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Fox News/Greta VS - Interview w/ Ronald Cummings & Misty Croslin - February 13, 2009.
Link to video;
Can be viewed at:

GVS = Greta VS (Interviwer)
RC = Ronald C.
MC = Misty C.

GVS: Haleigh’s father Ronald and his girlfriend Misty are both here. Now here’s what we know; 3 am Monday morning Misty says she found Haleigh missing from the bed they were sharing; about 3:25 Ronald returns home from work; two minutes later at 3:27 am Misty calls 911 and reports Haleigh missing, since then, nothing, the toddler’s gone. Ronald Cummings, Haleigh’s father joins us live along with his girlfriend Misty Croslin. Welcome to both of you and Ronald, umm is there any update in the last twenty-four hours in the search for your daughter?
RC: No…nothing
GVS: Have there been any sightings and any tips coming in Ronald, anything at all like that?
RC: Plenty of tips. Most of em are bogus, ahh, the law enforcement agencies are doing everything they can, ahh, they got approximately fifty horses coming in. They’re gonna start doing a ground search with horses, dogs, ahh, helicopters; they’re doing everything they can. Ahh Federal agents, ahh different, numerous different counties sheriff’s out there. They’re, they’re really trying to help us
GVS: Misty, umm what is Haleigh like?
MC: Umm, she’s a real good girl and she’s fun to be around. She’s always happy. She’s real smart, intelligent
GVS: Misty is she the type that would walk off with a stranger?
MC: No (in a lowered voice to Ronald; “I am”)
GVS: Ronald is she the type that would just wonder off with a stranger at all or is she a shy child?
RC: (shaking head no) absolutely not. She is definitely shy. She would never walk off with a stranger for no reason, besides it was dark; she’s afraid of the dark (Misty nods head “yes” in agreement)
GVS: Misty, umm the other night, Monday night you last saw her about ten o’clock, is that right?
MC: What was that? I didn’t hear her… (last part directed to Ronald)
GVS: Is that correct, you saw her, did see her, you last saw Hal…Haleigh at about ten o’clock Monday night when she was in bed, is that right Misty?
MC: Yes maam
GVS: Umm was anything going on with her? Did she fall asleep easily or was she ah ahh at all anxious, getting up and leaving the bed?
MC: Umm no, she ahh, she had school so I put her to bed at about eight o’clock cause that’s her bedtime, and you know so she can get up and go to school so she’s not tired
GVS: Were you with; were you in the same bed with Haleigh Misty?
MC: No
GVS: Were you in the same room?
MC: Yes
GVS: So, so tell me what happened; how I mean, tell me did you hear anything between the time you pu…saw her at ten o’clock and the time that ahh you woke up and saw her missing? Did you hear any noises?
MC: No maam (added something but unable to make out)
GVS: Had you been drinking or…had you been drinking or anything so you’d be in a heavy sleep at all that night?
MC: No
GVS: So tell me what happened; you got up to use the bathroom, is that right?
MC: Yeah, I got up to use the bathroom. I didn’t make it to the bathroom. Umm I walked into the living room and noticed that the kitchen was on and seen the back door open. I had ran back into the bedroom; that’s when I noticed she was gone
GVS: And when…so Ronald you came home at about 3:25 am from work?
RC: Yes
GVS: Did…when, did you come in the front door or the back door of the doublewide Ronald?
RC: I came in the front door, ahh, umm I pulled in the driveway; She was standing at the front door hysteric and I wanted to know what she was doing up first at that time of night, usually she’s in bed; they’re all in bed asleep and she told me that she just got up to use the bathroom and that she seen that Haleigh was not in her bed. She went to find her and the back door was wide open and she was nowhere to be found; she was gone
GVS: Misty had you actually been the one to lock that back door?
MC: Umm… no, I did not lock the back door because the back door is always locked. We really don’t use the back door… (Ronald chimes in)
RC: Absolutely
GVS: And what kind of lock; what kind of locks on that back door Ronald? Is it a deadbolt and do you need a key or is there a knob on the inside? How, how do you work that, that back door?
RC: has a lock on a knob on the inside and it has a deadbolt also and the deadbolt is very hard to get unlocked once you get it locked; you have to push in hard on the door and ahh, a child would never get that unlocked
MC: (in a very low voice) No (in agreement with Ronald’s statement about the door)
GVS: Misty have you ever gone … (Ronald interrupts) go ahead, I’m sorry Ronald…
RC: I, I do keep it locked. I, I do check it every afternoon before I leave for work. It’s always locked; always
GVS: Misty do you ever use that door yourself; go in and out that door?
MC: Umm… ahh, I mean once in a while I’ll take the garbage out through the back door or we’ll use the back door to like take the vacuum and vacuum the car out, but that’s the only time we use the back door
GVS: Misty did anybody come over to the house that evening…umm while Ronald was at work…any friends come over?
MC: Umm…my older, no…the…my older brother had come over with my nephews and my niece and the a/c guy
GVS: What time did they leave?
MC: Umm…they got there about five o’clock and ahh…and ahh…yeah about five o’clock and they stayed for about thirty minutes, til about five-thirty, five forty-five
GVS: Ronald I understand that there doesn’t appear to be any forced entry into the home and that back door…umm so how do you think it got open?
RC: I honestly don’t have any clue, I don’t have any clue…ahh somebody, somebody, maybe ahh locksmith ahh picked, pick-lock artist, I don’t know but it was definitely locked and somebody came in through it, so I couldn’t explain it (Ron adds something but unable to make out)
GVS: Misty let me ask you the same question; Misty how do you think that door got open?
MC: Umm…someone had ahh picked the lock you know…they had to pick the lock, that’s the only way that anybody could have gotten in the back door is if they picked the lock
GVS: In terms of where you were sleeping Misty and where Haleigh was sleeping Misty, who was closer to the back door?
MC: Umm…Haleigh would probably been closer to the back door, I mean she was on the wall; the side of the wall that was the closest to the kitchen… (Ronald interrupts)
RC: I’d like to comment…
GVS: And, and how far was Haleigh physically sleeping from you Misty?
MC: Probably not like three or four inches away. She was just right, she was in front of the TV…I mean not that far at all
GVS: Three or four inches? Did you say three or four inches?
MC: No, umm…I mean, ahh…I’m not sure. It wasn’t that far away
GVS: Can you just hold up your hands and just show me, measure like your hands how far away she was sleeping?
MC: Umm…probably like from (holding arms/hands apart) these chairs put together from my bed (referring to the chairs that her and Ronald were seated in for the interview)
GVS: About as far as Ronald is from you?
MC: Yes
RC: No
MC: No?
RC: No…I…I know where (Misty in the back ground: Okay) the beds are at; They’re about four feet apart from the edge of the bed she was in, to the edge of the bed Haleigh was in
MC: I wasn’t measuring or anything like that so…
GVS: Now I know both of you did a polygraph today; did they say that you were deceptive or not on the polygraph? Did they tell you how your results were? How were yours Ronald?
RC: Absolutely they did…they did. It was…it was…it was not today that we took the polygraph, we took the polygraph yesterday (At this time Misty says: we’re not supposed to discuss it) and umm…yes, we both did pass
GVS: And Misty, what did they say to you about your results?
MC: I mean…that I passed (Ronald nods head in the affirmative as Misty makes this statement)
GVS: Did…did they use the word “pass” or did they say there was no sign of deception?
MC: I mean…ahh… (RC interrupts)
RC: They told me that I passed (Misty, in a lowered voice states, “they said that I passed,” as GVS starts her next question)
GVS: Okay what’d they say to you Misty?
MC: They said that I passed then they didn’t say much to me… (GVS interrupts)
GVS: Okay, well we certainly…well we’re hopeful by putting the spotlight on this people will call in tips if they know anything at all about this child because I know that you both want her back very badly. Ronald, Misty, thank you and let’s hope we get some good news soon. Thank you both very much.
Fox News/Greta VS - Interview w/ Ronald Cummings & Misty Croslin - February 13, 2009.
Link to video;
Can be viewed at:

GVS = Greta VS (Interviwer)
RC = Ronald C.
MC = Misty C.

GVS: Haleigh’s father Ronald and his girlfriend Misty are both here. Now here’s what we know; 3 am Monday morning Misty says she found Haleigh missing from the bed they were sharing; about 3:25 Ronald returns home from work; two minutes later at 3:27 am Misty calls 911 and reports Haleigh missing, since then, nothing, the toddler’s gone. Ronald Cummings, Haleigh’s father joins us live along with his girlfriend Misty Croslin. Welcome to both of you and Ronald, umm is there any update in the last twenty-four hours in the search for your daughter?
RC: No…nothing
GVS: Have there been any sightings and any tips coming in Ronald, anything at all like that?
RC: Plenty of tips. Most of em are bogus, ahh, the law enforcement agencies are doing everything they can, ahh, they got approximately fifty horses coming in. They’re gonna start doing a ground search with horses, dogs, ahh, helicopters; they’re doing everything they can. Ahh Federal agents, ahh different, numerous different counties sheriff’s out there. They’re, they’re really trying to help us
GVS: Misty, umm what is Haleigh like?
MC: Umm, she’s a real good girl and she’s fun to be around. She’s always happy. She’s real smart, intelligent
GVS: Misty is she the type that would walk off with a stranger?
MC: No (in a lowered voice to Ronald; “I am”)
GVS: Ronald is she the type that would just wonder off with a stranger at all or is she a shy child?
RC: (shaking head no) absolutely not. She is definitely shy. She would never walk off with a stranger for no reason, besides it was dark; she’s afraid of the dark (Misty nods head “yes” in agreement)
GVS: Misty, umm the other night, Monday night you last saw her about ten o’clock, is that right?
MC: What was that? I didn’t hear her… (last part directed to Ronald)
GVS: Is that correct, you saw her, did see her, you last saw Hal…Haleigh at about ten o’clock Monday night when she was in bed, is that right Misty?
MC: Yes maam
GVS: Umm was anything going on with her? Did she fall asleep easily or was she ah ahh at all anxious, getting up and leaving the bed?
MC: Umm no, she ahh, she had school so I put her to bed at about eight o’clock cause that’s her bedtime, and you know so she can get up and go to school so she’s not tired
GVS: Were you with; were you in the same bed with Haleigh Misty?
MC: No
GVS: Were you in the same room?
MC: Yes
GVS: So, so tell me what happened; how I mean, tell me did you hear anything between the time you pu…saw her at ten o’clock and the time that ahh you woke up and saw her missing? Did you hear any noises?
MC: No maam (added something but unable to make out)
GVS: Had you been drinking or…had you been drinking or anything so you’d be in a heavy sleep at all that night?
MC: No
GVS: So tell me what happened; you got up to use the bathroom, is that right?
MC: Yeah, I got up to use the bathroom. I didn’t make it to the bathroom. Umm I walked into the living room and noticed that the kitchen was on and seen the back door open. I had ran back into the bedroom; that’s when I noticed she was gone
GVS: And when…so Ronald you came home at about 3:25 am from work?
RC: Yes
GVS: Did…when, did you come in the front door or the back door of the doublewide Ronald?
RC: I came in the front door, ahh, umm I pulled in the driveway; She was standing at the front door hysteric and I wanted to know what she was doing up first at that time of night, usually she’s in bed; they’re all in bed asleep and she told me that she just got up to use the bathroom and that she seen that Haleigh was not in her bed. She went to find her and the back door was wide open and she was nowhere to be found; she was gone
GVS: Misty had you actually been the one to lock that back door?
MC: Umm… no, I did not lock the back door because the back door is always locked. We really don’t use the back door… (Ronald chimes in)
RC: Absolutely
GVS: And what kind of lock; what kind of locks on that back door Ronald? Is it a deadbolt and do you need a key or is there a knob on the inside? How, how do you work that, that back door?
RC: has a lock on a knob on the inside and it has a deadbolt also and the deadbolt is very hard to get unlocked once you get it locked; you have to push in hard on the door and ahh, a child would never get that unlocked
MC: (in a very low voice) No (in agreement with Ronald’s statement about the door)
GVS: Misty have you ever gone … (Ronald interrupts) go ahead, I’m sorry Ronald…
RC: I, I do keep it locked. I, I do check it every afternoon before I leave for work. It’s always locked; always
GVS: Misty do you ever use that door yourself; go in and out that door?
MC: Umm… ahh, I mean once in a while I’ll take the garbage out through the back door or we’ll use the back door to like take the vacuum and vacuum the car out, but that’s the only time we use the back door
GVS: Misty did anybody come over to the house that evening…umm while Ronald was at work…any friends come over?
MC: Umm…my older, no…the…my older brother had come over with my nephews and my niece and the a/c guy
GVS: What time did they leave?
MC: Umm…they got there about five o’clock and ahh…and ahh…yeah about five o’clock and they stayed for about thirty minutes, til about five-thirty, five forty-five
GVS: Ronald I understand that there doesn’t appear to be any forced entry into the home and that back door…umm so how do you think it got open?
RC: I honestly don’t have any clue, I don’t have any clue…ahh somebody, somebody, maybe ahh locksmith ahh picked, pick-lock artist, I don’t know but it was definitely locked and somebody came in through it, so I couldn’t explain it (Ron adds something but unable to make out)
GVS: Misty let me ask you the same question; Misty how do you think that door got open?
MC: Umm…someone had ahh picked the lock you know…they had to pick the lock, that’s the only way that anybody could have gotten in the back door is if they picked the lock
GVS: In terms of where you were sleeping Misty and where Haleigh was sleeping Misty, who was closer to the back door?
MC: Umm…Haleigh would probably been closer to the back door, I mean she was on the wall; the side of the wall that was the closest to the kitchen… (Ronald interrupts)
RC: I’d like to comment…
GVS: And, and how far was Haleigh physically sleeping from you Misty?
MC: Probably not like three or four inches away. She was just right, she was in front of the TV…I mean not that far at all
GVS: Three or four inches? Did you say three or four inches?
MC: No, umm…I mean, ahh…I’m not sure. It wasn’t that far away
GVS: Can you just hold up your hands and just show me, measure like your hands how far away she was sleeping?
MC: Umm…probably like from (holding arms/hands apart) these chairs put together from my bed (referring to the chairs that her and Ronald were seated in for the interview)
GVS: About as far as Ronald is from you?
MC: Yes
RC: No
MC: No?
RC: No…I…I know where (Misty in the back ground: Okay) the beds are at; They’re about four feet apart from the edge of the bed she was in, to the edge of the bed Haleigh was in
MC: I wasn’t measuring or anything like that so…
GVS: Now I know both of you did a polygraph today; did they say that you were deceptive or not on the polygraph? Did they tell you how your results were? How were yours Ronald?
RC: Absolutely they did…they did. It was…it was…it was not today that we took the polygraph, we took the polygraph yesterday (At this time Misty says: we’re not supposed to discuss it) and umm…yes, we both did pass
GVS: And Misty, what did they say to you about your results?
MC: I mean…that I passed (Ronald nods head in the affirmative as Misty makes this statement)
GVS: Did…did they use the word “pass” or did they say there was no sign of deception?
MC: I mean…ahh… (RC interrupts)
RC: They told me that I passed (Misty, in a lowered voice states, “they said that I passed,” as GVS starts her next question)
GVS: Okay what’d they say to you Misty?
MC: They said that I passed then they didn’t say much to me… (GVS interrupts)
GVS: Okay, well we certainly…well we’re hopeful by putting the spotlight on this people will call in tips if they know anything at all about this child because I know that you both want her back very badly. Ronald, Misty, thank you and let’s hope we get some good news soon. Thank you both very much.

GOSH did you see his eyes glare to the side when she started messing up?? ewww he's scary. the body language in that single interview speaks volumes as far as i'm concerned.:censored:
Thank you for this one :)
Excellant thread Kant! I was in hiding for a while, frustrating that we had run out of things to discuss. That 911 call is going to come back & bite the two of them (Ron & Misty). Too many inconsistancies in their demeanor to be believed. Hooyey!

I'm going back and reading all the posts.
Excellant thread Kant! I was in hiding for a while, frustrating that we had run out of things to discuss. That 911 call is going to come back & bite the two of them (Ron & Misty). Too many inconsistancies in their demeanor to be believed. Hooyey!

I'm going back and reading all the posts.

Kant's a Keeper! LOLOLOL I have really gained allot from this thread too. YaYa
That 911 link is not the most clear one around, but I cant find the good one.

Does someone have it handy? that is more audible.. or better?

TIA. ;-)

try this one, less noisy
Yeah, Passionflower, Misty and Ron during their 911 call kind of give me the willies.MOO

As did their interview when they appeared together on GS.. Not to mention that fiasco on the Today Show right after they got married...

All I can say to any of that is... What Kinda Fool Do You Think I Am?
GOSH did you see his eyes glare to the side when she started messing up?? ewww he's scary. the body language in that single interview speaks volumes as far as i'm concerned.:censored:
Thank you for this one :)

Yes, Ron's eyes gave me the willies in that Greta clip, Mis;

And thank you so much for the transcript, Nomoresorrow! GREAT WORK as usual. :-)

:bow: . :bow:

As did their interview when they appeared together on GS.. Not to mention that fiasco on the Today Show right after they got married...

All I can say to any of that is... What Kinda Fool Do You Think I Am?

"Fiasco" is right, Emeralgem;

It seems like every interview that I see Ron giving, it turns into to a willies fiesta for me. Also, I noticed that after Ron lawyered up, the atty apparently advised him to zip his yapper.

Good advice... for Ron, I mean. Every time he spoke, he wasn't exactly endearing himself to the masses. And that's an understatement, imo..... Misty too for that matter.

Ooops, Law_girl41, I clicked the "Circle of Violence" you tube clip.


:blushing: OOps is right.....I forgot the link, turns out to be the very same one you posted 2 pages before...Okay I am going backwards here.........I am reading posts, mostly really good ones. Nmore sorrow has put in a lot of time. good job you guys/gals.

BTW, this is to everyone who may have already chosen a side for one reason or another....... can we try to keep this thread from turning into a fued type thread like the others? Thats so not what this is about, I really think its not necessary to grandstand players, they each have their own threads. TIA
These clips are of Ron, the 911 call bits, some guests, etc from the Nancy (stripper pole!) Grace show.

Side note: The amazing speedy magic fingers... aka Nomoresorrow, may have a transcript if needed. (Thanks for staying on top of that, Nomoresorrow. Mucho Appreesh.) :woohoo:

(1) Haleigh Cummings - Nancy 2/11/09 Part 1 of 7 5:36 min

> At 2:22 Ron relays the story from when he pulled into the front yard and what happned next with Misty etc > Part of 911 call > part of Ron's first interview


(2) Haleigh Cummings - Nancy 2/11/09 Part 2 of 7 1:03 min

> Ron was at work but describes the scene > 911 call Misty tried to describe Haleigh


(3) Haleigh Cummings - Nancy 2/11/09 Part 3 of 7 6:52 min

> Part of 911 call with partial transcript > at 1:51 min Ron threatens to kill someone >

At 1:59 - Dispatcher:

"What kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?'

RON: "I don't *advertiser censored***** know, I was at work!"


(4) Haleigh Cummings - Nancy 2/11/09 Part 4 of 7 2:02 min

> Mark Klaas > Sheriff discusses RSOs in the area


(5) Haleigh Cummings - Nancy 2/11/09 Part 5 of 7 1:10 min >

> Sheriff of Putnam County discusses that the infrared & sonar searches yield nothing.


(6) Haleigh Cummings - Nancy 2/11/09 Part 6 of 7 6:01 mins

> 911 call > partial audio w/ excerpts of transcript

0:23 sec

RON: "I just got home from work. My five year old daughter is gone. I need somebody here no. i'm telling you."

(Notice that Ron BEGINS with his alibi.... HINKY HINK peeps.)


(7) Haleigh Cummings Nancy 2/11/09 Part 7 of 7 4:02 min

> Dr. Karen Stark on Haleigh "not likely that she wandered off.."

> Attys John Burrows & Michael Mazzarello on "looking at the family first"... statistically... > re: Ron's poly....etc. > Focus on the gf. > Suspicion of family members.
:blushing: OOps is right.....I forgot the link, turns out to be the very same one you posted 2 pages before...Okay I am going backwards here.........I am reading posts, mostly really good ones. Nmore sorrow has put in a lot of time. good job you guys/gals.

BTW, this is to everyone who may have already chosen a side for one reason or another....... can we try to keep this thread from turning into a fued type thread like the others? Thats so not what this is about, I really think its not necessary to grandstand players, they each have their own threads. TIA

Excellent post; I couldn't agree more, Law_girl41.

"I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic. "

Abigail Adams


In the article "is the caller the killer" they use examples of guilty verses innocent.

1. Relevance of information.
adding info rather than focusing on victim, ie, RC's threats, and Misty's cinderblock story. 96% guilty.
2. Attitude toward victim.
blaming victim, 100% guilty. Didn't hear this with RC or Misty. However, Misty later on talks about Haleigh wetting the bed, but not sure if that counts, I don't think it does. I think the dbgf is worse, and calling 911 dispatcher worthless, worse, but that's verbal abuse toward females. Not in 911 call, but RC does mention on GR interview having a talk with Haleigh as to who the parent is and his spanking habits.
3. Accuracy of facts.
correcting erroneous information
100% of applicable callers were guilty who did not correct erroneous statements. Misty did not correct, RC avoided.
4. Who was the call about.
if victim is focus 32% of those guilty don't stay focused on victim. RC's rants is an example of not focusing on Haleigh, not caring if he is recorded or goes to jail forever.
5. attitude toward victims death.
accepting victim's death before known. 100% applicable callers were guilty of the crime. missing persons, no innocent family member will use past tense when refering to missing loved one if innocent. RC assumes she is stolen, hurt, or killed. We really don't know what he is thinking but assume he's willing to kill the intruder implies that he is assuming she is in danger. Thinking Le going out in search of a body in the fields assumes he thinks she is dead imooc.
6. voice modulation.
loud volume, fast speed, varied pitch, emotional tones.
or slow even unemotional 35% of applicable callers were guilty using slow even unemtional tones.
7. Urgency of call.
demanding verses polite and calm. Starting call with "hi"
100% were guilty who were calm and polite.
8. level of cooperation.
not responding to questions. RC
repeating words, unclear responses.
resistance to cooperation. RC
repetition, gaining time to think. MC
100% guilty
the "huh" factor, unless excessive background noise,(imo on purpose)
all but one was guilty.
continuing with one thought process,
or self interuptions. RC and MC
100% guilty. 2nd strongest indicator of guilt.

What was the call about?
Who was the call about?
How was the call made?

I hope this is appropiate. If not, mods please delete.
I posted this once before on the 911 thread--hope it's alright to post it again. The following is my opinion of where I think Ron and Misty fall on the 911 analysis. Any thoughts?

R = Ronald M = Misty

I = Innocent G = Guilty

What was the call about?

I-Request help for victim
G-No request for help for victim (M,R)
I-Relevant information
G-Extraneous information (M,R)
I-Concern for victim
G-Insulting or blaming the victim
I-Correction of facts
G-Conflicting facts

Who is the call about?

I-Help requested for victim
G-Help requested for caller only (R)
I-Focus on victim's survival
G-Focus on caller's problem (R)
I-No acceptance of victim's death
G-Acceptance of victim's death

How was call made?

I-Voice modulation (R)
G-No voice modulation
I-Urgently, rudely demanding (R)
G-Polite and patient (M)
I-Cooperation with dispatcher(M)
G-Resists cooperation (R,M)
I-No self interruption (R)
G-Self-interruption (M)

Great work! Thanks.......I thought some of this, but so glad it is in writing!
I once read when a person uses words like NEVER, ABSOLUTELY, ALWAYS, DEFINATELY,
(I think from a Dr. during the Ramsey case) they are usually lying...............
I don't have a link, sorry, but it bothers me that RC talks like that.
Kant and No more Sorrow post #93..........thanks
I agree, if my son had 2 small children and had moved a 17 year old girl in to live with him and raise the children after only a few months..............
I would be killing them both if something happened to my grand daughter!
Is Misty covering up for TN?
RC wants TN covered also?
Something is just not right with TN wanting the wedding.
The engagement on TN birthday..........TN ring from an X?
In the article "is the caller the killer" they use examples of guilty verses innocent.

1. Relevance of information.
adding info rather than focusing on victim, ie, RC's threats, and Misty's cinderblock story. 96% guilty.
2. Attitude toward victim.
blaming victim, 100% guilty. Didn't hear this with RC or Misty. However, Misty later on talks about Haleigh wetting the bed,

Wow I just got the heebie jeebies when I read that. The Ramsey case had something about wetting the bed also right? Probably just a weird coincidence. Do you think Misty made that part up? Can you tell by how she says it? Is it considered additional information like when someone's being deceptive?
This is Raisin Charlie's clip that I pinched from him in the parking lot Rumors thread.

FWIW, it briefly addresses some things I was wondering about.

At about 0:55 seconds in, the reported says (as far as I can tell)

REPORTER: "...A neighbor told me that she heard a woman yelling in or near this blue mobile home around 2:25 in the morning."

Also, at the beginning of the clip there's mention of the cousin and the gun. Mother Teresa said that there was was an altercation b/w Ron and the cousin. Ron denies it (..somewhere; I don't have the clip) Teresa says there was a gun. Ron denies that too and said something to the effect of..

RON: (paraphrased) "There's no gun; And no fight; I don't know where you people are getting these crazy stories from"

...Um... well, dude... from your mom...

More contradictions and inconsistencies.. *sigh*

Finally found this... The cousin and the gun, revisited. :)
(bolding mine) Wow. Just.Wow. Teresa sure knows how to toot Misty's horn... the horn of the person under whose watch her grandaughter (supposedly) disappeared.


Double Wow, because this is a Mother In Law that has heard the rumors of Misty running around on her son, and RC admits to knowing about it according to Cobra. I would be mad just about that and warn my son not to marry her, let alone the fact she was the one person last seen with my missing granddaughter. I wouldn't be signing such high praises if Misty were dating my son and I heard he had to bring her back from a weekend of partying and running around. JMO
TN tooting Misty's horn and praising her to high heaven is just further proof IMHO that she knows her son is somehow responsible or involved in Haleigh's disappearance..
No way considering everything that has been speculated upon and revealed would they be covering for Misty unless it was to save Ron C's rear-end..

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