Children taunt bus monitor and make her cry

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...No charges have been filed against the boys in part because, "at this point, (Klein) has decided that she does not want to press criminal charges," Greece Police Capt. Steve Chatterton said Thursday. He stressed that the investigation is continuing and that the bus monitor could change her mind.

He explained that a juvenile must face a felony or misdemeanor to be charged in family court, while harassment only qualifies as a violation....
Thanks Steely.
She is a great kid and has accomplished a lot already in her young life.
But I'm most proud of her heart.

She's not perfect, but I have NO DOUBT that she would NEVER be cruel to anybody. And she would go against the majority for something she feels is right.

These bus kids make me want to pull their hair out. I don't like having those feelings, but what PUNKS they are!!!
Thanks Steely.
She is a great kid and has accomplished a lot already in her young life.
But I'm most proud of her heart.

She's not perfect, but I have NO DOUBT that she would NEVER be cruel to anybody. And she would go against the majority for something she feels is right.

These bus kids make me want to pull their hair out. I don't like having those feelings, but what PUNKS they are!!!


Nobody is, but she's on the right track.
These are responses about the incident from others. There is some foul language in some of them.

[ame=""]RE: Making The Bus Monitor Cry - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Re: Making The Bus Monitor Cry - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Response to "Making The Bus Monitor Cry" - YouTube[/ame]
Oh really? professional help? Give me a break. See? Here's the coddling and justification. This child needs serious punishment. The father says counseling as if his child has a mental disorder, thus, it's really not his fault. Nonsense! Do your job as a parent! A little grounding is not enough!
The child should apologize, publicly. The child should be sent to juvenile hall. After a stint there, back home, no bus rides anymore, no cell phone, socializing, computer, internet, video games, t.v., NOTHING! And not just for a couple of months, but for the whole school year. And why is dad apologizing for his creepy son? Those boys should each apologize abjectly for what they have done and beg forgiveness.

This is about a desperate race, against all odds, to try, at the last possible moment, change this kid's character. "Counseling"? Give me a break!!!

All these kids should have every material thing they love taken from them and be forced to volunteer with the homeless, disadvantaged, etc., in lieu of socializing, for at least a year. They need to experience, to some degree, what it feels like to have nothing. They need to understand the seriousness of what they have done. I'm sorry, I think jail is what's right for them. I don't want to hear any justifications or excuses. They are not mentally ill, they are evil.

All that coddling fuels evil. It serves as an enabler. I have seen that pattern before with many others.
[ame=""]Making the bus monitor cry @OGShuffz - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Re: Making the Bus Monitor Cry. Unacceptable. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]RE: Making the Bus Monitor Cry - YouTube[/ame]
In the long run I think this is positive. While abhor the video itself, I couldn't watch the whole thing. I think the outrage and disgust about the video may reach some other bullies who'll see how widely spread the outrage is and how repulsive people think bullies are. JMO
There is a part of me that wants this video to be viewed by even more people, to the point where the faces of those nasty little minions are easily recognizable by any average Joe.

So that in 2-3 years, they walk into a Starbucks and get a loogey frappucino.

I know it's wrong, but a girl can dream.
I guess I am a little gobsmacked by the belief that she should not be in that job if she couldnt take some kind of abuse/confrontation/disrespect.

How about the kids shouldnt behave that way? It is no different than my friend who was sitting on a bench and was surrounded by a bunch of threatening teenagers. Because they thought they could get away with it.

The victim did nothing wrong. She is not to blame and I am not sure I would quarterback her response. She cried because they were beastly and she is human. I bet she is in that job because she loves children. The children had the pack mentality. Which means whatever bullying program they have at that school is not working. Not by a long shot. And their parents are failures. Now that I will agree with.

The school's responsibility imo is having the logical appropriate response when an employee is attacked and the attackers are students. I guarantee you that the parents of these kids will overwhelmingly protest that their darling was not the ring leader and cant be blamed for peer pressure yada yada yada.

The school will hopefully pay to have these children home schooled for a year rather than subjecting any other school employee to this kind of treatment. Let these parents spend some quality time with their offspring. Then they will get it.

I agree that times need to change so someone like this woman can be a bus monitor. I find it repulsive that she was reduced to tears by the likes of these kids. But, those times are not here and I'm equally appalled that those kids are not sitting in jail right now.
There is a part of me that wants this video to be viewed by even more people, to the point where the faces of those nasty little minions are easily recognizable by any average Joe.

So that in 2-3 years, they walk into a Starbucks and get a loogey frappucino. I know it's wrong, but a girl can dream.

bbm: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I love it.
hmshood said:
I read research article that 60% of bullies have a felony by age of 24. The younger they start bullying, the more risk for crime. No surprise right there.

This is going to be slightly off topic, but the state I live in has free public records. What I am doing right now, I'm looking up the names of the few people I was bullied by in middle/high school. 3 people in 10th grade, and 5 (that I can remember) in 8th.

None of them have felonies.
There is a part of me that wants this video to be viewed by even more people, to the point where the faces of those nasty little minions are easily recognizable by any average Joe.

So that in 2-3 years, they walk into a Starbucks and get a loogey frappucino.

I know it's wrong, but a girl can dream.

This posting of the video on Youtube has 2,222,743 views so far.

[ame=""]Making The Bus Monitor Cry - YouTube[/ame]
BTW, guys:
Raised of $5,000 Goal
29 days left


This does my heart good!!!! Every last dollar, IMO, is a protest against these bullies, against incivility and indecency everywhere!! I hope she gets a million! I really do! It would send a powerful message about what we, as a society, are NOT going to tolerate, anymore.

Now it is up to:
Raised of $5,000 Goal
29 days left

First, I am heartbroken and literally sick to my stomach over this. When I found out that this happened in my own city it really, really depressed me. I'd like to think better of those in my city. This is beyond the pale.

As I understand it, it wasn't brought to light, like you said, until it was posted on Facebook.


Two things. First, I totally agree that this shouldn't be a woman or man thing. However, the Buffalo Bills had an offensive lineman called "House" Ballard. He was called "House" because he was as big as a house. He's a cop now somewhere in the Midwest. If it had been him sitting there I'm sure these kids would have been on their best behavior. JMO

Second, if you broke the kids finger, which I think you should be able to do because he's putting his hands on you first, would probably get you fired. Without the video to back you up you'd probably get the scorn of the nation too.

You've got a great kid there. :rocker:

I wish I knew these parents so I could see if this was them or the birth defect of pyshopathic tendencies.

I would love to see cameras on all buses, but they usually don't include sound.


Some of it could be parenting, and some of it could be fear of being bullied themselves. I'm not totally keeping the parents out of this, but sometimes they don't even know their kids can do stuff like this. I have a friend from childhood who was never a bully, but he was dishonest and his parents had no idea how dishonest he was.


I like that idea.

Yep. I'm against violence towards kids, but if I had a kid that beat the crap out of one these kids while they were doing this, I'd give him a light punishment. JMO

I actually applaud that parent for coming forward. I think they are doing the best they can given the circumstance. JMO

I hope it meets at least a half million. Wolf Blitzer had a piece on this. It included videos of kids the same age saying how disgusted they were by these bullies.

What channel/program was the Wolf Blitzer piece on?

This is going to be slightly off topic, but the state I live in has free public records. What I am doing right now, I'm looking up the names of the few people I was bullied by in middle/high school. 3 people in 10th grade, and 5 (that I can remember) in 8th.

None of them have felonies.

Oh, but they could have moved out of state!

This posting of the video on Youtube has 2,222,743 views so far.

Making The Bus Monitor Cry - YouTube

I couldn't even watch the thing at all. Not a minute. Just reading what was done to her had me sobbing and I am not a crier.

And,the defeated, abject expression on her face in the screen cap. I can't take it. Really, I can't.

Poor lady, just trying to make her way through the world and earn a living. She already lost a child to suicide. It's just horrible and I can't get over it. The donations to her certainly help me feel a bit better, though. But I cannot comprehend how this could have happened to begin with.

What were those psychopaths thinking while they were doing this? Did any of them feel a twinge or did they enjoy it? I have never enjoyed being mean. I have never been cruel in my life. I just don't understand.
It was on Wolf Blitzer's afternoon show. I looked for it on CNN's website, but couldn't find it. I don't think it's done by Blitzer, it just was played on his show and talked about.
I can't help but laugh thinking about what would have happened if some juvenile delinquents had tried this with my Cherokee grandmother. Meanest woman I have ever known. They would have had to sit in a cold bath for months.....:floorlaugh: She was the medicine woman of the tribe. I've seen her do some really scarey stuff. My mother said that she was a witch. She lived and worked on a huge dairy farm. I found a nest of baby rats (still pink and hairless). I was so thrilled and ran with them to show my mother and grandmother what I had found. I've always been an animal lover. My grandmother asked to see them and I handed my box over to her. She reached in and calmly pinched each little rat's head off and then handed the box back to me. Needless to say I was traumatized for life. She shot her second husband and my mother always suspected that her father was poisoned by her as well. Too bad she is gone now, she would have made the perfect bus monitor on this bus. :floorlaugh:
LOL, many of you already know how I feel about bad behavior coming from undisciplined brats. I haven't been shy about sharing my opinions and suggestions regarding such uncivilized devils. Since first reading about what this woman endured and then viewing almost all of the video (couldn't make it to the end), I've had to get away from my computer, take my dog for a walk, cut and eat some sweet, juicy watermelon, drink a glass of lemonade, fold laundry and was still so piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid off that I figured that if I come on line and "express" myself, I would be banned for life.

Too bad this lady wasn't a Madea type personality or these punks would have gotten their due.

Say what you want, these uncivilized punks need a switching. They should not be able to sit down for a week without a lot of discomfort.

I will bet you that this gang have most likley been high fiving everytime they viewed the number of people who saw there handiwork on the video. I really don't think that they give a fig about their actions, they are most likely proud of themselves.

Why isn't this a "hate crime"? Talking about cutting her with a knife and that it would cut her like cutting through butter? Sexual harrassment and touching her like that? Threatening her and her home? They would not have done this if she had been young and strong, now would they? But, since she was an older woman and they most likely knew about her passiveness. She was picked to be the target based upon her age and maybe even her gender. I say it is a "hate crime".

Why is the school not having them charged with making threats of physically hurting this woman? Why are they having to consider what to do with them? At a minimum they should never ride another bus, period. They should never, ever be allowed to sit in a normal classroom with other students. Let them sit with those of their own kind, I don't care if it is at a pig trough, that is where they belong. Why didn't the father make his offspring do his own apologizing? Where are the other parents? I'm sure it will not take long for these parents to be on TV all indignate about their children being treated so unfairly. It'll happen, soon.

What I don't understand is why she won't press charges. Have they said? She's not doing these kids any favors if she doesn't.
Now it is up to:

And,the defeated, abject expression on her face in the screen cap. I can't take it. Really, I can't.


snipped by me...

Hi Gitana, I have lots of trouble too.. she reminds me of my Mom, and it just hurts.

This situation has just become so big, and Mrs Klein must be on some wild rollercoaster of emotions.

She's made of good stuff, and I'm not suprised that she is not interested in pressing charges.
I think that if I were her, I would insist that one by one each child and parent(s) sit down and explain the behavior. Explain to her why and how. I would hold the possibility of charges over their heads until it was done. They should have to face her. Really face her without the other bullies having their backs. In front of their parents.
Has it been stated if it was all boys or girls? I only ask bc I can clearly hear girls' voices on the video (well, in the 2:23 minutes I was able to stomach) and so far I have only read about the male bullies.

Eta: I just want to make sure there aren't any sneaky, little mean girls getting away with participating by deflecting all the responsibility onto the boys...

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