Leonard Padilla: Should he Bail out Elizabeth Johnson?

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Leonard Padilla: Should He Bail Out Elizabeth Johnson?

  • Yes! It's a great idea for LP to put up the bail $$$

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes! LP should put up the bail $$$ but only under strict & specific terms

    Votes: 18 21.4%
  • No! Leonard should not put up bail under any circumstances

    Votes: 56 66.7%
  • Maybe... I'm just not sure if this is a good idea or a bad one

    Votes: 10 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Aug 17, 2008
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Gabriel Johnson's family has been in touch with Leonard Padilla. (See Gabe's facebook Bring Gabriel Home under comments made 10 hours ago from the time of this post by family member Kelli: http://en-gb.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&ref=share&gid=251236072296)

I know many of you are familiar with Leonard and his involvement in other cases :eek:

Now, we don't know what Gabe's family is discussing with Leonard, but if it happens to be whether LP should offer to bail out Elizabeth, what do you think of that? :doh:

Vote yay or nay on a bail offer in the poll, and then jump in the thread and give your thoughts on the benefits or disadvantages of LP's involvement in this case, whatever that involvement may come to be.

I expect this may be a lively thread :woohoo:

Please keep in mind that Gabe's family reads here, and that this is a very hard time for them, as they search for their much-loved baby boy.

Thanks for participating!
No! I don't think LP should bail out Elizabeth. I guess because I firmly believe that if EJ was going to spill anything useful, Gabriel would be home with Logan now, or his body would have already been found.

My hopes are that if the family are asking for LP's involvement, it is in a way that will benefit Gabriel, such as donating to the reward to bring him home, or information leading to him. Surely the family has seen how LP offers to throw his money away on people such as Misty and Casey...maybe this could give him a chance to put his money where his mouth is and honestly help bring a child home where at least the family is desperately out there searching...
Absolutely not- no, no, no!

I like Padilla as a person well enough- but, he needs to stay out of the way and let law enforcement do their job.

Bailing Elizabeth out would produce the exact same results as bailing Casey Anthony out- meaning no results at all.

Can't Padilla find other ways to get the publicity he seems to crave? Like, write a book, or something? (Hey, Leonard- write a book! I'll buy it).

Let Elizabeth spend the rest of her life in prison for what she has done to Gabriel and Logan. She's right where she belongs!
I'll tell you what- if I thought there was even the slightest chance that Elizabeth would tell the truth about what she did to/with Gabriel, and where he can be found now, I might have given a different answer.

But, she would have to give up that information first, and Gabriel would have to be located first, and that is just not going to happen.
I voted no but the only possibility I can see is if EJ gives up the location of Gabriel before she is released. Kind of like the offer he says he has for Misty. No baby, no bail. She claims she is not helping find him now because she will have to spend 20 years in jail even if he does come home but if she could help find him maybe they would go easier on her during the sentencing. I really don't care if she is in jail or not as long as Gabriel comes home.
I voted no but the only possibility I can see is if EJ gives up the location of Gabriel before she is released. Kind of like the offer he says he has for Misty. No baby, no bail. She claims she is not helping find him now because she will have to spend 20 years in jail even if he does come home but if she could help find him maybe they would go easier on her during the sentencing. I really don't care if she is in jail or not as long as Gabriel comes home.

No baby, no bail. I love that.

What if she harmed Gabe. Should LP bail her out if she gives up the location of Gabe's body?
No baby, no bail. I love that.

What if she harmed Gabe. Should LP bail her out if she gives up the location of Gabe's body?

I don't know what good it would do. Wouldn't she just be arrested for murder as soon as the body was found? No incentive to confess to that. If she did do the unthinkable I don't see any way she would do that. She is better off taking her chances on the kidnapping charges.
What if she gave up information that led LE directly to a live, well, healthy, and physically unharmed and unexploited Gabe? Should LP then put bail $$$ for her?

What if she gave up info that led LE directly to a poorly taken care of, or hurt (but alive), or exploited Gabe? Should LP then put the bail $$$ up?
I don't know what good it would do. Wouldn't she just be arrested for murder as soon as the body was found? No incentive to confess to that. If she did do the unthinkable I don't see any way she would do that. She is better off taking her chances on the kidnapping charges.

Well now that I think about it, they'd just charge her with homicide and not let her out bail or no bail on the current charges.

Never mind. I need coffee. I'd also like a donut.
EJ has already stated that she is looking at 20 years, no matter what. She strikes me as being very self-serving and if it doesn't benefit EJ to talk, she will keep her mouth shut - which is what she's done so far. If she were freed on bail, I still don't see her as willing to say or do anything that could tack more time onto her sentence.

If I am wrong about her motives being self-serving (if she truly believes she did the best she could for Gabe by giving him away), then she would still not be willing to give up the information. In my eyes and MOO, though, she is looking out for herself and herself only. Either way, I don't think she will talk.

Please pass the donuts.
flat out no baby no bail. him bailing casey anthony out accpmplished absolutely nothing. it will accomplish nothing here. I am pretty sure that a grand jury would be happy to bring forth a murder change and if the baby is alive, that will be the only thing to get her to talk IMO.

I dont know about yall but I am pretty sure that if my 3 yo went missing and I texted my husband to say I had killed him - I'd be all up on a murder charge.

like the rest of you, I want this baby brought home to his dad but momma aint talking til she's really worried.
LP should go back to his normal business and leave all these high profile cases alone.
IMO he does more harm than good.

He does this for the spotlight.
First, even though Leonard has been involved with bailing women out of jail, he is not a bail bondsman - he's a bounty hunter. I think he said Rob Dick is his nephew - and Rob is the bail bondsman. So, it's possible that Gabe's family COULD be talking to Leonard from the bounty hunter standpoint.

Second, I think EJ has told the truth - to an extent. I honestly don't think that she knows who took him or where he is - I think she may have been told one thing, and then something else happened, since I STILL firmly believe that TS orchestrated this whole thing.

IF EJ is bailed out, I think it should be on terms of getting her to explain why she went to the salon, the laundromat, etc. :twocents:
Bounty hunter out after whoever's holding Gabe. That's an interesting thought.

What else could LP be offering to do in this case? He offered to buy the property where Caylee's remains were found. Now he's offering to help Caylee's grandparents on their foreclosure. No home or property in Gabe's case though.
Well, the other thing is that LP and TM of Texas Equisearch are friends. Maybe LP is trying to convince TM to take the case, since I'm sure after TM got burned by CA's family, he's probably a little reluctant to take on a high profile case again. :twocents:
He's a bounty hunter!!! Why doesn't he go hunt down the location of where Gabriel is at instead of bailing EJ out. At this point I don't think EJ knows where he is. I think she could help by telling the truth on what really happened but she probably, by choice, does not know the exact location of where Gabriel is right now. She didn't even want to know where TS lived. Even if she does talk what will her motivation be if she's out of jail? If she talks, she'll go right back to jail. Once she gets out, what are they going to do? Follow her? Trace her calls? She's smarter than that. Don't bail her out! Let her rot!
I don't think it's a good idea. If she killed him, she'll never tell. If she sold or gave him away, I doubt she has any more info. She would only muddy the waters.
If LM and his family have spoke to LP about this, and they feel he can help, then far be it from me to think otherwise......whatever they feel they have to do I'm 100% behind them, whether I agree or disagree....JMO
Bounty hunter out after whoever's holding Gabe. That's an interesting thought.

What else could LP be offering to do in this case? He offered to buy the property where Caylee's remains were found. Now he's offering to help Caylee's grandparents on their foreclosure. No home or property in Gabe's case though.

Well, the other thing is that LP and TM of Texas Equisearch are friends. Maybe LP is trying to convince TM to take the case, since I'm sure after TM got burned by CA's family, he's probably a little reluctant to take on a high profile case again. :twocents:

It would be nice if this is why he is in contact with them. I voted yes with strick rules etc.....only because I hope & pray that Gabe was given away, by EJ to an underground adoption group. The other choice is that he is no longer with us & EJ in NO way will ever reveal this information to LP.

I would also love for TES to come help or give advice to the family & searchers! I know Tim's wife is very ill with cancer, & isn't being active in any searches, he is spending time with his wife for an unknown length of time. He does have a head team handling any new/old cases, searches, & day to day decisions.

Only for these reasons did I vote yes w/stipulations etc.! I'm not 100% convinced on bailing EJ out, but to come help Logan search for Gabe....The more eyes the better to help find him!

If anything LP does bring media attention & I feel that "Our Little Angel Gabriel isn't getting enough coverage. If an underground adoption took place the whole world needs to know little Gabe's face & that he is missing!

:prayer: :rose: Prayers For Gabe & All Of His Loved Ones! :rose: :prayer:

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