JBR, the Pineapple, & Benzos: Wendy Murphy on Tricia's True Crime Radio 7/28

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May 21, 2012
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This past Sunday, Wendy Murphy was on Tricia's radio show and talked briefly (towards the end) about JonBenet's death:


She pretty much says that she thinks the parents are responsible. She thinks the pineapple was laced with benzodiazepine, which she says is commonly used to drugs kids in the child *advertiser censored* industry. She says the pineapple found in the bowl was tested & those test results have never been released. She also says LE questioned John & Patsy over & over again about benzos and why they had so many in the home (I don't remember reading this anywhere or hearing it before). (NOTE: Wendy is talking about the pineapple left in the bowl that wasn't eaten by JonBenet, not what was found in her stomach; the issue of whether or not benzos were found in the autopsy of JBR is brought up & she doesn't have an answer about whether or not evidence of benzos was found in the autopsy).

I've read PMPT, read much of JonBenet's forum here, & listened to Kolar's interviews (but admittedly have yet to read his book). I wouldn't claim to be half of the Ramsey case experts that most of you who regularly post here are. I'm pretty sure an intruder didn't do it & that Patsy likely wrote the note, but other than that I'm not exactly sure who in the home is ultimately repsonsible for JBR's death (versus "just" the cover-up).

I was just wondering if the regular posters on this forum had heard what Wendy said on the program. I really like her and her work to stop sexual crimes on campuses, but I couldn't remember hearing any of this stuff before. She seems 110% sold on the benzos & child *advertiser censored* playing a role in JBR's death. I'm wondering what you all think about that....
I kept up with the case for awhile but never heard anything specific about child *advertiser censored* or benzos. While I am a believer that RDI, I can't wrap my head around why they would involve their child in *advertiser censored*. I've never understood, though, dressing your little girl up like a hooker and putting her on parade for pedophiles who follow these things. Is that what is referred to as child *advertiser censored*? JMO
Another interview where Wendy mentions the pineapple & benzos:

Wendy says:
"A bowl of pineapple was found on the kitchen table. Patsy's fingerprints were found on the bowl. Both parents adamantly denied giving the child pineapple. Why? What's so bad about admitting that you gave your child pineapple?"

Last part bolded by me- the way the Ramseys vehemently denited giving JBR pineapple is something that has always struck me as odd (not saying I buy that there were benzos in the pineapple, though).
I kept up with the case for awhile but never heard anything specific about child *advertiser censored* or benzos. While I am a believer that RDI, I can't wrap my head around why they would involve their child in *advertiser censored*. I've never understood, though, dressing your little girl up like a hooker and putting her on parade for pedophiles who follow these things. Is that what is referred to as child *advertiser censored*? JMO

I think Wendy is refering to something much more sinister than the beauty pageants:

"That garrote, S and M, kiddy *advertiser censored* is the most expensive, the most valuable kiddy *advertiser censored* you can pedal. ... I said that's what the police wrote in 1997, in support of the search warrant that they used to search the Ramsey, multiple Ramsey homes. They said this is consistent with child *advertiser censored* and the garrote around the neck is an S and M child *advertiser censored*."

- From link I posted above.

ETA: I admit I have problems believing such an affluent family would put their own daughter in this type of child *advertiser censored* because it is "the most valuable" type of child *advertiser censored* out there. It's not ike they needed the money. IF it was being done (and that's HUGE IF), it was not for the money but to fulfil someone's sick mind alone.
I think if there were benzo in either the pineapple or JBR, that would have been a slam dunk and they would have been tried and convicted.

I don't believe this theory at all. OMO
I think if there were benzo in either the pineapple or JBR, that would have been a slam dunk and they would have been tried and convicted.

I don't believe this theory at all. OMO

Agreed. I just didn't even realize the pineapple & benzos theory was out there at all. It did make me think twice about all the denials about giving JBR pineapple, though. The pineapple has always been the strangest little part of the case to me.
Agreed. I just didn't even realize the pineapple & benzos theory was out there at all. It did make me think twice about all the denials about giving JBR pineapple, though. The pineapple has always been the strangest little part of the case to me.

I don't know. I have had my kids get up and go to the fridge and I find them eating something in the other room, while I am doing laundry. So the pineapple thing just never bothered me much since it was in the house.
I just think if she were drugged, We would know that. It would make the case easier to pin on the parents, yes? So they would want that out there. OMO
I think the reason why the R's said they didn't feed JonBenet pineapple is because they had already claimed that she was asleep when they got home. If they admitted to the pineapple, they would also be admitting they that lied about JBR being asleep.
I think the reason why the R's said they didn't feed JonBenet pineapple is because they had already claimed that she was asleep when they got home. If they admitted to the pineapple, they would also be admitting they that lied about JBR being asleep.

I don't connect the two. Just because they did not feed it to her, Does not mean she did not eat it on her own. OMO
She certainly could have gotten the pineapple on her own or with her brother's help, IMO, even though the parents seem adamant she wouldn't have or they would have heard her. That house is huge. I live in about a 1,000 square feet that's two floors and I sleep through my husband rumaging around in the kitchen at night; I'm asleep upstairs & the kitchen is downstairs.
Wendy claims that the Ramseys were asked at the length about benzos in their house, but I searched A Candy Rose (which has a lot of their police interviews) and I don't see anything about it. Does anyone have the Police Files book and recall questions about it?
I don't connect the two. Just because they did not feed it to her, Does not mean she did not eat it on her own. OMO

Because the Ramseys said JonBenet was asleep when they got home and was carried upstairs to bed. And because John Ramsey made a sworn statement that no way would JonBenet have gone back downstairs by herself at night and he and Patsy both swore they did not take her back downstairs. John Ramsey also said JonBenet would have screamed bloody murder if someone tried to make her go downstairs. To boil it down: she didn't go back downstairs by herself to eat pineapple.

She factually ate the pineapple and probably did feed herself (that isn't an issue). It's the timeline and Ramsey version of events that's the problem. Even Lou Smit called the pineapple a bugaboo.
Because the Ramseys said JonBenet was asleep when they got home and was carried upstairs to bed. And because John Ramsey made a sworn statement that no way would JonBenet have gone back downstairs by herself at night and he and Patsy both swore they did not take her back downstairs. John Ramsey also said JonBenet would have screamed bloody murder if someone tried to make her go downstairs. To boil it down: she didn't go back downstairs by herself to eat pineapple.

She factually ate the pineapple and probably did feed herself (that isn't an issue). It's the timeline and Ramsey version of events that's the problem. Even Lou Smit called the pineapple a bugaboo.

Just because he swore she would not go down there does not mean she didn't. He most likely figured she would not on her own. That does not mean definitively that she did not. Especially if she was lead down there by some one.
It would depend who it was and what they told her..

Also, What bothers me the most??? Is wouldn't it be much better if they were covering to say, " She woke up and we gave her pineapple as a snack?" The point that they deny it so much, when they know she ate it, means they really don't know how she ate it.
It makes much more sense if they are lying and covering to say, " Sure she came home and wanted a snack and we gave her the pineapple." That is the end of it. The fact that they refute that they gave it to her when it is obvious she ate it means to me that someone else gave it to her or she got up and got it herself. I remember reading that she had green feces from the crab she ate at the party and the pineapple was after that in her system. So she had to ahve eaten it after getting home. There is no reason to lie about that. Just none that I can think of if you are indeed trying to cover for a horrific murder of your child.
I listened to the Wendy Murphy interview on Tricia's show, and my jaw dropped. Like most of you I've never heard one mention of benzos of any sort coming up, etc. I think this woman is not fully informed on the case and is making some odd assumptions.

The pineapple isn't the main issue (JBR could have gotten out of bed & eaten it, or Burke could have gotten it for her, etc.), and as far as I recall I didn't see anything about drugs in JBR's system at the autopsy reports that have been made available. The only point the pineapple plays & why JR & PR claim to know nothing about it is that a) throws off their timeline and/or knowledge that JBR wasn't asleep when they got home that evening or b) they honestly don't know if she got up to eat it by herself or with Burke. It's a red herring, although it does help somewhat to narrow down the time of JBR's death.

Just finished Kolar's book not too long ago and am mulling everything over yet again. I also tend to agree with the idea that the grand jury figured it out, but couldn't do much. It bugs me when people try to make a salacious case for high-end child *advertiser censored* (although I do agree that JBR had been sexually abused prior to and the night of her death) or an intruder, or group of "satanic" intruders or anything else that makes this case more lurid & disgusting than what it is: the tragic death of a child that could have been cleared up ages ago if not for the corruption of certain officials, dirty deeds of lawyers and their certain appearance-obsessed "good, wealthy christian family" clients, and the muddying of evidence.

Just my opinion only, of course.
Tricia was going to ask James Kolar about his knowledge of the pineapple. I have read his book and I do not remember anything about benzos in the home. (Doesn't mean it isn't in the book.....just means I don't remember reading about it.) He does state the autopsy revealed undigested pineapple in the upper duodenum which indicated she ate the pineapple VERY SHORTLY BEFORE HER DEATH Patsy's fingerprints on the bowl does not mean Patsy fixed the pineapple to me. She could have washed it and put it up too. My opinion is whoever gave her the pineapple was involved in the murder and cover-up. Just MOO tho.
I agree with you completely on this, SunVenus, and I think probably everyone who heard it had the same response with their jaw (including Tricia). I'm not so sure Wendy Murphy has all her facts straight on this. She made some pretty outrageous claims about things that are not common knowledge, so I don't know where she got this information. To my knowledge, there was no *advertiser censored* found on any of the computer equipment or videotapes that were confiscated. The fact that those things were named in the subpoenas I would think are pretty standard procedures when a child is found sexually abused and dead in her own home (not that it's very common for that to happen). The results of drug analyses have never been released, so that too, I simply don't see where she got the information. But she didn't say it was her opinion -- she stated it as if it is a fact.

And like you, I tend to lose interest in a person's opinion when they try to make this any "more lurid & disgusting than what it is" (as you put it so well).

I look forward to hearing from Kolar on this in Tricia's upcoming webcast this Sunday.
Wow, just listened to the segment. I can't wait to hear what Kolar has to say on this weekends show. I will admit that her assertion about the pineapple left on the table having been tested but the results never revealed raises suspicion. Is it an example of Team Ramsey yet again suppressing unfavorable info? Or is it, as she admits just an inference she makes based on her ideas of the crime?

I'm assuming that the toxicology results of the autopsy are not included in the publicly available summary? But regardless, she seems to be interpreting the ME's cause of death findings very differently then the way everyone else has. I don't get it!!!!!

I generally like and agree with Wendy, but I lost a good deal of respect over the way she basically accused Kolar of being a money grabbing hack. IMO he is the polar opposite of that. It would be one thing if she spoke this way based on reading the book, or having any direct knowledge of Kolar, but she admits she doesn't. What makes Kolar so credible for me is how far out on a limb he goes to try a find justice for JonBenet. He not only effectively "ruins" his career at the DA's office by refusing to go along with the status quo, but he also continued to work the case long after he left, putting out his book at great personal expense, while once again imploring that a new GJ be convened.
Tricia - would Mr. Kolar be able to tell us what type of evidence that should have been tested, but AH refused to send it for testing.
Could he tell us of any witnesses that AH refused to question, and could the GJ have chosen their own witnesses, regardless of whether or not AH approved, or did the witnesses the GJ questioned have to be approved by AH.
Could the GJ request medical records, or would their request be denied. Likewise for the school records of JBR and BR.
Could he tell us why he thinks it all started in the kitchen.
MOO is Patsy's prints on the bowl dont mean a thing. They could be there because she washed it at some point or unloaded the dishwasher and put it away.

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