ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 4

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these are the new pictures from :sigh: i hope this precious baby is safe

Thanks for posting these. A picture is just a moment in time of course, and we don't know what went on day in and day out. I do see an adorable smiling, happy looking baby with cute clothes, plenty of baby "equipment" and toys. TR herself looks reasonably healthy. As I said, just moments in time, but nothing deplorable in sight in these pics. All MOO.
Thank you so much, Askfornina for all your work in compiling the statements, interviews and news links available. It is very helpful.

Re-reading these statements, I view everything pretty much as I have all along. I don't see evidence of a bunch of "lies" being told all along by TR. The inconsistences seem to arise from what reporters assumed and went with versus what was actually said. According to TR and statements attributed to JD, there was an agreement for JD to care for Ayla while TR was in rehab and recovering. and Health and Human Services was involved. There is nothing to indicate that TR failed to "turn over" the baby to JD anymore than there is anything to indicate that JD failed to pick up the baby at the time agreed upon. Either could be true, but it's only speculation.

In her interviews, TR's emotions seem genuine and centered on her concern for Ayla. JD's statments come across as defensive and detached. As for all the "accusatory" comments by TR and her family members, they don't accuse JD of directly harming Ayla as much as they say he wasn't watching after her properly and became defensive when questioned about the details of her injuries. In light of the disappearance, it's easy to understand how, after the fact, a more sinister interpretation of these injuries might be reached. TR's sister says these accidents were reported to protective services although she doesn't say when. No idea if what she says is true, but it would explain the anger that seems directed at Health and Human Services by TR's family. All MOO.

I agree with the thanks for the excellent timeline.
I disagree with TR and family not accusing JD of directly harming Ayla. Of course they were doing such! All the comments of bruises, sprained legs and couldn't walk for three weeks? They were insinuating child abuse. Reports to CPS? I really wonder what was behind that. If I felt my ex was harming my child he would not be the one to have him/her while I was away at rehab. So if one suspected child stated...then why give child to dad? Makes no sense when she has a mom, a father and a sister in the picture. Just doesn't add up...and ok to give the youngest baby to the mom.
Anything is possible. Both scenarios. However, perhaps the media should ask both Justin and Trista more questions about their friends, acquaintances...if they feel any of them may have come and taken Baby Ayla, etc. As opposed to media interviews that seem to be each talking about the other. That is not going to help to find Ayla. The police may need to give a bit more info to the public too. Regarding findings. Such as no evidence of decomp found in vehicles or the home...this would lead to more public to believe she was in fact abducted and not killed by her dad, or anyone in the home. They also need to be a little more forthcoming with if any polygraphs were taken. Again...this can work in two ways. If he failed, someone who has information may come forward now that they know the police has a failed poly. If someone has some kind of info, but afraid to come forward this could be one way to obtain more solid leads.

above BBM: it's my opinion that the media should stay out EXCEPT with what LE provides to them. No one is obligated to talk to the media -- I highly doubt if I would. Now, I would talk with LE (with legal representation, of course) but to be exposed to the masses by the media & all the carp that it entails, "I don't think so, Bill!" The World is WAY too judgmental & the 'net is full of crazies (IMHO)!

Why should LE provide add'l info? They're not obligated (in all states) to disclose what they have. Gotta trust they know what they're doing (:floorlaugh:) because it will all come down to a Court of Law. I'm torn as to how much info should be made available -- look at FL debacle last summer! Polygraphs mean little to nothing in a Court of Law . . . I'm not sure how much stock LE places in polys when most are trained to read perps' behavior.

just my thoughts . . . praying Ayla is warm, loved & happy right now!
Thanks for posting these. A picture is just a moment in time of course, and we don't know what went on day in and day out. I do see an adorable smiling, happy looking baby with cute clothes, plenty of baby "equipment" and toys. TR herself looks reasonably healthy. As I said, just moments in time, but nothing deplorable in sight in these pics. All MOO.

She is an absolutely beautiful baby and looks just like my granddaughter at that age, who, coincidentally is also from Maine. Same exact eyes and features. Pray they find her safely.
above BBM: it's my opinion that the media should stay out EXCEPT with what LE provides to them. No one is obligated to talk to the media -- I highly doubt if I would. Now, I would talk with LE (with legal represenation, of course) but to be exposed to the masses on the media & all the carp that it entails, "I don't think so, Bill!" The World is WAY too judgmental & the 'net is full of crazies (IMHO)!

Why should LE provide add'l info? They're not obligated (in all states) to disclose what they have. Gotta trust they know what they're doing (:floorlaugh:) because it will all come down to a Court of Law. I'm torn as to how much info should be made available -- look at FL debacle last summer! Polygraphs mean little to nothing in a Court of Law . . . I'm not sure how much stock LE places in polys when most are trained to read perps behavior.

just my thoughts . . . praying Ayla is warm, loved & happy right now!

I absolutely agree with the polygraphs. Unfortunately, I have to not having media interviews with the parents. That is what keeps the child's face out in the public media and attention. Sad, however, people are more in tune to "sensationalism" and also with empathy towards a grieving is human nature to want to reach out and help...the only way that happens is by having the media attention and having families interviewed.

My point in the PD in putting more information out to the public would be to more or less give instructions to the public on HOW to help. They are not doing that in Maine. That needs to be done. They need to tell the public to look for this child. I am in full agreement they do not need to divulge their leads or thoughts...but somewhere in all this they need to actually ask the public straight-forward to look on their properties in the surrounding areas (in case she did escape) to look for anything unusual on their properties, to watch for "new babies" in their neighborhoods, for store clerks to take awareness of regular customers all of a sudden buying diapers or pull ups, to come forward with ANY leads of anyone who may have heard EITHER parent talk about "taking Ayla and leaving the state" ...etc. Just a bit more forward.
Didn't LE say they had uncovered evidence of "foul play"? Which to me would preclude Ayla wandering off and ending up in the river.

ETA but wondering if at least part of the evidence is to do with the window; either signs that it had been used or that it had made to look like it had been used?
I agree with the thanks for the excellent timeline.
I disagree with TR and family not accusing JD of directly harming Ayla. Of course they were doing such! All the comments of bruises, sprained legs and couldn't walk for three weeks? They were insinuating child abuse. Reports to CPS? I really wonder what was behind that. If I felt my ex was harming my child he would not be the one to have him/her while I was away at rehab. So if one suspected child stated...then why give child to dad? Makes no sense when she has a mom, a father and a sister in the picture. Just doesn't add up...and ok to give the youngest baby to the mom.

I definitely agree that they are insinuating child abuse, (just saying they are not saying it outright) and most likely portraying everything in the worst possible light, probably, imo, because they think JD has done "something". There are reasonable explanations for childhood injuries. Claims of abuse are commonly made in custody disputes and are hard to prove when the child is too young to tell what happened. I think JD wanted to assert his parental rights, and TR was in no position to contest the arrangement. I also think she felt that being with JD's mother and sister who had a young baby herself would ensure a measure of safety. Not enough revealed to say I know, just how I think things were. All MOO.
matou -- Thanks for this link ...

snippets from :

"I will publicly invite Nancy Grace to come spend a day with me,” DiPietro said Thursday afternoon during an exclusive interview with the Morning Sentinel. “Nancy Grace, please come see me. Do you want to spend a day with me? Do you want to see what I’m going through? Do you want to see the ins and outs of it? I invite you to.”

Justin DiPietro said his invitation is solely for Nancy Grace, not for her show’s producers.

JMO but what a "smart *$$" ...

:waitasec: But wouldn't that be just great if Nancy were to show up in Waterville Maine ...

Knock Knock :::

Justin opens door ...

Nancy Grace here ... :seeya:

Justin :panic::panic:

Justin runs to hide ... :couch:


MOO ...
Didn't LE say they had uncovered evidence of "foul play"? Which to me would preclude Ayla wandering off and ending up in the river.

ETA but wondering if at least part of the evidence is to do with the window; either signs that it had been used or that it had made to look like it had been used?

Yes. You are right.
matou -- Thanks for this link ...

snippets from :

"I will publicly invite Nancy Grace to come spend a day with me,” DiPietro said Thursday afternoon during an exclusive interview with the Morning Sentinel. “Nancy Grace, please come see me. Do you want to spend a day with me? Do you want to see what I’m going through? Do you want to see the ins and outs of it? I invite you to.”

Justin DiPietro said his invitation is solely for Nancy Grace, not for her show’s producers.

JMO but what a "smart *$$" ...

:waitasec: But wouldn't that be just great if Nancy were to show up in Waterville Maine ...

Knock Knock :::

Justin opens door ...

Nancy Grace here ... :seeya:

Justin :panic::panic:

Justin runs to hide ... :couch:


MOO ...

Do you think Dog.Gone? I think it would be a good idea and I doubt that he would have put it out there if he was not going to take her up on it. I think he is just tired of the accusations and imagine if you were innocent and the public was labeling you as a murderer of a child...your own child?
Regarding the 4 line poem:
The Maine State Police got a warrant to find out who AJ was that posted the four line poem on the new Ayla website that her mom put up. That says to me that they are more than probably focused on an abductor, someone holding out and hiding opposed to a homicide or accidental death investigation. Do you know what I mean? If they felt she was a homicide, or that dad harmed her accidentally...they really wouldn't feel the need to tell the media that they obtained that warrant to find the person who posted that Ayla was "out of the state of Maine."
Do you think Dog.Gone? I think it would be a good idea and I doubt that he would have put it out there if he was not going to take her up on it. I think he is just tired of the accusations and imagine if you were innocent and the public was labeling you as a murderer of a child...your own child?

Yes, I think it would be great for Nancy Grace to show up at Justin's and interview him ...

BUT ... JMO, I think he will run like a "scared rat" ... I took his statement to be somewhat "snarky" ...

I mean Nancy Grace "is what she is" -- and I don't mean that in a bad way --
Nancy is "just Nancy" ...

She can be a real "hard *$$" when she wants to be ...

BUT I will give her credit where credit is due -- she does keep many of the missing person's cases out there !

JMO ... but I think it would be interesting for her to show up -- and give him the "3rd Degree" ...

MOO ...
Why didn't Tarah's family take her in with the babies?

That's a question that goes round and round in my head.

Someone said something along the lines of maybe her family has addiction issues and she shouldn't be there if she's trying to get clean -- so then that leads to the 'how dysfunctional is her family" question --- which then leads me to wonder if that IS the case -- does that make it more probable that someone from mom's side of the family took the child? Folks with addictions don't tend to think things through very well - but are also very good at manipulating, lying, making VERY poor choices.....

Just makes me wonder about a lot of different scenarios.....

EDITED TO ADD: I think I believe that the family didn't take her in BECAUSE of her ADDICTION problems (You have to be clean to live in our home) -- but am open minded to consider other possibilities.

Dec.19th 2011 quoted from article:

The toddler had lived in Portland with her mother and grandmother until mid-October, said Becca Hanson, Ayla’s grandmother. The grandparents, who are not married and have separate addresses, said Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services had removed Ayla from her mother’s care in October. The maternal grandparents criticized the agency, although no details about the action were available Sunday.

Hanson was staying with Ayla’s mother, Trista Reynolds, in a South Portland motel Sunday as the search continued in Waterville.
Heck yeah!! Go get him NG!! I think that is an excellent idea.
Given the history of numerous searches that did not located human remains, I am starting to really lean towards Ayla walking out of the home on her own and to the lake or water area. They need to do another search. Too many times searches are done and bodies show up later. I was not aware of the thump I wonder if Ayla did walk out on her own and knock a rubbish barrel over or something that caused the dog to bark? Did any neighbors report something knocked over? I think the police need to look into that and I am 100% in favor of them doing ANOTHER search of that pond. If she walked into it and has passed away her parents, BOTH, need to know so all the finger pointing and hypothesis (of which even I am guilty of; as we all are due to the high emotions of wanting this child found and looking into every possible scenario.) can stop and this beautiful child can have a proper burial. This is the pond search and I have to tell you, they need to do it again. Was this pond drained completely? Seems if a canoe , it was not. If not, they need to go back.

QUOTE: Police concluded that Ayla, who recently started walking, did not leave the house on her own.
Regarding the 4 line poem:
The Maine State Police got a warrant to find out who AJ was that posted the four line poem on the new Ayla website that her mom put up. That says to me that they are more than probably focused on an abductor, someone holding out and hiding opposed to a homicide or accidental death investigation. Do you know what I mean? If they felt she was a homicide, or that dad harmed her accidentally...they really wouldn't feel the need to tell the media that they obtained that warrant to find the person who posted that Ayla was "out of the state of Maine."

I take it to mean that LE followed up, as they should, on something that was reported to them or caught their eye. Regardless of their working theory, if any, they would want to talk to anyone who seemed to know either parent in any way, especially someone posting provacative poems.
I take it to mean that LE followed up, as they should, on something that was reported to them or caught their eye. Regardless of their working theory, if any, they would want to talk to anyone who seemed to know either parent in any way, especially someone posting provacative poems.

True. But there must be hundreds if not thousands of leads we aren't hearing about. And yet...we are hearing about this one.
True. But there must be hundreds if not thousands of leads we aren't hearing about. And yet...we are hearing about this one.

Well you have to admit it is unique, a poem. Maybe someone pointed it out to the media, or a media person noticed it? And the media would have found out anyway when a subpeona came for the indentity of the person, probably. Anyway, we always hear about a tip or two in detail, in these cases, and nothing about the other hundreds or thousands.
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