General theory thread and motives rehashed #3

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Sep 11, 2008
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I have thought about what could have happened that night since the day this story broke and I have to say, I don't think Misty does know what happened that night. That is one of the hardest things I have had to admit and the other, Ron was at work. I have come to the conclusion that if Ron had any involvement, and I mean any, one of those three, Misty, Tommy or Joe would have ratted him out. He is just not that scary. So what happened that night?

I think Misty wasn't home. She was out doing what Misty does and that was drug and sex. She left those kids home and when she got back, she found JR still sleeping and Haleigh dead and in a condition she could not tell Ron about. She knew he would kill her if she left the kids alone and someone came in a killed Haleigh. So she lied. She panicked and called Tommy or Timmy's and told someone to help her. I think Misty suspected it was her brother and Joe, but never knew which one, just what she said. But she never told police what she saw that night or how bad it was, only because she was afraid of Ron's anger. She may have told him she was home but the drugs they got messed her up and she never woke up and he had to keep that part quiet because of Jr. She couldn't pass her lie detector tests because the part she was lying about was she was home, all she claimed to be doing regarding cleaning, and she knew Haleigh was dead and who helped her get rid of the body. I don't know if Tommy did this or not, but he was a fool to put himself at the MH that night and say Misty was out, and then to state he was with Joe and at the dock disposing of her. Since he stated that he knocked on that door and no body was home, I have always felt in the back of my mind, he went in and killed Haleigh while Jr slept and Misty was out doing drugs or selling sex. It has taken me 19 months to come to the conclusion Misty isn't lying when she says she doesn't know who "took" Haleigh, but she does know who got rid of the body after she found her dead that night. I don't feel any different about Ron, only because he owned those kids a better life. He took them from their mother and when he did, he should have taken care of them and stopped dealing and doing drugs and should never have left them with a teenager. JMO I hope someday the truth will come out and Haleigh can be put to rest and get the justice this little angle deserves.
I have thought about what could have happened that night since the day this story broke and I have to say, I don't think Misty does know what happened that night. That is one of the hardest things I have had to admit and the other, Ron was at work. I have come to the conclusion that if Ron had any involvement, and I mean any, one of those three, Misty, Tommy or Joe would have ratted him out. He is just not that scary. So what happened that night?

I think Misty wasn't home. She was out doing what Misty does and that was drug and sex. She left those kids home and when she got back, she found JR still sleeping and Haleigh dead and in a condition she could not tell Ron about. She knew he would kill her if she left the kids alone and someone came in a killed Haleigh. So she lied. She panicked and called Tommy or Timmy's and told someone to help her. I think Misty suspected it was her brother and Joe, but never knew which one, just what she said. But she never told police what she saw that night or how bad it was, only because she was afraid of Ron's anger. She may have told him she was home but the drugs they got messed her up and she never woke up and he had to keep that part quiet because of Jr. She couldn't pass her lie detector tests because the part she was lying about was she was home, all she claimed to be doing regarding cleaning, and she knew Haleigh was dead and who helped her get rid of the body. I don't know if Tommy did this or not, but he was a fool to put himself at the MH that night and say Misty was out, and then to state he was with Joe and at the dock disposing of her. Since he stated that he knocked on that door and no body was home, I have always felt in the back of my mind, he went in and killed Haleigh while Jr slept and Misty was out doing drugs or selling sex. It has taken me 19 months to come to the conclusion Misty isn't lying when she says she doesn't know who "took" Haleigh, but she does know who got rid of the body after she found her dead that night. I don't feel any different about Ron, only because he owned those kids a better life. He took them from their mother and when he did, he should have taken care of them and stopped dealing and doing drugs and should never have left them with a teenager. JMO I hope someday the truth will come out and Haleigh can be put to rest and get the justice this little angle deserves.

Bern, such a well thought out theory, and I totally agree with you except for one thing: I think Misty left the MH with Jo to have sex. I thiink she left the children alone with Tommy. Tommy, supposedly is a pervert, so while Misty and Jo were outside, or wherever, Tommy saw his chance with Haleigh; he raped her, or tried to rape her.

When the two (Misty and Jo) came back, Tommy (who supposdely was a pervert,) told Jo to have his way with Haleigh (who was in another room.) I believe Jo started to and that is when Haleigh died.

I think Tommy was the one who provoked the start of Haleigh's demise, and when Jo started (I'm going to be sick in a minute,) and realized what had happened he started screaming and going crazy.

That is when the three of them defined their "STORY/THEIR LIES."

This, of course, is not a perfect theory, but I do think it's one that may have happened. God, I hope not!
Bern, such a well thought out theory, and I totally agree with you except for one thing: I think Misty left the MH with Jo to have sex. I thiink she left the children alone with Tommy. Tommy, supposedly is a pervert, so while Misty and Jo were outside, or wherever, Tommy saw his chance with Haleigh; he raped her, or tried to rape her.

When the two (Misty and Jo) came back, Tommy (who supposdely was a pervert,) told Jo to have his way with Haleigh (who was in another room.) I believe Jo started to and that is when Haleigh died.

I think Tommy was the one who provoked the start of Haleigh's demise, and when Jo started (I'm going to be sick in a minute,) and realized what had happened he started screaming and going crazy.

That is when the three of them defined their "STORY/THEIR LIES."

This, of course, is not a perfect theory, but I do think it's one that may have happened. God, I hope not!

I hate to say this, but I hope she was given drugs if that is what happened, drugs to make her sleep or be out of it. I hope none of what we suspect is correct, but she is with God, what ever happened to her, is done, gone, she doesn't live it, or feel the hurt. So that is my only comfort in all of this, if there be any comfort at all. Misty please tell the truth.
I hate to say this, but I hope she was given drugs if that is what happened, drugs to make her sleep or be out of it. I hope none of what we suspect is correct, but she is with God, what ever happened to her, is done, gone, she doesn't live it, or feel the hurt. So that is my only comfort in all of this, if there be any comfort at all. Misty please tell the truth.

Well Bern, I've always prayed the same thing. Oh, dear God, I hope she was drugged too, no matter what happened to her, and she drifted off into a peaceful death. God bless her soul.

Back to the Tommy/Jo theory. I do believe it is a plausable one. Also, remember when Misty said "one we care about, the other not so much," or words to that effect? Perhaps she was referring to Tommy and Jo. What do you think? txs
Well Bern, I've always prayed the same thing. Oh, dear God, I hope she was drugged too, no matter what happened to her, and she drifted off into a peaceful death. God bless her soul.

Back to the Tommy/Jo theory. I do believe it is a plausable one. Also, remember when Misty said "one we care about, the other not so much," or words to that effect? Perhaps she was referring to Tommy and Jo. What do you think? txs

she has been pointing to them from day one. What killed her story was she lied as to how it all went down and failed numerous tests that could have help solve the case. Maybe she didn't see what happened but knew in her heart who did it? She can't say 100% it was them or she would have, she has to lie now to protect her own butt. So yes, I think both could be involved.
she has been pointing to them from day one. What killed her story was she lied as to how it all went down and failed numerous tests that could have help solve the case. Maybe she didn't see what happened but knew in her heart who did it? She can't say 100% it was them or she would have, she has to lie now to protect her own butt. So yes, I think both could be involved.

Bern, I don't recall her poiting to them from day one..
Jo, yes.. but not Tommy...No one pointed at Tommy until after the fight between the Croslins and Ronald Cummings that took place at GGMS's house...And ratgate..JMHO
Bern, I don't recall her poiting to them from day one..
Jo, yes.. but not Tommy...No one pointed at Tommy until after the fight between the Croslins and Ronald Cummings that took place at GGMS's house...And ratgate..JMHO
And FWIW, ratgate in itself points me away from Tommy for the very reason of - why send the message, "Dont rat me out" to someone who did it? That would translate more to, "Dont rat yourself out" which doesnt make sense bc folks tend not to rat themsleves out sans benefit of decapitated rodents as "encouragement." (if we go with, "Dont rat me out" as the reasoning behind placing a headless rat in someone's... mailbox, was it?)

Bern, such a well thought out theory, and I totally agree with you except for one thing: I think Misty left the MH with Jo to have sex. I thiink she left the children alone with Tommy. Tommy, supposedly is a pervert, so while Misty and Jo were outside, or wherever, Tommy saw his chance with Haleigh; he raped her, or tried to rape her.

When the two (Misty and Jo) came back, Tommy (who supposdely was a pervert,) told Jo to have his way with Haleigh (who was in another room.) I believe Jo started to and that is when Haleigh died.

I think Tommy was the one who provoked the start of Haleigh's demise, and when Jo started (I'm going to be sick in a minute,) and realized what had happened he started screaming and going crazy.

That is when the three of them defined their "STORY/THEIR LIES."

This, of course, is not a perfect theory, but I do think it's one that may have happened. God, I hope not!


Not that I think he is a paragon of virtue, but how is it that Tommy is supposedly a pervert?

B/c Misty said so? If so, that makes it true.


I had thought for a long time initially that Misty was not at the MH that night and she came home to find Haleigh missing. And with that theory I figured if Misty left the back door open anyone could have come in while she was gone--initially, I thought it was a SO who had seen Haleigh somewhere or knew who she was and knew the family situation, and thus knew there would at some point be opportunity.

Even after LE said it was no stranger abduction--that the perp was likely someone known to RC and/or MC--I still had my theory of Misty being gone and a SO coming in because LE saying MC and/or RC knew the person did not mean the person was not a SO. This could have been a SO that LE did not have on their radar, someone who has never been caught and therefore never had to register. LE had checked and re-checked all the RSOs in the area, but that does not mean there were not SOs living in the area that were not registered offenders.

I believed if Misty was home, she had to know something, period. I also believed if Misty had left the kids alone she would lie about that out of fear of retaliation from Ron. However, it makes no sense for Misty to continue at this stage to deny not being home.

What messed up my theory of Haleigh being targeted by an opportunistic SO was Ron's numerous instances of inappropriate behavior and statements, combined with his subsequent refusal to cooperate with LE in the investigation of his own child's disappearance. Ron's behavior raised many red flags for me. He acted guilty of something! I have never thought RC directly harmed Haleigh unless it was an unintentional injury that resulted in her death some hours later, after RC was at work. I still do not believe RC intentionally harmed Haleigh, but good grief! he acted guilty of something. And I cannot help but think that that something is important to this case even if it is in a round-about way. IMO, Ron was associated with someone or involved in some incident that could at the very least answer some important questions. Whether a SO targeted Haleigh or someone targeted Ron and went into his home that night to send a message remains to be seen, of course. That is, if we ever will see anything further happen in this case.

I think Tommy is an odd duck but I really cannot say he is a pervert. He may be, but I don't have any reason at this point to believe he is. If Tommy did anything directly to Haleigh it may have started with something that just spun out of control; it was not something he planned and was in no way supposed to go so far.

I'm still not sure about JO's involvement. He does not appear to me to be involved in the crime (but may be involved in the cover-up), but I am ready and willing to change my mind about JO (about anyone, basically) if evidence to the possibility comes forth or if JO for some reason now begins acting in ways that point toward him possibly being guilty, i.e, he skips the country or is arrested for an offense that indicates he is either violent or a SO.
I have thought about what could have happened that night since the day this story broke and I have to say, I don't think Misty does know what happened that night. That is one of the hardest things I have had to admit and the other, Ron was at work. I have come to the conclusion that if Ron had any involvement, and I mean any, one of those three, Misty, Tommy or Joe would have ratted him out. He is just not that scary. So what happened that night?

I think Misty wasn't home. She was out doing what Misty does and that was drug and sex. She left those kids home and when she got back, she found JR still sleeping and Haleigh dead and in a condition she could not tell Ron about. She knew he would kill her if she left the kids alone and someone came in a killed Haleigh. So she lied. She panicked and called Tommy or Timmy's and told someone to help her. I think Misty suspected it was her brother and Joe, but never knew which one, just what she said. But she never told police what she saw that night or how bad it was, only because she was afraid of Ron's anger. She may have told him she was home but the drugs they got messed her up and she never woke up and he had to keep that part quiet because of Jr. She couldn't pass her lie detector tests because the part she was lying about was she was home, all she claimed to be doing regarding cleaning, and she knew Haleigh was dead and who helped her get rid of the body. I don't know if Tommy did this or not, but he was a fool to put himself at the MH that night and say Misty was out, and then to state he was with Joe and at the dock disposing of her. Since he stated that he knocked on that door and no body was home, I have always felt in the back of my mind, he went in and killed Haleigh while Jr slept and Misty was out doing drugs or selling sex. It has taken me 19 months to come to the conclusion Misty isn't lying when she says she doesn't know who "took" Haleigh, but she does know who got rid of the body after she found her dead that night. I don't feel any different about Ron, only because he owned those kids a better life. He took them from their mother and when he did, he should have taken care of them and stopped dealing and doing drugs and should never have left them with a teenager. JMO I hope someday the truth will come out and Haleigh can be put to rest and get the justice this little angle deserves.
the hardest thing for me to do, was to consider that Ron might not have been directly involved, because his behavior screams otherwise. But, once I set him aside, a lot of things made more sense. I've thought for awhile that Tommy was either babysitting, or took advantage of Misty being gone. I think Tommy fed her a BS story about a kidnapper, & she bought it...or pretended to, because what was staring her in the face, was too horrible. Misty is pretty good at living in denial. There's a point in this story, where I think Misty might be more culpable. I'm not sure. Did she see a dead Haleigh & help with the cover-up, or did she get home to a gone Haleigh? There's no evidence of death in the trailer, but there were those dumpster hits. IMO, Tommy either took her to his house or the woods, & then put her in the dumpster, & after Lindsey went to sleep, went back, got her & disposed of her. This is where I think Timmy & Joe came into the story. I think Ron figured out, (found out?), early on, what happend, & that's why he could be with, live with, & marry Misty. He knew she didn't hurt Haleigh. But Ron's lies have caused a lot of problems. I don't think he wanted the truth to come out, because it would expose his own crimes, (drugs, guns, underaged gf), & cause problems with DCF. So, he had a counter cover-up going on, at the same time that Tommy & crew had their own cover-up. & Tommy beneffitted by association, because Ron's strange behavior, took the focus off of him. For instance...why didn't Misty just admit, like LE maintains, that she wasn't at the trailer? to protect Ron. He wouldn't want DCF to know that he had left his kids with an incompetent teenaged druggie, who in turn, left them with Tommy? alone? also, as a matter of pride, Ron wouldn't want it known that his gf was on the prowl. so she claimed to have been asleep. It's MOO, that at some point, Tommy came up with, & then told Misty the Joe cover his own hide. & I do believe, she shows signs of just repeating what he has fed her. She was in the br, hiding under the covers, too scared to intervene, & could barely see or hear anything. But, by his own words, Tommy saw & heard it all. so, Misty, as usual, is in the background, & not in a position to substantiate much. I've been with this theory for awhile, & I have to say that anytime smething new comes up, it fits. The only real stumbling block for me, was the rat. Did Ron know for sure what happened? IDK, but that's a sick thought. or maybe by this time, he was also hearing the Joe story, (through Misty), & just wanted it all kept quiet. or maybe the rat was for something unrelated to Haleigh. Ron had moved on, & had other priorities, it seems.MOO.
I had thought for a long time initially that Misty was not at the MH that night and she came home to find Haleigh missing. And with that theory I figured if Misty left the back door open anyone could have come in while she was gone--initially, I thought it was a SO who had seen Haleigh somewhere or knew who she was and knew the family situation, and thus knew there would at some point be opportunity.

Even after LE said it was no stranger abduction--that the perp was likely someone known to RC and/or MC--I still had my theory of Misty being gone and a SO coming in because LE saying MC and/or RC knew the person did not mean the person was not a SO. This could have been a SO that LE did not have on their radar, someone who has never been caught and therefore never had to register. LE had checked and re-checked all the RSOs in the area, but that does not mean there were not SOs living in the area that were not registered offenders.

I believed if Misty was home, she had to know something, period. I also believed if Misty had left the kids alone she would lie about that out of fear of retaliation from Ron. However, it makes no sense for Misty to continue at this stage to deny not being home.

What messed up my theory of Haleigh being targeted by an opportunistic SO was Ron's numerous instances of inappropriate behavior and statements, combined with his subsequent refusal to cooperate with LE in the investigation of his own child's disappearance. Ron's behavior raised many red flags for me. He acted guilty of something! I have never thought RC directly harmed Haleigh unless it was an unintentional injury that resulted in her death some hours later, after RC was at work. I still do not believe RC intentionally harmed Haleigh, but good grief! he acted guilty of [/B]something. And I cannot help but think that that something is important to this case even if it is in a round-about way. IMO, Ron was associated with someone or involved in some incident that could at the very least answer some important questions. Whether a SO targeted Haleigh or someone targeted Ron and went into his home that night to send a message remains to be seen, of course. That is, if we ever will see anything further happen in this case.

I think Tommy is an odd duck but I really cannot say he is a pervert. He may be, but I don't have any reason at this point to believe he is. If Tommy did anything directly to Haleigh it may have started with something that just spun out of control; it was not something he planned and was in no way supposed to go so far.

I'm still not sure about JO's involvement. He does not appear to me to be involved in the crime (but may be involved in the cover-up), but I am ready and willing to change my mind about JO (about anyone, basically) if evidence to the possibility comes forth or if JO for some reason now begins acting in ways that point toward him possibly being guilty, i.e, he skips the country or is arrested for an offense that indicates he is either violent or a SO.

Bolded by me...I feel the same and have the same opinion..(of my bolded part)

IMO..Ron had/has acted guilty of something...his behavior with the sign on his truck that says ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME...

JUDGE HIM FOR WHAT????.....What is that about..???

IMO..He is using distance himself/exempt himself....from any responsibility..of his actions...
Whatever he has is between him and GOD...

IMO..The fact he needs to have his statement..I WAS AT WORK...ready... for any inquiries about the case..makes himself look guilty

IMO..The fact he has hindered/sidetracked this investigation..from the very beginning..makes himelf look guilty

IMO...Ron DOES NOT WANT...any LE finding Haleigh..


His actions/comments/behavior...IS NOT...the interests of a father desperately trying to find his daughter...

The family speaks of the past tense..

The actions of Ron...falling to his knees...crying..and uttering those words..I would give MY have my child's life BACK...says me

I agree on all you have said and would add RC's need to distance himself from anything having to do with his guns, or at least "the gun" that seems to be important to Misty, JO, Tommy, Tommy's attorney...pretty much everyone but LE, IMO.
& I want to say something about Misty. I think this Joe story is her last big hurrah, & when LE finally gets her & pokes enough holes into it, I think she'll finally admit to not being home, & tell what she really knows. There have been times, when I thought she was ready to crack, but she went from protecting Ron, to protecting her own lies, to protecting Tommy. MOO.
And FWIW, ratgate in itself points me away from Tommy for the very reason of - why send the message, "Dont rat me out" to someone who did it? That would translate more to, "Dont rat yourself out" which doesnt make sense bc folks tend not to rat themsleves out sans benefit of decapitated rodents as "encouragement." (if we go with, "Dont rat me out" as the reasoning behind placing a headless rat in someone's... mailbox, was it?)


ITA, Kant. That's why I believe that Tommy knows something, otherwise, why send that message? Not to mention the message was sent by RON and MISTY. So IMO, at least those three, know something. JMO of course.
Just like the rest of you I've been keeping a sharp eye out for all of these "characters" in this case. I watched as Ron started to squirm as Nancy Grace asked him if he had asked Misty what happened that night and Ron said that he had not talked to her about it. Nancy Grace ended up telling Ron that he was lying. Not long after that, the file for divorce action was published. Now, we have all been watching and reading about the "Joe did it version and anxiously awaited the results of the divers in the search for Haleigh off of the boat dock. Then we see a judge give 15 years to Tommy, supposedly because he was fed up with Tommy's continuous lies and the fruitless search off the boat ramp. We see Misty repeatedly stating that "Joe did it". Now, surprise, surprise! Ron is finally getting with the plan and has decided that "Joe did it after all". Ron apparently goes with the flow. He waits and watches to see what is popular at the time and then acts accordingly. Sooooooooooooooo predictable! Let's just hope that the judge and LE are fooling us and really are on the ball and really do know what they are doing and we will really get to see the guilty one go to jail...........God, I hope so. (Warning, scarcasm being used).
Just like the rest of you I've been keeping a sharp eye out for all of these "characters" in this case. I watched as Ron started to squirm as Nancy Grace asked him if he had asked Misty what happened that night and Ron said that he had not talked to her about it. Nancy Grace ended up telling Ron that he was lying. Not long after that, the file for divorce action was published. Now, we have all been watching and reading about the "Joe did it version and anxiously awaited the results of the divers in the search for Haleigh off of the boat dock.


Could that have been the last time Ron appeared on NG show? I recall he was on often, then his appearance abruptly stopped.
Bern, I agree with your theory. Misty was out for the night & came home to find Butterbean sleeping & Haleigh dead or barely alive. (The loud 1:30 an phone call, pacing & yelling?) Misty had CLAIMED that early in the evening she was watching a kids video in the livingroom with Butterbean & Haleigh was alone in the bedroom watching another video. (Some furniture could have fallen on Haleigh as she attempted to use the DVD player) But it does seem Haleigh had gotten ill on a blanket as an attempt to wash it was made.

All Misty wanted was Ron. She could not admit an responsibility in this.
She took care of Butterbean...He was easy.
She looked after Haleigh...Not so easy.
Misty wanted her own baby with Ron.

In an "altered state", she very well could have given Haleigh a "Valium" to calm down for the night.

IMO She called Timmy...Her favorite brother & where Joe was sleeping that night, where the van was taken from, & had these 2 dispose of Haleigh for her.....But WHERE?
Just thinking out loud...

If the story is true that Ron had taken HaLeigh and Jr. to work with him. leaving them in his vehicle in the parking lot on occasion per/PDM security gaurd, IMO, that makes it all the more believable that HaLeigh and Jr. were given "sleep aids" - on at least those occasions. How in the world would you keep two children at those ages from opening the door and getting out?! And how in the helloooooooo would you keep them from crying out for Daddy when it got dark outside? Makes sense why HaLeigh would/could have had an accident on her blanket if that's the blanket that Ron took/used to cover her up with when she slept in the car... I'm not convinced that Misty was there at the mobile home that night/morning watching HaLeigh & Jr. I really have to wonder if she was there at all or did she get fed up and take off after calling Ron at work, complaining that she couldn't get the kids to settle down and go to sleep and he'd better get someone there (TN, Gma Sykes,..) to watch them because she was leaving? Maybe she called Ron and told him she was bringing the kids to him at PDM, he met them out in the parking lot, she took off, and Ron put HaLeigh & Jr. in the car... Could it be possible that by the time Gma Sykes got to the mobile home no one was there (TN sent a family member over...Did Ron call TN and tell her he needed someone to get over there because Misty was gonna take off, so she sent Gma?) because Misty had already left with the kids to take them to Ron at PDM? And, is it then possible that Gma drove over to PDM to get HaLeigh & Jr.? Perhaps Ron and/or Misty had already given them something to "help" them sleep and by the time Gma got there, they were zonked out, Gma put them in her car to take them home but by the time they got there (there being either Gma's in Weleka or back to the MH in Satsuma...??), Gma noticed that HaLeigh wasn't breathing or she was vomiting and went into cardiac arrest...?? Is it at this point and time that TN enters the picture and the coverup/staged abduction begins? Was Misty convinced that she'd be solely blamed because she brought/left the kids at Ron's workplace and/or administered the "sleeping aid"?? Ughhh...still so many questions after nineteen months!!!
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