Ranting Thread And Open Random Thoughts

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Well, I think my name says it all...... I have never, ever seen such dysfunction displayed for all of America to see. Even on the reality shows, for the sake of ratings the subjects are likely advised to be slightly bizarre in conducting their lives! But, folks, these people are for real! Scary, scary stuff.

The George/Cindy interview with Greta tonight was pitiful. Cindy blabbed on and on and George sat there beside her looking kind of lost for most of it. Except when he chimed in that he also totally believes Casey's "latest" story - that someone has the child and will harm her or the family if Casey tells the truth.

I think they're all nuts.

Just my opinion, of course.
But we don't have to call tech support all the time, either!

ok, now THAT gave me a MUCH NEEDED laugh!
Maybe they need someone who can lift 50 lbs to toss all the windows using computers out the window..... uhm... at once? ok, most computers aren't 50 lbs but... ok I need sleep!
I know that good people can have bad kids.....but their behavior on camera just boggles my mind...I would give them the benefit of the doubt for stress and severe upset, but everytime the family gets on TV i just CRINGE.......their denial is obvious.

But what would you have them do? get on TV and state yes my daughter murdered my grand-daughter and I want to beat the truth out of her? (oops thats just me talking after too little sleep and too many airings of Greta and NG)~ good nite.

I want to kick my tv everytime I hear the idiotic: Casey KNOWS where Caylee is & she's safe BUT she can't say anything else because then Caylee wouldn't be safe.


Why does it sound like Casey rented the kid out for a fixed amount of time & she expects the 'kidnapper' to send her home soon?

Oh and why, oh WHY do George & Lee make their appeal for 'personal assistants' sound like they're looking for a slave practically?

Can't they simply 'hire' as many people as they need to help do all the little things that must be done instead of ONE person? And it killed me to read the job description mention being able to lift 50 lbs.

Why is the reward money being posted by Pete Benevides and the http://neverlosehopefoundation.org (whom the IRS are investigating for illegally posing as a 501c3 charity organization)? Why does the financier of the reward monies (Pete Benevides) have massive criminal charges pending regarding fake 'dummy' corporations and insolvent million-dollar real-estate deals? Why is the reward money set for a fixed amount of time (90 days), and why does it come with a 'safe return' (on investment??) clause? There is something definitely sketch about the reward money and the people who have ostensibly posted it.

Could it be possible that Caylee is actually being held as ransom against massive criminal fraud charges being filed?
It just doesn't make ANY sense, does it?

She's safe ONLY if nobody goes looking for her...

Gee Casey is sure a hero for NOT telling anyone where Caylee is just to insure her safety, isn't she?

Not every mother is 'brave' & so unselfish like that. :rolleyes:

I know..."Mother of the Year". Not!!!

If Caylee is alive and at risk, I think the public, LE and FBI being involved is enough to do it. If anything, Casey could SAVE her life. I mean, the police are not going to tip off this woman before the rescue. Unfortunately, I feel the worst has already happened and by the one 'protecting' her...or so she claims. I think the nanny story is just something to distract everyone and a scapegoat...'it wasn't me, it was her...whomever/wherever/whatever she may be'.:rolleyes:

I hope I'm wrong...
I haven't heard George or Lee talk a whole lot... but every time Cindy opens her mouth I want to slap her. She is so smug, and she has such an attitude. It's sick!!!! It's no wonder Casey is so screwed in the head. She outright refuses to answer questions. She yells at and insults anyone that is interviewing her... or the general public who is watching her on tv. She is MEAN, COLD, and..... ARGH!
She looks meekish in the recent interview but still spinning on top of spin.
Why is the reward money being posted by Pete Benevides and the http://neverlosehopefoundation.org (whom the IRS are investigating for illegally posing as a 501c3 charity organization)? Why does the financier of the reward monies (Pete Benevides) have massive criminal charges pending regarding fake 'dummy' corporations and insolvent million-dollar real-estate deals? Why is the reward money set for a fixed amount of time (90 days), and why does it come with a 'safe return' (on investment??) clause? There is something definitely sketch about the reward money and the people who have ostensibly posted it.

Could it be possible that Caylee is actually being held as ransom against massive criminal fraud charges being filed?
:eek: Now this is really getting hot!
501C3 pending but has secured fiscal sponsorship from Citylinks 4Charities, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Orlando, Florida.
Well ,we have the family fondly calling Casey's lawyer JOSE`
not by his surname? I do not recall ever hearing a high profile case where the people did that?
Sure after the trial started but not all chummy before a trial, unless they had him for some minor case before?
Some folks think that JOSE` is "one of the birds in the group ,since he is flying along with this wild story".
Also, let's all be insane for a minute ok?
Ok, some freak comes along and is at the party/parties where Casey is.
this freak hears she has a kid,he asks ah so where is this kid ?
Well spies go asking,find out she is sitting in the car someplace or sleeping in it in the lot?
So said FREAK smoozes up with dancing funloving Casey A.K.A. "party girl "
So then Casey is very busy doing her thing and forgets she has a kid.But the FREAk takes that chance to steal her from the car.
So on and so on......
Casey realizes her kid is missing ,gets all upset[ as much as a drunk party girl can get,I would think a bit subdued? ] the Freak tells Casey this far-out story about how if she tells her family and herself also CAYLEE will be killed.
So she has no choice but to fall into the lie herself.

That's my rant.
of course I do not think that happened, but we are supposed to think that is what happened.
Also the thing about non-paid volunteers/time for the FBI to volunteer?
Or LE ?

Also I see a movie in progress...
maybe Miley Sirus could be Casey[ she is getting wild lately].
Ah so anyway, that's my rant until i think of more i hate about this whole thing.
KOOLAID Drinkers have a way of following far out leaders.
Actually if this had not happened Casey could have really been a major leader in some cult group...

Her group would be called.
Women Who Lose Their Child Support Group " W.W.L.T.C."
It's ok to lose your daughter so long as you have fun!:woohoo:

Don't want to be a mother?
lose your kid!
Then make up a fantastic story!
Don't worry ,party!
Where are the psychics when ya need em?

That's another rant i have..when they want your $$ at $400.00-$1,000.00 an hour they have vague info.but whern you need them for cases such as this .
Well do you see even one with real plausable good leads coming forward?

I would not be me :) without typos and spelling mistakes...
I really think this case is like being in an episode of
all of us!
Are we really awake here??
QUOTE=Truly;2461117]Why is the reward money being posted by Pete Benevides and the http://neverlosehopefoundation.org (whom the IRS are investigating for illegally posing as a 501c3 charity organization)? Why does the financier of the reward monies (Pete Benevides) have massive criminal charges pending regarding fake 'dummy' corporations and insolvent million-dollar real-estate deals? Why is the reward money set for a fixed amount of time (90 days), and why does it come with a 'safe return' (on investment??) clause? There is something definitely sketch about the reward money and the people who have ostensibly posted it. QUOTE

great :detective: have you posted this elsewhere? haven't seen it before. Someone should look into it. That's good work!
Here's a rant about some of the new posters on this site that have come out of the woodworks because of this case: I'm so disappointed by the type of posts I'm seeing in the main discussion thread...I can't believe some of the derogatory statements...I've noticed that most of the "regulars" on WS aren't even posting there much..myself included.

Kudos to everyone that is being respectful about the case and WS, but shame on the people who have turned some threads into non-productive trash talk.
Here's a rant about some of the new posters on this site that have come out of the woodworks because of this case: I'm so disappointed by the type of posts I'm seeing in the main discussion thread...I can't believe some of the derogatory statements...I've noticed that most of the "regulars" on WS aren't even posting there much..myself included.

Kudos to everyone that is being respectful about the case and WS, but shame on the people who have turned some threads into non-productive trash talk.

I'm not a new poster. I couldn't remember the old log in information and had to reregister.

I don't know that it's right to place blame on "new" posters. I was shocked to see a new poster told the other day by a "seasoned" poster that, we've already discussed that. Do you think LE thinks that way? Oh, we don't want a new opinion or thought because "we've already discussed that."

I stopped posting and reading as much because I didn't like the ugliness that I was seeing. I am so grateful to ladybass (not the full nic) but that she is posting daily recaps. It's fantastic to be able to go right there and see what's going on.

I don't think a question by a newbie or someone who hasn't read word for word is bogging down a thread. It relates to the case and is as much a part of discussion as when it was first talked about.

Also, think back to being a new poster. Being afraid to "jump in." I would rather see a newbie ask a question that's been asked a million times as opposed to someone making that person feel stupid for asking a question. I can't stand reading, hey, we already discussed that. Hey, go read on another thread. Hey, that doesn't belong here. Do you not realize you are cluttering the thread by doing that? For as much energy as it takes to make a condescending post, you could just have easily pm'ed someone and directed them to another thread that the answer could be found in.

I am not directing this at you Truthful Lies. I am just ranting because this is a rant thread :)

I have never seen the Websleuths forums in such a way as they have been on the Caylee thread the past few days. I hope there is improvement soon!
Well, as a newbie, I don't think I have made any out of line post and I have spent many hours catching up each day before I open my mouth. But I am begining to get uncomfortable with the remarks about the new posters. I for 1 did not know this site existed, I was happy when I found it. It is one of the most informed places on the web. However, I think the running of the threads needs to be done by the mods and admin. I hate that so many new people are now afraid to post.
Well, as a newbie, I don't think I have made any out of line post and I have spent many hours catching up each day before I open my mouth. But I am begining to get uncomfortable with the remarks about the new posters. I for 1 did not know this site existed, I was happy when I found it. It is one of the most informed places on the web. However, I think the running of the threads needs to be done by the mods and admin. I hate that so many new people are now afraid to post.

I hate that, too. Every poster here was a new poster at one time. I don't see why a little patience is so hard to come by. Essentially, the tone is, if you haven't read here from day one or you haven't gone back and read every single post, don't bother posting because you're bogging down the thread.
My Rant :

I know tons of teachers—

Imagine what a certain child’s teachers said, and what her parents’ responses were. I can guess, from what I’ve heard. I’d bet whatever she did wrong or whatever she didn’t do, there was always an excuse. And it wasn’t the little girl’s fault, it was always someone else’s—the teacher, the school, the playground, the other kids—it’s endless. And the parents “believed” the child.Even when teachers lay it out, and there’s flat out proof a child lied, parents make excuses.

I’ve even heard of parents calling college professors—you can’t imagine how many kids would be in medical school if the professor had “given” better grades in biology! (Parents quickly learn that professors don’t take bs very well.)

What parent wants to think that their child lies? But children do. Even the cute, innocent looking ones. It’s easy to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t happen.

All the lies and excuses began a long, long time ago, and nobody faced it and dealt with it. And now, it’s Zanny’s fault, journalists’ fault, some other made up fault, our fault for not looking hard enough, for being callous—on and on and on.

If these people ever end up in therapy (instead of jail), they’ll blame the therapist for something.

Parents out there, I’m pleading with you—make your children be responsible for their actions!! Please, please, please.

Rant off. But I could rant about so much in this case.:)

Ahh--I feel a little better now. But I think I’ll go iron or something—I can’t take the insanity.

OMG--I feel another rant coming on!!!!!!!!

ok, now THAT gave me a MUCH NEEDED laugh!
Maybe they need someone who can lift 50 lbs to toss all the windows using computers out the window..... uhm... at once? ok, most computers aren't 50 lbs but... ok I need sleep!

Well at least it's nice to know they AREN'T Apple users! :crazy:
I, myself, have been becoming increasingly disappointed by this forum lately. I had been a lurker at WS for about 2 years before I finally decided to register and chime in on the discussions. It always seemed like a very welcoming and respectful place to post. For the past few days, however, I read post after post of the regulars talking down to us newbies and complaining about us. I'm afraid to post now, not sure if I'm "allowed" to post certain things in certain threads, and do not feel very welcome here any longer. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed participating in WS for the past 2 months.
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