Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

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If KC was following her mother's lead. Why wouldn't she love Caylee like her mother did? Nobody has ever said, CA did not love Caylee with her whole heart. KC couldn't stand the fact that her mother put Caylee above her. KC was jealous of Caylee, and the only way to deal with her jealousy was to get rid of Caylee, so she could be Mommy's little girl again. KC has a problem with not feeling loved. Even her own daughter was closer to her mother than to her. You can't blame a grandmother or grandfather for loving their grandchild. KC could have gotten a job, put Caylee in a daycare, and got her own place. Many young mother's do that everyday. Murder is not the answer ever!
Well, when I look at the way she was raised, it does not surprise me that she did not follow the proper protocol and call 911 as Ca did.IMO I don't really think it has been established when Kc realized that Caylee was missing. IMO I don't believe she ever did. IMO If the state has proof that Kc killed her daughter a month earlier, then all this is mute. IMO I just do not believe they have proof. IMO I think the jury will find out how Kc was raised and how she lived her life, and have a much better understanding as to why she did not call 911. IMO

If we are to believe Casey (which I really don't 9 times out of 10) then the bolded part has been answered already. Casey said herself that she last saw Caylee when she dropped her off with the nanny. Caylee was "missing" after Casey got off work that day (again the 9 times out of 10 applies here). Casey also said that she had not seen Caylee for 31 days. So yes, according to Casey's own words she knows when Caylee went missing.

As to the way that Casey was raised and that's why she didn't call 911, I'm confused about that. As far as I know Casey was not raised to think that the police are bad people. Heck, George was a police officer himself. I can't for the life of me imagine him telling Casey or Lee that police officers are people that you should not call in case of an emergency.

I think that it is past time for all of the immediate members of that family to do the right thing and tell the truth for Caylee. Hopefully Cindy and Lee will when they testify at this upcoming hearing. If either of them lie on the stand then I hope that they will have charges filed against them as well. Cindy has to realize by now that she could be in the same boat as Casey if she is not carefull. Afterall, Casey was first arrested for her lies!
And, prior to the pregancy, led the entire family on both sides to believe that Casey was a high school graduate.
Complete with gifts, cards with money no doubt and cake to boot.
Talk about putting on appearances, or shall we say, "The Ritz", as in crab cakes.

What a twisted, warped world they live in, and remain in to this day.

Well, I'm out of here for the night ~
Enjoyed the chatting tonight ~!

Sleep well everyone, and have a safe weekend.

It is early here and I am not sure I have enough brain cells left but I thought KC did graduate, she has a HS diploma...she just didn't walk with her class...will have to go look.

In a way it really doesn't matter the whole family lies...thinks nothing of lying to each other or LE. None of them have ever received consequences for their lies so have never had to be honest. In a sense it is all a big game with no relevance to real life...

Well guess what...the game is come da judge!!!

There was never a Nanny, KC didn't just misplace Caylee, she killed her and hoped she would get away with it...KC always got away with everything, mom never followed through on her threats...until that 911 someone earlier put it when KC first gets on the line it almost sounds like she is in unbelief that mom actually did what she said she would do....

I think what we will see Thursday (in days 8 hours and 11 min btw in case anyone is counting:crazy:) is the Anthony's beginning to wake up as in one of the following:

Either coming back from Wonderland or Never never land or realizing they are back in Kansas...

off to find the HS diploma info: pg 47

Really doesn't matter...the whole family really doesn't seem to know what truth is and how to apply a lot of situations.
Told you it was too early to brain above is KC's says withdrawn (think that means not graduated) but then it has a code that would stand for graduated...notes on page state that she didn't graduate on time but probably went to SS to pick up her diploma.

Okay, taking a break...between this and Kyron I just need a break:banghead:
She didn't call 911 because she went to "her neutral, safe place", her boyfriend of the month.

She didn't tell her mother, because she was afraid to, as told by her mouth to LE while she sat primping herself.
She lied for a month because she knew, whatever it was that happened, it was wrong and she was in a heap of trouble and had finally went over the ledge.
But her lies had always gotton her through before, so what the hell, for old times sake, lets just wing it one more time and see what happens.
Worst case scenerio, she knew her mother always cleaned up after her mess's anyway, so, let her fix this when the time comes if she is so hell bent on raising hell and making trouble.
She'll have her trouble, and, eat her words in the end, in Casey's mind.

The damage was done already, whatever it was that caused Caylee's death, so, oh well.......qui sa ra, sa ra, or, as in Casey's eyes, "Case of rum, case of rum".


kc NEVER CALLED 911 for her CHILD---however, there was that one call with the protestors outside her house that she figured out how to call --- (imo to protect HERSELF---)---she even admitted that it was "stupid" not to call...

IIRC at the end of the conversation when the 911 operator REQESTED to speak to the "mother" of the child---kc didn't want to talk to her either---there was some mumbling in the background with her....also remember the text messages she sent to TonE ----after the initial interviews with the LE---also along that same line that first phone call home, complaining of being arrested on a "whim"....her main concern wasn't like that at the house (Theres was CAYLEE---go figure that one! lol)---HERS: her boyfriend....

yeah she was bamboozled....:sick:
Well, when I look at the way she was raised, it does not surprise me that she did not follow the proper protocol and call 911 as Ca did.IMO I don't really think it has been established when Kc realized that Caylee was missing. IMO I don't believe she ever did. IMO If the state has proof that Kc killed her daughter a month earlier, then all this is mute. IMO I just do not believe they have proof. IMO I think the jury will find out how Kc was raised and how she lived her life, and have a much better understanding as to why she did not call 911. IMO


It has been established, out of ICA's mouth, the date was June 16, 2008..that was the last time she "saw" Caylee.

Proof of when Caylee was murdered or proof of when she was thrown in her watery tomb? It will come down to the battle of the experts for the State will have his botanist, entomologist testify to their findings to say how long Caylee laid there! Also on the trunk decomp...Caylee allegedly laid there for 2.6 days..I believe the state will make their case better than the defense does.

That is where the mitigation specialist will chime in...ICA's rearing will come into play to get her a lighter sentence..well, to not get a sentence of death but possibly LWOP!

Justice for Caylee
Why would Kc be emotional? She already knew all this information.IMO She is the one who kept her head during all of this.IMO Someone had to be calm and explain to the police what happened.IMO Ca was in no condition to make any sense at that point. IMO The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her. IMO Many children lie to their parents because their parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO It is my opinion that Ca harbored these lies throughout the years and actually supported them. IMO This was always her easy way out. IMO Kc simply followed protocol and continued to lie to her parents to keep them happy. IMO Once Kc gave Ca the cold hard facts that Caylee was missing, Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO Kc grew up in this vortex of circular lies and rules. IMO Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself. IMO, it is no wonder she was looking to move out. IMO At that point on that phone call, Kc had to step out of the family unit and be calm and talk to the 911 operator in a calm manner. IMO This is nothing new in my opinion. Families live these lies all the time. Kc has a personal family counselor type of person that has interviewed her family members. IMO Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home... IMO I am so glad that my parents supported my independence and let me be who I wanted to be and not some lie that they wished me to be. La was able to get out, being single and no children.IMO Lucky him. IMO Once Kc had a baby she was trapped in Ga and Ca life of lies. That is a route to her compelling reasons for her actions, but not motive for murder of her child. IMO This phone call may be crucial in proving to the jury that Kc was not living under ideal conditions. IMO The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong? after growing up and living in this vaccum of lies. IMO So yes, I believe you are right, the gold is in Kc's voice on the phone call. IMO
Text bolded by me and quoted below.

"The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her."
The fact that KC never showed emotion will be the biggest nail in her coffin.

"Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth."
KC was a parent and she handled the truth just fine from day one. Your point is valid if you don't include parents who murder their children in your sample group. I don't know of any parent, besides those who have murdered their child, who could "handle" that truth.

"Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself."
On the contrary, I'm sure KC's parents would have welcomed the truth from her at least every now and then.

"Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home..."
KC was an adult living at that home. When KC left home, she continued to lie. She lied to everyone, her family, her friends, her acquaintances, throughout her life, in and out of the home. To this day, KC continues to lie.

"The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong?"
Of course she does. This is evidenced by all the lies she told throughout her life. KC is very skilled at knowing what is right and what is wrong. She never lied about things that were right.

I just can't get behind the notion that KC was required to lie in order to survive her horrible existence. I doubt the jury will be able to either.

OT, but you only need one IMO at the end of your post, not at the end of every line. I'm not being petty because it makes your posts very hard to read. It's almost like trying to read Morse Code.
It's called "passive aggression", not Morse Code.
Text bolded by me and quoted below.

"The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her."
The fact that KC never showed emotion will be the biggest nail in her coffin.

"Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth."
KC was a parent and she handled the truth just fine from day one. Your point is valid if you don't include parents who murder their children in your sample group. I don't know of any parent, besides those who have murdered their child, who could "handle" that truth.

"Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself."
On the contrary, I'm sure KC's parents would have welcomed the truth from her at least every now and then.

"Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home..."
KC was an adult living at that home. When KC left home, she continued to lie. She lied to everyone, her family, her friends, her acquaintances, throughout her life, in and out of the home. To this day, KC continues to lie.

"The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong?"
Of course she does. This is evidenced by all the lies she told throughout her life. KC is very skilled at knowing what is right and what is wrong. She never lied about things that were right.

I just can't get behind the notion that KC was required to lie in order to survive her horrible existence. I doubt the jury will be able to either.


:thumb: ITA.....lets face it KC lied to protect her own :behind: nothing more nothing less....

I also agree she knows right from is foolish to think otherwise...she lived in her own little dream world and wanted it to evolve around her---she made herself into something she was so far removed from.

as for not showing emotion--ITA with you---that will be the nail---no mom could be that calm or emotionless regarding that--NO ONE....that first phone call home said it all....the only thing they were all concerned about was Caylee---and she did quesiton that---then caught herself --- she wasn't concerned---

Along the same line--why didn't she ever HELP in the hunt for Caylee? No one from that house did--they all went into the save kc mode---
IMO, none of the Anthony's helped search because they knew where she was and they were all convinced this would all just blow over and go away...but it has all become very relevant.
Lol! Well, NTS, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, as is everyone here. That is the great thing about WS. We can share our opinions and compare them, debate them, discuss them. As to the quoted opinion above, you start it with "Why would KC be emotional?" Because she is reporting her "missing" toddler, that's why. My DD was in a bad car accident almost 2 years ago. Her and 6 friends in a roll-over accident due to the driver falling asleep. 3 of the friends were killed, 2 more had horrific, life altering physical damage as well as brain damage, 1 had numerous broken bones and cuts, and my DD had a few scrapes and bumps. You see, my DD was the ONLY one in the vehicle wearing her seatbelt. We do not know why the others weren't wearing theirs, but it made all of the difference in the world. I tell you that to tell you this. To this day, I cannot tell that story to anyone without choking up and tearing up, most often starting to cry while I recount the story to anyone.

Chefmom, I will keep my safety belt on always. Your story is very important to remind us.

Your reaction and the feelings that retelling it bring immediately to the surface is normal healthy emotion. The kind of emotion that brings tears to the mourners eyes when they listen to a funeral and something sparks a memory for them. Casey, imo, does not emote the way we do. The phone call to describe she had not seen her daughter in 31 days will have the effect on the good hard working taxpayers of the jury it does on you and me. Casey did not even want to talk to 911 operator. WOW.

Cindy " Casey, her it is the Sheriff's department, they want to talk to you.
A very calm Casey, " I don't have anything to talk them..."

The absence of a visceral, gut wrenching fear and pain represents a lack of concern, a lack of caring, utterly. We do know that Casey Anthony certainly does have a strong emotional reaction to something that effects her. We hear it in her voice when she yells at her parents. So the only inference to be drawn is not that she does not have emotions, but they are situational and only about herself. She is a classic sociopath . The jury need not be psychology majors. They need not know the clinical term for the behavior, but that she didn't give a care about the safety and welfare of her daughter, imo will be like the late Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once memorably said of obscenity, "I know it when I see it."

Do you remember on her first phone call home , she said "All they care about is getting Caylee back!" ?


Sociopath, psychotic and self absorbed no concern is in her voice. You have got that right! When Cindy Anthony takes the stand, how her mother may be tortured having to testify about her grand-daughter will not even cross Casey's mind. It will be me, me, can she do this to ME. She will sit there, flat affect, aloof and preening her hair, as usual. If she cries it will be for herself, the one person she emotes for.

Watch this, her mother is leveled to the floor, balling, explaining how hard this is on the family, Lee is literally sick, dad blew up at the is clearly a wreck. What does Casey respond? Me, me, me, me. Enough about me. How do you feel about me. Cindy tells her she is getting hate mail. Not one follow up question from Casey about poor grandmother. No , she goes directly into what mail she is receiving. Her mom tells her she is not doing well at all, Casey does not even feign concern for her mother, or anyone for that matter. She goes directly without blinking an eye into how she feels, and my personal favorite...that she should be seen as a victim. [ame][/ame]

The fact that she is calm and detached, is very compelling. I agree with you one hundred percent. The detectives noted that in their reports too. She remained stoic , throughout all the hours they were with her, not frantic, not one tear, not one glimpse of concern for this child. Someone is having a little fun with us saying why would she sound upset, when afteral, the baby being missing was old news. Two judges certainly asked her that question and they were plenty upset over it, "Where is Caylee Anthony?!!!!" the judge said he would leave her with that. "The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers", the second judge opined.
Okay, you have not seen your child in a couple of weeks so what do you do next? Disney is right in town so planning a trip to Disney would not make sense. So what do you empty out your best friend's checking account, right in front of the world to see, Target, Bank of America, etc. Appears you just aren't worried about charges of theft because you know, personally, that you have done something far worse, something that would make the theft appear pale by comparison. So why not just live it up, the beautiful life, what have you got to lose? You know you're days are numbered. You said it yourself to Lee when you got caught....."Well, I guess it's about time." Juries will not have blinders on unlike her parents..... jmo
respectfully snipped for brevity.
The jury need not be psychology majors. They need not know the clinical term for the behavior, but that she didn't give a care about the safety and welfare of her daughter, imo will be like the late Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once memorably said of obscenity, "I know it when I see it."
Okay, you have not seen your child in a couple of weeks so what do you do next? Disney is right in town so planning a trip to Disney would not make sense. So what do you empty out your best friend's checking account, right in front of the world to see, Target, Bank of America, etc. Appears you just aren't worried about charges of theft because you know, personally, that you have done something far worse, something that would make the theft appear pale by comparison. So why not just live it up, the beautiful life, what have you got to lose? You know you're days are numbered. You said it yourself to Lee when you got caught....."Well, I guess it's about time." Juries will not have blinders on unlike her parents..... jmo

And to me, the thing that cinched my interest in this case, and my belief that she was GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY, was the way she haughtily sauntered into court in that first hearing, with a smirk on her face. Who does that? Who smiles like you are a rockstar when appearing in court for charges on kidnapping, abusing and killing your daughter? I mean, for God's sake, Lindsay Lohan CRIED when she was sentenced to 90 days in jail for drinking. Wouldn't you think the thought of MURDER charges hanging over your head would invoke some other type of emotion other than a grin?
Cindy's behavior in 'defense' of Casey has always struck me as odd. Not odd as in a mother defending her daughter, but odd in the way she has gone about it. Cindy's actions have struck me as insincere, in a snotty, exaggerated, even sarcastic way.

Casey's lies are so flimsy and easy to disprove. Cindy's lies, 'in defense' of Casey, are the same. It's like they both don't even care what they say, because they intend to browbeat the recipient into accepting whatever they are told.

And then there is Lee. I'm still in his corner. I think he has broken away from the status quo. I'm hoping his 'CMA' was to make his mother and sister think he was still toeing the party line. I think (hope) he is going to come through for Caylee on Thursday.

This hearing can't get here soon enough for me.
Thanks for the kind response :-) IMO lol I have found that the IMO is the best way to move forward in these threads. And rightfully and respectfully so after each sentence. IMO I realize it butchers my text and takes away some of my ability to get the point across, but it is well worth it to move forward to get to the truth for Caylee. IMO

The problem I have is that Ca's tone and Kc's tone in the phone call do not in any way shape or form prove premeditated murder. IMO The state continues to come up with all these lies and demeaner, but not any real proof of premeditated murder. IMO It makes me wonder if they really do have a case here. IMO The states actions show me weakness in their case. IMO It is my opinion that the state is relying on one hair, a trace of butric acid, an unproven smell device, a questionable piece of tape and a whole sleugh of A family lies to prove premeditated murder. IMO I realize the case is highly circumstantial and based on Kc being a liar. IMO In this huge cloud of lies, the Jury will have to try to figure out what is true. IMO In the back of their minds they may wonder if the State really knows what has really happened here. IMO We have yet to hear the defense side of the story. IMO
In my life, when I hear only one side of the story, I realize that I only have a half truth. IMO a half truth is no better than a lie. IMO I must hold out for the defense side to get to the whole truth for Caylee. IMO

You forgot about discovering the ducktaped body of the murdered child
Why would Kc be emotional? She already knew all this information.IMO She is the one who kept her head during all of this.IMO Someone had to be calm and explain to the police what happened.IMO Ca was in no condition to make any sense at that point. IMO The fact that Kc was not emotional may help her. IMO Many children lie to their parents because their parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO It is my opinion that Ca harbored these lies throughout the years and actually supported them. IMO This was always her easy way out. IMO Kc simply followed protocol and continued to lie to her parents to keep them happy. IMO Once Kc gave Ca the cold hard facts that Caylee was missing, Ca lost it, furthermore proving my point that the parents simply can not handle the truth. IMO Kc grew up in this vortex of circular lies and rules. IMO Kc was never allowed to tell the truth or be herself. IMO, it is no wonder she was looking to move out. IMO At that point on that phone call, Kc had to step out of the family unit and be calm and talk to the 911 operator in a calm manner. IMO This is nothing new in my opinion. Families live these lies all the time. Kc has a personal family counselor type of person that has interviewed her family members. IMO Kc was still a child living in that home (the home of the lies) (the only way to survive is to lie), she had never left home... IMO I am so glad that my parents supported my independence and let me be who I wanted to be and not some lie that they wished me to be. La was able to get out, being single and no children.IMO Lucky him. IMO Once Kc had a baby she was trapped in Ga and Ca life of lies. That is a route to her compelling reasons for her actions, but not motive for murder of her child. IMO This phone call may be crucial in proving to the jury that Kc was not living under ideal conditions. IMO The 64000 dollar question is, does Kc really know in her heart what is right and what is wrong? after growing up and living in this vaccum of lies. IMO So yes, I believe you are right, the gold is in Kc's voice on the phone call. IMO

:shocked2:While I was reading all of this I was suddenly transported to the Mitigation phase of Casey's trial. :beamup:
Cindy's behavior in 'defense' of Casey has always struck me as odd. Not odd as in a mother defending her daughter, but odd in the way she has gone about it. Cindy's actions have struck me as insincere, in a snotty, exaggerated, even sarcastic way.

Casey's lies are so flimsy and easy to disprove. Cindy's lies, 'in defense' of Casey, are the same. It's like they both don't even care what they say, because they intend to browbeat the recipient into accepting whatever they are told.

And then there is Lee. I'm still in his corner. I think he has broken away from the status quo. I'm hoping his 'CMA' was to make his mother and sister think he was still toeing the party line. I think (hope) he is going to come through for Caylee on Thursday.

This hearing can't get here soon enough for me.

Lanie, I am with you on Lee.
The CMA thing is very odd to me, as is the family's nick name for Caylee being "Cays" . Many times mom and pop have said it was like reliving Casey's childhood all over again, they mentioned they wanted Caylee to have the same teachers Casey had, etc. Cindy said the C M A thing was done on purpose to honor her,
Cindy Marie Anthony
Casey Marie Anthony
Caylee Marie Anthony

in her nursery I noticed rather than have her name in the big wood letters, in this baby's room hung C M A

Caylee was a not a do over! She was her own, wholly separate child. Cindy's need for Caylee to be C M A III really bothers me. I imagine she treated Casey that way too...we have a fresh new model are no longer needed. Not that it makes anything that happened to this innocent child OK, but I do see how growing up Anthony wrecked this girls emotional and moral compass. Big time.

I 'll never forget Grandma Shirley saying, " I am afraid that Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee".
Thanks for the kind response :-) IMO lol I have found that the IMO is the best way to move forward in these threads. And rightfully and respectfully so after each sentence. IMO I realize it butchers my text and takes away some of my ability to get the point across, but it is well worth it to move forward to get to the truth for Caylee. IMO

The problem I have is that Ca's tone and Kc's tone in the phone call do not in any way shape or form prove premeditated murder. IMO The state continues to come up with all these lies and demeaner, but not any real proof of premeditated murder. IMO It makes me wonder if they really do have a case here. IMO The states actions show me weakness in their case. IMO It is my opinion that the state is relying on one hair, a trace of butric acid, an unproven smell device, a questionable piece of tape and a whole sleugh of A family lies to prove premeditated murder. IMO I realize the case is highly circumstantial and based on Kc being a liar. IMO In this huge cloud of lies, the Jury will have to try to figure out what is true. IMO In the back of their minds they may wonder if the State really knows what has really happened here. IMO We have yet to hear the defense side of the story. IMO
In my life, when I hear only one side of the story, I realize that I only have a half truth. IMO a half truth is no better than a lie. IMO I must hold out for the defense side to get to the whole truth for Caylee. IMO
You're right. But you know what it does show to any human being who has an ounce of feeling? KC was unconcerned about the safety of her toddler. Her monotone voice while telling 911 that it had been 31 days since she'd seen her child is extremely disturbing to me and other parents who've listened to it. I, a total stranger, have more emotion in my voice when I talk about Caylee.

Listen to Pam Wetterling when she talks about her son Jacob, after all these years, her voice still cracks and her eyes fill with tears. Every day she wakes up to the nightmare that her son is gone, and that's how parents of missing children always describe it: a nightmare they never wake from.

KC was stoic when talking to LE about her kidnapped toddler, stoic when talking to 911 about her kidnapped toddler, cold and cruel when talking with family about her kidnapped toddler - that's not an assumption, I listened to the tapes and her famous, 'Oh well.' when Christina cried about Caylee.

That, imo, is what the 911 tapes will show. A frantic, panicking grandmother juxtaposed with KC's flat unemotional voice while saying, 'I've not seen my daughter in 31 days.'

I turn around for a moment in a grocery store and don't immediately see my toddler, I'm hysterical in the space of five seconds. I can't even fathom turning around and not seeing him for 31 days. My God.

The only time KC's voice sounded distressed is when she dialed 911 to complain about protesters, and when her parents visited her and she pitched a fit when they wanted to discuss Caylee - KC wanted to talk about me, me, me.
And risk getting charged with filing a false police report if it's NOT true??? :snooty::hand:Cindy wanted Casey arrested for Grand Theft Auto. Then it dawned on her that Caylee was still gone for 31 days and Casey wasn't allowing her to see/talk to her (we now know that wasn't possible, so Casey had to concoct a lie at that point- which turned out to be invisinannny, only she fingered ZF-G to the police). Cindy was definitely hysterical when she put two and two together and realized the car smelled like a dead body and... Caylee was nowhere to be found. This clearly was an excited utterance by the 3rd 911 call, not just a ruse to get the police there quicker!

I believe that she was not making an excited utterance about the smell (smell only), simply because it was old news.IMO The part about the not seeing the grandchild for a month, is certainly old news.IMO A month to be exact. IMO An excited utterance requires new news I believe. IMO I am not sure why Ca ended up in that condition of panic or anger (which is it?), but it was not a condition to get to the truth. IMO I understand that many believe it was the realization of what had happened, but am not sure that falls under the excited utterance law. IMO

Certainly the parent is not at fault, but of no help in a condition of panic or anger. IMO I once saw a lady downtown that lost her child and she was screaming in a panic at the police officer. He was asking her to please calm down so he could ask her some questions and find her child. She was of no help what so ever, so he just started looking around and found the child.

I am not sure what state of mind Ca was in. Was she upset because she realized that Caylee was missing, or was she upset that she had lost control over Kc. IMO Many would like to believe the former, but the earlier 911 call shows anger in my opinion.

NTS in my opinion you are not seeing things as they were. Yes CA knew since picking up the car that afternoon that it smelled bad. Yes she had been trying to reach Caylee via KC but was always put off with one of KC's excuses. But what you aren't taking into account is that until KC confessed to LA, and CA overheard it, up until then CA had no answer from KC that Caylee wasn't alright, remember KC always told CA that Caylee was fine, she was just sleeping or with someone else somewhere else. Previously CA thought that KC was just being spiteful, she thought that KC was keeping Caylee away from her to punish her. But then she hears KC tell LA that she hasn't seen her child for 31 days, and she hears KC crying. That's when the guns started going off for CA. Now it's starting to come together for CA......the car smells like a dead body = BANG!! KC is crying saying she hasn't seen Caylee for 31 days b/c the nanny Zani took her = BANG!! OMG...CA hasn't talked to Caylee for a long time.....BANG!! So what does she do? She calls 911, in a state of overhelming fear and makes an excited utterance. Period.

It's coming in, I have no doubt.

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