Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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I am wondering what would be the easiest for everyone. I am thinking of posting Barack Obama's "stress" chart, so people can watch the transits, but am not sure whether to post them here, in the USA section, or to start a third thread just for Obama, and keep this thread for the USA?

Any opinions? Any ideas?

I don't post often, but I read every word written.
I would like to see a seperate thread for BO.
I agree - a separate thread for the new president would make it easier to follow.

I love this thread housemouse. I know I don't post much, but please know that I read often.


For the time being, we will keep Obama inside this thread. He is the #1 representative of our United States and our thread heading does ask the question: What's ahead for the USA.

Thank you.
I will keep any chart information on President Obama in this thread. Fifth Essence is "the word" on this! Hopefully will get it up later today.
Fifth O/T -- I LOOOOOOVE YOUR LIL PUPPY!! There have been meaning to say that for over a week. He's adorable!
Here is President Obama's natal chart showing only the stress or event-related aspects.

IF, and I say again, IF this birth time is accurate, which I doubt for various reasons, we should watch transits to his ascendant and midheaven.

The Sun/Uranus opposition to his ascendant, and the Uranus square to his midheaven, when transited by planet, should be good "timers" of events.

Also, we can watch transits to his Moon at 3 Gemini, because it is approaching a square to Pluto, and events timed this way would confirm his Moon placement.

The opposition between Mercury and Jupiter is not tied in with his time of birth as long as he was actually born on August 4th, 1961. So transits to this aspect should be reliable. Also, we can watch the wide square between his Sun and Neptune, as that is dependent on the moment of birth.


I'm curious as to the possibility of a merger between the US, Canada, & Mexico into a North American Union. I read lots of stuff that is speculation --not anything that I could claim as fact. But, anything in the stars for this?

I'd think we could someday see the EU and other "Unions" evolve into the TEN nations spoken of in the Book of Revelation. I share your concern for our country -- I am not sure what the future brings for our children & grandchildren as our sovereignty disappears & God gets booted out of the nation!

Thx, Old Bird
Hello, Old Bird!

I haven't looked at the various charts for the USA in that regard. I will keep it in mind, however, and post here if something comes to mind.

That said, I would guess the planet to watch would be Pluto. It is once again in Capricorn. It hasn't been there since the Constitution was signed, when it was at about 27 degrees, if my old memory serves me.

There will be a square forming between Saturn to Pluto later on this year. I will post more about that later.

Suffice it to say, it would be a wise idea to prepare for this coming square, and take the time between now and then to get our houses and families ready.
Hello, Old Bird!

I haven't looked at the various charts for the USA in that regard. I will keep it in mind, however, and post here if something comes to mind.

That said, I would guess the planet to watch would be Pluto. It is once again in Capricorn. It hasn't been there since the Constitution was signed, when it was at about 27 degrees, if my old memory serves me.

There will be a square forming between Saturn to Pluto later on this year. I will post more about that later.

Suffice it to say, it would be a wise idea to prepare for this coming square, and take the time between now and then to get our houses and families ready.

It's very interesting that Pluto is once again in Capricorn & it hasn't been since the Constitution was signed, HM. I have heard some mutterings about a rewrite of the Constitution -- you know, an update for modern times. Yes, I will watch -- that is what I always do is watch. Great advice to get things in order! Yes, if you do come across this type of info, I am always interested. Always look forward to your posts! Thx, OB

I'm curious as to the possibility of a merger between the US, Canada, & Mexico into a North American Union. I read lots of stuff that is speculation --not anything that I could claim as fact. But, anything in the stars for this?

I'd think we could someday see the EU and other "Unions" evolve into the TEN nations spoken of in the Book of Revelation. I share your concern for our country -- I am not sure what the future brings for our children & grandchildren as our sovereignty disappears & God gets booted out of the nation!

Thx, Old Bird

Interesting that you should bring this up. I have been hearing these rumors also. If I remember correctly, the rumors started with the Clinton administration and the trade agreement. I'll see what other info I can find. I know someone who has been following this Union for the past several years. Maybe I can get some article links or something.

Hello, Old Bird!

I haven't looked at the various charts for the USA in that regard. I will keep it in mind, however, and post here if something comes to mind.

That said, I would guess the planet to watch would be Pluto. It is once again in Capricorn. It hasn't been there since the Constitution was signed, when it was at about 27 degrees, if my old memory serves me.

There will be a square forming between Saturn to Pluto later on this year. I will post more about that later.

Suffice it to say, it would be a wise idea to prepare for this coming square, and take the time between now and then to get our houses and families ready.

Housemouse, I would love to learn more of this coming square. I check here several times a day, I find this all extremely interesting. I don't know how you remember it all, lol. Didn't you mention having FMS? I have it, and my memory is kaput...I can't even remember the signs that go on the charts, let alone everything else. :(
Yes, I have FMS among other problems.

Will post more on the coming Saturn/Pluto square in a little while. Want to write up a good explanation for everyone as to why we should interested and prepared..
Thanks, housemouse. I'm looking forward to reading your write up. I am sorry about your FMS. Must be extremely hard on you caring for your hubby on top of it. You're in my thoughts & prayers.
First of all, let's review Pluto's trek through the signs in recent history.

Pluto was in Scorpio from 1983 through 1995. This was a period of years that brought our attention to sex, death, and crime. While the AIDS virus had been lurking under the radar before this, it wasn't until Pluto entered Scorpio that it came to the surface of our attention.

Pluto is like that. Problems relating to the basic meaning of the sign seem to go unnoticed until Pluto brings them to the light of day. We all know that homosexuality and bisexuality are nothing new under the sun, but during this time, they became a socio-political issue.

This was also the time when violent video games, street gangs, music, the sexual abuse of children, battered women also dominated the news as "social problems". We still worry about these problems, as we lost our blissful assumptions when Pluto lifted up the rock, and exposed our lack of awareness.

Pluto entered Sagittarius in 1995, and stayed there until this last fall of 2007. What came to the surface in these years? Think of 9th house matters... This was the period when we began to realize that not all was excellent about our educational institutions, calls for reforms of these, an explosion of mass media outlets, cable channels, public awareness and use of the internet, political bias by the main stream media, and most of all, religious beliefs.

We humans tend to confuse our personal truths for absolute truth in all forms of religion, which is under the "Sagittarius Search For Truth/Information/Justice etc." Some in our culture, unable to achieve the implementation of their social and community goals through legislation, decided to turn to the courts. Other decried using the courts to enforce a social agenda desired by minority special interest groups.

Fundamentalism seemed to spread like a virus throughout all kinds of special interest groups. From a demand via the court system from secular "believers" to stomp out all displays of Christian beliefs and symbols, Hollywood stars flocking to Scientology, cable channels dedicated to specific faiths, a split in mainstream churches about the ordination of homosexuals, to the beginning of CDs, podcasting, and other forms of media explaining, exhorting, and proclaiming religious truths, we became aware of the conflicts between all these faiths.

But, the biggest of all was the rise of fundamental Islam, and the attack on the secular/Christian/Jewish west by fanatic believers in the justice of Jihad.

Wars over religion, ideology, culture, groups that think differently, celebrity journalism, the internet, sports scandals... all these are symbolized by Pluto in Sagittarius.

Now Pluto is entering Capricorn, a practical, material world sign, one that related to karma, time, and old age. Saturn rules Capricorn, which is the 10th house sign. Also considered under the influence of Saturn, Capricorn, and the 10th house are structures, systems, status, administrators, bureaucrats, leaders, big corporations, and governments.

Control is a big Capricorn word. Rather than speculate on the forecast for Pluto's transit through Capricorn, I would encourage you all to google "Pluto in Capricorn", read all you can from the various astrologers on-line, and do your own forecasting!

Here is one link to get you started! Not that I agree with any or all these forecasts, but they do help to get a feel for how astrologers speculate about this transit.

Next, the coming Saturn/Pluto square...
Pluto is about the power of transformation. Saturn is conservative, rigid, reactionary, but it is also about order and structure.

We need Saturn in our lives, for we need order, a degree of predictability, and structure in our society, instead of anarchy.

The combination of Saturn in Libra and Capricorn Pluto in hard aspect suggests that the existing lawful and orderly systems and structures represented by Saturn will be challenged by Pluto's power to breakdown, decay, and destroy these structures.

So, the square between these two suggests that we may face a crisis involving our resources, our freedom of movement, and our government.

When Saturn last opposed Pluto, between August 2001, and May 2002, what major event happened? What was affected?

From November 2009 through August of 2010 , Saturn will form a closing square to Pluto. In July of 2010, there will be a grand cross formed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto (all between 0 and 3 degrees of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn), and the inner planets in Cancer.

There will be some dramatic changes and challenges to deal with, particularly since there will be a continuing square between Uranus and Pluto during this transit.

My plans are to save as much money as possible, stock up on anything we might need regarding food, clothing, and shelter, and to be prepared for unexpected limitations. I am praying that there will not be "civil unrest", because we, as a nation, no longer have the skills we had several generations back.

So many people are dependent on fast food and microwave meals, not to mention government checks. How will they manage if our "systems" fail?

What will happen if the present total of 8.5 trillion spent and proposed causes a total melt-down of our economy?

Most importantly, with all the keywords in front of you, what do you think the forecast might be?
Hi Housemouse,

You have my head spinning. :crazy: I’ve read so many things that all point in this direction: more Gov’t, less freedom for individuals, economic crisis, division, and conflict…

Until now had not seen it put under one umbrella. I should have looked to the stars! Thank you for the background info & the “scary stuff” in the 2nd post! When I’m on the computer at home (weekend) I’ll do the googling and read the link you provided. I’m sure I’ll have lots of questions.

I did take a few minutes today to look at some sources of info for the “North American Union”…

The North American Partnership - documents a March 2005 meeting in TX between Pres Bush (US), PM Martin (Canada) & Pres Fox (Mexico). The documentation is called the Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (SPP).

And Snopes: says no agreements or treaties – just the SPP came from the meeting of the leaders of the three nations. The SPP calls for increased cooperation in areas of common interest.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , the “rumor” of a future North American Union is a product of the conspiracy theorists (like moi, I think – I love a good conspiracy theory!) Guess we can just watch & see what comes.

Again, HM, thanks! I really appreciate your work :clap: & hope we can have some interesting discussions on what may lie ahead for our country without landing in the Parking Lot...

Old Bird, I enjoy a well-constructed conspiracy too!

I started at a young age, reading Taylor Caldwell. The age of the internet has helped create so many of them, though these are much more easily "de-constructed" than they used to be. Probably because of the age of the internet, and the basic fact that sleuthing is so much easier now, and any really big one would be very hard to keep a secret for long!

We should probably be thinking of how Saturn in Aries will deal with the challenge from Pluto. I hope some of the other astrologers will join us in speculation.
I decided to do a little historical sleuthing just now, to see the date of the last closing square from Saturn to Pluto was... We know Pluto hasn't been in Capricorn since the signing of the Constitution days.

It was November 2nd, 1776, and Saturn was at 26 Libra, Pluto at 26 Capricorn.
Just came across the news. There is a credible threat against President Obama, by someone in Colorado. There is a manhunt ongoing. The threatmaker is also threatening to attack the Mall of America in Minnesota.

So, I quickly checked tranists to Obama's chart, and sure enough, Mars in conjunct his natal Saturn, and Uranus is approaching an opposition to Obama's natal Mars. Pluto is opposing his Venus, but I don't think this threat is related to this aspect.

Don't have a date for Mall of America.

Let us pray that this guy is a nutcase who gets caught quickly, and that the President is protected. An assassination is the last thing this country needs at the present time!
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