GUILTY AZ - Six killed, 13 injured in shooting at Gabrielle Giffords event, 8 Jan 2011 - #2

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I am local and was at the event that morning, I went to high school and was good friends with Gabby so this all hits very close to home for me.

I plan to post more when time permits but here is a rundown of what I have gathered so far as to what happened the morning of the shooting.

JL was driving around in his chevy nova on the same side of town as the shooting, around 8 am and was pulled over for running a red light, he was let off with a warning after his name and plates were run and came back clear.

He then returned home. At some point in the weeks leading up to the shooting he bought a Glock 9 amm and extended 33 round magazine. His father took the gun away from him (maybe because JL was making threats? We dont know) and put the gun in a black bag and locked it in the trunk of the family car.

That morning when JL returned home after being pulled over he got in to the trunk of the family car and grabbed the black bag, the father saw him and came outside after him, JL ran in to the desert area surrounding his home and his father got in to his truck and chased after him. The father soon gave up when JL disappeared in to the desert.

JL then goes to a quicky mart store after taking gun out of black bag and likely putting in to the waist line of his pants to conceal it, ditched the black bag in dumpster perhaps (it hasnt been found yet) and then called a cab on payphone. Cab came to pick him up and took him to Safeway where he then went in to Safeway with cab driver to get change to pay cab fare, he then started shooting.

Questions we dont have answers for yet:

JL had not worked in several years, couldnt hold a job, so where did he get the 600 dollars to buy Glock and Magazine and Ammo. Also appears he had large bill in pocket when he paid cab fare and needed to get change from inside safeway (why did he want change when he knew what was about to go down, strange) SO where did he get all this money? We do not know yet...

Will post more as time permits, feel free to ask any questions you have, I am a Tucson resident and know the city well and can answer any questions you may have.
Hi Paxi :star2:

You are a joy to post with :) glad to see you.
I was on the other thread for Gabby....
IMHO, until there are some new Laws for MI that allows us to put someone who displays
MI under professional care, sadly we wait until something horrific occurs before they get help.
So sorry you lost a friend.
We also lost a great advocate who is "FOR THE PEOPLE" :(
That in itself is so rare today in the political arena.
While she is recovering her road ahead is long and challenging.
GOD BLESS HER everyday for all of her days. :)
News conference just ended...paraphrasing here

Gabby has been weaned off all sedation (although I'm sure she's continuing on pain meds). She has been doing all sorts of complex tasks, and the Drs are surprised and happy that she's doing as well as she is.

She still has a vent, although that's precautionary at this time. She's sat up and been "dangled" (meaning supported while she sat on the edge of the bed), has been communicating after a fashion (she still has a vent, so speaking is impossible), and is not showing any signs of blood clots, pneumonia, infection, or other complications that accompany hospitalization and bed-rest.

So...they say this is the last 'regularly scheduled' update, although I'm sure they will give updates as events warrant.

I am soooooo thankful she had such a great hospital nearby; that has made all the difference in the world.

There have been many miracles this last week...many, many, many miracles. In the midst of our shock and horror, we need to also see the miracles that have occurred.

Herding Cats
Behind Loughner's million-mile stare

But is there a medical or psychiatric term for that disturbing million-mile stare we’ve seen in the eyes of accused killers like Loughner and Charles Manson?
Yes and no, says Dr. Alan Hirsch, a Chicago-based neurologist and psychiatrist.
"There is something called reverse ptosis, which is when the eyelids are up higher than normal,” says Hirsch. “You can see the whites of the eyes both above and below the iris. It’s been associated with diseases like hyperthyroidism and with psychiatric diseases such as paranoid or acute psychosis.”

The Japanese call it sanpakugan, or sanpaku.
I meant to post this earlier but I was looking for a longer version of the AP article and haven't found one yet.

Loughner's friend called 911 after shooting

Article talks about a 911 call that was made after the shooting by {mod snip} BT, a friend of Jared's, who told the dispatcher that the "shooter was someone that I knew" and that Loughner left a message on his phone at 2 a.m. on the day of the shooting.

Pima Sheriff has released at least 4 of the 911 calls for anyone who is interested.
Police Describe Photos of Loughner Posing With Gun

The New York Times
Published: January 14, 2011

"Law enforcement officials said Friday they have multiple photos of Jared L. Loughner posing with a Glock 9mm pistol next to his naked buttocks and dressed in a bright red g-string. It is the same model of weapon as the one the police say Mr. Loughner used last Saturday to kill six people, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl, and to wound 14 others, including an Arizona congresswoman. The photos were turned over to the police by Walgreens, where Mr. Loughner had taken them to be developed. In some of the photos he is holding the gun near his crotch, and in others, presumably shot in a mirror, he is holding the gun next to his buttocks, the police said. It was not yet clear when the photos were taken or whether Mr. Loughner had ordered prints."

Fascinating that he apparently did not have a digital camera. Actually I suppose he could have taken a memory card from a digital camera to have prints made. Whatever it was, I think it was preplanned on his part to have the images discovered.

This article also talks about the Bryce Tierney 911 call.

And, it talks about the victims of the shooting with updates on them, and funerals of the dead.
"Law enforcement officials said Friday they have multiple photos of Jared L. Loughner posing with a Glock 9mm pistol next to his naked buttocks and dressed in a bright red g-string."

Wanted to say this curious header is still showing up. It originally was an "ABC New Exclusive" a few days ago (which I posted) but never seemed to materialize. It's really left me wondering what happened in elementary school. I would think that an investigative reporter would be checking into it just due to its sudden disappearance:

Jared Lee Loughner's Family Once Sued Town Over Playground Fall

Every site which carries this header leads you to an ABC story about the Loughner family. It's 3 pages long but I don't see a single mention of an accident. It initially led to this article and continues to do so, possibly because a commenter questions where that information has gone. FWIW, I think they just copied my WS post. Has anyone else found any info on this?
Wanted to say this curious header is still showing up. It originally was an "ABC New Exclusive" a few days ago (which I posted) but never seemed to materialize. It's really left me wondering what happened in elementary school. I would think that an investigative reporter would be checking into it just due to its sudden disappearance:

Jared Lee Loughner's Family Once Sued Town Over Playground Fall

Every site which carries this header leads you to an ABC story about the Loughner family. It's 3 pages long but I don't see a single mention of an accident. It initially led to this article and continues to do so, possibly because a commenter questions where that information has gone. FWIW, I think they just copied my WS post. Has anyone else found any info on this?

I have looked. I have looked through the original ABC story, through the comments which I don't always read, and never found anything about a playground fall lawsuit. Is a mystery.
Wanted to say this curious header is still showing up. It originally was an "ABC New Exclusive" a few days ago (which I posted) but never seemed to materialize. It's really left me wondering what happened in elementary school. I would think that an investigative reporter would be checking into it just due to its sudden disappearance:

Jared Lee Loughner's Family Once Sued Town Over Playground Fall

Every site which carries this header leads you to an ABC story about the Loughner family. It's 3 pages long but I don't see a single mention of an accident. It initially led to this article and continues to do so, possibly because a commenter questions where that information has gone. FWIW, I think they just copied my WS post. Has anyone else found any info on this?

Much of the money accused Tucson shooter Jared Loughner and his family had
apparently came from a settlement with his elementary school after
Loughner injured himself playing on the monkey bars as a young boy, a
family friend said.

According to one of Loughner's close friends, Zachary Osler, Loughner told
him his family used the settlement money to sustain their lifestyle. The
amount of the settlement for the injuries, which included broken bones,
wasn't available.
"Law enforcement officials said Friday they have multiple photos of Jared L. Loughner posing with a Glock 9mm pistol next to his naked buttocks and dressed in a bright red g-string."


Actually, assuming the reports we've heard are true, this is making a weird sort of sense.


We have a young man who grows up in a house where the mother supports the family (NOT blaming her, mind you) and the father is disabled and hardcore unemployed.

Fighting among the parents is common (and though we have no idea what was said, one can imagine some of the possibilities). For a young man who naturally identifies with the parent of the same gender (i.e., his father), the harsh things said to his mother may had particular significance for him.

I don't know, but there have been some reports and it wouldn't surprise me if the father expressed more than a few "conspiratorial" points of view. Add in a political climate that not only insists the sky is falling but talks about "second amendment solutions."

As the young man matures, he follows in father's career path (i.e., lack thereof), and develops MI. (Whether the MI is triggered by the context or was inevitable due to biology I don't know.) Some of the symptoms seem to be odd photos taken of himself and involving a gun and nudity. Guess what the gun stands for?

So who is the target when he finally erupts? The nearest and highest ranking female government (i.e., authority) figure. And a crowd composed largely of her supporters.

Guess he showed Mom, didn't he?

All IMO, obviously, and all amateur speculation.
The top unemployment benefit in Arizona as of 2009 was $240 a week. Which should be plenty for someone still living with his parents.

Reports say he hadn't worked for years. Unless the laws are very different in AZ than they are in NY and CA, you can't begin collecting unemployment unless you've worked a certain number of weeks in the past 12 months.

If JL ever collected unemployment, it ran out some time ago.
Tucson bishop buries a close friend

Gerald F. Kicanas, bishop of the Diocese of Tucson, was in the Middle East attending a Catholic conference on peace when he learned while watching CNN that a gunman had opened fire on a crowd back home. He was stunned, he said — and then he thought he heard the name "John Roll."

"I thought I had misheard," Kicanas said in an interview. He hadn't; Roll, Arizona's chief federal judge, a devout Catholic and a close friend, was among the dead.

"I just broke down," Kicanas said. "It was a terribly sad experience."

Kicanas, 69, a leading voice in U.S. Catholicism, called Roll's widow, Maureen, from Jerusalem. He assured her, he said: "John went to the Lord."

more at,0,5698201.story

Rest in Peace, Judge Roll :rose:
Earth Empires Administrator Unveils Loughner Posts

The Wall Street Journal

"On Friday afternoon Dave McVittie unveiled to the public 131 online posts that Jared Loughner wrote on a forum within the game Earth Empires, an online game Mr. McVittie administers.

The posts cover April through June 2010 and are from a game Mr. Loughner played on and off since he was a young teen. In these posts Mr. Loughner revealed violent thoughts about rape and hitting handicapped people, as well as more prosaic notes such as the amount of weight he could bench press. He also outlined the troubles he ran into with teachers at his community college (whom he called "pigs"), complained about being unemployed and poor, and on a spreadsheet appeared to compare the option of suicide against going to prison or getting a job."

I can get on the WSJ article,but the site with the posts on it isn't loading. Must be alot of people reading.

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