my email to the Chief

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Dec 2, 2007
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From: Lew Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 9:40 AM
To: Raymond McGury
Subject: The BBPD[Scanned]

December 5, 2007
Chief McGury:

I have a few comments and a question.
Drew Peterson and his poor excuse of an attorney are out to make you responsible for the current situation on the force (primarily the computer situation) as well the years you weren’t even the Chief. They have defamed you personally and given a black eye to the force that may be unable to regain the communities respect for the officers.

I would be interesting to know how many officers in Bolingbrook used the computers illegally.
There needs to be a FULL investigation of this issue and the termination of these officers.

You were not chief when Kathleen was murdered, and now she is gone, and no one listened to Stacy and she is missing. I see a pattern of police screw-ups here in Bolingbrook, against women.
I think that all officers found to have been doing anything illegal for their own personal gain, should be immediately terminated.

I also believe that any officer who filed a report as to Kathleen’s disputes be questioned. Unfortunately, the community believes of the good boy network may have contributed to Kathleen’s death. Drew Peterson, being on the force I am sure was given not treated the same as other BB residence when it came to domestic violence calls, and now we have this.

I am not writing this to criticizing you, most of us believe you have done a great job, but you have many crooked officers on the force.

Will you please go public as to what you are doing pertaining the computer situation and the investigation to any officers whom you believe “let drew off the hook”.

You did a fabulous job of making Drew’s attorney look like the idiot he is. Our community needs to see more of that type of leadership.

Thank you,

Mr. Lewis

Mr. Lewis,

I appreciate your comments. The Illinois State Police and the FBI have asked to not comment on any aspects of this case. That being said, I have spoken with both about my concerns. For an internal investigation to occur on officers running plates, I need specifics. There is no magic audit I can conduct to point out an officer running plates for friends etc. We run 100’s of plates everyday so I can not differentiate which one’s are run for work vs. pleasure. We do internal audits monthly to see if there are any issues with officers using the computers in our cars for any inappropriate conversations occurring via the computer and if any is found we take immediate action. That being said, if I know of an officer running a particular plate, name etc. for personal use, I can easily follow that up and discipline/terminate/seek charges on that employee rather quickly. I will not compromise my own personal integrity or that or my department by not taking action. I know you don’t know me, but I ask that you give me a chance to do the right thing.



Raymond J. McGury
Chief of Police
Bolingbrook Police Department
375 W. Briarcliff Rd.
Bolingbrook,IL. 60440-0951
Phone630) 226-8600
Email: RMcGury@Bolingbrook.Com
Hmmm, interesting email along with an apparent QUICK response. Sounds like he has the PD broom ready to sweep out stuff that should not be there.

I hope Drew likes stainless steel appliances.

One HUGE jail in Colorado, has nice little windows for the inmates to look out of. Only problem for the inmates is that when the jail was built they built a dirt berm all around so that the inmates only see a huge wall of dirt.

December 5, 2007
Chief McGury:

I have a few comments and a question.
Drew Peterson and his poor excuse of an attorney are out to make you responsible for the current situation on the force (primarily the computer situation) as well the years you weren’t even the Chief. They have defamed you personally and given a black eye to the force that may be unable to regain the communities respect for the officers.

I would be interesting to know how many officers in Bolingbrook used the computers illegally.
There needs to be a FULL investigation of this issue and the termination of these officers.

Are you even from Bolingbrook? What gives you the right to DEMAND that officers are terminated when you're not even a taxpaying citizen from this community?!

What if it turns out that EVERY officer on the force, including the chief, has used the computer system once or twice for personal use? Fire them all? What if they're otherwise exemplary officers and heroes? Still fire them???

It's naive to think that most officers in almost every LE office in the country have not used the system for personal use. Seriously. I get the gist that this is a fairly common practice in LE. I still say that doesn't mean it's right, but it's a pretty common and overlooked practice amongst officers.

If all officers were guilty of this at one point or another and were fired, then Bolingbrook would have NO police force. Then what? Are you going to come here all the way from New Jersey to police the village of Bolingbrook yourself? Come on! We have to be logical here. You can't fire everybody with a blanket statement like that. Each case should be evaluated on an individual basis.

Frankly IMHO, you have no business even emailing the chief demanding this action be taken because from what I see, you're from New Jersey, NOT a law-abiding, tax paying citizen of Bolingbrook! :twocents:
Welllll, I went easy on the thread poster, I did say 'apparently' in reference to his email ?from? the Chief.

As to where the thread poster actually lives, WE donut know that for a fact either, since posters can include whatever the heck they want in their profile that shows.

WE donut know where dee10134 actually lives or where dee10134 might own property either?

I do find it rather odd or officially interesting that one could get such a fast response from a Chief of Police, same day.

I have not had that experience in my past tips to Police Chiefs on specific cases that I have worked on here in the past eleven years of posting on WS.

Here is an interesting story regarding Mr. Peterson’s alleged misuse of police computers.,4_1_JO04_PETERSON_S1.article
BOLINGBROOK -- Drew Peterson's attorney claims he knows why the police chief wants his client arrested, but the department shot back that the lawyer doesn't know what he's talking about. <snip>
On top of that, Teppel said Brodsky is way off base as to what police Chief Ray McGury presented to Glasgow. "That would be part of the criminal investigation by the state police," Teppel said of the supposed allegations that Peterson misused department computers. "The state would turn that over to us."

Could there be another investigation maybe regarding Mr. Peterson using his influence to have that first Inquest of Kathleen&#8217;s Death ruled an accident?????
I think it&#8217;s a slam dunk he did have influence on his fellow officers since he trained some of them. And yes I did notice no arrests were made during calls to their house for family Trouble.

(I did the underlines in the above snips)
IIRC the investigation into whatever the misconduct is and the hearing was set up very early into the investigation for the disappearance- before much was being said about the death of Kathleen Savio.

I think that after Stacy's disappearance, and after the family's suspicions were known, that someone in BBPD started asking questions about Drew P and they didn't like the answers they were getting. IOW, I think someone from the department knew something on Drew P. Either that or they knew something already but were reluctant to act on it, fearful of it looking like retaliation for the previous firing/appeal/reinstatment.
Welllll, I went easy on the thread poster, I did say 'apparently' in reference to his email ?from? the Chief.

As to where the thread poster actually lives, WE donut know that for a fact either, since posters can include whatever the heck they want in their profile that shows.

WE donut know where dee10134 actually lives or where dee10134 might own property either?

I do find it rather odd or officially interesting that one could get such a fast response from a Chief of Police, same day.

I have not had that experience in my past tips to Police Chiefs on specific cases that I have worked on here in the past eleven years of posting on WS.


send him an email and but your doubt to rest.imo
I personally think that ANY citizen of this country has the right to e-mail anyone in any position they want to and ask/question anything they want. That's because this is the United States of America. :twocents:

I also believe that Lew's email was right on and the response he got from the police chief should be comforting to Bolingbrook residents. Sounds like he is right on top of the current situation and plans to do whatever it takes to clean house. If that means firing/taking disciplinary action against just a few, or many, or all of the be it.
That's what I was thinking, englishleigh. I'm impressed that the chief responded! Good for him.

That wouldn't happen in our city.
One thing to keep in mind. The idea that all or even most of the officers misusing the police databases is an idea that came from Brodsky. Now me personally, I haven't read anything that Brodsky has said that I felt to be creditable. I feel the same way about the computer misuse. As far as I am concerned- it didn't happen. Not unless he will name names to aid in the investigation. But if you will notice, when the Chief challegened Brodsky to do that- he refused. If he wanted to prove the point, he would have given the Chief names. I consider the whole "department wide misuse of computers" to be a dead issue.

I too find the Chief's response to be good and the fact that he responded at all to be pretty amazing. I think he is concerned, and that even though he says no investigation unless he gets more info- I have a feeling that there will be quiet inquirys and that if they did it before- no officer will do it again for fear of angering the chief.
Intersting thread, good to see the Chief is on top of things. Thanks for posting it Lew.
U GO GIRL!!! Keep him on his toes:blowkiss:

I personally think that ANY citizen of this country has the right to e-mail anyone in any position they want to and ask/question anything they want. That's because this is the United States of America. :twocents:

I also believe that Lew's email was right on and the response he got from the police chief should be comforting to Bolingbrook residents. Sounds like he is right on top of the current situation and plans to do whatever it takes to clean house. If that means firing/taking disciplinary action against just a few, or many, or all of the be it.
Thank you for posting that Lew. The cheif does seem like an upstanding guy and I was very impressed when I saw him interviewed on tv. He seems like he is doing his job well under very hard circumstances. He tried to investigate Drew but the mayor let him resign with a pension before he could be fired.
send him an email and but your doubt to rest.imo

--->>>I do indeed have my right to send an email to whomever I would wish to, however Chief McGury is living in a fishbowl and I do believe that the entire process will work itself out without further input from an old lady in a rocking chair, sleuthing and observing criminal behaviors since 1946.

It is common for the Chief to respond quickly to any emails he has gotten.

That said, I don't think it was necessary to create a thread for this. It could have been posted in a topic already here, and I'm pretty sure the Chief has his own thread already. JMO, and what do I know, I'm not a mod.

Saw your post earlier then this on and Gretawire. I think some things have been misconstrued by others..I thought you were in the Chiefs camp so to speak. Maybe I'm wrong'll let me know.

I know I think this Chief is probably the best thing that happend to BBPD in along time. Wish someone would post the Mayors email ..I 'd write a different story concerning the mayor.

Consequently I will be writing the Chief of BBPD my own email of support..I think he deserves all the help he can get right now and all the support and good wishes. This man took over a corrupt dept and wants to do something about I will be lending my support.


Saw your post earlier then this on and Gretawire. I think some things have been misconstrued by others..I thought you were in the Chiefs camp so to speak. Maybe I'm wrong'll let me know.
LOL, I saw the posts also DD!
Lew, I want to say I appreciate your support and inquiry to the chief. As a citizen of America the Beautiful, it's our responsibility to keep it that way. When someone's actions stains our image, we should look into it and let our wishes and beliefs be made known. Any public official should respond, for that's their job, to protect and to serve.

I just watched a quick Fox news flood water rescue by another group of men hired and committed to serving the public, the rescue workers. It was an suv submerged in high flood waters in Burbank California, that had emerged into the water from running off the road. The video was awesome to watch, the way these two rescuers endangered their own lives for others.

Not only is there an agrecious wrong done to the Bolingbrook city image due to the actions of a few dirties, but a wrong was committed toward all women, and any domestic violence situations. Any citizen has a right to inquire and expect a timely response. Stay enthused, never be discouraged by the words of a few.

It appears this chief and others in authority have a mess to straighten out, and are doing their best to do so. I support their efforts silently and in prayer, but I appreciate those that take their time to address these issues and concerns of many of us like you have done.

By the way, I noticed your join date, welcome, post, adhere to the tos and rules, and keep us updated. The one good thing I can see from this whole mess Drew has caused and the lives he has ruined is this will bring awareness to the corruptness of man and it can be dealt with and especially Bolingbrook and surrounding areas will have a better criminal system to deal with societies evil.

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