TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #6

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sorry if this is a repeat, i am experiencing WS turbulence...

valhall has a good post on her blog


There are some things in this story that are still very hinky to me. Of course, there are lots of contradictory stories coming out at this point, so even what has been reported to date should be taken with caution since the entire originally story has changed by a significant degree, but issues with the phone calls and the timing are still very problematic to this story…maybe even more so now. First, we don’t know the motive (and possibly even the HPD don’t know either at this point) and what would lead to Nelson kidnapping, murdering and burning the corpse of Jonathan Foster. So that question stands unanswered.

Until reports firm up exactly who Mona Nelson is connected with in Jonathan’s life, we’re left with shifting sands in this story as to possible other involvement or potential motive.
I do not like this step-father; nope, nope, nope. Way over the top for someone who barely knew this child.


Im confused why everyone says DD didnt know JF. Jf lived with his Granny for a year before he went to live with his mom. I would assume they probley had frequent contact in that years time. JMO

That being said in no way do i condone slapping any child for any reason. I think Mom was right to move out to protect JF.
Stepdad Wants Vengeance In Boy's Death
Mona Yvette Nelson Accused Of Killing Jonathan Foster

POSTED: Thursday, December 30, 2010
UPDATED: 8:51 am CST December 30, 2010


Jonathan's stepfather, David Davis, said the arrest does not bring him much peace because nothing will bring Jonathan back.

"What kind of monster is this? Burnt my baby in a ditch? They burnt my baby on Christmas," Davis said. "There's no more Christmas. They're done for this family. What kind of monster is that? You get her!"

Nelson was arrested in the neighborhood where Jonathan was last seen, police said. She is a family acquaintance or a friend of Jonathan's family, police said.

Davis said he did not know Nelson well.

"I don't know her. I saw her before, though. She looks like a dude," Davis said.

Detectives said surveillance video from a business near the place Jonathan's body was found led them to Nelson. Police said they showed Nelson the video and she admitted that it was her vehicle in the video, but did not confess to anything else.

Nelson gave police permission to search her home before Jonathan's body was identified. Investigators said they found welding equipment in her home and she may have worked as a welder.


Mona Nelson was a welder?

OMG. My heart is breaking. Did she torch that boy? OMG. :(:furious:
Yesterday on the radio, Tim Miller of Equusearch said the crime would be drug related -- revenge of sorts. This child was put in a terrible place with adults that had deep rooted problems of their own. The mother mentioned her "children" not living with her. Where are her other kids?

The stepfather is working too hard at being a victim -- creepy and disturbing.
im a bit pizzed the witness never called 911...I mean she saw the truck and mn at the house, ummmm did she not see Jonathan being removed???? if somethin didnt look right... wth didnt she act on it...why wait till after the fact :furious:

Maybe just maybe it wasn't unusual to see MN there at the house. Maybe that was something that was normal. Maybe she visited that house more than we know. KWIM?
I hate to say this... but at this point I would not be surprised if it comes out that a life insurance policy was started on poor Jonathan recently.
And what about this medical condition as to why she was not in court?

I smell a deminished capacity defense already brewing. :furious:
Sorry but that one is not going to fly here.

Parts of NG transcript from 12/27/10

JOE GOMEZ, KTRH NEWSRADIO What we do know was that minutes after he disappeared, his mother received a desperate phone call at work from somebody. But when she answered the phone, the person on the other line hung up.

GOMEZ: Reportedly, he was at the baby-sitter`s sometime around 1:45 in the afternoon, said he was going to go see -- or go to his apartment to go get video games. They all lived in the same neighborhood. It was at that point that he vanished. Nobody knows where he took off to.

CASAREZ: It`s very confusing that police are so confused at this point, Houston Police Department. Joe Gomez, reporter from KTRH Newsradio -- so his mother is at work on Christmas Eve. About 1:45, she gets a phone call, Joe Gomez?

GOMEZ: That`s right, from a mysterious person who called her at work. You know, she got the message. She goes to pick up the phone. But then when she picks up the phone, the person on the other end clicks off, hangs up the receiver. Who was it? The person on the other line said they had an emergency to tell her. Well, this was moments after little Jonathan Foster disappeared. Now, this adds more fuel to the theory, did he really run away or was he taken, Jean?

MIKKILINENI: Jean, it`s confusing again because we`ve heard so many conflicting stories. But we believe -- police do believe that he did make it back to his apartment that he shares with his mother and stepfather. In fact, a neighbor puts him -- they believe a neighbor witness saw him there approximately at 1:45 at his home.

MIKKILINENI: Somebody saw him wearing this T-shirt and jeans, no jacket.

JOE GOMEZ, KTRH NEWSRADIO: Well, Jean, right now, police say little Jonathan Foster was potentially kidnapped from his quiet neighborhood on Christmas Eve. Right now, his disappearance (INAUDIBLE) details around his disappearance are very mysterious, but we have reports that perhaps he was with his baby-sitter, last seen or last seen by his stepfather.

MIKKILINENI: Also, there`s conflicting reports as to exactly where he was, in fact, last seen, Jean. We`ve heard one story where he was at the baby-sitter`s, and then he vanished from the baby-sitter`s house. But then we`ve heard another story where he actually returned and was spotted in the home of his parents, and then that his stepfather may have, in fact, been the last person that saw him. And there`s also a neighbor that places that child at that apartment complex, at his home, at that time, 1:45 PM, according to police.


That morning at work, a colleague told Davis her son had called the office, and had asked for Ennamorato's number. She was only told about the call after the fact, she said.

Then a woman called back, saying it was an emergency. By the time Davis made it to the phone, she said, the line was dead.

Concerned, Davis called the house phone again and again as she drove to the cottage, she said. Someone picked up just minutes before she pulled up around 2 p.m.

A woman answered, she said, and Davis identified herself and asked to speak her son. She heard a woman say: "Is your mama's name Angela?" she said.

And she heard Jonathan say: "Yes ma'am, my mama's name is Angela." And then the phone went dead.

When she opened the door moments later, cartoons were still on the TV, and a game was up on the computer screen. A can of Tootsie rolls sat on the computer desk.

"I hollered, 'Jonathan, mama's home! Where are you?'" There was no answer


It makes me wonder IF what was reported by the reporter is what the mother intially stated and now there is another version of what happened.
Maybe just maybe it wasn't unusual to see MN there at the house. Maybe that was something that was normal. Maybe she visited that house more than we know. KWIM?

IIRC Mom and little man had just moved in there around December 14th.
No way no how do I believe this was MN first trip to that home.

did anyone else notice the stepdad start stammering when talking about Mona? He went from "I don't know her" to a few "I don't knows" real quick. Would love to have a body language expert look at that video.

They would probably say he was hammered and talking out of his...um.....behind!!!

They also said investigators found burned carpet at Nelson's home and discovered twine that appeared to match the string that was used to bind Jonathan's hands.

Surveillance cameras at a business near the spot where the body was discovered had recorded her images,

So NOT just the truck like was stated before....

Maybe just maybe it wasn't unusual to see MN there at the house. Maybe that was something that was normal. Maybe she visited that house more than we know. KWIM?

I'm thinking she did. I wish we could hear her voice. If I thought she was a man when I saw her, I can't imagine that JF would call her ma'am if he hadn't met or seen her before (of course that depends on her voice). Also, there was no struggle apparently, but he did take a stuffed animal with him which indicates to me that he was scared and needed a comfort item.

What really bothers me the most is that his hands were bound. Mona was 10 times his size. It makes me sick to even think what happened....
Regarding the evidence-I think Mona's pick up was seen, she had burns on a carpet and twine in her house that looked like the twine used to bind him. And clearly JF was burned. No COD has been released, but I hope to GOD that he did not suffer.

Perhaps they also found his clothing at her place as well.

Right, I agree about the carpet and twine for evidence.

But this quote says that there was enough evidence to prove that SHE KILLED him.

I am not so sure that carpet and twine indicate that she killed him.

So I do believe there is other evidence. :(

Investigators spent hours Wednesday questioning Nelson. They believe she took Jonathan to her home near U.S. 59 and Laura Koppe, where she likely killed him and burned his body, said HPD homicide investigator Mike Miller.

He said a search of Nelson's house turned up an "incredible amount of evidence" that points to Nelson as the killer, but investigators are still trying to discern her motive.

"That's the million-dollar question," Miller said.

I am on page 4, so pardon my catch-up...

Did I miss a presser? Was there/Is there a presser?
Alright, this thread is FLYING way too fast, lol!!

I am going to re-post my comments from last night, but with changes made after the quote. Please be patient.

OMG. I am speechless. Almost...

1. I am SO devastated for Jonathan and his family. My prayers go out to them. G-d bless this poor boy.

2. Houston local media SUCKS at life. Cannot properly report a story to save themselves. UGH.

3. Because of this, I have NO IDEA what is really going on. Therefore, I just cannot make up my mind as to what may have happened...

4. WHY CAN'T EVERY STATE BE LIKE TEXAS??!!! Capital murder charges---heck to the yes.

Again, I am having trouble decided on which theory I support for the motive/situation surrounding J's abduction/murder, but here are the 3 that I feel strong about (JUST GUESSING---NOT ACCUSING):

1. DRUG DEBT. First thought that popped into my mind when I found out J was living with his grandparents, and when I saw the video of J's mother and no offense to her or her family, but she looks like a drug user. This whole case just screams drug debt. Either mom or step-dad had a gripe with a dealer and the dealer decided to take revenge by hurting the boy to show he/she meant business. Horrible, but it is possible. However this would lead to the idea that the parents DID NOT have direct involvement. Unless they just said, "Take our son". (Not accusing)

Killers who burn victims MAY be hiding evidence of assault, BUT they also indicate COLD-HEARTEDNESS---when the killer is sending the message of pure hate for the victim OR the victims family (i.e. gang/drug related murders).
Drug dealers mean business when they kill, they are RUTHLESS.

2. Domestic dispute. Mother kicked step-dad out, step-dad seeks revenge. Maybe he was jealous of J because he took up all of mom's attention. Maybe J was getting in the way of their relationship. Who knows.

3. Mona, who has a history of robbery charges, befriended the step dad for whatever reason, decided to rob his apt, and in the process, sadly, J was home and she killed him to avoid having a witness to her robbery. Burned the body to destroy evidence/dna.

Ok, I cannot finish, hubby is begging me to go to bed....ugh!

After more info is unfolding, I am now thinking that it was:

1. A robbery committed by Mona AND the step-father---revenge for J's mom leaving him. Step-dad either agreed to split profits or paid Mona to rob J's mom's cottage. Step dad may not have been there, but planned it. Mona either killed J in panic, or step-dad instructed/paid her to, or took part. I think step-dad KNEW J was home. It was Xmas time for petes sake, kids are off from school.

Mona could totally be lying when she admitted to dumping the body, but not killing him. BOY HAVE WE HEARD THAT LINE BEFORE!

2. Robbery committed and planned by Mona only. Possible that step dad and mom had NO KNOWLEDGE, and Mona planned the robbery herself, and killed J out of fear he would be a witness.

3. DRUG DEBT. Clearly J's mom at least WAS a drug-user, and my guess is that the step father was at least a shady character at best. I am willing to bet that Mona was a drug dealer and was in some sort of clash with the step-father and either decided to take revenge by robbery AND/OR murder, or step-dad agreed to let Mona settle a drug debt by robbing the cottage. This whole story screams drug debt to me, but I am very willing to believe a just plain old robbery.

I still, like several of you, feel that the step-dad is involved.

Even though I am upset that J's mother LIED about the babysitter---which to me incriminates her and makes her SEEM involved----I will say that I am NOT upset with her for leaving J alone (given that he had food and necessities for that time period). He was of age. I will give her that break. I also think it was wise that she had J live with relatives when she was using. She could have just been stubborn and exposed J to a very hard, traumatic life. I think, aside from using drugs, the only mistake she made (that we know of) was choosing the step dad as a mate. I do not know who else the mother regularly associates with, so I will not speculate here.

It was great that J's mom instructed him to call her if there was an emergency, but for all of us out there, I think calls should be based on separate emergency situations:

For this, this, this, and this scenario, call me at work. (You are sick, something breaks, you hear a noise, lights go out, someone calls).

If this, this, this happens, CALL 911 RIGHT AWAY. (Someone breaks in, you are seriously injured, OR if someone enters the house, but I did not TELL YOU beforehand that they are coming). Again, J and his mom are not at fault for this, but I really learned a great lesson from this situation, that I want to teach my 12-13 year old if I leave them home alone.

Once again, my heart and prayers go out to J, his family, anyone who participated in J's search, and all of you, because you showed your love for J too.
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