TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #47

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Well, they must have deleted the story, because no one has been able to find it after hours and hours of searching for it, the only place you find it is here.

Do all the local stories make it onto the internet? Seems like they would, but iirc, some folks complained of that in the Haleigh Cummings case.

eta: Eh, I think I remember a little more clearly... so, I'm not sure. lol
No... that is definately NOT a rumor.

Ok...so is there a link?

There are so many things being floated around as fact w/out substantiated data that the lines between fact and assumption are becoming blury...even to me...and I am the "link queen"...(next to BeanE) LOL

So please...where might I be able to find this information as I have searched every article I have saved and obviously I missed this one...or something?
No... that is definately NOT a rumor.

I looked and looked for hours one day for confirmation of some things that were posted here and kinda made it into some of our theories as fact. One of them was that NS changed her story about having seen Hailey on 12/27. I found nothing beyond a post on WS from Billie's friend anywhere, despite several changes in my search parameters. Also read through the docs and watched the videos from the stations in Tx that are covering the case. I certainly could have missed it though. If you saw it on tv, there should be a link that you can post. It would be very helpful to all of us if you can find and post it. Otherwise, WS advises us to regard it as second-hand unconfirmed information.

Regarding the hairdresser witness account on 12/27, not confirmed to be credible by LE. FWIW: Billie's friend stated that the woman, in fact, didn't even know Billie when she first posted about JB the hairdresser. The next night on NG, Billie said the woman lived catty-corner to her and she'd known the family for years; her grandkids grew up with Billie's kids.

Again, a couple of us members spent a lot of time digging to seperate information like this that is LE-confirmed/MSM-featured, vs. those that are not confirmed by LE and/or lead back to WS rumor as the source. Hate to see the waters get muddied again, so links are really appreciated if you have some verification others of us have missed. :cool:
I'm bringing this partial post over from the previous thread, because ITA with it and wanted to comment on it.

Pondering Mind said:

I am really wondering if Hailey may have gone to her mom with concerns about SA, only to be shut down. If BD is so blinded by SA that she doesn't believe LE regarding his involvement..what would make us think she would have believed Hailey?

PM - I think you've asked a valid question. Over these past 30 days, BD has continually expressed her love & concern for SA, has defended him, has said "there's too much focus on him", etc., & by her own admission, has had to have the idea that he may be responsible for Hailey's disappearance "pounded" into her head.

IMO, it's entirely feasible that her little girl may have tried to tell her *mother* about her fears of SA. It's also entirely feasible, IMO, that she may have been quickly chastised for doing so. She may have even been accused of having an "attitude", as BD has recently described Hailey.

It wouldn't be the first time a little girl has been met with that reaction when crying out to her mommy for help & protection.

If that's what has occurred in this case, it's doubly tragic, coupled with the 911 calls & SA's homicidal threats.

The warning signs were there - as big as the billboards on the Texas highways that now feature Hailey's beautiful face.

But Billie refused to see those warning signs - no matter how big they were & are. Billie apparently had & seems to continue to have other priorities. IMO, Billie STILL refuses to see those warning signs, but instead makes excuses, throws up one smoke screen after another, and at times outright lies.

I agree with each & every poster here who has said Hailey deserved & DOES deserve better.
Just for clarification....


A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a known untruth expressed as truth.

A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, protect someone's feelings or to avoid a punishment or repercussion for one's actions. To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth. A liar is a person who is lying, who has previously lied, or who tends by nature to lie repeatedly - even when not necessary.



Synonyms for Inconsistent and Forthcoming (could not find anything for Not Forthcoming)

inconsistent (vs. consistent)
at odds(predicate), conflicting, contradictory, self-contradictory, discrepant, incompatible, spotty, uneven, scratchy, unconfirmable, unreconciled

irreconcilable (vs. reconcilable), unreconcilable

discrepant, inconsistent
incongruous (vs. congruous)

Please add *NOT* in front of each synonym~

forthcoming (adj.)

accommodating, approaching, coming, complaisant, cooking, cooperative, expected, extroverted, helpful, imminent, impending, in progress, lenient, obliging, outgoing, over-obliging, ready to help, upcoming, willing, willing to help

IMHO Billie Dunn as well as Shawn Adkins are LIARS..................................
Isn't it strange? When Nancy covers a story, the media is on the ball, we get all kinds of things to talk about. As soon as she slacks off and moves on to another story, interest drops.
What did y'all do today while I was gone? One thread shuts down after 7 pages?? Was everybody bad??
For shame!
When she was talking on the NG show and said Hailey could then seen SA's feet or shadow under her door.

BBM - The grandmother did not mention any correlation between HD and SA and drugs on NG..here's what she said:


With us, Billie Dunn and Connie Jones. I want to go first to Connie Jones. This is Hailey`s grandmother. Ms. Jones, thank you for being with us. I understand that it wasn`t that long ago you tried to get custody, relatives tried to get custody away from Mommy? You wanted Hailey out of that home, is that correct?


GRACE: What happened?

JONES: Well, I had went on vacation, and when I come back, Clint had said that he had Hailey and then Billie (INAUDIBLE) that he ended up getting her back and everything. And I didn`t even know any of this was going on until I came back.

GRACE: You didn`t know what was going on?

JONES: No, ma`am. All I know is that Clint tried to take her because Hailey wanted to stay with Clint. And (INAUDIBLE) wanted her back (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: Ms. Jones -- Ms. Jones, your theory that the live-in boyfriend sexually attacked the little girl and that he killed her when she threatened to tell -- what do you base that on?

JONES: Because Hailey had told me (INAUDIBLE) him been living there in the past that he would walk around at nighttime, and the hall light would be on, and she could see his shadow at her door, at the foot of the door. She could see his legs at the foot of the door, just at her door, just standing there. And it scared her. And I don`t know, things just don`t add up that Monday. Why would he leave his job? He didn`t quit, he just left his job.

GRACE: You know what`s odd about that, Connie Jones -- with us taking your calls live is Hailey`s mother, Billie Dunn, and her grandmother, Connie Jones. Ms. Jones, I asked that question several times last night, and this is what I got, that he showed up around 6:00 AM to work. He went to the soft drink machine, he got a Coke or whatever he got, he took a few sips out of it, he looked at his boss and walked out. There wasn`t an argument. He didn`t get fired. He didn`t say, I quit. He just walked out. He wasn`t there over 15 minutes. Now, why do you drive all the way to work, which is well over 20 miles to where he works...


GRACE: ... drink a soda, take a look at your boss and walk out? And then the cell phone pings place him back in Colorado City, there at the home. He did not go straight to his mother`s, the way he said he did.

But I want to get back to what you told me. Hailey was afraid of him?

JONES: Yes, ma`am. She told me...

GRACE: Why...

JONES: ... a number of times that she was afraid of him.

BILLIE DUNN: Why didn`t nobody tell me?

GRACE: Well, hold on, Billie. Hold on, Billie Dunn. What was she afraid of? What specifically would she say, Ms. Jones?

JONES: That she was afraid of him walking around at night. She said that he`d go in the bathroom and he`d use Billie`s phone and talk to people and then come out and just stand by her door. She said he -- she was just afraid of him. At this time, she was only, like, 11.

GRACE: Did she tell you anything other than him standing by her bedroom door at night?

JONES: No. She said he never tried any advances toward her or anything and...

GRACE: Did you ask her?

JONES: Yes, ma`am. I asked her a lot if he ever tried anything to her. And I told her, I said, If he ever tries anything, you tell your mom and your dad. I said, Don`t -- I said, He can`t -- he`s not going to get away with it, Hailey, if he ever touches you in any way.

GRACE: And what would she say? When you would tell her that, what would she say?

JONES: She said that she would and everything. And the last couple of months, I hadn`t seen her very much because her dad moved over to Colorado City. And she usually spends the night, sometimes the weekend with me, and I hadn`t seen her that much. But she always called me, almost every day.

GRACE: Have you shared your theory with your son, Hailey`s father?

JONES: Yes, I have. I told him that she was afraid of him.

GRACE: What did he say?

JONES: I don`t remember what he said. I know he was concerned, but I don`t really remember what he said. There were times he would talk to Billie, they would get into an argument. So I guess they just quit talking to each other.

And later on in the show...

GRACE: To Connie Jones, this Hailey`s grandmother. Your son, Hailey`s biological father, he hasn`t been able to come on the show because he is out physically looking for Hailey. He is out looking for her. Where has he been looking?

CONNIE JONES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING CHEERLEADER HAILEY DUNN: In Odessa. He got a lead from somebody in Odessa, and he`s pursuing it.

GRACE: Do you know what the lead was?

JONES: That she was seen over there with this younger man. And he called me earlier today and he said that he talked to the lady that seen her. And I`m hoping and praying that is her.

GRACE: See, are you saying that there has been a credible sighting of Hailey in Odessa?

JONES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Can you tell us about the sighting?

JONES: He said that they were on the side of the road with a sign, and he said that they (INAUDIBLE) dog and she thought the sign said dogs for sale. And so she stopped and the signs said please help with food or money. And she gave them $5. And she said she was positive that it was Hailey.

GRACE: Who was she with?

JONES: A younger -- a younger man, like maybe in his early 20s, late teens or something.

And her last statement on the show

GRACE: To Connie Jones --

DUNN: They didn`t tell me he deleted it, so.

GRACE: This is -- this is Hailey`s grandmother.

Miss Jones, it`s my understanding, from what I`ve read, from what I`ve heard, what I`ve been told, that you did not like -- you didn`t care for this boyfriend at the get-go. Why?

JONES: He`s suggesting that I had -- I don`t know. It`s just a feeling that I had. It doesn`t have anything to do with Clint or Billie, it`s -- I don`t know. It`s just a feeling. He didn`t look right to me.

GRACE: In what way, how did he behave?

JONES: He didn`t behave in any unusual way or anything, he`s just that -- I don`t know, I don`t -- it`s just a feeling that I have.

Since we have no new clues to follow, I was wondering if SA might have changed his appearance in any significant way.

Remember how Scott Peterson changed? He gained weight, grew a goatee, and eventually dyed his hair then claimed the chlorine in the pool turned his hair orange?

I have a personal theory about facial hair, (on men, of course!).
I think that men sometimes grow facial hair if they are feeling like they have something to hide. Sounds stupid I know--it doesn't apply to all men with facial hair, just the ones who are insecure or men who suddenly change thier appearance right after their lady friend, wife, babysitter or young girl suddenly goes missing or turns up in a blue barrell.

Okay, ready for my pie, chocolate meringue, please!
Isn't it strange? When Nancy covers a story, the media is on the ball, we get all kinds of things to talk about. As soon as she slacks off and moves on to another story, interest drops.
What did y'all do today while I was gone? One thread shuts down after 7 pages?? Was everybody bad??
For shame!

You know, this is the only case where I saw the local media citing NG as a source. It's supposed to be the other way around, right? :yes:
You beat me to it,I just had found the video around 4:19,it was talking in the bathroom to people,not somebody about drugs.I guess we were talking about BD and SA buying drugs the day Hailey disappeared and drugs stuck in my mind.
I know, me too. It said I wasn't authorized and I thought I said something bad last night. What a relief. LOL

Me too and I couldnt see the Hailey board. I thought I had been banned from it. freaked me out. :rocker:
Just an FYI but they were just talking about Hailey here on our news station in Jax, Florida because of Somer's Foundation. They said Comcast is having a new feature on their On Demand programming that will feature missing children.

BBM - The grandmother did not mention any correlation between HD and SA and drugs on NG..here's what she said:


JONES: That she was afraid of him walking around at night. She said that he`d go in the bathroom and he`d use Billie`s phone and talk to people and then come out and just stand by her door. She said he -- she was just afraid of him. At this time, she was only, like, 11.

GRACE: Did she tell you anything other than him standing by her bedroom door at night?

JONES: No. She said he never tried any advances toward her or anything and...

GRACE: Did you ask her?

JONES: Yes, ma`am. I asked her a lot if he ever tried anything to her. And I told her, I said, If he ever tries anything, you tell your mom and your dad. I said, Don`t -- I said, He can`t -- he`s not going to get away with it, Hailey, if he ever touches you in any way.

GRACE: And what would she say? When you would tell her that, what would she say?

JONES: She said that she would and everything. And the last couple of months, I hadn`t seen her very much because her dad moved over to Colorado City. And she usually spends the night, sometimes the weekend with me, and I hadn`t seen her that much. But she always called me, almost every day.


Thank you for that! Nothing about drugs indeed.

This case isn't just about drugs, in my opinion, and I don't think that is the key to finding Hailey.

Since we have no new clues to follow, I was wondering if SA might have changed his appearance in any significant way.

Remember how Scott Peterson changed? He gained weight, grew a goatee, and eventually dyed his hair then claimed the chlorine in the pool turned his hair orange?

I have a personal theory about facial hair, (on men, of course!).
I think that men sometimes grow facial hair if they are feeling like they have something to hide. Sounds stupid I know--it doesn't apply to all men with facial hair, just the ones who are insecure or men who suddenly change thier appearance right after their lady friend, wife, babysitter or young girl suddenly goes missing or turns up in a blue barrell.

Okay, ready for my pie, chocolate meringue, please!

I grew mine to make me look older so that maybe when I go to job interviews for management positions they won't see some "kid" trying to get their foot in the door and run the "old" people off. I guess that does kind of fit the profile you made though...hiding my age (and intentions).
You beat me to it,I just had found the video around 4:19,it was talking in the bathroom to people,not somebody about drugs.I guess we were talking about BD and SA buying drugs the day Hailey disappeared and drugs stuck in my mind.


I have an arsenal of links...let me tell ya...if you need one and posting then I probably have it! LOL
Thank you for that! Nothing about drugs indeed.

This case isn't just about drugs, in my opinion, and I don't think that is the key to finding Hailey.


As I said BD and SA had bought illegal drugs the day of Hailey's disappearance, we were talking about it and the grandmother's NG interview where she said he was talking to people in the bathroom and standing at Hailey's door.And I think lifestyle could have everything to do with what happened to Hailey,especially when LE has been lied to and there's so many inconsistencies,according to LE.
At the beginning of the investigation, CD's GF, NS said she couldn't remember if Hailey came by on Monday. On Jan 19, she confirmed Hailey wasn't there.


Grace said one of the earrings that Hailey was reported to be wearing when she disappeared was found in Clint Dunn's home after her disappearance.

Clint Dunn and his girlfriend, Naomi Stewart, told the Reporter-News that Hailey had spent Christmas night at Clint Dunn's home.

"She took off those earrings and dropped them by the couch and asked me to put them up for her," Stewart said. "She asked me to pick them up for her, and I only found one of them."

Stewart and Clint Dunn said Hailey walked to the Dollar Store and Alco department store Sunday, not Monday, as Burroughs told police.

"She never came over at all Monday," Stewart said.

"Police have told us surveillance tapes at both stores put Hailey there on Sunday," Clint Dunn said.



And the only place that links back to is here. There is no article about it.
Do all the local stories make it onto the internet? Seems like they would, but iirc, some folks complained of that in the Haleigh Cummings case.

eta: Eh, I think I remember a little more clearly... so, I'm not sure. lol

I know that I've seen the Abilene Reporter-News correct articles with updated info rather than post a seperate correction notice or write a new article. They do it pertty often...I notice because I sometimes read it very early in the morning then see that something has been changed later in the day.
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