Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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Well done.

Let's just drop it, for there is no problem here. People are free to click on the link, evaluate the blogger, choose what they want to think about his/her opinions on the case, etc.

The very last thing we need is a squabble amongst ourselves about whose astrological insight is better, in my humble opinion. (obviously, I treasure mine above all others, lol!)
........ whose astrological insight is better,.......... (obviously, I treasure mine above all others, lol!)

We think yours is terrific, too. I'd love to say mine is better, but sadly, I have much to re-learn and even more new stuff to learn for the first time. I'm on pins and needles waiting for my copy of Forensic Astrology to arrive. It's on its way, I'm told.

Two books I like for new astrologers who've already learned the basics:

The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas

Rulers of the Horoscope by Alan Oken

These are for general astrology and give the reader a good idea how the planet placements work in an astrological chart.
Meena, you didn't offend me! Whatever gave you that idea?

I am a bit skeptical of her "work", but that is nothing new. Astrologers can't even agree on the birthdate of the USA, never mind who will win the next presidential election!

Just a reminder to all viewing here. Astrology is just another way to try to understand life, and you are going to get all sorts of opinions.

There is no GRAND TRUTH to be found in astrology. If you want truth, go to the Bible. Even if you are not a Christian! Even if you are an atheist!

Start with: !!!!!

Ecclesiastes 3

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

You notice that Ecclesiastes speaks about :time: Think about that.

Ecclesiastes : Those were the last words my Mum said to me the day she died. She said that it explains it "all."
Thnx for the loving reminder.
Hey sorry if my quote started a small discussion, it wasn't meant to be disrespectful. I know I did follow the rules of the site though and I did not post her work, I posted a wise quote, with her link. That's different. Posting Housemouses charts or her charts on other sites I believe is what is being referred to.

Again Housemouse, cool work you do here, keeping my fingers crossed for the weekend that something moves forward.
Sorry not to have posted today. Lots of stuff to get done, for a whole passle of relatives coming to visit this weekend and coming week...

Nevertheless, I am paying attention to the increasing tension building, and hoping for developments that will give us something to chew on by Monday, the 22nd.

Sun is now at 27 26 Virgo. It is getting closer to squaring Pluto. Now, we just have to wait for the Moon to get into Gemini. It is still at the end of Taurus and has a couple of days to go before we see if anything develops.
Thank you so very much, HM, for everything you are doing and for who you are. I may not know the Bible verse above as well as you do, I mostly remember it as one of my favourite songs from the 70's. It is beautiful, isn't it and lends such a balance to life. Everything in its time. I know O/T Sorry


Yeah, it's running peacefully through my head, right now, "Turn, turn, turn!"
No I am fine with what you said...I was just being a bit overprotective....I was wrong...I have my myspace on private so people don't come lurking about...I don't understand why others don't.and then when there privacy invaded..verklempt.......LOL I love that word

I love the word, too. It's the name of one of my two pets. She's a rescue. I didn't name her. ..... But it SOOOO fits her! :)
so somewhere before 630 will give us an exact Tsquare to the Moon.......our Lady that we were debating tonite believes Caylee is represented by Venus I have to go back and look tomorrow to make sure....It would make sense to me with Caylee's moon in Libra..Makes perfect sense she was closer to CA than her Mom...I was taught our moon sign runs our lives for our first 7 years..
Moon square Uranus on the desc sticks out. even without Tsquare.Moon on the Midheaven and Saturn moving towards ASC....Speaks to me that something of importance might happen..but then again they may just rearrest her for more check charges..They have stated on our news down here that there are more check charges coming her way.
You are right only God knows...My ego self just keeps hoping this baby gets justice soon..she is exactly 6 months older than my youngest and I cannot imagine the pain of not having her with me every second..I have a strong Neptune...but Not like miss KC.

Well, Neptune can also be very visionary.
Bumping to keep the thread visible.
I guess it is time to bump the thread.

The transiting Moon is now at 10 Gemini. It is getting close to squaring Saturn at 14 Virgo.

Heck, will post the chart, but I don't think it is quite time yet! We have another day or two to wait. Compare this to the Sept 21 chart posted.

There was a strong accentuation of 13° Gemini from both the June New Moon and the position of Mercury at the time of Caylee's disappearance. Mercury was there when the nursing home video was filmed and Mercury went back and forth over that degree. The New Moon was precisely on that degree.

It is the degree of the Uranian Node, i.e, that point where Uranus in its orbit and journey northward crosses the plane of the ecliptic. The degree partakes of the nature of Uranus and aids in finding the way out of a dilemma even when disruptive of existing conditions and severance of bonds. There is interest in adoption.

When the video was taped, the Moon was 21:26 Scorpio separating from the square of Mars at 20:35 Leo. A quarrel had already taken place and some demand or request had been made. That would have occurred about two hours before the nursing home visit, when Cindy took Caylee for the occasion. The row that neighbors' heard later was building on antagonism from the morning.

The Sun that day had squared Uranus (June 13) and reinforces the idea of a disruptive change coming down. This is the planetary angle you see when someone is handed his pink slip, told the romance is over, or shown the door. I think Cindy was by way of implementing the recommendation of her therapist, who advised her to oust Casey and adopt Caylee.

Casey may have even resented readying her daughter and producing her for the trip to Mt. Dora, based on that Moon - Mars square in the Fixed Signs of Leo and Scorpio. And certainly, Caylee felt the anger with Mars directly on her Ascendant along with the true lunar node. The lunar node describes our associations and also loss. When a planet is at the same degree as the lunar node, as Mars was, it denotes casualty, fatality. It was a dire portent.

Mars had also been visiting Caylee's Sun opposite her Neptune. Her Sun (heart) was susceptible due to the Neptune affliction but Mars opposite Neptune brings dangerous results from any drug given during the rather brief transit of Mars, even if it were not as noxious as chloroform.

Now the Gemini Moon is revisiting that same Node of Uranus and taking yet another look at those days in June. Saturn sits in Virgo, closed as a vault, the immovable object, the responsible entity. Beware, Casey, Uranus can and has been known to blow safes.
Tuba, I have been trying to find the time of that nursing home visit, but haven't been successful yet.

Do you have it? If you do, that is the last truly confirmed date, time, and place of the last known public Caylee sighting. We do have George's claim that he saw her at 12:50 PM on the 16th, but given all the confusion (Neptune) in the statements, a good verifiable last sighting would be helpful!

So, if you have one, send the link! I would love to have it confirmed.

P.S. Moon is now at 12 19 Gemini. Only 2 more degrees to go to exact square to Saturn. But, we do have to be patient, and we can't get over-excited. Monday will come, and we might as well be productive in our own lives while we wait for the next show to drop.
Yes, the time of the taping of the video is 12:03 EDST on June 15. I want to credit what Geo. said about saying goodbye to C and C but due to June 9 being the original basis for his statement, I can't. And then, the time was not as precise as the digital card in the camera, which was validated. This chart has both Mars & Saturn in the Hidden Sector of what was going on behind the scene.
In the supporting documents for the arrest affidavit, on page 23, the data from the camera is reported.
Yes, the time of the taping of the video is 12:03 EDST on June 15. I want to credit what Geo. said about saying goodbye to C and C but due to June 9 being the original basis for his statement, I can't. And then, the time was not as precise as the digital card in the camera, which was validated. This chart has both Mars & Saturn in the Hidden Sector of what was going on behind the scene.

Thank you, Tuba. I will take a look at it tomorrow, in between all the local chaos. (Big family reunion type, way too complicated to explain, or even predict!)
We are now entering the window. Moon is now just past square to Saturn, approaching a square to Uranus sometime early tomorrow.

Then we have to wait until it passes a square to Pluto, another little wait.

Something might happen that we hear about, but then again, it might be behind the scene. Time will tell, friends.

Looking at the trine formation to the planets in Libra, maybe we will hear something when the Moon reaches 22 Gemini, and trines Mercury?

It is so hard to be patient!

Just watching the bigger clock, and wondering, like the rest of you.
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