Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Point 4:

Her time spent in Old Navy. She looks at scarves, then purses, then sun dresses, then back to the scarves. Does any of that look like stuff she would buy or wear? Isn't it convenient it's all in the front of the store by the window, at a friendly angle where the camera man won't be seen? The video is spliced before she enters the store so that his reflection is not seen.

Also, when you shop, is there that much scatteredness in things you look at? If I am interested in a shirt, I don't then look at wallets, then scarves, etc. It's not a smoking gun but it's just another outness to observe here.

Another thing is that she is looking right at the videographer before entering the store.
Point number 3:

Where is the photographer now? Why not come forward and get the free publicity of being a guy who can get the sought-after shots?

I think it's probably because he/she doesn't want to answer the hard questions about where they got the tip on Casey's whereabouts.

I think the photos were staged in the sense that someone was tipped off by an "insider" about her location. But not staged in the sense that Casey knew she was being photographed.

My theory is that the photographer got the info from a big name whom we would all recognize and who would get raked over the coals if the public knew that he/she had been double dealing. JMHO.
I think it's probably because he/she doesn't want to answer the hard questions about where they got the tip on Casey's whereabouts.

I think the photos were staged in the sense that someone was tipped off by an "insider" about her location. But not staged in the sense that Casey knew she was being photographed.

My theory is that the photographer got the info from a big name whom we would all recognize and who would get raked over the coals if the public knew that he/she had been double dealing. JMHO.
Or...it's a photographer and a look-alike model and neither one of them would benefit ($$) from saying anything.
If she would consider doing some good things, perhaps she could help redeem herself like cut that long stringy ponytail off and donate it to Locks of Love for wigs for kids that have cancer. Things like that would be the only public coverage I would be interested in seeing. Somehow I just dont think this is her style though.

Todd went on TV and " proved" Casey wasnt there LOL, im sure she was out shopping or something like that when the interview took place. He would not let the reporter film any of it. Claims the neighbors are too far to see his house . I can see from the ariel photos that is most likely true.
Point 4:

Her time spent in Old Navy. She looks at scarves, then purses, then sun dresses, then back to the scarves. Does any of that look like stuff she would buy or wear? Isn't it convenient it's all in the front of the store by the window, at a friendly angle where the camera man won't be seen? The video is spliced before she enters the store so that his reflection is not seen.

Also, when you shop, is there that much scatteredness in things you look at? If I am interested in a shirt, I don't then look at wallets, then scarves, etc. It's not a smoking gun but it's just another outness to observe here.

Another thing is that she is looking right at the videographer before entering the store.

I don't put too much weight on Casey's actions in the Old Navy store. She's a scattered aimless person with NOTHING but time on her hands. Makes sense to me that she just wanders around with no discernible purpose.

Also, she may have been (consciously or not) "casing the store" before she went any further from the door. She does look a little nervous going into the store to me. She looks in a hurry to get inside where she would feel less exposed to passers by but also cautious to feel the place out before she leaves the safety area of her potential exit near the door. If she thought it was too crowded in there she might have moved on. Total speculation of course about what may have been in her mind but her body language did look much more nervous and uncomfortable in the "mall" shots (where she was potentially exposing herself to a far larger crowd of people who could recognize her) and the neighborhood shots where she looked much more comfortable and relaxed.

She also seemed more "in disguise" in the mall shots. Wearing fake glasses, colored contacts (of course she may have had those on in the other shots as well but we can't see them under the dark glasses), and also possibly a padded bra. She looks like she has on heavy foundation in the mall shots too.
I still don't believe any of those shots were her. A good attempt but not her. She left jail actually skinny.. no way she put on that much weight in her butt and chest and generally all over in 2 weeks. A few things were off. If someone really wanted to pass the stand-in as close as possible.. then yes, they would study the pics and draw moles on her where they are in the real KC pics. JMO.
Please look at the map I made and see that she turned around for no reason. That is not predictable unless it was staged.

To me it looked like she turned and crossed the road because she saw something that caused her to change her path. Maybe a homeowner suddenly came out of their front door? Maybe when she looked up she noticed a homeowner doing some gardening? Then she changed her path to avoid encountering anyone closely.

Also what some see as a "nod" I saw as Casey just strolling around and enjoying the peace and quiet. She was looking around and taking in her surroundings. She happened to look up in a certain direction (maybe heard a noise? saw movement out of the corner of her eye?) and immediately put her head down and changed direction. I think it's more likely that she did this because she is essentially a fugitive, living in hiding, barely used to being out of prison, knows she is hated and hunted and instinctively avoids a situation where a friendly neighbor might want to say hello to the new girl in the neighborhood. Casey simply can not afford to encounter a situation where someone might want to stop and chat. But if the neighbor catches sight of her and says hello Casey can't just ignore the person either because that would call attention to herself even more. Her only solution is to beat a hasty retreat. To me this is a pretty simple scenario to imagine. Much more so than a complicated conspiracy whereby she is staging photos and taking direction from someone off camera and nods at them.

This is what is so fascinating about this whole discussion! People can see the same thing and come away with two different viewpoints as to what they just saw. It wouldn't be much of a discussion if we all had the same opinion about everything. :)
Point 5

If this was not staged, why would the photographer fail to blur out the license plates? By revealing her location, he lost his exclusive pot of gold.
I still don't believe any of those shots were her. A good attempt but not her. She left jail actually skinny.. no way she put on that much weight in her butt and chest and generally all over in 2 weeks. A few things were off. If someone really wanted to pass the stand-in as close as possible.. then yes, they would study the pics and draw moles on her where they are in the real KC pics. JMO.

Ah all good points....but IMO that walk cannot be copied... no way no how,lol.:seeya:
I really dont care where she is unless shes found in a swamp with duct tape across her face. Im glad shes not talking, running around thinking everyone wants to hear from her and driving the price up..Nothing could be further from the truth. her dollar value goes down every single day. by the time she is ready to cash in, the offers will have stopped. Karma will win.
I still don't believe any of those shots were her. A good attempt but not her. She left jail actually skinny.. no way she put on that much weight in her butt and chest and generally all over in 2 weeks. A few things were off. If someone really wanted to pass the stand-in as close as possible.. then yes, they would study the pics and draw moles on her where they are in the real KC pics. JMO.

My theory is she got put on meds that spurred the weight gain. Anti-depressants are known for this side effect.
My theory is she got put on meds that spurred the weight gain. Anti-depressants are known for this side effect.
Two weeks is really pushing it. It usually occurs over the first few months of starting anti-depressants. They don't even build up to a therapeutic level for 2 weeks.. appetite returns for the depressed without an appetite when the drugs become therapeutic. No one gets double booby and booty size in 2 weeks. This just isn't her. Anti-depressants don't cause weight gain...they spur a lost appetite to return once therapeutic. And not in everyone. Some begin to overeat and some do not.

Exhibit 1:


The map (I blotted out the street names) shows the routes videod or photographed. The red are the white shirt. The blue are the dark shirt. The "X" in black is where the photo was taken from.

How do you explain her walking path? Why was the photographer at the right spot each time to capture the dead-on images that he did?

p.s. don't be like the jurors! :great:

BTW I just wanted to say I love how you have worked this all out. Bravo! The map is awesome.

How do I explain the path? Well I don't, mainly because it's not all one continuous shot. So unless someone can work out from shadows or whatever that this walking around all occurred in one go then I have no way of assuming that she actually walked a strange path. I WISH that it was one continuous shot because that would be obvious staging to me. But as it is I don't even know that the sequence of the shots actually occurred as they were presented to us as viewers. Each shot could be twenty minutes later than the one before it. The first shot could have really been filmed last etc. We just don't know. For all we know Casey was literally walking in circles around the neighborhood because she heard somewhere that walking in circles was the new super cool thing this year. Or maybe she was desperately trying for cell phone reception. Who the heck knows what she was doing?

I think until the photographer comes forward we won't really know how this all went down.
Not sure if anyone is talking about it, but what is the princess doing in MY town? Gawd - I hear she's in Rancho Santa Fe (about 16 miles from me). DH's boss lives right close to Todd's mansion.

I know 10 news did a walk-thru and said she wasn't there. But that doesn't mean a thing to me. The location would be the perfect place for the princess. She would literally be out of sight and could just tan and swim in the infinity pool.

Regardless of what the media says, the town is abuzz that the mansion is mostly vacant, and recently there has been activity. Many people are convinced she's here. I hope not! And ignore what Nancy Grace has to say that this is the most exclusive community in the USA -- it's not. Sure it has expensive homes, but nothing compared to the Pitt's villa in LA.



Point 5

If this was not staged, why would the photographer fail to blur out the license plates? By revealing her location, he lost his exclusive pot of gold.

Maybe they just weren't smart enough about that? I'm not sure anyone could anticipate the combined power of WS! I'm in no doubt that WS would have been able to find out where those shots were taken even without the license plates. We already had the very first rumor of her whereabouts to point us to Ohio. It just would have taken an extra half hour to pin point the exact spot. :)

Not to mention that she was wearing an Ohio hat so maybe the photographer thought "why bother to blur the plates" anyway.

To me it looks like the photographer did cut out the information that would lead to an exact residence. Maybe after that due diligence they were done caring about whether the rest of the world found Casey Anthony. Who knows?
Three weeks is plenty of time to pack on some pounds and it wouldn't take that much, considering her height. How long did it take her to pudge out those first few weeks of her incarceration? She only lost weight right before the trial. Look back at some of the photos and videos of her after a couple of weeks of canteen food/snacks and you will see.... that's her. The extra poundage was in all the same places.
Point 6

Money incentive. Casey is marketable for only so long. We know negotiations were ongoing for interviews, why not photos too? If you worked for Splashnews (pretend) would you have sought this deal out? $$. Splashnews can even take the cover that these were sent in to them to be sold.

Timing was also right after network deals fell through. Desperate perhaps to make some cash? She can't just get a normal job, nor does she want to work.
Not sure if anyone is talking about it, but what is the princess doing in MY town? Gawd - I hear she's in Rancho Santa Fe (about 16 miles from me). DH's boss lives right close to Todd's mansion.

I know 10 news did a walk-thru and said she wasn't there. But that doesn't mean a thing to me. The location would be the perfect place for the princess. She would literally be out of sight and could just tan and swim in the infinity pool.

Regardless of what the media says, the town is abuzz that the mansion is mostly vacant, and recently there has been activity. Many people are convinced she's here. I hope not! And ignore what Nancy Grace has to say that this is the most exclusive community in the USA -- it's not. Sure it has expensive homes, but nothing compared to the Pitt's villa in LA.




I think it's hilarious that the reporter thinks she has solved the case because she looked around and didn't find Casey Anthony. Like they were going to hide her in a closet while they showed the reporter around? :floorlaugh:

And there was no evidence that anyone but TM's family was living there. What evidence was she thinking she would find? "Casey Anthony wuz here" scrawled on the bedroom wall? A "where is Caylee" t-shirt?

Come on. It's easy as pie to put Casey and her duffel bag in an SUV down the road, wait for the reporter to leave and then bring her back on in. Only NOW the place is REALLY secure because the brilliant DT has duped the media once again. :rolleyes: :loser:
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