UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #4

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I will start by saying I am NOT an RN or even in the medical field so I hate to disagree with those who are, BUT...

About a year ago, I fell and smacked my cheekbone on something, hard... It bruised to a black and purple color almost instantly on the entire side of my face. I had a black eye, cheek, forehead and chin. There was little swelling, but the bruising was horrific and occurred within a couple of hours. It looked like I had been hit in the face.

I have to disagree with those who say Ethan's injuries would have happened days before. If the face is hit hard enough (and I hate saying that in this context), it will bruise quickly. To me, his injuries look "fresh", because of the swelling and because of the redness along with the bruising. Point is, I think it is plausible that Ethan was "fine" with NS's mother saw them, and I also think it is plausible that the abuse started exactly when this picture was taken.

ETA: I am saying this for timeline purposes, not for discussion about NS's mother. I believe that this woman probably feels incredibly guilty, sad and upset by this whole thing. I think none of us can even imagine what she must be going through.
FWIW, doesn't the probable cause affidavit say the first documented pic of the abuse occured May 4th? The pic we see is from May 5th. So we know for a fact that the abuse started before PST was there.
I think it does matter how hard you are hit. I was in an abusive relationship for 17 years and was hit many times and for the most part the bad bruising showed up the next day. However there were at least two occasions that the swelling and bruising was almost immediate. One of the times was when I was backhanded and he hit me in the cheekbone. This happened in front of a lot of people, police were called and arrived within minutes. I was taken to the hospital because they thought my cheekbone was broken. They took pictures of my face while I was in the emergency room and the bruising and swelling was horrible within an hour. I looked like I had a baseball under my skin. This happened on Oct. 29th and two weeks later at my daughters birthday party (Nov 14th) the pictures still show a golf ball sized swelling (it was hard not soft) and they were not sure that it would ever go completely back down. I believe that the picture of Ethan on the 4th of May could have been taken shortly after he was beaten because of how similar his bruising looks to mine. That would also fit based on the abuser being sorry and trying to make up and be nice (in Ethan's case by playing video games with him). And no I am not in that relationship anymore.


That's what I tought. I think because the are so many more blood vessels supplying the head and face it may be the reason bruising appears more rapily as well.
Well then, if bruises appeared immediately then he would have been bruised on May 4th and May 5th. Just sayin.
Darlin gal and the video reminded me that Steph went over to Nate's mother's house that evening - so I'm guessing she saw her twice that day? I'm getting confused because I have no idea as to what times are being referred to - probably the reason I'm obsessed with time-lines. Matter of fact, I would include her visit at the apartment and at her place of residence on my time-line if someone would tell me the times of the day they occurred. I'm choosing to opt out of this discussion of Nate's mom knowing about Ethan's facial injuries, at least until LE names her as a co-conspirator in this case. But I will put the visits on the time-line - can somebody please give me the times. Thank you!

The times have not been mentioned anywhere that I know of, hon.
Thought I would bring the time line forward for the members and guests.
Ethan's slow deterioration time-line of hell! 5th revision (05/15/10 - eyes4crime).

April 28th - Wednesday

Finalizing divorce papers in Florida, Ethan and mom Stephanie fly to Utah

May 4th - Tuesday
Last time Ethan talks with dad Joe
First of many cell phone pictures mom takes of abuse over the days.
Picture time-stamped May 4th of Ethan with large, notable, area of swelling to jaw and face.

May5th - Wednesday
Nate's mom visits - says all is fine
Stephanie visits Nate's mom
Nate takes Ethan in bedroom to punish and beats child around head area; face begins to swell.
Stephanie continues to complain about Ethan's behaviort. Ethan's father, Joe Stacey, was told his son wasn't available to talk with, a trend that continues through Ethan's limited stay.

Between May 5 and May 8
Ethan "exhibits signs and symptoms of a possible head injury or brain swelling due to a head injury,"

Stephanie Sloop told police Tuesday while being interviewed about her son's death. Ethan did not eat well, was vomiting, lethargic and exhibited non-responsive behavior, according to the reports.

May 6th - Thursday (wedding day)
Ethan locked in bedroom while Stephanie and Nate marry; door knob taken off. Nate and Stephanie leave child in bedroom due to swelling and bruises.

Over the next several days, Ethan got progressively ill, police said Stephanie Sloop told detectives. He was vomiting, running a fever and would not eat. The couple forced the boy to drink two 16 oz. bottles of water, a bottle of KoolAid and orange juice in a two-hour period, police wrote in the jail statement. (from warrant of probable cause). Motrin and Benadryl were given for the swelling and Nate gave Benadryl so Ethan would stay quiet.

Thurs May 6 or Fri May 7:
Neighbor recalls seeing Stephanie walking away from the apartment seemingly agitated and stopping to look back at the apartment several times. A short time later Nathan followed her, put his hands on her face in a manner leading the neighbor to believe he was asking she please listen to him.

May 7th - Friday
Nate calls Stephanie to inform her Ethan is badly burned on hands, feet, and legs up to buttox area from running water in bath (claims Ethan turned on hot water). Stephanie finds human feces in child's mouth. Stephanie brushes Ethan's teeth until his gums bleed.

May 8th - Saturday
Child continues to suffer from scald burns and head injuries. Blood and vomit found in child's bed. Stephanie needs to wash bed sheets.

'Stephanie told us that on 05/08/2010 Ethan smeared his feces on the bathroom wall and on Nate."

May 9th - Sunday (Mother's Day)
Ethan is found dead in bed - Stephanie reports Ethan feels cold and stiff

Ethan wrapped in garbage bags with tape, brought to Powder Mountain area for burial. Hammer used to disfigure facial features and teeth of Ethan. Stephanie buys 2 slushies and 2 cans lighter fluid to destroy evidence.

May 10th (Monday)
Reported that Nate and Stephanie were shopping at Best Buy for video games and to fix Play Station 3
Nate talked with Joe rather than Stephanie
Late in day Stephanie reports child missing Make up story about child leaving the apt. 5x in in last 10 days in middle of night.

May 11th (Tuesday)
LE finds child buried - teeth and face smashed in with hammer, lighter fluid used to destroy evidence.

Please let me know of any additions or deletions. TIA
Thanks to all of you with suggestions for additions/corrections - used every one of them.

Warrant of Probable Cause: Most of the time-line comes from this document. Quotes, and LE media leases.
(Nathan Probable Cause)

(Stephanie Probable Cause)
ETA: I am saying this for timeline purposes, not for discussion about NS's mother. I believe that this woman probably feels incredibly guilty, sad and upset by this whole thing. I think none of us can even imagine what she must be going through.

It is a crime here (Utah) to NOT report such abuse. (click!).

An obviously-injured child who is not treated for his injuries, IMO, is a victim of abuse NO MATTER HOW that injury occurred.

There is a photo timestamped May 4th, showing such abuse.
NS's mother saw him once or twice the next day. As a parent myself, I do not feel a bit bad when I say that NS's mother may be culpable in the child's death.

In fact, I believe it's wrong to coddle someone in such a case; isn't this how child abuse is perpetuated, by "feeling sorry" for people?

I've seen parents hit their kids at the grocery store, and I've spoken to them. I've been told to "mind your own business" -- by OTHER customers!

Please do not make those of us who care, the bad people.

I'm sorry, but we're talking about a family who believes onions can lead you to Jesus, and that you should proselytize to the refrigerator repair man (click!). Yet, their own son was in and out of prison, charged with abuse of a wife, and an injured child was ignored.

I will GLADLY apologize when I'm proven wrong.
So they didnt take poor Ethan in to seek medical care because they were afraid they would be arrested for child abuse, now they are arrested hopefully for murder charges I wonder how thats working out for them....

I wholeheartedly believe this mother has everything to do with this just as well, buying lighter fluid to help burn Ethans body really ! Totally WTH and she was ok with that apparently ... This whole case is just beyond comprehension for me ...
So they didnt take poor Ethan in to seek medical care because they were afraid they would be arrested for child abuse, now they are arrested hopefully for murder charges I wonder how thats working out for them....

I wholeheartedly believe this mother has everything to do with this just as well, buying lighter fluid to help burn Ethans body really ! Totally WTH and she was ok with that apparently ... This whole case is just beyond comprehension for me ...

Let's not forget that when buying the lighter fluid, she also bought slushies! Really beyond comprehension and reality if you ask me.
Regarding the bruising...

I came off my horse badly. He spooked, I got caught up on a fence, and slammed the ground with my face (unable to get hands in front to protect myself). Taken to the ER fairly quickly. They xrayed my face, and I had a broken nose in two places, and two cracks in my eye socket (occipital cup). I had a significant concussion, and my left leg (the one that got wrapped over the fence) was also xrayed, but it was not broken.

The next day (approximately 16 hours later), I had one amazingly colored black eye, swelling in my face, bruising down into my neck, and my leg was purple/black from knee to toes.

It was utterly amazing what colors I turned, and so fast. I was red when I was in the ER, but by the next morning, I had rainbows all over my face and leg.

I don't doubt Ethan had been brutalized in the preceeding 24 hours. I don't know if it was longer, but the black/purple indicates to me fresh bleeding. There is no evidence of yellowing, or greening...both of which happen when the internal bleeds stop, and the body can start breaking down the blood trapped under the skin. Fresh bleeding occurs with red, black, purple coloring; my leg was so bad that I didn't clear the bruise for close to a month, and it cleared from center outward.

Based on my own experience, and the child/elder abuse lectures I've had in nursing school, I'd say he is within 24 hours of being hit. Probably more like 12-18, but certainly no longer than 24 hours earlier.

And I echo whomever it was that said anyone with some sense of intelligence would note that this was not a peanut allergy; further, if it was claimed it was a peanut allergy to someone, the next question is "did you get medical help?" and there is no indication that the question was asked...

Also, in looking at the photo, I see that the bruising/swelling is not confined to the left side of his face; the swelling and distortion of his mouth indicate to me that the right side of his face was also battered...badly.

Just my opinion, as always.

Herding Cats
Well, let's think about this a minute. NS beats Ethan and does more damage than he thought could happen. Ethan is hysterical! Here Ethan-take the motrin for the pain and swelling and take the benedryl so you calm down and stop crying! Steph-take a picture of me and Ethan playing together! See, everything is just fine!
Ethan-wake up! What's wrong? Oh s**t!
IMO I think at this point they knew that they had to make a plan to get rid of Ethan. Can't take him for medical care-injuries would show child abuse! Can't let that happen-we have plans-we're getting married and we can have more anyway!:furious:
Now, as ghastly as this is, why did NS subject Ethan to scalding water, burns and forced fluids? After they had decided (IMO) that Ethan couldn't live-they still could not muster up any shred of mercy?:furious:
It's hard to believe we share the same planet with monsters like these!!:banghead:
Well, let's think about this a minute. NS beats Ethan and does more damage than he thought could happen. Ethan is hysterical! Here Ethan-take the motrin for the pain and swelling and take the benedryl so you calm down and stop crying! Steph-take a picture of me and Ethan playing together! See, everything is just fine!
Ethan-wake up! What's wrong? Oh s**t!
IMO I think at this point they knew that they had to make a plan to get rid of Ethan. Can't take him for medical care-injuries would show child abuse! Can't let that happen-we have plans-we're getting married and we can have more anyway!:furious:
Now, as ghastly as this is, why did NS subject Ethan to scalding water, burns and forced fluids? After they had decided (IMO) that Ethan couldn't live-they still could not muster up any shred of mercy?:furious:
It's hard to believe we share the same planet with monsters like these!!:banghead:

Excellent speculative scenario, essies. And you could be right. It's possible.

In any case, however it began, I think SS and NS escalated the abuse because of their selfish, irrational, violent natures. I don't think it ever crossed their minds for one moment to choose the right thing at any point in time. I think every single decision made was made in their own best interest.

Ethan never had a chance.
This just gets worse and worse. For me, this is quite possibly the most horrendous case I have ever read. To think he was already being abused and then most likely asked to "smile" for the camera in subsequent pictures, makes my utterly nauseated. Honestly, there are just no words to describe this whole scenario.
The point is PST says she saw Ethan on Wednesday, the same day as the bruise pic. Those inuries happened days before and what we see in that pic is what PST saw. Bottom line. How could she look at that and and say everything was fine? So I'm not sure where there is any confusion left.

The date stamped on the picture is May 5.

Per the probable cause statement, May 5 is the day the first beating occurred.

May 5 is the day Nathan's mother saw Ethan. We don't know what time Nathan's mother saw Ethan - before the beating or after the beating.

If you have something that refutes the probable cause statement's date of the first beating, please provide a link.
Not trying to start a rumor...
just asking for others opinion on the subject.
I will try to be as polite as possible (tactful) here.

Flushing Ethan with fluids.
Stool smearing etc...
Does anyone else think Ethan could have been carrying drugs (internally) on the plane for the 's and got a blockage?

I know that sounds awful! just trying to put 2 and 2 together...
And Leomoon80 over in the Astros thread wrote that up to May 1st, Ethan was well loved, secure, and well cared for by his dad. He lived with no anxiety or fear.

So...he went from that safe, loving, secure environment right into the mouths of wolves. He must've been absolutely terrified. He probably thought of his dad the whole time.
Darlin gal and the video reminded me that Steph went over to Nate's mother's house that evening - so I'm guessing she saw her twice that day? I'm getting confused because I have no idea as to what times are being referred to - probably the reason I'm obsessed with time-lines. Matter of fact, I would include her visit at the apartment and at her place of residence on my time-line if someone would tell me the times of the day they occurred. I'm choosing to opt out of this discussion of Nate's mom knowing about Ethan's facial injuries, at least until LE names her as a co-conspirator in this case. But I will put the visits on the time-line - can somebody please give me the times. Thank you!

Unfortunately, we don't have times. She only said 'day' for when she saw all three of them, which could have been any time that day (24 hours), and she said 'night' when Stephanie went over, which would be between whichever hours she considers night. I've known people who refer to afternoon as night.

There's nothing to indicate time for the beating in the probable cause statement.

If there's a time on the pic along with that date of May 5, all we can say is 'before *advertiser censored* time'.

I'm afraid we just don't have times, eyes.
Not trying to start a rumor...
just asking for others opinion on the subject.
I will try to be as polite as possible (tactful) here.

Flushing Ethan with fluids.
Stool smearing etc...
Does anyone else think Ethan could have been carrying drugs (internally) on the plane for the 's and got a blockage?

I know that sounds awful! just trying to put 2 and 2 together...

It's possible, gngr~snap. Personally, I think it's unlikely because I don't think a verbal, expressive four-year-old would not communicate discomfort in some way. I think any measure of expression on Ethan's face or in his demeanor might've tipped off someone in airport security.

We could also research the specific airport they departed from. If it's an airport that's utilizing full-body scans, wouldn't something like that appear in the body scan image?

Page 3 says, In a photo with a time date stamp of May 4, 2010, Ethan has a large, and very noticeable area of swelling to the jaw and face.

Okay, that changes things. I was going by Stephanie's probable cause statement, which gives May 5 as the date of the first beating, and the pic from the video which is date stamped May 5.

Unless the May 4 in Nathan's probable cause statement is a typo, then I have to agree that no matter what time his mother saw Nathan on May 5, she saw injuries to his face. :(
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