REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

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(respectfully snipped)

:confused: Surely they would have figured that DNA could be gotten from Caylee's other objects...toothbrushes, hair found in her room, etc. GA, being former law enforcement, would have immediately known this. This makes no sense to me....or maybe I'm misunderstanding the point?

We do not know that they did not "sterilize" these items or even replace them. We just do not know much of anything because the Anthony family as a whole keep making every effort to muddy the waters every time they begin to clear a bit.
I absolutely hate when the discussions come back to this. There is nothing to suggest this. I am sorry but I believe this discussion about Lee being the father takes away from the credibility of what websleuths is all about. It juist seems mean and hateful. Of course, this is just my opinion.

I do too. BUT- it's no more mean and hateful than Casey killing her baby, or her grandparents slinging mud at TES & everyone who has come into contact with her maniacal daughter. This is a theory, ugly as it is, and it does happen every day in families around the world.

I hope it is not true...not because of Caylee (because she is dead and wont know the difference) but because of Casey. Meaning that the defense will use some sort of PTSD and incest would def. give someone post traumatic stress disorder. NOT that having PTSD is a valid excuse for murdering your child, but if they can successfully prove this, she would get less time, imho.
(respectfully snipped)

:confused: Surely they would have figured that DNA could be gotten from Caylee's other objects...toothbrushes, hair found in her room, etc. GA, being former law enforcement, would have immediately known this. This makes no sense to me....or maybe I'm misunderstanding the point?

They have had Caylee's DNA for a long time now. They did a paternity test with JG, and it proved him to not be the father. They needed her DNA to do the test.
I absolutely hate when the discussions come back to this. There is nothing to suggest this. I am sorry but I believe this discussion about Lee being the father takes away from the credibility of what websleuths is all about. It juist seems mean and hateful. Of course, this is just my opinion.

It is only a theory, and one of many that are circulating. It is not meant to be mean nor hateful, but it could be extremely relevant if it were, in fact, found to be of truth. There is a whole 'nother ballgame of motives right there.

For myself, the awesome astrologers that we have on board have stated emphatically that this is NOT the case, and they have not steered us wrong to date, and as I have stated previously I do not believe that Lee is bio daddy whatsoever-just because there is no "promise" of it in the stars. But if those ladies did not deny it with such conviction, I would certainly have my doubts, and that is all that these theories are in the end, is our doubts given form. It does not mean it is so, but if you follow all the roads then eventually you are bound to find one that leads to unto where you are trying to go.

And, as horrible a subject to broach as incest is, it happens every single day-brother's raping their sisters HAPPENS. I know a boy (now 17) personally who raped (sodomized SEVERELY) his little sister (who was disabled) when she was 9 years old and he was 13-so it is in the realm of possibilties to consider. It happens-as sick and demented as it is, it still happens.
We do not know that they did not "sterilize" these items or even replace them. We just do not know much of anything because the Anthony family as a whole keep making every effort to muddy the waters every time they begin to clear a bit.

I would think it would be almost impossible to sterilize Caylee's entire room, and there would be DNA ALL over it. I mean, you see how far they got when they tried to "sterilize" or clean the trunk. LE still found DNA....and that was just a trunk. So GA, being former LE, would have know that it would have been nearly impossible for them to rid the entire house of DNA, since Caylee had lived in it for almost three years.

So I think the "sterilization" theory is pretty far fetched...
They have had Caylee's DNA for a long time now. They did a paternity test with JG, and it proved him to not be the father. They needed her DNA to do the test.

I know this.... I was responding to the post that claimed that the Anthony's didn't count on was them having enough DNA from Caylee to run the tests.
He was a cop like 20 years ago and maybe he wasn't that good at it.:confused:

20 years or not, most laypeople, I would think, would know that a child's DNA would be all over a house that the child lived in for almost three years, and that it would be pretty probable that her DNA would be found in that house. It's a bit silly to think otherwise, I think. I don't care how "bad" you are at being a cop, that seems like common sense.
20 years or not, most laypeople, I would think, would know that a child's DNA would be all over a house that the child lived in for almost three years, and that it would be pretty probable that her DNA would be found in that house. It's a bit silly to think otherwise, I think. I don't care how "bad" you are at being a cop, that seems like common sense.

You're right! I maen, Geeze...even people who watch "Cops" know this, lol.
20 years or not, most laypeople, I would think, would know that a child's DNA would be all over a house that the child lived in for almost three years, and that it would be pretty probable that her DNA would be found in that house. It's a bit silly to think otherwise, I think. I don't care how "bad" you are at being a cop, that seems like common sense.

Actually, my quote was not even referring to that subject but my quote is still the same for your answer...GA daughter has lived in his house for 18 years and he is a grown man, a husband, a father and a former LE person but yet his daughter told them she was a virgin while she was 7 months pregnant, he believed this, common sense would tell most folks otherwise...
This very same daughter had a nanny for 2 1/2 years that this man never layed eyes on, the daughter had an imaginary job for 2 would think that a man with LE experience would have "picked" up on a few clues...but he didn't. Common sense should prevail on most of these things but I'm starting to think the A's lack severely in this area so I am going to stand behind my original quote...GA was in LE 20 years ago and maybe he wasn't that good at it. JMO.
Actually, my quote was not even referring to that subject but my quote is still the same for your answer...GA daughter has lived in his house for 18 years and he is a grown man, a husband, a father and a former LE person but yet his daughter told them she was a virgin while she was 7 months pregnant, he believed this, common sense would tell most folks otherwise...
This very same daughter had a nanny for 2 1/2 years that this man never layed eyes on, the daughter had an imaginary job for 2 would think that a man with LE experience would have "picked" up on a few clues...but he didn't. Common sense should prevail on most of these things but I'm starting to think the A's lack severely in this area so I am going to stand behind my original quote...GA was in LE 20 years ago and maybe he wasn't that good at it. JMO.

You say your quote wasn't referencing that subject, but you were referencing (quoted) my post, which WAS that subject...that's why I answered it as such:) Unless I'm misunderstanding...

So then, do you believe that George and Cindy thought that none of Caylee's DNA would have been found without her body? Just curious as to how many people think this.

I actually think Casey could have hid the job/nanny things very well if George wasn't very involved in her life. She hid it from a lot of people. I also don't think that they A's believed that Casey had that nanny for 2 1/2 years. I still maintain that he would have known that DNA would have been found somewhere in that house.
You say your quote wasn't referencing that subject, but you were referencing (quoted) my post, which WAS that subject...that's why I answered it as such:) Unless I'm misunderstanding...

So then, do you believe that George and Cindy thought that none of Caylee's DNA would have been found without her body? Just curious as to how many people think this.

I actually think Casey could have hid the job/nanny things very well if George wasn't very involved in her life. She hid it from a lot of people. I also don't think that they A's believed that Casey had that nanny for 2 1/2 years. I still maintain that he would have known that DNA would have been found somewhere in that house.

Surely they would have figured that DNA could be gotten from Caylee's other objects...toothbrushes, hair found in her room, etc. GA, being former law enforcement, would have immediately known this. This makes no sense to me....or maybe I'm misunderstanding the point?

Your quote in red...The part of your quote I wanted to emphasize in italics...I simply wanted to highlight the fact that GA was a cop 20 years ago, science have changed a lot since then, he might not have kept up with the times, he is not the brightest color in the my quote above indicates. You responded to the quote correctly, I just wasn't referring to the whole quote, my mistake. :)
Yes, I believe that there is no way to exstinguish or "sterilize" an enviroment where someone has lived for almost 3 years. One can not "sterilize" any environment. It is a scientific impossibility. A sugical suite is not even sterile, the only thing sterile is something that can be autoclaved or the like. I do believe that Ca and GA think that they could clean Caylee away and if that wasn't enough they were prepared to lie on Kc's behalf. JMO.
I think we need to be careful on this board about postulating theories regarding the paternity of Caylee. There is NO evidence at this point and time (which has been released) that someone in the family could have fathered Caylee. LA, GA, cousin, uncle...

It is treacherous ground we tread when getting onto this band wagon. I personally don't think it's true but that's my opinion. I wouldn't want my name besmirched if I were in the same situation (as LA and GA).

We have no idea WHY LA has left the stage (possibly temporarily). It may be something much more innocuous than is being suggested by some, even by LP.

It would, however, make good fodder for films and books...

I also don't mean to come of as being holier than thou... just trying to protect possible innocence in this cesspool.

I never did read through the who is caylee's biodad thread because the ...uhm...theorizing seems to get extremely wild. So I dont know if this has been mentioned repeatedly or not.

I think casey was raped. She has no clue whatsoever who the father is/was. the father also has no clue. that's why no one has come forward, that's why she didnt admit a pregnancy til 7 months+ gone, that is why the failure to bond, possibly even the reason for the seemingly drastic change in her since the preganancy. (birth, rather, I think I mean) could theoretically have been a family member rape. but I dont think so.
I believe it could have EVERYTHING to do with the case. If he were the father, then the "family secret" would be exposed if they told the truth because in an autopsy they do DNA routinely. That would have exposed the incest immediately.

What they didn't count on was them having enough DNA from Caylee and doing all the tests. It never occurred to them that Jesse would have the complete DNA tests and give it to LE.

That would explain why they MUST stick to the kidnapping story.

That would also explain why LE or GA might be involved in burying the baby and hiding her from LE.

How then do you explain the failure of LP to provide proof of his accusation? Everything I've seen of Mr. Padilla suggests that he would jump at the chance to expose the truth backed by proof, yet he hasn't. However we can trace the origins of his statements to the release of the MtDNA results.

This tells me he is operating on a false assumption based on his ignorance of MtDNA.

To me it's no more believable than if Jerry Springer said it.

Yes, it may be true, but for me to consider it a viable truth, proof needs to be provided. If, as you say, LE has proof in the form of a complete DNA profile of Caylee matched to LA, the truth will come out during the trial assuming it has a bearing on the case. If Mr. Padilla has this same proof, why hasn't he come forward with it? Simple answer is that he's basing his accusation on the MtDNA, not the nuclear DNA profile, which brings us right back to his accusation being based in ignorance.
Why is LP involved in this case anyway? He injected himself in it because he thought he was going to be a "conquering hero" and bring Caylee home. Maybe if he had minded his own business in the beginning, Casey would have realized the futility of her silence sitting in jail until her trial.

LP has tainted the entire case with his frequent postulations which remain unproven. It's disgusting to see this ridiculous wannabe cowboy, putting forth theory upon theory based on nothing but his own highly suspect agenda. The old kook needs to shut up and the TV media needs to stop giving him a forum to publicize his "bounty hunter" business.
I've read some of the responses to my initial post:

I hope no one thinks I believe the theory that allegedly LA is the bio-dad. I have no opinion about that whatsoever.

My point was to show that we have science today that can identify in the above-stated situation 1/2 of the bio-dad's DNA.

I also went further to state that if this test was done initially perhaps *this* is why LP said what he did. [I've also stated that I did not think LP understood MtDNA.]

Just an explanation and a discussion regarding science.
You know, of course. that all military members have their DNA on file with the federal government.

I've thought of this - but wouldn't a soldier still have to offer up their DNA? I don't think the cops can hit up the database just to find out who might be someone's baby daddy - can they?

I was also thinking about police officers - do they give samples of their DNA in case something happens to them - like soldiers? The same permission would need to be granted in that case too though - I presume.
This article explains it well:

"Genetic Reconstruction or Reverse Paternity
These techniques often are used in homicide investigations. Suppose that there is a tissue sample from an unidentified deceased individual, or a stain from a crime scene and investigators have an idea of who may be the sample's source. If the decedent's parents or children are available, it will be possible to compare the related survivors' DNA profiles with that of the deceased to conclusively determine whom the remains came from.

Test Results
Paternity testing is possible because everyone has two copies of their genetic information, half from each of the parents. If a child has a gene that didn't come from the mother, then it must have come from that child's biological father. If the alleged father does not have that gene, the obligate gene as it is called, then he cannot possibly be the father. He is excluded from the group of men who could be the father of the child. There is one exception. If a mutation has occurred, which means the gene changed when it was passed from the father to the child. These mutations rarely occur, but they occur often enough that statistical methods are available for dealing with them and two DNA exclusions are required before reporting out a DNA paternity test result.

The other possible outcome is that the alleged father has the obligate gene and so is included in the group of men who could be the father of the child. In effect, what paternity testing does is examine a series of genes until the group of men who could be the father of the child is narrowed down to the point that we can, for all practical purposes, be certain that he is the father. In DNA testing, this can be accomplished by testing as few as three highly variable genes.

Two different ways are used to report the two possible testing outcomes. An exclusion is reported as a simple statement that the alleged father is excluded from the group of men who could be the father. In the case of an inclusion, a statistical analysis is performed based on how common or rare are the obligate genes. These are the genes that the alleged father could have contributed to the child and that must have come from the child's biological father."
All we know for sure is JG isn't the father, beyond that there's little else but rumor, and that shouldn't be surprising.

Agreed. Given KC's behavior and b/s artistry, anything is possible.
I've thought of this - but wouldn't a soldier still have to offer up their DNA? I don't think the cops can hit up the database just to find out who might be someone's baby daddy - can they?

I was also thinking about police officers - do they give samples of their DNA in case something happens to them - like soldiers? The same permission would need to be granted in that case too though - I presume.

Good question. I don't know the answer, but bumping up to see if someone else does.
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