LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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I don't think he got rid of her body before the bike, did the police say his gps is what let them know he was in the whiskey bay area? If he did get rid of her prior to the bike the police would have gone to search that place?? I hope you all understand what i'm saying. If they have gps information then they would have used it as a tool to search the places the gps showed. I'm still trying to figure out if gps shows all your stops are just that you were in a certain area?

:wave: Good morning everyone.
Not much time to post, but stay pretty much caught up reading here.
Many posters have some great theories and ideas!
Really impressive, :)

Venus, was it LE that stated his GPS put him at WB?
Or just 'us' wondering if it was what pinpointed his whereabouts?

I dreamed last night he was franticly searching for some trash that may have had his name on it kicked out at WB...
Wonder what it was exactly pointed to him being there??
I was trying to fall asleep last night when I had a thought that made me sit up in bed (but I was too pooped to drag myself to the computer to post it). It may not mean anything at all but for some reason it got my heart pounding:

What if Mickey blasted BSL with her pepper spray/mace? Maybe she sprayed him and incapacitated him (for a little while)...maybe this was her chance to defend herself with a sharp object, but his rage was such that the spray affected him for only a very short time. He would have had to let the effects of that wear off before being seen in public, especially if doing a song and dance routine about being stabbed at a gas station.
"Is the effect of pepper spray immediate, and how long will the effect last?
Normally the effects of pepper spray are almost immediate can last anywhere from 15 minutes to about 45 minutes depending on concentration, which will give you plenty of time to escape an attacker and call the police. It is often advised for a civilian to carry a pepper spray fogger model so that aiming into the eyes is not of importance. With the fogger model, you can simply point and shoot. The chemical will reach the eyes easily, at which point the attacker's eyes will slam shut, giving you time to get away.

UV Dye, a harmless additive used to assist authorities in catching the attacker, will generally wear off in about a week."

Perhaps the interior of the DWT is covered in pepper spray dye...same thing goes for parts of the house.

***edit: Just read over the last few pages of posts to catch up---I see that a few of my fellow WS's have the same idea about the mace/pepper spray...WOW!

Here I go wanting to relate everything back to that burglary with the yukon and it's stolen air vents lol. I'm not going to bring i up again from here on out.
Ok, I'm going to try this again, last time I tried to post last night, I had some sort of connection issue, lost my post, and my links, I've attempted to rebuild most off the data.

1) MEDIA STATUS EARLIER TODAY: The media is running (per Lafayette, LA Mickey Shunick search and I think police chief) and I reached a story w/headline (a few hours earlier) stating, no grave found. I could not refind the specific link.

2) JEFF PARISH DEPUTY INCIDENT RPT LINKS BSL TO STAB. WOUND, I was watching Fox News 8 (New Orleans, LA) on 7/13/12 at 9:32pm, they stated that Deputy would probably be called to testify in front of a Grand Jury regarding his report that was taken at a Jefferson Parish, LA Oschner hospital where BLS received treatment for a stab wound. Apparently, this stab wound treatment at Oschner Hospital was only hours after Mickey S. went missing. (It takes at least 3-4 hrs just to get from Lafayette, LA to Oscher Hospital in Jeff Parish, it is actually Metairie located off Airline Hwy). BLS claimed at time that the stab wound was a result of driving to friend's house, his GPS wasn't working, and when he stopped to get gas he was attacked by unknown male suspect who took his wallet, and after that he drove until he found hospital. Mickey Shunick was known to carry both pepper spray AND A KNIFE!

3) SUSPECT BLS TIMELINE - 9 days after M.S. went missing BLS updating in-person, his Sexual Registry info w/Landrey Parish, 3 days later, he reported his truck stolen with Montgomery County, Texas, and allegedly burned the vehicle in San Jacinto, Texas, was previously convicted of aggravated oral sexual battery in 2000, and was released from prison in 2008.

*** IMHO ***

First, this guy BLS is cagey! If he did all he is believed to have done, then He knew to go into various police jurisdictions, even various different States LA & TX (in hopes to fall through the investigative or clerical red tape cracks to avoid detection). He would have committed the crime in Lafayette, LA then driven 3-4 hours away to Jefferson Parish/Metairie, LA to seek treatment for stab wound (interviewed in-person by a deputy--who believed him evasive). 9 days after all that he would have sat in-person in front of a clerk/rep of Landrey Parish's Sexual Offender Registry to update his personal info, then 3 days later he has driven to both San Jacinto, TX (to burn his vehicle) and then to Montgomery, TX (to report his vehicle as stolen).

That all takes A LOT of careful thought/planning, the ability to successfully play a role while in front of people (who are questioning you), and enough knowledge of Investigative procedure to cross LE lines of jurisdictions (Multiple Times and pretty far away)! Because of these traits and his supposed actions, along with being a previously convicted sexual predator (convicted in 2000 of aggravated sexual oral battery, released in 2008), it makes me wonder what he was doing between his 2008 release and 2014, and what was his M.O. For his previous assault conviction, this guy IMHO is on the way to being if not already a serial raist and murderer. If he attacked Mickey, which I believe is true, and she in the struggle she stabbed him, and he obviously survived to get to a hospital, then unfortunately, and believe it or not, it breaks my heart to think/express this, but the upside is Mickey's family said they will hold out hope until she or a body is found, so more power to them, I hope I'm wrong. As I do not hold out much hope for Mickey's well being, as this guy strikes me (purely by his past and alleged actions) as being someone that would definitely get violent (but I do not believe out of control, because he's very methodical and easily compartmentalizes, that's how he handles in-person face-to-face lies easily) during such an assault if he lost control of the person or got angry, and also with his supposed actions the days following, those actions strike me as a distinct effort to cover-up a crime.

IMHO ONLY, I also think LE definitely has enough for a conviction on their charges of kidnapping and 1st Degree Murder, even heaven forbid, if LE never finds Mickey's body. Although they will probably attempt to take the death penalty off the list in trade for her location. Remember, this guy, if he has done what was alleged, drove hours and days between/within TX & LA prior to being picked up by LE, so that's a huge area to cover for searching. Though personally, I think if deceased her body is close to Lafayette, LA. I don't believe if he did not move her from his initial assault spot, that he would have gone back to move her later, I think he had a pre-planned assault location, and he was smart enough not to drive around for hours with her body. It's terrible I know, but I hope some really awful things happen to this guy if he did it.



- See Source 2
- and media link I lost
- and my own pieced together timeline of events

4) 07/14/12 - 4:40 am (1hour ago) -|head

Two hours Lafayette to New Orleans. I live in both cities.
Does anyone know if the supposed shallow graves were found anywhere near where the buzzards were seen? And also could someone remind me what kind of truck he bought to replace the "stolen" one.

That is a "fact" that keeps changing.

LE says it was just like his old one... yet I keep seeing "silver truck" popping up.

Either white or silver, but I can't tell, due to the level of rumors here.
2) JEFF PARISH DEPUTY INCIDENT RPT LINKS BSL TO STAB. WOUND, I was watching Fox News 8 (New Orleans, LA) on 7/13/12 at 9:32pm, they stated that Deputy would probably be called to testify in front of a Grand Jury regarding his report that was taken at a Jefferson Parish, LA Oschner hospital where BLS received treatment for a stab wound. Apparently, this stab wound treatment at Oschner Hospital was only hours after Mickey S. went missing. (It takes at least 3-4 hrs just to get from Lafayette, LA to Oscher Hospital in Jeff Parish, it is actually Metairie located off Airline Hwy). BLS claimed at time that the stab wound was a result of driving to friend's house, his GPS wasn't working, and when he stopped to get gas he was attacked by unknown male suspect who took his wallet, and after that he drove until he found hospital. Mickey Shunick was known to carry both pepper spray AND A KNIFE!
Just wanted to correct something here because the timeline is important. On average, it takes about 2-1/2 hours to drive from downtown Lafayette to Ochsner via I-10, a little less when traffic is light. Also, Ochsner is located at 1516 Jefferson Hwy in Jefferson, LA. It's not in Metairie, and not off of Airline Hwy.
I need to find which issue it was, but I. The Houston Chronicle, an interview was done with a lady named Jane E. from Special K9s...she verified that there was blood at WB that went into the water to across the bayou and down the bayou, east. Does that make sense to anyone?

Catching up. That makes sense to me.
I believe it's been reported here that commenters on the findMickey page (I think) have made reference to her carrying a box-cutter.

IMO, a boxcutter could explain the fact that he has multiple wounds, and yet none of them grievous. Had the blade used by his attacker been bigger, and the attacker had that many swipes at him, he would have been in worse shape. As well, I find it less likely that a stranger at a gas station would attack a big man, who for all he knew could have been carrying a gun, with a small blade.

The number of the wounds also tells me something. Why would BSL let an attacker have that many swipes at him, if the attack happened in an open area like a gas station? He could have run, played "Chinese fire drill" around his truck, etc., to avoid being cut that many times.

Seems likely to me that he received the wounds in an enclosed area or situation in which he couldn't immediately put distance between himself and an attacker.

Two situations stand out to me... either he is off his feet - lying down on his attacker, or driving a vehicle at speed.
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Well, IMO they likely had the OnStar info from the truck. Three weeks before they arrested him, they were checking on the truck. They would have likely asked OnStar for the GPS info at some point... but possibly wouldn't have done so until he alerted them with the altered license at the dealership. I have no idea whether LE would routinely ask OnStar for GPS info on a burned truck reported stolen. My hunch is that that takes a certain amount of manpower - going before a judge for a warrant, etc., and is not routinely done, just like every crime is not prosecuted.

Even if at that point (June 14) they did then subpoena his phone locations, we have to assume there's a good possibility that he switched his phone off to avoid being tracked, and so they couldn't place him personally at Whiskey Bay.

Just conjecture, but I suspect we will see that OnStar cooperated with LE at some point after June 14.

DUE to the awareness raised in the Mickey Schunick abduction in NOLO. Was a connection made by LE in the suspicious behavior after the nonmugging on 05/19/2012 alleged by BSL? Was a gps tracking device attached by LE to the DWT at his RSO quarterly interview on 05/28/2012?
BSL did not show a lot of skill in this crime at all. Here is the short list from the little we know...

1. He was caught by a government building camera following MS very closely! What versed perp does not think of surveillance cameras?
2. He preyed on someone close to his own home, where people may recognize him and his truck.
3. He (apparently) used his truck to stop the bike which leaves a permanent fingerprint on the belonging of a victim! (Certainly, there were other options. He was just lucky IMO that it was not caught on tape.).
4. A young girl of small frame (apparently) injured him enough to need hospital attention. (Yes, he was alert enough (after 8 years in prison) to go somewhere other than a hospital close to home, but to go to a hospital at all might not have been so smart IMO especially for non life threatening cuts)
5. (RUMOR) he possibly took MS to a place full of poison ivy! (poison ivy is usually more rampant in areas in the Spring)
6. He dumped the bike close to a major interstate highway where people often go to fish!(an action that resulted in a tip, and led LE closer to him)
7. He went to a hospital on the same day with a story that could come back and hurt him. (this action might also have led to a tip --almost did IMO)
8. He reported his truck stolen and burned it. (an action that seemed to have led to a tip)
9. He rented a car with an altered DL! (an action that seemed to have led to a tip since LE put a warrant out for him on this)
9. He had a gf who has two small children and an involved extended family. (an action that seemed to result in a tip)
10. He bought an almost identical truck.

These are just what first fly off the top of my head. I am not thinking that BSL was very successful at avoiding capture or particularly thoughtful in general in this horrible crime.
It is what it is,but I suspect BSL is feeling pretty good about his chances. Taking into consideration the hundreds of pages here alone and who knows how many elsewhere. But if BSL has any way of knowing all the blind speculation to MS location going on online, I imagine he will keep his mouth shut.
If I've been reading all of these posts correctly, someone mentioned that BSL was (or may have been?) referred to Opelousas General for surgery on his hand/finger. I don't believe it is more than speculation at this point, I don't remember seeing links to any articles or reports.

IMO, BSL made up the friend just like he made up the robbery story. He had to have an excuse for being in town.

His description of his attacker has one particular item I am confused by. He says the attacker work a black hat that I think he said came down around the guy's face. If that is true, how the heck did BSL know the guy was bald??

We're supposed to believe that in the middle of the day, BSL stopped at a gas station to ask for directions, was attacked by this mystery man, no customers saw it, no employees saw it, he doesn't call 911, doesn't know where the gas station was, can't recall any street names, and can't even recall what type of buildings were nearby.

He then left this unknown location, bleeding and apparently still lost, and drove around for hours before getting medical treatment. He didn't stop at any of a hundred places he probably drove by to ask for directions. He just kept searching for a hospital all on his own.:floorlaugh:

My three year old grandson could come up with a more believable story than that! (Of course, he is quite precocious!)

That crazy story alone will be enough to convince a jury that BSL wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit him in the tush.

BSL didn't say the guy was bald. The police report listed hair color as "Bald/Unknown." If the hat was pulled down low, the "attacker" could have had one of those skinhead cuts that go high over the ears, and so BSL couldn't see the hair color.
:twocents: Finally caught up again, yeaaa.
My first comment is that I wholeheartedly agree we should refocus on the facts we have/know from LE & MSM. While brainstorming is helpful, it seems to have muddyed the water in this case. The timeline is awesome and helpful - thanks for that item.

My opinion... this case had developed much more than so many of the missing cases (Kelli, Holly, etc.) in that there IS an arrest and several "questionable activities" related to the person arrested.

My opinion.... they have got their man and have a pretty clear story to present to the GJ next week that supports their charges. I believe I read in the news reports that LE said they are getting many new tips and are talking with people that know him. I believe they have electronic evidence (ex. cams, phone, gps, etc.) I believe they have other hard evidence linking him to MS.
His documented "story" just does not add up - the whole tale of his attact at gas station and then not either going inside the station/calling cops there and then supposedly not presenting to ER for 5+ hours. Who was the supposed N.O. friend he was visiting and why not call that person for help.

The most troubling aspect is that MS has not been located. I think they have a case/evidence that would be successfully prosecuted without her. The saddest part of this is for her family & friends.

I believe this case (unlike so many similar cases that seem "stalled") will clearly unfold in the coming days. Not sure if he will confess. They did take the DP off the table for Hilton in GA and he sung on location of Meredith Emerson's body; fortunately FL gave him DP for Dunlap.

Let's try to go with verified facts as close as possible from this point. :please:
What (if anything) do we know about TX that has been verified?
Thanks for reading my rambling post.
So this article states he did an in person checkin on 5/28. At that time he was still driving the truck that was registered already since we are pretty sure he reported the truck stolen on 5/31 and it was found burned on 5/31. Also, the det check the license to make sure that there are no alterations made. So, the chage to his license (i.e. white out) did not happen until after 5/28 checkin.

Maybe he was a better planner than previously thought. Or he had two licenses at this time since he had a police report that one was stolen. Possibility, one for checkin and one he altered for purchasing a new truck.


I lean toward the idea that he would have gone to the motor-vehicle office to get a new license, to bolster his story. I'm not going to write him off as totally stupid.

That said, certainly he could have used his old license. Important fact: when you get a new license in most states, including Louisiana, the new license has the same number as the old one, and so unless LE viewed a copy of the license, there would have been no way to tell which license was used for things such as renting a car. It's not clear to me that during the in-person RSO check-in on 5/28, that the system would necessarily be set up so that the check-in officer would have known about the stolen license.
I'm not sure it really matters, though.
Oh yeah, thanks, and he possibly had Onstar while committing the crime? That one should be on the top of the list if true!
Originally Posted by Angree Cajon View Post
I need to find which issue it was, but I. The Houston Chronicle, an interview was done with a lady named Jane E. from Special K9s...she verified that there was blood at WB that went into the water to across the bayou and down the bayou, east. Does that make sense to anyone?

I saw this comment yesterday. It makes no sense to me, knowing the geography of WB. I can't make heads or tails of it.
Chicken Fried, with all due respect you are not a tier 3 RSO, nor a suspect in the abduction/murder of innocent victim Mickey Schunick..

"Apples & Oranges"..imo

My point is that it's pure conjecture that he was "trolling" for victims. LE has said something like he was "trolling," but they really haven't given good evidence. Sometimes drunk people drive all over the place, changing their mind about what to do next/where to go. He very well could have been upset with what was transpiring with his GF's family - and got drunk in Lafayette. To keep an open mind, I have to, as "backwoods" has also said, keep open the possibility that he was blitzed and hit her by mistake. After all, the bump happened at closing time for the bars.

Now what he did later is a different story. But I do see the possibility that this started as an accident - then he realized that it was unacceptable to him to go back through the justice system - and then his actions proceeded from there.
Is it really a common sight -- college girls riding a bike alone at 2 am in Lafayette?

I ask because I live in a college town, and I don't think it is common here...
Long time lurker who normally just reads. You all rock! Forgive me if this has been mentioned. I'm a certified medical assistant not a nurse or doctor. As I recall human bites are not often sutured. They're left open to keep infection out. Doctors would treat with a strong antibiotic and follow-up appointments. Not saying he had a bite on finger but if he had his finger almost cut off this could be why no sutures. Doctor would know stab wound from bite wound. Hope this make sense as i'm still trying to catch up.
Is it really a common sight -- college girls riding a bike alone at 2 am in Lafayette?

I ask because I live in a college town, and I don't think it is common here...

Pretty common - not OVERLY common, but not unusual. There's a big biking culture among the college kids in Lafayette.

Her route took her toward Frat Row and so though the roads were lonely down St. Landry, they also specifically are used by bikers heading in that direction.
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