Casey Anthony Teams With TV Producer to Shop $750,000 Interview Special

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Multiple sources say Sternberg is asking between $500,000 and $750,000 to deliver Anthony, a hefty license fee to be sure. According to sources with knowledge of the proposal, networks can choose the interviewer and Scott Sternberg Productions would co-produce the program. But so far, multiple cable networks have declined. Spokespeople for Discovery Communications' TLC and ID confirmed that the networks have passed on the project. A&E Networks, which includes Lifetime and A&E, also has passed, says a spokesperson.

Good to know networks are getting the message that people don't want to hear from Casey Anthony. And they certainly don't want to see her raking in big bucks for putting her dead baby in the woods. Sorry FCA, no big break for you.. looks like you're going to have to eventually get a job and earn a living like the rest of us law abiding citizens.. :great:

Oh karma, THERE you are! Where have you been hiding?
You know... the more I think about it... I would actually watch an interview with Casey Anthony if she was locked in a room with Nancy Grace for two hours... LIVE! No commercials! No interruptions! No security! Just Nancy and Casey!

Bring. It. On.

This would be TV at it's very finest. I would totally watch this. Heck, I would pay good money to see this.

But that's the only one I would watch. I just have a hinky feeling that Babwa Wawa will pick up the interview. She loves ratings.
I find it interesting that part of the deal is for the network to pick whoever they wish to do the interview. Can you imagine HLN picking it up and putting Casey Anthony in the same room with Nancy Grace for an hour? :floorlaugh:

Well, now that they are publicly seeking an interview for Casey, does this still mean she gets special treatment from the probation department? She obviously isn't that scared to get up the nerve to publicly be shopping a close to a million dollar interview?

If Nancy Grace interviewed, I'd watch!:floorlaugh:
I find it interesting that part of the deal is for the network to pick whoever they wish to do the interview. Can you imagine HLN picking it up and putting Casey Anthony in the same room with Nancy Grace for an hour? :floorlaugh:

Well, now that they are publicly seeking an interview for Casey, does this still mean she gets special treatment from the probation department? She obviously isn't that scared to get up the nerve to publicly be shopping a close to a million dollar interview?

bbm I'll just add my vote for NG and OCA, with NO ATTORNEY PRESENT. I would not only NOT boycott that, I'd seriously consider paying a nominal fee to see it.

ATTN OFFENDER ANTHONY: if you want to sell out for MONEY you will have to face the facts that you WILL DEGRADE YOURSELF to get it. you will have to interview with nancy grace, with no lawyer to pet you, no lawyer in whose armpit you can hide, no lawyer to spaz out and take attn from your reactions....or you will do *advertiser censored*. that's it.

I dont care what fools were on your jury, you and I know the truth - and so do millions of others: you murdered your 2 year old baby in a particularly sickening and violent way and then you did. not. care. in the aftermath.

because of this, all the world wants to see of you, is if you're suffering somehow. which is no more than you deserve.

eta I lol'd at 750k....that's chump change for someone who owes her sorts of debts. and still no takers.
Wow. She really thinks someone will pay $750,000 for her to wear a disguise and plead the 5th a million times? I got a little sick reading the title to this thread, but I'm glad KARMA is preventing her from being interviewed so far. I can't help but LAUGH MY BUTT OFF at that.

No one is willing to sell their soul for money. I think Hollywood genuinely has a huge case of the creeps when it comes to Casey, and that is rare. She must smell of sulfur like the devil for Hollywood to keep turning her down.

Thank GOD no one is willing to pay that price. I hope no one ever does. Face it, Casey, you may be legally free, but that's the ONLY freedom you will EVER have. Heck, even her parents have disappeared after the Dr. Phil interview. That ought to tell you something, Casey! Keep hiding under that rock with her hat and sunglasses. NOBODY CARES ANYMORE!

Although, I would PAY to see her in a interview with Nancy Grace, no holds barred. I think she would actually have to do something like that for anyone to be willing to pay that pricetag. No one is willing to have her lawyers dictate questions and answers in a soft interview. No freaking WAY.
Wow. She really thinks someone will pay $750,000 for her to wear a disguise and plead the 5th a million times? I got a little sick reading the title to this thread, but I'm glad KARMA is preventing her from being interviewed so far. I can't help but LAUGH MY BUTT OFF at that.

No one is willing to sell their soul for money. I think Hollywood genuinely has a huge case of the creeps when it comes to Casey, and that is rare. She must smell of sulfur like the devil for Hollywood to keep turning her down.

Thank GOD no one is willing to pay that price. I hope no one ever does. Face it, Casey, you may be legally free, but that's the ONLY freedom you will EVER have. Heck, even her parents have disappeared after the Dr. Phil interview. That ought to tell you something, Casey! Keep hiding under that rock with her hat and sunglasses. NOBODY CARES ANYMORE!


sniff sniff

smells like...

If Mr. Sternberg is reading here, I would like for you to take just a moment of your time and think about Caylee Marie Anthony. You do know who that is, right? Well, just to remind you...

Caylee Marie Anthony, 2-years-old, was murdered on June 16th, 2008 in what should have been the safety of her own home and by the one person that was supposed to love and protect her... Casey Marie Anthony.

Caylee Marie Anthony had three pieces of duct tape applied to her tiny face. Three... Long... Pieces. It was applied so tight that for six months it kept her manible in place. Six months in the sweltering Florida heat. Through a Historic Tropical Storm named Faye. Even through scavengers ripping her little body into pieces and scattering what was left of her all over those swamp-like woods filled with trash.

But even before this took place... and right after the duct tape had been applied and Caylee took her last breath... Caylee was triple bagged. Two garbage bags and one canvas laundry bag. She was then tossed into the trunk of Casey Anthony's car... a car she only had access to... and went and slept with her boyfriend... all...night...long and into the next day.

And this is who you want to make $750,000.00?? There is so much more horrifying things we all know that you obviously don't know. Just look at the pictures of little Caylee prior to her death. Look at her eyes. Look at the puffy dark circles. Something was going on.

I have to stop...

I'm right there with you, Lola...right there with you...have to stop myself from crying...*Hugs and love*

The ONLY thing that EVER mattered was CAYLEE, Casey. CAYLEE. You may have killed her body, but her SPIRIT will NEVER leave you alone! She is in ALL of our hearts FOREVER!
What impact might her interview answers have on her civil suit? :innocent:

Who would want to watch her lie on national TV? It's not like she is going to tell "what really happened", or "If I Did It". The woman is not capable of telling the truth. We'd just hear Casey 8.0
I would think the Hispanic community would be appauled to see her on any of their talk/interviewer's type programs. Why would anyone, anyone pay that kind of money to have someone on their program that is just going to tell another lie? She can't help herself. It is part of who she is and she will never tell the truth, maybe a variation of the truth but never the whole truth.

And why isn't this judge in her civil case looking at what is happening with her criminal attorney with him out there trying to get her speaking engagements to tell her story when she is claiming the 5th??? It's no secret and her defense team can't deny it because they've made those claims on national television. jmo
This would be TV at it's very finest. I would totally watch this. Heck, I would pay good money to see this.

But that's the only one I would watch. I just have a hinky feeling that Babwa Wawa will pick up the interview. She loves ratings.

I would pay to watch her with Nancy...cause I am thinking Nancy would go all cage fight on her and bonk her one. Otherwise...nope..won't add to the viewer numbers.
At least we've gone below the million dollar price tag. May it get lower and lower and lower! Actually, just give her the low ball number of $500,000.00 and call it a day! Just pick it up already and get it over with.

As much as I don't want Casey making a single cent off murdering Caylee, I think we can all rest assured that she will not really be getting any of that money herself. You have the IRS who will be waiting in line first. She already owes them a hefty amount and I figured $500,000.00 at 30% and she would owe another $150,000.00. The producer who is pitching the interview will want 15% which comes to $75,000.00. She owes all the money to the State which I found could be as high as $217,000.00.

So we have 68,000.00 in back taxes
$150,000.00 in taxes she would owe for the $500,000.00
$75,000.00 to the producer pitching the interview
$217,000.00 she owes the State and Sheriff's Department

After just these four... she would already be in the red by $10,000.00 and we have no idea what will happen with the civil trials or even what she has promised her lawyers for their services.

I'd say she's screwed any which way!

She better agree to the first offer or she is going to find the price tag dropping lower and lower.

So what is the impetus for KC to do this interview. The only thing I can see is that possibly the IRS does not immediately. take the money out and she would hold on to that. It is nice to see the amount is going down. But we really don't know how true this is.
You know Geraldo must be chomping at the bit to get that interview.

I do have to say though - I would watch it.

I'd also watch a reality show that hopefully has been following her since her release.

Then I'd feel disgustingly guilty about the whole thing....just like I feel sick for watching the trial in the first place and being entertained by this type of forum for 3 years now and rushing out to get Ashton's book before the ink was dry. I'd watch and I'm sure a lot of others secretly would too.
I think a lot of networks are realizing that an interview with Casey just isn't worth it. I can see a lot of companies refusing to advertise during it, and there would be a lot of controversy over it, especially if it came out that every other network had turned her down. I'm sure it would bring in good ratings, but maybe they think the beating they would take in the press and by the public for it wouldn't be worth it.

It could also cause a network and product boycott. I think they would be foolish to try it, she is old news.I know I'd watch the opening minutes just to find a sponsor and then let them know. She deserves nothing. If i said what I think she is I'd be banned. :seeya:
You know Geraldo must be chomping at the bit to get that interview.

I do have to say though - I would watch it.

I'd also watch a reality show that hopefully has been following her since her release.

Then I'd feel disgustingly guilty about the whole thing....just like I feel sick for watching the trial in the first place and being entertained by this type of forum for 3 years now and rushing out to get Ashton's book before the ink was dry. I'd watch and I'm sure a lot of others secretly would too.

Hi GiantPickle, I wouldnt watch!!! I feel buying Ashtons book was the only way of getting anything near the truth on this case. I think by watching the trial we all learned a lot about how some people function, learned a lot about the law also.Please dont feel guilty you are a nice person who formed a love for a little girl.:seeya:
I would pay to watch her with Nancy...cause I am thinking Nancy would go all cage fight on her and bonk her one. Otherwise...nope..won't add to the viewer numbers.

Oh I would pay to see that. I'd DVR it and watch it over and over. Watching nancy interrupt her with the "woah woah woah's" and CFCMA sitting there red face and fisty -- it would be priceless.

Come on HLN :)

You know Geraldo must be chomping at the bit to get that interview.

I do have to say though - I would watch it.

I'd also watch a reality show that hopefully has been following her since her release.

Then I'd feel disgustingly guilty about the whole thing....just like I feel sick for watching the trial in the first place and being entertained by this type of forum for 3 years now and rushing out to get Ashton's book before the ink was dry. I'd watch and I'm sure a lot of others secretly would too.

Oh people will watch. But not me. I still won't buy gas at BP even when it's the cheapest in town.
"Los Angeles-based Scott Sternberg Productions is behind the proposed interview show, which multiple networks have passed on pursuing.
A Los Angeles-based TV producer is shopping the first interview with Casey Anthony, who was acquitted in July of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony."

"...Further complicating matters is that while the interview would likely be a ratings hit, it is not likely to be a moneymaker since it would be difficult to get advertisers to support a program that featured Anthony."

Down to $750,000...:floorlaugh:...she's in decline..

She is NOT newsworthy ..other news stories have taken her place, she has been replaced, push aside, practically forgotten (until a new laughable National Enquirer story pops up) and she does not command $$ for an interview.
Even asking $500,000 is :floorlaugh:

I would pay to watch her with Nancy...cause I am thinking Nancy would go all cage fight on her and bonk her one. Otherwise...nope..won't add to the viewer numbers.

Not only WON'T I add to the numbers, I honestly don't think I CAN. I get physically ill whenever I even see JB's face on TV. I couldn't watch any of the Robyn (Aruba) stuff because his face was plastered all over the screen and the sound of his voice just sets me off.

I can only imagine that I would hurl something into my TV with Miss <modsnip> on it. If an interview happens, I will find out everything I need to know right here. :blowkiss:
Casey Anthony? *yawn* Her "news worthiness" has expired. I'm so over the self entitled, overly indulged, spiteful revenge baby killing young women that the news is perpetually filled with these days. She's old news, boring and pathetic in her attempts to persist in telling her "story."

The ONLY thing I'd be interested in watching...a live tubal ligation. Sponsored in part by, Henkle Brand Tape and Hefty Trash Bags. I think they'd pony up some funds for that production! :furious:
You know Geraldo must be chomping at the bit to get that interview.

I do have to say though - I would watch it.

I'd also watch a reality show that hopefully has been following her since her release.

Then I'd feel disgustingly guilty about the whole thing....just like I feel sick for watching the trial in the first place and being entertained by this type of forum for 3 years now and rushing out to get Ashton's book before the ink was dry. I'd watch and I'm sure a lot of others secretly would too.

I'd watch. I'd like to see her finally speak, I'd love to finally be able to watch her game.. not her mothers or her fathers or her lawyers but hers. I don't want her to get paid but I want to see and hear her.

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