I was interested in buying it again, but I couldn't find anything. Good luck.

There are ways, like where I work, we have a program that will allow us to look up the registered owner of a vehicle, but it sends the person a notice letting them know that so&so ran a check on their license number.
Thanks, Del Rio.. can you get me a link to support that? I'll be glad to add it to the timeline.

I reviewed the WW article in question. It is rather ambiguous. Here's the quote I had in mind:

"A resident reported finding the car at 8 p.m. and told deputies the car had been there for the previous hour."

My interpretation of this quote is that, at 8 p.m., the resident called LE and reported the car, but he told deputies that the car had been there for an hour before he called LE.

Are they watching WC or protecting her? I lean more towards protection.

Think about this: This can happen in Anytown, USA.

Jane and John Doe get divorced. Their child is murdered. A possible suspect is a friend/associate/coworker/acquaintance of one of the parents. That parent also suspects he/she knows who Killer is. So, the parent who suspects the Killer, is now in fear of the killer, and possibly the Ex, too, because Ex blames him/her for their daughter's death. Could happen?

Just had a "how'd I miss this?" moment. Great thing about doing the timeline is that it forces me to look back over older articles.

We know that Mackenzie did not leave her car on Pitcher Canyon Road. I remain amazed that one LE representative refuses to give info when requested by the media, but then another turns right around and gives another media rep just what we needed to know.

From a 16 February article:

Investigators ask that anyone who might have seen someone walking out of Pitcher Canyon on South Methow Street or Squilchuck Highway between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 9, call the tip line. Captain Jones of the task force looking into 17-year-old Mackenzie Cowell's death said the person who left Cowell's car in the canyon where it was later found likely walked on one of those two roads afterward.

Therefore, not Mackenzie. The footprints were not Mackenzie's! Otherwise, Jones would have said, "We ask that anyone who saw Mackenzie walking...."

But it's an unknown person. To go along with the footprints left by said unknown person.

I know this is a minor detail, but it surely does help firm up a timeline. I wonder if Mackenzie's final signal bounce was possibly caused by her turning on her phone to try to get help, and then the phone being taken from her and destroyed by her captor before she was murdered.

I WISH we knew the tower from which that signal bounce originated!!

Anyway, it sounds like the task force believes that the person who left the car up on Pitcher Canyon Rd. and left the footprints from pavement to asphalt is the person who is responsible, either directly or after the fact, for the murder.
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