In defense of George and Cindy.

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I think part of the problem is people are trying to justify what they have done. Anyone can justify anything, but does that mean we condone it. I think if the A's would read this thread they would find out the American public does not condone their actions regardless of how they have tried to justify it in their minds.
This is one of the most interesting threads on this case.
It begins with an idea that we can't begin to believe what Cindy and George feel. Yes, they too are victims.
But the responses have been ones of vialable reasons they these two are disliked. It's as if the door was opened for all of us to satisify our thoughts on George and Cindy. And bring some type of honor to why we dislike or like them.
Very interesting the twists and turns this threat takes. I've been glued to the screen.
I myself would like to give George and Cindy a hug. But at the same time, it scares me to think of getting that close to them.
They have to be the most unusual characters to ever come along when it comes to true crime cases.
Thank you everyone for your well-thought-out responses. This is one heck of a thread!
Generally, I feel for the familys of the accused. Innocent or guilty. The families go through alot. They are victums and didn't ask to be in the situation that they end up in. They don't ask to be friends/family with someone who does such awful crimes. Many times the wonder if it's their faul, what they could have done to prevent it, etc.

From the Get go,I felt for the A's. When they would do stupid stuff, I still felt for them. Thought they were making those mistakes because of their grief.

I don't feel the same way now. Now that I have got to know them. The Public them, that is. I never want to know them personally.

I have no problem with them supporting their child during this. I would think less of them if they didn't. Seriously! She is still innocent until proven guilty, yada, yada. And love for ones child, it should still be there. She is facing the death pentalty. The most they can seriously hope for is life in jail. At least THEY would be able to see THEIR daughter and don't be punished by watching her die.

There is a difference from being a victum and being an active player. At first, they were a victum. They have moved from that to being an active player. When they moved into the media light in order to spew lies on purpose, attack those who are trying to find the baby and bring her home, attack anyone who tries to solve the case, etc... They became an active player. And they used their offical status as a 'victum' to whine if someone calls them on what they are doing. That makes it even worse.

I do feel for them for loosing a grand-daughter and for what they are going through with their daughter. But it ends there. I see alot of stuff they are personally responsible for. Not just a few bad choices. They are Reaping what they sow. Not just with KC, but media, etc.

BTW: Now that I "know" the family, I feel for KC and what she must have went through growing up, etc. But that doesn't excuse what she did. Just explains how she could be so screwed up. Same with her family right now. What she did, that just explains why they are screwed up right now. But that doesn't excuse what they are doing.

Some people think that if there is an 'excuse', then all is fine and dandy. I don't agree. An excuse just explains they why. A person should still be punished. Including a child.
i've replied to a few threads similar to this one and just out of interest i looked back to see how my past responses would compare to each other. not surprisingly they became shorter and less compassionate as the months passed. here's a response from last december:

eddeva said:
as much as cindy infuriates me, and she does, the woman's suffered so much pain in the last 6mos it's impossible for me to not have sympathy for her, or should i say in spite of her.

today i have no sympathy left, and here's the thing - i don't think it just dissipated over time, i feel like it was beaten out of me.
The Anthonys know whats probably comming. They are flawed humans, like the rest of us. I hate how they have been picked apart, laughed at, made fun of in every single way possible...just on this board alone! I have never seen so much hatred. And theres a difference between a demand for justice and people spewing hatred.

Hatred is one of the most troublesome thing about the A's -- the degree of it they seem to have for all kinds of people who did nothing wrong or who tried to help, or who were merely unfortunate enough to have been friends with Casey.
My sympathy for the Anthonys ran out early on, from the first calls to 911, when as the 911 operator left the line briefly, and Cindy in an aside to KC, said to her, "How do you want to PLAY this?"

This was after Cindy had cleaned the car, something I'd have never done. This alone tells me, she suspected KC as the perpetrator, and knew something terrible had happened to her granddaughter. It tells me she knew KC was capable of murder.

On smelling that smell, I'd have called the police right then, and had them come to the house, and reported both as missing. At the time, that would've been the truth as Cindy knew it to be or at least as we've been led to believe by Cindy.

And George just goes to work? Huh? This is just absolutely crazy, unfathomable.

When reporting to 911, Cindy's order of importance was this:

1. Missing money
2. Stolen car
3. Missing granddaughter

Shouldn't #3 have been at the top of her list?

I once read, never love someone who can't love you back, so I'm afraid I extend sympathy to those who can feel sympathy for others. I don't call George trotting himself off to the Cummings group as being anything other than GA wanting to play John Walsh. I think GA thought he had something to gain, an increase in his stature. Sorry, GA, wrong move, wrong timing.

In his shoes, the best I could've done was to call the Cummings family group, and extend my heartfelt sympathies for the hope their daughter was found.

What I can never fault G & C Anthony for is not actively looking for Caylee. I don't even think LE wants victims out looking for their loved ones. What if they happened upon the crime scene?

Been there done that, but in the context of suicide. My son and I found his father, my husband, and I can tell you, we both suffered PTSD for over a year, that intrusive picture haunting us day and night. It left us both basket cases. We might have coped better with his death if we'd not been the ones to find him. So no, those left behind should not go looking for their loved ones when there exists the distinct possibility they'll be found dead.

Like everyone else, the lies, the cover-ups, the blaming of innocent people to save the hide of their w........ spawn sickens me to no end.
What I could understand is being truthful, helping LE to find the truth about what happened to my granddaughter no matter what.

It almost seems like the Anthonys are extensions of KC, zombies doing her wishes.
Do you all remember from day one when CA was on the talk shows to I was going to say ask for help (order) to find Caylee. She was over the top even then. I was floored what she said to Greta that night. Cannot remember now what it was but she was just so over the top. CA as always made the family decisions she was going to handle the problem. She has to the point they are the most hated people in Florida. You know a pastor, lawyer, friend could have solved the whole problem. Mama CA was going to do it her way regardless. It has gone downhill from day one. I look at Sandra Cantu's family and they did it properly. Let someone else speak for them. There is grace under fire, then there is CA who does not have a clue what that word means. Hers is bully all the way until she gets what she wants. It is not working this time. She is not able to make everyone see it her way, she is shocked and her control is nada.
My sympathy for the Anthonys ran out early on, from the first calls to 911, when as the 911 operator left the line briefly, and Cindy in an aside to KC, said to her, "How do you want to PLAY this?"

This was after Cindy had cleaned the car, something I'd have never done. This alone tells me, she suspected KC as the perpetrator, and knew something terrible had happened to her granddaughter. It tells me she knew KC was capable of murder.

On smelling that smell, I'd have called the police right then, and had them come to the house, and reported both as missing. At the time, that would've been the truth as Cindy knew it to be or at least as we've been led to believe by Cindy.

And George just goes to work? Huh? This is just absolutely crazy, unfathomable.

When reporting to 911, Cindy's order of importance was this:

1. Missing money
2. Stolen car
3. Missing granddaughter

Shouldn't #3 have been at the top of her list?

I once read, never love someone who can't love you back, so I'm afraid I extend sympathy to those who can feel sympathy for others. I don't call George trotting himself off to the Cummings group as being anything other than GA wanting to play John Walsh. I think GA thought he had something to gain, an increase in his stature. Sorry, GA, wrong move, wrong timing.

In his shoes, the best I could've done was to call the Cummings family group, and extend my heartfelt sympathies for the hope their daughter was found.

What I can never fault G & C Anthony for is not actively looking for Caylee. I don't even think LE wants victims out looking for their loved ones. What if they happened upon the crime scene?

Been there done that, but in the context of suicide. My son and I found his father, my husband, and I can tell you, we both suffered PTSD for over a year, that intrusive picture haunting us day and night. It left us both basket cases. We might have coped better with his death if we'd not been the ones to find him. So no, those left behind should not go looking for their loved ones when there exists the distinct possibility they'll be found dead.

Like everyone else, the lies, the cover-ups, the blaming of innocent people to save the hide of their w........ spawn sickens me to no end.
What I could understand is being truthful, helping LE to find the truth about what happened to my granddaughter no matter what.

It almost seems like the Anthonys are extensions of KC, zombies doing her wishes.

I am so sorry for your loss and cannot imagine the horror of what your discovery was. God's Blessings to you and your son for your continued healing. :blowkiss:

Some will not sit around they must look. Mr. Cummings would not stay behind, he had to help. I can understand his choice, also understanding what you are saying. It is such a hard call on what is right or wrong. I would be a looker. I would have to be out searching.
Hi Carrie, I appreciate your comments. Because I do not have any links towards that confirmation, I will reconsider my stance about the money issue. I'd like to hope no grandparent would take such money, even them.

I do have 1 question about that. They had huge financial issues from the time Caylee was missing, I am curious how they are paying all their bills and surviving. Without either of them working, there has to be a financial source somewhere.


One thing about the $250,000 from ABC... no one in the A's camp has ever denied receiving it, that I'm aware of. And that leads me to believe that Jose told Judge Strickland that Casey's parents are footing her legal defense bill, thus no conflict over selling Caylee's images since Jose is not the broker but the A's are.
i've replied to a few threads similar to this one and just out of interest i looked back to see how my past responses would compare to each other. not surprisingly they became shorter and less compassionate as the months passed. here's a response from last december:

Originally Posted by eddeva
as much as cindy infuriates me, and she does, the woman's suffered so much pain in the last 6mos it's impossible for me to not have sympathy for her, or should i say in spite of her.

today i have no sympathy left, and here's the thing - i don't think it just dissipated over time, i feel like it was beaten out of me.

I brought your Dec post with us here. That is very sad for you and very sad to read. I feel like most of us feel the same way. I member when I felt Sympathy for all of them. Feels good to back up and look into one's own self and that is what I see happening here in this thread. I feel like I have allowed their actions to rob part of my humanity. After reading here, I can feel like I am gittin that back. Thanks to each and every one of you guys for that.

I have lost any sympathy I had for them. Am sure that the cockles of my heart will loosen up some when I hear the word "GUILTY" come out of the Judge's mouth and I wanna see the look on KC's face. I want to see her cry for herself because she will be in prison for the rest of her life. She killed her baby gurl and she needs to be punished whether she feels like she did wrong or not.

I think/hope that when that moment comes I will let the Anthonys loose from my life forever. I hope and pray that they are able to move on and find some kind of peace. Peace---is very important in life. I wonder if they have even sit and wondered what their life will be like when it is over. They should be using this time for laying the ground work for the rest of their lives, not runnin around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Anyway---I do tend to ramble. :crazy:
Will they even have a life Mama? They have vilified themselves with most of Florida. If I owned a business I would not want them working for me. This case has been so raw with emotions I do not see how they will be able to ever have a normal life again.

Come here you sweet bear. Let me squeeze and hug those big bear cheeks.
Will they even have a life Mama? They have vilified themselves with most of Florida. If I owned a business I would not want them working for me. This case has been so raw with emotions I do not see how they will be able to ever have a normal life again.

Come here you sweet bear. Let me squeeze and hug those big bear cheeks.


You are probably right about them. Guess I got carried away. LMAO
I brought your Dec post with us here. That is very sad for you and very sad to read. I feel like most of us feel the same way. I member when I felt Sympathy for all of them. Feels good to back up and look into one's own self and that is what I see happening here in this thread. I feel like I have allowed their actions to rob part of my humanity. After reading here, I can feel like I am gittin that back. Thanks to each and every one of you guys for that.

I have lost any sympathy I had for them. Am sure that the cockles of my heart will loosen up some when I hear the word "GUILTY" come out of the Judge's mouth and I wanna see the look on KC's face. I want to see her cry for herself because she will be in prison for the rest of her life. She killed her baby gurl and she needs to be punished whether she feels like she did wrong or not.

I think/hope that when that moment comes I will let the Anthonys loose from my life forever. I hope and pray that they are able to move on and find some kind of peace. Peace---is very important in life. I wonder if they have even sit and wondered what their life will be like when it is over. They should be using this time for laying the ground work for the rest of their lives, not runnin around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Anyway---I do tend to ramble. :crazy:

that's not rambling mamabear, that's wisdom :clap:
Cindy, despite being a seemingly obnoxious person to many of us, apparently worked like a dog to feed and clothe that entire household. She cared about how clean her house was and kept everyone and everything "tidy". She was apparently trying to hold onto George and salvage their marriage. She has been a pretty crappy Mother to Casey and maybe had hopes of doing a better job with Caylee. I have noticed a lack of outside her sham fairy-tale family is ALL this woman has been so invested in for decades. By suddenly insisting that KC figure things out for herself Cindy was trying out some last ditch tough love, too little too late, and the results were .......murder! How could she have possibly forecast that? And the fact that Cindy has done everything wrong since all this happened is no surprise. Cindy needs as much help as KC...but few people want to help people who won't take responsibility for their actions. Should the day ever come when they do...I am betting they would get all the understanding that they now lack.

I think CA has been working like a dog to cover up the obvious sociopathy of her daughter. Has been for years. Trying with all her might to come off normal and hold it all together. Now, she is absolutely horrified that not only has it been found out, it has taken place on the worldstage and for the worst possible reason ever: Murder of her granddaughter.
CA and GA learned the hard way that the media is not a group of unbiased reporters. Lesson here is don't talk to the media about anything. They will edit, reverse chronology of events and words and only use the sensational snippets of words, not in context and not in whole.

I don't know how anyone can go from being a private person one day and then thrust into the media the next with news trucks, 24/7 live streams of their front yard, lights, protestors yelling at the house and people gathered in front of the house waiting to pounce, without messing up.

I would have turned on the sprinklers, pointed to the sidewalk to soak everyone who came near and never even looked at the cameras.
Do you all remember from day one when CA was on the talk shows to I was going to say ask for help (order) to find Caylee. She was over the top even then. I was floored what she said to Greta that night. Cannot remember now what it was but she was just so over the top. CA as always made the family decisions she was going to handle the problem. She has to the point they are the most hated people in Florida. You know a pastor, lawyer, friend could have solved the whole problem. Mama CA was going to do it her way regardless. It has gone downhill from day one. I look at Sandra Cantu's family and they did it properly. Let someone else speak for them. There is grace under fire, then there is CA who does not have a clue what that word means. Hers is bully all the way until she gets what she wants. It is not working this time. She is not able to make everyone see it her way, she is shocked and her control is nada.

Yes! I remember! When I heard CA's responses, I was shocked that she was so mean to Greta. I guess I would consider that one of my first "red flags" about the case (along with the part about not reported missing for 31 days).
:balloon: (couldn't find a red flag in the smilie section)
CA and GA learned the hard way that the media is not a group of unbiased reporters. Lesson here is don't talk to the media about anything. They will edit, reverse chronology of events and words and only use the sensational snippets of words, not in context and not in whole.

I don't know how anyone can go from being a private person one day and then thrust into the media the next with news trucks, 24/7 live streams of their front yard, lights, protestors yelling at the house and people gathered in front of the house waiting to pounce, without messing up.

I would have turned on the sprinklers, pointed to the sidewalk to soak everyone who came near and never even looked at the cameras.

1. At CA's age I would have known not to speak to the media. "No comment". Learned that on T.V. years ago. I figured e-body knew that.

2. She wouldn't have been at my house---thus-----> no protesters. The minute I smelled my g/k in that car---I couldn't have her in the house where I slept. Sorry---been there
Hi Carrie, I appreciate your comments. Because I do not have any links towards that confirmation, I will reconsider my stance about the money issue. I'd like to hope no grandparent would take such money, even them.

I do have 1 question about that. They had huge financial issues from the time Caylee was missing, I am curious how they are paying all their bills and surviving. Without either of them working, there has to be a financial source somewhere.


I have wondered that myself. I wasn't saying people don't have a right to be suspicious.

Only saying it hasn't been confirmed the A's are profiting from Caylee's death and that the origin of the reports were from D. Casey and were concerning Baez and KC.

Thanks for responding so graciously when I pointed that out. :)
One thing about the $250,000 from ABC... no one in the A's camp has ever denied receiving it, that I'm aware of. And that leads me to believe that Jose told Judge Strickland that Casey's parents are footing her legal defense bill, thus no conflict over selling Caylee's images since Jose is not the broker but the A's are.

I don't think it would to do them any good to deny anything. That's one of the main things people are are angry with them.

Respectfully, isn't it just as likely Judge Strickland could have considered it no conflict if KC herself, and not Baez, was receiving the funds and therefore, footing her own bill? JMO
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