Ronald Cummings, drug trafficking charges

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So if rc is not sure JO is involved, who does he think killed Haleigh? I wonder why he didn't blame it on him, like the rest did. I have to think about this some more. Why wouldn't he really consider him as a prime suspect? JO must have something on him. The one thing that comes through is that he really dislikes Nay Nay. He blames NN for misty sleeping with wbg. They have a very strange way of thinking in that area.

I heard a funny line on Steve Wilkos today regarding a guy who got 4 girls pregnant and was living with another one. Steve said, [U]"It isn't exactly like he is the Brad Pitt of hillbillies"[/U]. I may have to use that as a siggy soon.


You should definately use it!!

I truly believe they were soooo strung out on drugs that they don't have a clue who did what. As far as Nay Nay, her first interview about Haleigh ODing sounds very plausable to me, and for Haleigh's sake it would, hopefully, mean no pain.
Sure..I'm open to it. Personally, I don't see Tommy but that doesn't mean I'm right. In my mind, Tommy may tag along with hiding her, but I don't see him killing Haleigh. There are so many suspects in this case, it's insane. That is why Putnam LE decided to say the "hezz with it, let's lock em all up".

RC and JO are two real crazy guys, imo. I see JO as psychotic in his looks. RC will definitely get revenge....but he didn't this time and he didnt pursue it either. Rc was just too busy trying to keep misty happy so she wouldn't turn on him and get him for rape. He was looking @ 20 years if she decided to turn on him. I think his priority was keeping himself out of prison and sex offender status, and Haleigh's murder/accident was a distant second.

At their ages, the fact they lived together for months and with the obvious blessing of both their families I seriously doubt Ron was 'looking at 20 years'.
A few months maybe, perhaps a mandatory SO registry, but little else.
MOO though
Locals usually don't ever share, too many blood/friendship/my own guilty secrets ties. I spent a lot of time in one of them small towns, learned the ropes, and a lot of secrets. I wouldn't have opened my mouth either, ever - still won't. You see, everything and everyone are very closely tied together. Where I came from, you rat me, I rat you or worse; too many buried bodies/secrets; over the years, it just don't pay. What's done is done, buried and over with, life goes on, and EVERYONE knows it.

Just my opinion from living in a tiny place with a lot of sins. Steven King sorta outed small town living, but in the end he had to tell the secrets to sell his books. I know, I know, his was fiction, but what went on is common to small towns, in the main - just another opinion of mine.
also, certain towns have this base need to not look bad and be judged by others. They would rather lie or keep important info from cops, than to have outsiders think their town is trashy. I see the same thing, where I live. I noticed an article from the newspaper editor, where he repeated a 'fact' about a local teacher, over and over. I finally thought, 'who is he trying to convince'. She was run off, (I know her), and he kept saying she resigned, to pursue other interests. Technically yes, she did resign, but only to keep the word 'fired' off her record. This is a small town, and a certain group of parents who run the school, wanted a younger, prettier, teacher/coach for their daughters. The editor knows this lady was shafted, but instead of writing the truth, about how the school's only play off coach was treated, he globs on to technicalities, and runs with them. Several yrs ago, the paper ran an editorial about how our school system had never had 1 single fight, until the hurricane victims moved in. Really!!! All our gang and violence problems were their fault! Never mind that when a tv station was here covering a story, a fight broke out in the cafeteria and a girl knocked all of another girl's teeth out...right there on camera. Deny, deny, deny. Crimes go unreported, unpunished, all depending on what people are involved. One time, GMA came here to cover a Christmas festival, but once here, they changed the theme to all the kids who were doing without, and asked for donations. Our 'high society' folks were hopping mad, and THEN donated the necessary money. Can't have outsiders thinking we're not perfect. I can say without a doubt, if something like Haleigh Cumming happened here, the media would be run off. Nobody would talk to them and the consensus would be, 'go away, so our perfect little town can get back to being perfect'. And the 'high society' folks would be livid if the family was poorer and lived on the wrong side of the tracks. (yes, we have a right side and wrongs side. I was raised on the wrong side). The town's main focus would be horror that outsiders thought these particular people represented the 'type' of people who reside here. Really, what it boils down to, is most people, (not all, but most), don't care if a child is murdered, especially a poor child. Image is more important. MOO
Just want to jump in....I have been keeping this guy "Chad Eugene Reynolds" on my radar.

He is still an Absconded "Registered Sexual Predator" from Putnam County! His charges were "Lewd or lascivious molestation on a victim under 12 years!" In Florida, Registered Sexual Predators are much more dangerous than RSO's, Registered Sexual Offenders. His official date reported missing is Feb. 16, 2009! That is just 7 days after HaLeigh disappeared! IIRC he was a no-show for a probation/parole visit on or near that date.

I checked on him after keeping up with Terry C. Sparks (Jaren Lockhart Case) who was an absconded RSO from North Carolina.

BTW...I am NOT saying that I think the Cummings/Croslin/Overstreet/Snodgrass parties are innocent..Just keeping other options out there!

Dear God Please Bring Little HaLeigh Home To Those Who Love HER!
Many of us conducted extensive research on ChadR and his profile definitely fits the bill IMO.

Dead people are typically found. Those who profess to be dead later surface. Our judicial system, concerned citizens, relatives and many others never forget a person's existence ... and/or crime!

If a crime is committed, the odds are the perpetrator will be caught; sooner or later. The odds are just not in their favor. :moo:

the makeshift chair still leaves an eerie feeling to me. I wonder if there was any DNA on it? DNA is the greatest tool LE has, in my viewpoint. Fingerprints are great too :)
Many of us conducted extensive research on ChadR and his profile definitely fits the bill IMO.

Dead people are typically found. Those who profess to be dead later surface. Our judicial system, concerned citizens, relatives and many others never forget a person's existence ... and/or crime!

If a crime is committed, the odds are the perpetrator will be caught; sooner or later. The odds are just not in their favor. :moo:

the makeshift chair still leaves an eerie feeling to me. I wonder if there was any DNA on it? DNA is the greatest tool LE has, in my viewpoint. Fingerprints are great too :)

So many things have troubled me in this case. However, the makeshift chair never did. Maybe they don't use "blinds" in FL to hunt deer, or perhaps a hunter was using it to hunt possum or whatever. I just don't think a perp would take the time to build a chair, and sit there waiting for an opportunity to kidnap. JMO
I find it hard to believe JO would be anywhere within 1k miles of a crazy man like RC if he was the one associated with HaLeigh's disappearance. Was JO hanging out with RC while MC was hanging out with WBG? Did JO/RC do the aggravated robbery of the drug dealers together and is that when/where they bonded? RC denied JO's involvement in missing HaLeigh and defended him more than once. Lil JO is not one bit afraid of RC, not one bit at all. If RC even suspected MC and/or JO’s involvement, he would have followed MC to TN in a heartbeat. (MC should have stayed there with ol’ Flo)

Going under the assumption RC did in fact commit an aggravated robbery:
He knows who removed his daughter and why. There is not a dang thing RC can do about it. Usually when a person is involved in drugs or have committed a crime, they cannot rely on LE to help them out of a bind. The victim(s) may have left him a clear message of what happens when you cross them.

Could you imagine if the aggravated robbery was against someone with the likes of SNOD?
Knowing RC and his previous arrests, it would be fair to assume he would continue to beat the system. I could see where a victim just may take the matter into their own hands. Payback is a “B” so to speak. MOO
4Jacy: One thing about sex offenders, they seem to have a great amount of patience! Many of them watch and groom their victims before attacking. They pretty much dot their "I"s and cross their "T"s as they fear getting caught. I think about Sommer Thompson's killer.
Listening to cobra tape:

I want to know how rc had time to EVER go to Shell Harbor with JO and discuss throwing live prey to the gators. From what I know, rc didn't meet JO till the end of Jan. 2009...yet he talks about JO saying this as if he heard it himself. I am listening right now and rc is saying he is NOT sure that JO is involved. Cobra asked him if he was 75% sure and rc said "No, I'm not sure at all".

He then goes on to talk about Orlando T as his best friend and he is not a drug dealer. It is another Orlando T that has a similar SSN#...LOL

He then says Nay Nay talked misty into hooking up with WBG @ Stokes Landing. That was new to me. He is tying in that place, once again, with misty and wbg.

On a different note:
I want to know what the heck blood was doing in the van. Misty tells us it was deer blood. Why did she bring it up? I say it was discussed with her by LE...and she was attempting to explain it away. From what I heard LE cut out the bloody part of the carpet and took it.

It has been awhile since I have listened to the Cobra/Ron tapes,but seem to recall Ron was repeating the gator story as it was told to him by Tommy Croslin.So the gator story actually came from Tommy,who was with JO at the time.
I also noticed that Cobra was pushing a JO connection with Haleigh,and RC didn't seem convinced about the guilt of JO. I seem to recall that Cobra had spoken with Lisa Croslin before he interviewed Ron, and she had also mentioned her thought that JO might be suspect.
Kind of interesting the Croslin push toward JO.Maybe it was genuine at the time,but still it makes me wonder.
So if rc is not sure JO is involved, who does he think killed Haleigh? I wonder why he didn't blame it on him, like the rest did. I have to think about this some more. Why wouldn't he really consider him as a prime suspect? JO must have something on him. The one thing that comes through is that he really dislikes Nay Nay. He blames NN for misty sleeping with wbg. They have a very strange way of thinking in that area.

I heard a funny line on Steve Wilkos today regarding a guy who got 4 girls pregnant and was living with another one. Steve said, "It isn't exactly like he is the Brad Pitt of hillbillies". I may have to use that as a siggy soon.

LOL, yep I saw that Steve Wilkos episode............immediately thought about this case and the characters involved.
At their ages, the fact they lived together for months and with the obvious blessing of both their families I seriously doubt Ron was 'looking at 20 years'.
A few months maybe, perhaps a mandatory SO registry, but little else.
MOO though

Nope. Not from what I read on the charges. He was 24 and she was 16 when he slept with her. Anything more than seven year difference is major jail time.

Misty put away a boyfriend who was only three years older and he got nine years and he was a juvenile. IMO, RC was facing major jail time w/misty. He got less on the drug charges.
It has been awhile since I have listened to the Cobra/Ron tapes,but seem to recall Ron was repeating the gator story as it was told to him by Tommy Croslin.So the gator story actually came from Tommy,who was with JO at the time.
I also noticed that Cobra was pushing a JO connection with Haleigh,and RC didn't seem convinced about the guilt of JO. I seem to recall that Cobra had spoken with Lisa Croslin before he interviewed Ron, and she had also mentioned her thought that JO might be suspect.
Kind of interesting the Croslin push toward JO.Maybe it was genuine at the time,but still it makes me wonder.


Maybe by pushing for JO, he would have to include misty and rc didn't want to make misty mad. Misty may have been holding "Rape" as her spade. That is all I can think of at this time.

misty is a strange one. She parrots whatever is said. In some ways, she is like FCA but not as educated. They both have never had an original thought.
Maybe by pushing for JO, he would have to include misty and rc didn't want to make misty mad. Misty may have been holding "Rape" as her spade. That is all I can think of at this time.

misty is a strange one. She parrots whatever is said. In some ways, she is like FCA but not as educated. They both have never had an original thought.

Thank you for the welcome,Whisperer.It's great to have a place to discuss in event of any news.
Interesting point about RC having to include Misty in any situation that involved JO.That is possible,but I think at the time,RC was leaning toward Crystal as a possible suspect. He spoke about Crystal in the Cobra tape regarding child support.

Misty may not be educated,but I don't doubt that she is clever in other ways.
I'm hoping her need for attention will be her downfall and at some point she will let something slip.
rc is so full of it. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. I caught him accusing crystal a few times. She is his punching bag and she doesn't seem to mind it.
So many things have troubled me in this case. However, the makeshift chair never did. Maybe they don't use "blinds" in FL to hunt deer, or perhaps a hunter was using it to hunt possum or whatever. I just don't think a perp would take the time to build a chair, and sit there waiting for an opportunity to kidnap. JMO
Is there a photo of the chair? because just the idea of that thing, really, really bothered me. At 1st I thought maybe a pedophile was stalking Haleigh/Misty, and then I thought it sounded like something a psychotic teen would do. But, I have to admit that after reading about Tommy walking and lurking through the neighborhood at night, I thought about that chair again. IMO, those 2 things seem to go together. IDK, maybe it really was nothing, like LE claimed, but the thing freaked me out. MOO,
Is there a photo of the chair? because just the idea of that thing, really, really bothered me. At 1st I thought maybe a pedophile was stalking Haleigh/Misty, and then I thought it sounded like something a psychotic teen would do. But, I have to admit that after reading about Tommy walking and lurking through the neighborhood at night, I thought about that chair again. IMO, those 2 things seem to go together. IDK, maybe it really was nothing, like LE claimed, but the thing freaked me out. MOO,

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #2
About the chair in the woods.
Even most cracked out druggies know you don't hunt in an area as small as that strip of 'woods' behind Ron's home.
IMO it was brought there and used to watch.

Were 'they' watching for drugs, Misty or a chance to grab HaLeigh?
We don't know, but that wasn't a hunting spot, I'm pretty sure.
About the chair in the woods.
Even most cracked out druggies know you don't hunt in an area as small as that strip of 'woods' behind Ron's home.
IMO it was brought there and used to watch.

Were 'they' watching for drugs, Misty or a chance to grab HaLeigh?
We don't know, but that wasn't a hunting spot, I'm pretty sure.
Do we know exactly what strip of woods it was, and how much area it covered? Because if it's real close to a neighborhood, I don't think anybody would be hunting, because of stray bullets and the sound of gunfire. Was the land licensed for hunting?
Is there a photo of the chair? because just the idea of that thing, really, really bothered me. At 1st I thought maybe a pedophile was stalking Haleigh/Misty, and then I thought it sounded like something a psychotic teen would do. But, I have to admit that after reading about Tommy walking and lurking through the neighborhood at night, I thought about that chair again. IMO, those 2 things seem to go together. IDK, maybe it really was nothing, like LE claimed, but the thing freaked me out. MOO,

Yes, Dodie, there is a picture of the chair. It was very crude, made of branchs and wood. Maybe you could find the pic in the archives.

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