George Zimmerman's Injuries #1

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If he truly was trying to escape then why didn't he run back home? the home he was staying in was only 70 yards away. He could have EASILY ran back to the place he was staying at. He had the upper hand at that point.

run home and lock the door and call the police. JMO


R E A L L Y ?

IMO, Trayvon was immediately up against Zimmerman's lethal handgun and itchy trigger finger. He never "had the upper hand."

I wonder how many Black kids are shot in the back when they attempt to run away from an authority figure with a handgun ?

From what I've heard, Black parents begin talking to their little-boy-children very early about how to act, (and NOT act) around police and authority figures.

The instructions Black parents impart are much different from the instructions a Caucasian parent might communicate, for very SAD and OBVIOUS REASONS!

One of the things Black parents often teach their children is, "Do not run!" Running-away can be translated into supposed guilt by trigger happy cops or other *brave* men with big-bad-semi-automatics in their eager hands.

I firmly believe that Zimmerman had his handgun pulled, cocked, loaded with killer-hollow-point-bullets -- and ready to fire the second he left his SUV to go get that rotten, burglarizing *advertiser censored**h*le Black kid who always gets away.

How far would YOU get from a 9mm semi-automatic shoved in your belly if YOU tried to run?

Apparently Trayvon chose to scream for help instead. I would have too.

Didn't much matter because IMO, Zimmerman was gonna get his up-to-no-good, suspicious, druggie Black kid NO MATTER WHAT!

Trayvon was a Dead-Boy-Walking the second George snuck up on him - cornered him - and forced him to beg, scream, and wail for his very life.

If Trayvon had run he would have been just as equally murdered dead!

Trayvon was targeted, stopped, and eventually executed for the centuries old crime of "Walking While Black."

IMO, of course

R E A L L Y ?

IMO, Trayvon was immediately up against Zimmerman's lethal handgun and itchy trigger finger. He never "had the upper hand."

I wonder how many Black kids are shot in the back when they attempt to run away from an authority figure with a handgun ?

From what I've heard, Black parents begin talking to their little-boy-children very early about how to act, (and NOT act) around police and authority figures.

The instructions Black parents impart are much different from the instructions a Caucasian parent might communicate, for very SAD and OBVIOUS REASONS!

One of the things Black parents often teach their children is, "Do not run!" Running-away can be translated into supposed guilt by trigger happy cops or other *brave* men with big-bad-semi-automatics in their eager hands.

I firmly believe that Zimmerman had his handgun pulled, cocked, loaded with killer-hollow-point-bullets -- and ready to fire the second he left his SUV to go get that rotten, burglarizing *advertiser censored**h*le Black kid who always gets away.

How far would YOU get from a 9mm semi-automatic shoved in your belly if YOU tried to run?

Apparently Trayvon chose to scream for help instead. I would have too.

Didn't much matter because IMO, Zimmerman was gonna get his up-to-no-good, suspicious, druggie Black kid NO MATTER WHAT!

Trayvon was a Dead-Boy-Walking the second George snuck up on him - cornered him - and forced him to beg, scream, and wail for his very life.

If Trayvon had run he would have been just as equally murdered dead!

Trayvon was targeted, stopped, and eventually executed for the centuries old crime of "Walking While Black."

IMO, of course

I consider "the talk" to be stereotyping white people. In doing so they are furthering racism. IMO.
They should have taken xrays When I was in a car accident and hit my nose on the dashboard, xrays were taken. The doctor requested the xrays of my nose. I was glad there were no breaks.

It appears that the doctor told him to go to an ENT for that reason. Some doctors offices don't have x-ray capabilities. GZ told him he would not be going. Apparently he wanted it documented exactly as it was and he was not concerned with anything more. MOO.
Now that I think about it, I too have to wonder why he needed to see this "family" physician, and refused treatment from all other outsiders (EMTs, nose/throat doc, ER) conspiracy, nothing nefarious, just wondering. It could be as simple as he doesn't trust medical professionals...

Where I am from, DO's are as common as MD's. To say that they 'specialize' in osteopathy is a bit of a mischaracterization. While in the most technical sense that may be true, they tend to function much like MD's. They deliver babies, specialize in various types of surgery (orthapedic, etc.), and dx cancer, among other things.

If this was a DO he or his spouse considered to be their primary care physician - or even a Dr. one of them had seen previously for something small, I can certainly see why he'd go see someone familiar after an event such as this.

The article I referenced above states that he went in to be cleared to return to work. To me, that indicates two things. 1) He had no clue the firestorm was coming. He was just wanting to get back to his job - to his normal life; and 2) his injuries looked bad enough that he needed official proof that they would not preclude him from working.
The fact of the matter is we are now finding out as more info comes out that he did in fact have injuries. There is no way he's going to cause those injuries after the fact when the cops who saw him that night will simply testify that he didn't have them, thus at that point you might as well throw him in jail anyway.

We also find out that the word of a funeral director means nothing as it pertains to injuries to TM's hands. Many were taking the funeral director's comments that he saw no signs of injury as fact that TM has no injuries. We are learning that is not the case.
How did he get the black eyes? Don't you get black eyes when you have a broken nose?

My co-worker told that her black eyes comes from sinus problems. :what::floorlaugh:

I just found an interesting article on black eyes --

"Headache may also be present, because the usual cause of a black eye is some sort of head injury."

Could GZ's black eyes have come from the head injury and not a broken nose?
Where I am from, DO's are as common as MD's. To say that they 'specialize' in osteopathy is a bit of a mischaracterization. While in the most technical sense that may be true, they tend to function much like MD's. They deliver babies, specialize in various types of surgery (orthapedic, etc.), and dx cancer, among other things.

If this was a DO he or his spouse considered to be their primary care physician - or even a Dr. one of them had seen previously for something small, I can certainly see why he'd go see someone familiar after an event such as this.

The article I referenced above states that he went in to be cleared to return to work. To me, that indicates two things. 1) He had no clue the firestorm was coming. He was just wanting to get back to his job - to his normal life; and 2) his injuries looked bad enough that he needed official proof that they would not preclude him from working.

So he just got up that morning and went to work and they told him to go to the Dr. and get cleared or else he could not work?
Didn't George's dad say he had a cut on his lip?

I don't know... but I believe I just heard them say on the news that the evidence dump noted that he did.

I don't believe teeth would produce scraping on the knuckles. Cuts, perhaps, as front teeth are sharp... but not scrapes.

If photos of his knuckles are shown to the public, then we will know more.

Unless I am mistaken, I don't believe that TM would have black eyes. Those don't appear immediately, and his time of death was so close to the time the altercation took place that I don't think there would not have been time for blood to pool there, even if he did have a facial injury. There would have been some detectable physical evidence on his deceased body... but probably not in the form of black eyes.
So he just got up that morning and went to work and they told him to go to the Dr. and get cleared or else he could not work?

I have no idea.

It seems weird to me. I was just citing the newspaper source that said that was the reason the dr's office gave for his visit.

Perhaps it wasn't his workplace that required proof, but rather GZ himself felt the need to know if he had a concussion or not before going in to process insurance claims at his job. At least I think that's what he did @ work...
How many days after the incident did GZ see the DO?
How did he get the black eyes? Don't you get black eyes when you have a broken nose?

Who knows IF he really had black eyes?

Yes, you certainly can have black eyes from a broken nose. You do not always have black eyes from a broken nose -- and you can have black eyes without a broken or even a bruised nose.

How black were George's eyes?

Were his black eyes documented with photographs that can be proven to be authentic -- not black from his cosmetologist wife, skilled with make-up -- or not black from photoshopping?

I'm sorry. There have already been so many downright flagrant lies coming from the Zimmerman camp that I will not believe anything they say without convincing, authenticated proof.

I find it very strange that George did not make appearances in some public places where several trustworthy people could observe all his injuries for themselves - and later testify to the severity of the injuries. Why was he in hiding the very next day after the shooting?

Even pals Joe Oliver and Francis Taaffe finally admitted they had not seen George since before the killing. I think they finally saw him when the rest of us did -- when George was arrested. How come?

Trayvon's killing did not receive more than small blurbs of news reporting for weeks. And there certainly were no Zimmerman *death threats* early on, either. Don't you think it strange that George was in such deep hiding so fast? _ Why? _ :waitasec:
AFAIK, no one here has accused the doc or his staff of falsifying anything.

What I do see is OPs wondering why if GZ was so severely injured, as he and his friends and family would have us believe, why would he not go to an ER or Urgent Care facility. In addition, he had 108 options in the Sanford Community and he chose to go 14 miles away to a doc whose specialty is Internal Medicine and Osteopathy.

The other point that OPs have made is that GZ could have further injured himself anytime after he left the police station and before going to the doc.

It is heart wrenching to see WS members accused of things that are not posted, AFAIK, here in the Trayvon threads.

I apologize if I used the wrong term. Maybe 'accusation' wasn't right. Suggestion might be a better way to describe what I was trying to say.

As far as going to urgent care, he was treated by EMT's. I don't believe his injuries were life-threatening so I don't believe there was necessarily a need to go to urgent care. I also do not believe a person has to be severely injured to defend themselves. I have no idea what his reasons were for going to that particular doctor. Heck all of my family's doctors are in Seminole County and we live one county over.

As far as whether he injured himself at a later time, the EMT reports should speak to that.

Again, I apologize if you felt I was accusing WS members of anything. I love this place and all its members. I have been accused of basically not caring about the life of an innocent child in these threads at one point, so I do understand your term 'heart-wrenching' and never want to make another WS'r feel that way.
I have no idea.

It seems weird to me. I was just citing the newspaper source that said that was the reason the dr's office gave for his visit.

Perhaps it wasn't his workplace that required proof, but rather GZ himself felt the need to know if he had a concussion or not before going in to process insurance claims at his job. At least I think that's what he did @ work...

Could he have been off work prior to the shooting due to an earlier injury or illness?

Doesn't make sense that he needed to get a doctor's clearance the morning after the shooting to go back to work. He couldn't have missed any work yet because of the injuries he received the night before.

Again, something is totally fishy -- like so much else of the story and details. _ :waitasec:
The old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words," convinces me that something is wrong here. The surveillance video shows a George Zimmerman "Bopping" (Excuse me, I couldn't resist) along in the PD, getting out of the patrol car unassisted, not a mark on him. Of course later the "Enhanced video" showed a big red "X" on top of his head which is questionable, at least to me, because the top of his head could not have been injured had the altercation happened the way he claims. The injuries to the back of his head were minor and did not require sutures, according to the doctor he saw the next day, contrary to the claim that they were already healing and would have to be cut open to suture back together. (Although I've heard that with some broken bones growing back together crookedly, a doctor must "rebreak" them to set them straight, but I never heard of reopening a healing cut so it could be sutured together.) So the only definite injury of any import in the doctor's report were the black eyes. Usually a minor injury requiring no treatment. I don't see that as proof that the black eyes could have made him "Fear for his life." In fact, since there's no proof that he even had a broken nose (and doesn't the doctor have his own x-ray machine?) Without further tests i.e. a CAT scan or MRI or just plain old xrays, how could it be determined he had no broken nose? Had a broken nose been suspected, other than Zimmerman's. "I think my nose is broken," why not an xray there in the doctor's office? And if the doctor had no expertise to read an xray, why did he have an xray machine? IMO these injuries as described by the osteopath are minor injuries, certainly not serious enough to make GZ "Fear for his life," unless he's some kind of wuss. I personally think he is, a man who, it is reported would throw a woman across the room panics when someone as strong as he resists his attempt to detain him. I don't know but maybe carrying a gun made him feel more "Manly" and maybe even a bit taller. And for the first time when someone might have fought back, and note the operative words here are, "Fought back,"he got his chance to use his gun.
Nopey, nope, nope. IMO he killed Trayvon Martin not because he feared for his life, but because TM would not allow him to detain him. And the reason he had never shot someone before, you ask? Because it was the first time he decided he wouldn't let this "*advertiser censored**h**e get away." And even if he didn't hate all persons of African-American descent, he certainly hated this one. And, IMO, he hated him because he was black. He fit the description of the ones who got away. Human beings are not fish which "Get away," to be bragged about later as I believe GZ thought he would be doing. He needs to answer for his thoughtlessly taking another human's life and he needs to pay severely, IMO.
I apologize if I used the wrong term. Maybe 'accusation' wasn't right. Suggestion might be a better way to describe what I was trying to say.

As far as going to urgent care, he was treated by EMT's. I don't believe his injuries were life-threatening so I don't believe there was necessarily a need to go to urgent care. I also do not believe a person has to be severely injured to defend themselves. I have no idea what his reasons were for going to that particular doctor. Heck all of my family's doctors are in Seminole County and we live one county over.

As far as whether he injured himself at a later time, the EMT reports should speak to that.

Again, I apologize if you felt I was accusing WS members of anything. I love this place and all its members. I have been accused of basically not caring about the life of an innocent child in these threads at one point, so I do understand your term 'heart-wrenching' and never want to make another WS'r feel that way.

We understand. We all are doing our own detective work by looking outside the box and trying to view this from all angles (i.e, looking at the what ifs and the what nots).
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