Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #3

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WOW!!! As Nancy Grace would say BOMBSHELL!!!!!!!!
Ronald Cummings, 25, popped the question to Misty Croslin Sunday night at Chili's, with several family members around them.
She said yes.
I'm sure we'll be hearing NG saying that tonight!
You would think he would wait for his daughter to be found! :furious:
I posted the article just now in the Time-Stamped thread for you! I wanted to let you know this right away!


Quoting myself!
:doh: :crazy: A video interview with Misty & a media report was released. :tsktsk: Misty is all giddy in the interview "a must see" just released a little bit ago. (Posted in the Time-Stamped Thread)
Misty says that this is what Haleigh wanted before she disappeared! Her parents are signing the papers allowing her to marry. ITA: This is very suspicious that they are going to rush to get married before Haleigh is found!
:furious: :burn: :hopping_mad: :steamed: :rage: :curses: :mad:

i thought i heard somewhere that the events could happen during mar7-mar 11 someone correct me or explain to me please

The Full Moon will occur tomorrow night (March 10) at around 8:30 pm CST. Full Moons often shed light on matters but what the light might be is not generally predictable. This Full Moon will be "special" in that the Moon will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo and the Sun will be conjunct Uranus in Pisces. The Saturn/Uranus conjunction has been in effect for a long time and will be in effect on and off into 2010.

Saturn represents limitations, boundaries, restrictions, etc., and Uranus represents break outs, surprises, shocks, the unusual, the unexpected, etc., so perhaps this Full Moon will bring to light some very interesting things.

Events do not have to happen exactly on Full Moons or New Moons or eclipses. The events can happen in a period of time before or after the exact date. IMO this announcement of an "engagement" between Ron and Misty may well be one of this Full Moon's surprises. The news is shocking and involves a man (Sun) and a woman (Moon) and restrictions (the marriage privilege so far as court testimony perhaps).
If we had had the foresight to check Ron and Misty's Solar Returns, we may have forecasted that a marriage might be in the works.

I have used Sunrise charts for both Ron and Misty and have relocated both to Satsuma FL. These charts are a concrete example of just how "accurate" Sunrise relocated charts can be.

I will only point out a couple observations and leave it to the other Astrologers to add to the discussion if they so choose.

1. Bi-Wheel showing Misty's current Solar Return as Inner and her relocated Sunrise natal as outer:


Notice SR ASCENDANT 02 Aquarius with VENUS conjunct 00 Aquarius. Both conjunct Misty's natal SATURN 03 Aquarius. This connection is often apparent when marriage takes place because VENUS rules Libra the House of Marriage on the natural wheel and SATURN rules commitment. SR JUPITER 23 Capricorn is conjunct natal MOON and this placement widely trines natal JUPITER 13 Virgo. Natal VENUS 03 Scorpio squares SR VENUS 00 Aquarius. All these placements can indicate marriage during the Solar Return year.

2. Bi-Wheel showing Ron's current Solar Return as Inner and his relocated Sunrise natal as outer:


Solar Return VENUS 11 Sagittarius is exact conjunct natal JUPITER. Additionally Ron's SR VENUS is conjunct Misty's natal SUN 16 Sagittarius. This can indicate marriage.

Ron's natal VENUS 19 Virgo is conjunct his SR SATURN 18 Virgo. As in Misty's chart, this is a marriage marker because VENUS is ruler of 7th House of Marriage in the natural wheel and SATURN symbolizes commitment.

Ron's natal MOON 9 Leo is trine SR VENUS 11 Sagittarius. These placements can indicate marriage within the Solar Return year.

Of course none of us were thinking that an announcement of marriage would come four weeks into the desperate search for Ron's missing 5 year old baby, which is probably why it never occurred to us to look at these Solar Returns in the first place.

But now that the marriage announcement has been made public and we've looked at the charts, we can see how we could have seen this potential in advance if any of us had given it a thought...

Soulscape - based on these solar return readings - would that indicate that this proposal is genuine? It appears the two are moving quickly, having gone to the courthouse today and Misty's parents filling out the paperwork already. Ron just proposed last night. I can see a wedding happening in a week or two. Typically one doesn't get the marriage license until a week or so before the wedding. I wonder what the rush is?

I'm having trouble with this proposal and its significance, if any. It seems there are some ulterior motives here - but I'm not sure what they might be. They can still testify against each other, even if they are married.

How could someone marry the person who lost their child - when it has not been determined what happened to the child? I could see this if Haleigh's disappearance had been resolved, but it has not.

Soulscape - based on these solar return readings - would that indicate that this proposal is genuine? It appears the two are moving quickly, having gone to the courthouse today and Misty's parents filling out the paperwork already. Ron just proposed last night. I can see a wedding happening in a week or two. Typically one doesn't get the marriage license until a week or so before the wedding. I wonder what the rush is?

I'm having trouble with this proposal and its significance, if any. It seems there are some ulterior motives here - but I'm not sure what they might be. They can still testify against each other, even if they are married.

How could someone marry the person who lost their child - when it has not been determined what happened to the child? I could see this if Haleigh's disappearance had been resolved, but it has not.



My thoughts are identical to yours- something just doesn't feel right with regard to this new development. As far as the marriage and testifying against each other, I think the point may be that they can't be "forced" to testify against the other. It's "fair game" / "gloves are off" IF either Ron or Misty felt "compelled" to offer the courts insightful assistance at some point in the future. I think the legal wrangling is with "forcing" either one of them in tossing the other under the nearest bus if an "every man for himself" fear materialized along with Haleigh, herself. (body found:()

I wonder if AnnaFL has any insight regarding this latest news; AND is it possible for the charts cast by our ALL-STAR Astrosleuths to show "motive" for this decision?

I've also wondered if this might also shore-up any cracks in the relationship foundation, just in case Haleigh's mom has legally reconsidered the custody arrangements for their youngest munchkin. Isn't she engaged ALREADY?:silenced:

Can the charts validate any of our "suspicions" ?? :confused:

Soulscape - based on these solar return readings - would that indicate that this proposal is genuine? It appears the two are moving quickly, having gone to the courthouse today and Misty's parents filling out the paperwork already. Ron just proposed last night. I can see a wedding happening in a week or two. Typically one doesn't get the marriage license until a week or so before the wedding. I wonder what the rush is?

I'm having trouble with this proposal and its significance, if any. It seems there are some ulterior motives here - but I'm not sure what they might be. They can still testify against each other, even if they are married.

How could someone marry the person who lost their child - when it has not been determined what happened to the child? I could see this if Haleigh's disappearance had been resolved, but it has not.



The short answer is that the Solar Return charts would not show whether a marriage proposal is geniune or an ulterior motive.

Here's the long answer:

Solar Return charts often point to significant events for the year, not motive. Certain connections between natal and SR planets in both Ron's and Misty's charts independently give indications of marriage, not "why" they might do so, nor even that a marriage might be to each other.

In other words, Misty's SR compared to her natal gives suggestion of possible marriage during the SR year and Ron's SR compared to his natal also gives suggestion (or opportunity/potential) of marriage during the year. SRs often show potential or opportunity for certain events to manifest in a person's life during a particular year, but that doesn't mean they have to. These indications were set in place on their last birthdays, well before Haleigh went missing. If Haleigh never went missing, Ronald may have proposed to Misty anyway because the potential for marriage in both their charts was there.

If we want a clearer look at motive, we could look at a chart for the actual proposal if we can narrow down the time. I know it was during a dinner with other family members present but we'd need the time as well as the date.

I apologize for dropping in on your thread, but I simply have to ask -

Have you done charts for my #1 suspect, Chad R? ...


Hello LFlorida,

We have Chad R's birth data and IIRC, we have our suspicions concerning him but have not placed him at the top of our list. I would be willing to give his chart another look and make comments later this evening.


Thank you,

(Respectfully snipped for relevancy)

Hello LFlorida,

I gave RSO Chad Reynolds's chart another look. Unfortunately, like many other of the RSO charts, his show disturbing connections to Haleigh's natal chart. However, when I place this chart in a tri-wheel showing Haleigh's natal as Inner, Reynolds's natal (Sunrise, Ocala, FL) as Middle, and either the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA or the 911 Call charts as Outer, it just doesn't "click" into place to the degree other RSO charts do.

Therefore, while I won't discount him as the potential perp, he is not at the top of my list.

(Respectfully snipped for relevancy)

Hello LFlorida,

I gave RSO Chad Reynolds's chart another look. Unfortunately, like many other of the RSO charts, his show disturbing connections to Haleigh's natal chart. However, when I place this chart in a tri-wheel showing Haleigh's natal as Inner, Reynolds's natal (Sunrise, Ocala, FL) as Middle, and either the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA or the 911 Call charts as Outer, it just doesn't "click" into place to the degree other RSO charts do.

Therefore, while I won't discount him as the potential perp, he is not at the top of my list.


I was just wondering, may be a silly question but, Is there any way, from this one chart that you have on CR, that you can tell If he MAY or may not still be alive? Wanted to ask for awhile now but was shy.:blush:
I was just wondering, may be a silly question but, Is there any way, from this one chart that you have on CR, that you can tell If he MAY or may not still be alive? Wanted to ask for awhile now but was shy.:blush:


Out of my own curiosity, I actually did look at his chart for his LAST SEEN and the subsequent Missing Persons report filed on him a while back --- but didn't make special note of the dates/ times and didn't save to file. I distinctly recall, however, I did not see testimonies of death in the LAST SEEN and Missing Persons report charts, and saw no fatality markers when compared to his Sunrise natal chart. (That doesn't mean something didn't happen to him between then and now, just that death did not appear likely at the time of disappearance.)

Apparently, they will marry soon.

Licence issued today, and will become valid Mar. 12. (Gosh, wouldn't it be something if they married on Fri 13th)

Greta V reported that they plan to marry later this week so....could be 13th?? Guess if the police have anything at all on either of them they better work on an arrest soon. How is it that the police have not leaked one ounce of information about Haleighs disappearence? No POIs not one ounce of anything. They are being too tight lipped wonder why? IDK this is so wrong on so many levels. Somethings got to break soon. this little girl needs to be found
I called Chili's and they were there on March the 8th at 6Pm

I’m assuming that 6:00 p.m. was the time of the reservation or the time they sat down to dinner. It sounds as though the proposal came at some point during the dinner so I ran an event chart for 6:45 p.m.

The Asc is 21 Gemini which is the opposite of the 911 call. That Asc was 22 Sag. Gemini on the Asc means Mercury is the chart ruler. Mercury is at a critical degree: 29:52 Aquarius…at the very tail end of the 29th degree. Mercury in Aquarius indicates new and original ideas…thinking outside of the box…inventive ideas. The 9th house indicates legal matters. Getting married to a minor involves legalities as one example.

The 29th degree is an Anaretic degree indicating some real issues with decision making and all the more so when Mercury is in that degree. It also indicates jumping into situations blindly and there can be a real sense of urgency about making decisions.

Celebrations and parties are ruled by the 5th house. Libra is on the 5th house cusp so Venus is the ruler of the party/celebration. Venus is in her detriment in Aries and also retrograde in the 11th house of associations. Venus also rules relationships. The public proposal and engagement are not viewed as a good thing by others. Venus in Aries can sometimes be viewed as tacky behavior. Venus also rules the 12th house of self-undoing. Whatever the objective in getting engaged, it got off to a poor start and probably won’t work out the way it was hoped (11th house also rules hopes and wishes).

The couple, the engagement, and the wedding, are all 7th house matters. The 7th house is ruled by Jupiter which is in Aquarius in the 9th house. It was a big (Jupiter) sudden and shocking (Aquarius) idea (9th house) that may well have legal considerations involved in it as both Jupiter and the 9th house deal with the law.

In this chart I would view the Sun as representing Ron and the Moon representing Misty. The Sun is in the 10th house (public display and party in control) and it is conjunct Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius). It was probably a sudden act on Ron’s part in his effort to control some situation or other. The Sun and Uranus are in Pisces. He has a secret agenda for doing this.

The Moon is in Leo in the 3rd house of communications. Possibly Ron proposed in an effort to better control what Misty communicates to other people. In Leo she is as proud as a peacock about the engagement and is in love. In the 3rd house she IS talking and because the Moon is inconjunct the Sun, it is driving Ron crazy (Sun conjunct Uranus).

Saturn is in the 4th house which rules the End of the Matter. The reason for the public proposal was control which Saturn rules. Saturn is retrograde so it is doing CYA work and Saturn is in Virgo…keeping control of the details. Saturn is *exactly* opposite the Sun. Ron probably feels he is having control problems…that he isn’t in control as much as he’d like to be.

Saturn rules the 8th house of joint matters, joint assets, and death among other things. Again I think Saturn is trying to do damage control and because it is retrograde it is playing catch up or trying to.
A secret agenda under the light of the full moon.... hmmmmmmm


Thank you Asker - very nice post.
Hello LFlorida,

We have Chad R's birth data and IIRC, we have our suspicions concerning him but have not placed him at the top of our list. I would be willing to give his chart another look and make comments later this evening.

Regarding Chad's friend "Bill C," I am not aware of this person. We would need his DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH to cast a chart. Also, if you can provide any relevant information --- how do they know each other? Is Bill C an RSO? Etc.

Thank you,

Soulscape, Your postings have been most interesting.

May I ask who is at the top of your list as a supect?

Thank you.
Soulscape, Your postings have been most interesting.

May I ask who is at the top of your list as a supect?

Thank you.

Hello Money Girl,

#1 RSO Suspect - Donald Lee S.

Quoting myself:

Jersey, there are several charts & discussions involving SAPP. See Housemouse's post below for a list of links:

Here is the tri-wheel involving Haleigh's Natal (Sunrise) with Johns's speculative natal (Sunrise and relocated to Satsuma) against the 911 Call Chart:

The contacts with Johns's chart are not as ominous as those with Sapp's. Again, my "short list" is:


S is way out in front with L close behind. CHAD EUGENE R. is highly suspicious as well.

WILLIAM MARTIN C's Nodes are on Haleigh's SUN with Event chart NEPTUNE on his natal Sunrise Midheaven. He needs a closer look.

RICHARD SCOTT W's chart is highly suspicious when compared to Haleigh's Sunrise Natal and the 911 Call chart. He needs a closer look.

I'd put TIMOTHY S. F. lower down the list, but he's still on it.

It is disheartening that so many of these RSO's charts interact. They all need to be thoroughly investigated and re-investigated by LE.


To above list of RSO suspects, I will add RSO S., who, among other things, has natal PLUTO smack exact on little Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo. I don't even want to think about what may have happened to her if this had gotten his hands on her......

I would like to remind everyone once again, despite the disturbing connections, we cannot be certain an RSO is the perp, for it could have been someone operating under the radar screen and not on the Registry.

Hello Money Girl,

#1 RSO Suspect - Donald Lee S.

Quoting myself:

To above list of RSO suspects, I will add RSO S., who, among other things, has natal PLUTO smack exact on little Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo. I don't even want to think about what may have happened to her if this had gotten his hands on her......

I would like to remind everyone once again, despite the disturbing connections, we cannot be certain an RSO is the perp, for it could have been someone operating under the radar screen and not on the Registry.


What about cousin Jo you don't think he has anything to do with it or misty brother and sister-in law
Hello Money Girl,

#1 RSO Suspect - Donald Lee S.

Quoting myself:

To above list of RSO suspects, I will add RSO S., who, among other things, has natal PLUTO smack exact on little Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo. I don't even want to think about what may have happened to her if this had gotten his hands on her......

I would like to remind everyone once again, despite the disturbing connections, we cannot be certain an RSO is the perp, for it could have been someone operating under the radar screen and not on the Registry.Thanks,

I may get stones thrown at me on this one!:truce:

Do you think the Dad could be responsible? Since he is a non registered sex offender (having relations with several teenage girls). My gut feeling from day one has been the Dad and GF. Just wondering if he falls into the SO profile on the charts.

Thanks for all your input!
What about cousin Jo you don't think he has anything to do with it or misty brother and sister-in law

Hi Kittylyn,

We have looked at Cousin Joe's chart compared to Haleigh Natal and the Event charts (LAST SEEN BY G-GMA and the 911 Call charts). I do not see strong enough "triggers" to isolate him as a highly potential perp.

Regarding Misty's brother & sister-in-law, I see no reason to discuss them at this time as nothing indicates their involvement. If that changes, I will reconsider.

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