What happens to Casey if/when found guilty?

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Aug 25, 2003
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If and when ICA is found guilty, what will happen to her? Will she stay in the jail she is in now before being transfered? How long does it take to transfer her? Transfered to where? Would she go to the same prision if she gets the dp or life in prision? Some prisioners are sentenced far away from their families. I wonder if her family will visit her now that she has thrown them under the bus.

I also wonder if she realizes that JB will not be visiting her in prision. He will probably high tail it out of there and hand her off to a new set of attorneys that will handle an appeal.

I imagine ICA thinks she will walk out of there and be found innocent.
I hope the jury sees the truth!
There's no way she will be found innocent.
Isn't that what the acquittal/denied thing was all about? (I don't know a lot about law..)
(Btw if that's what the aquittal WAS why did they even bother asking -- sorry OT)
Anyway imo its between life or dp. No way she's going "home".
More than likely she will be moved to Lowell Correctional a woman's prison in that area. Lowell is a state prison for women. She is currently in a County Jail.

She will begin serving her sentence until all of her appeals are exhausted which will take years. If she gets the DP she will be placed in that special area of the prison and will be for quite a while under protective custody. She will be designated DP by her uniform which will not be the blue color, but instead orange. It will take many years for all of the appeal processes to move through their course.
More than likely she will be moved to Lowell Correctional a woman's prison in that area. Lowell is a state prison for women. She is currently in a County Jail.

She will begin serving her sentence until all of her appeals are exhausted which will take years. If she gets the DP she will be placed in that special area of the prison and will be for quite a while under protective custody. She will be designated DP by her uniform which will not be the blue color, but instead orange. It will take many years for all of the appeal processes to move through their course.

Just wondering, if you know, why the different color uniform for DP inmates?
She needs to suffer the consequences for what she did to Caylee Marie. She should get the DP but since it will cost the citizens of Florida more legal fees for her appeals, she can serve LWOP in a teeny tiny cell. ICA should be moved straight to the big house as soon as the verdict is read. Someone can pack up her personal effects and stuff them in black trash bags with yellow handles. Life is really more than she deserves since she deprived precious little Caylee Marie of life. I hope her "celebrity status" ends at her new cell door. Hopefully her cell will be right next to the heating and air conditioning units, with plenty of noise as she enjoys her beautiful life.
If the inmate is convicted to death row in Florida, she will most likely join Emilia L. Carr, and Margaret A. Allen - both housed at Lowell CI Annex, in Florida. There is 1 more female death rower who sits in Lowell Correctional Institution (which is closed to new inmates).

Even if not given the death penalty (say life or 30), she will most likely be housed here as well, as it is a reception center and houses female inmates, including those on close management and death row. I would consider ICA to be a close management inmate.

But I don't think for a minute that's going home (even if George or Cindy would let her within 10 feet).



note: this facility houses 1,500, and there are currently 1,360 inmates there currently.

There's no way she will be found innocent.
Isn't that what the acquittal/denied thing was all about? (I don't know a lot about law..)
(Btw if that's what the aquittal WAS why did they even bother asking -- sorry OT)
Anyway imo its between life or dp. No way she's going "home".

The request for aquittal yesterday was after the prosecution is finished with their case the defense asks the judge to dismiss the charges based on the fact that their is not enough evidence. It is done in almost every trial and denied in almost every trial. It is just to be put on record in case of a later appeal. I don't think the defense ever goes into actually thinking the judge wil dismiss the charges unless the prosecutors had nothing to go on and in that case there would not have been a trial in the first place.
I have learned not to say there is "no way" a defendant will be acquitted. OJ's murder trial proved that a guilty person can be acquitted and I have seen it happen in other cases as well, mostly low-profile cases that only get local publicity.

With that said, I hope KC is found Guilty of one of the more severe charges so that she is packed off to Lowell for the rest of her life. (Sorry, but I do not think she will get the DP.) I am really getting fed up with so many crimes against children where either the crime goes cold without resolution or the perp is arrested and plea bargaining results in them doing far less time than they should, in some cases no time at all.
If she's found innocent then our judicial system is broken beyond repair. If justice for an innocent lil' girl can't be found in the United States Judicial system then to hell with them all..we will have failed as a society in the worst possible way. Caylee was denied what our very Government was founded upon, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. She was denied the most basic human right, her life. We as a society, as a Civilized Government of people, owe Caylee Marie Anthony justice and we are bound by the laws of this land to punish her killer...if ICA goes free I believe anarchy will raise her ugly head and vigilante justice will take her course. I seriously question whether ICA would even make it down the courthouse steps. Simply put I believe her life would be in grave danger, more so than it already is with her facing the DP.
There's no air conditioning on Death Row, I heard. It could get uncomfortable. Orange jail clothes might be slightly flattering on her, but imagine wearing that color everyday in the heat. It'd be almost h3ll. :burn::devil::burn:
If the inmate is convicted to death row in Florida, she will most likely join Emilia L. Carr, and Margaret A. Allen - both housed at Lowell CI Annex, in Florida. There is 1 more female death rower who sits in Lowell Correctional Institution (which is closed to new inmates).

Even if not given the death penalty (say life or 30), she will most likely be housed here as well, as it is a reception center and houses female inmates, including those on close management and death row. I would consider ICA to be a close management inmate.

But I don't think for a minute that's going home (even if George or Cindy would let her within 10 feet).



note: this facility houses 1,500, and there are currently 1,360 inmates there currently.


If Casey does get LWOP and put on close management, do you know what that involves? Will she be kept in a cell most of the day, allowed to mingle with any other close management women, work, etc? Just how exposed to others or able to communicate with others will she be?
If and when ICA is found guilty, what will happen to her? Will she stay in the jail she is in now before being transfered? How long does it take to transfer her? Transfered to where? Would she go to the same prision if she gets the dp or life in prision? Some prisioners are sentenced far away from their families. I wonder if her family will visit her now that she has thrown them under the bus.

I also wonder if she realizes that JB will not be visiting her in prision. He will probably high tail it out of there and hand her off to a new set of attorneys that will handle an appeal.

I imagine ICA thinks she will walk out of there and be found innocent.
I hope the jury sees the truth!

I often think about the possibility of her "walking free", ever since watching my first trial with OJ. Or even with Joran VDS with not enough evidence to truly charge him with Natalee Holloway. If I knew NOTHING about this case what would I know if I was on that jury? Would I consider that Casey was a big liar, but would I have enough to know for sure that it was premeditated murder? I will tell you this, her internet searches that she deleted on chloroform, and neck breaking would be enough for me for reasonable doubt. I also would be able to recognize someone like the "Car towing service" had nothing to gain for testifying that he smelled decomp in the car. The puzzle pieces would point towards Casey. If I was George, and trying to remove myself from a crime, I surely wouldn't be the one picking up that car. I would have left it there, or got the car back and disposed of the car in July.

Having said that, I love your point about JB never visiting Casey. She doesn't get it yet, but she will. JB will be trying to get on every show at first to get more fame, then he will distance himself for good. Adios ICA:seeya:

Whatever prison she ends up at, her parents, and perhaps Lee will try to visit her. I think, based only on their testimony, that they still love Casey, and blame themselves for raising her. I know I would say, "If only I did this", or "If only I didn't do that.

In either guilty, lesser charge, or acquittal, she will not be having Bella Vita. That I am positive of.
If she is found not guilty (Oh God, please don't let that happen)....could then they charge her with a new crime? Like not reporting the "supposed" downing?
What are her living conditions like right now? Or has been for the past 3 years? I read she's been held in solitary? Is this so?
Good question Caroline as I have wondered the same thing.

I always picture county jails as little tiny things but Orange County does not seem to be because I looked it up. But I figured if she gets the DP she will be transferred somewhere else and I DO hope there is NO air conditioning!
There's no air conditioning on Death Row, I heard. It could get uncomfortable. Orange jail clothes might be slightly flattering on her, but imagine wearing that color everyday in the heat. It'd be almost h3ll. :burn::devil::burn:

It is. no a/c? I went 3 days without it (hurricane) and I dont think I couldve taken much more!
Can you imagine how upset ICA will be sitting in an unairconditioned cell with no visitis from JB? Considering how she treats her family, I would think that she will not be thrilled that they would be her only visitiors. What would they even talk about? "Get me out of here!!" "I'm sorry I threw you under the bus." "You're the best parents ever."

Whether she gets LWOP or the DP, her life is over as she knew it.

I often think about the possibility of her "walking free", ever since watching my first trial with OJ. Or even with Joran VDS with not enough evidence to truly charge him with Natalee Holloway. If I knew NOTHING about this case what would I know if I was on that jury? Would I consider that Casey was a big liar, but would I have enough to know for sure that it was premeditated murder? I will tell you this, her internet searches that she deleted on chloroform, and neck breaking would be enough for me for reasonable doubt. I also would be able to recognize someone like the "Car towing service" had nothing to gain for testifying that he smelled decomp in the car. The puzzle pieces would point towards Casey. If I was George, and trying to remove myself from a crime, I surely wouldn't be the one picking up that car. I would have left it there, or got the car back and disposed of the car in July.

Having said that, I love your point about JB never visiting Casey. She doesn't get it yet, but she will. JB will be trying to get on every show at first to get more fame, then he will distance himself for good. Adios ICA:seeya:

Whatever prison she ends up at, her parents, and perhaps Lee will try to visit her. I think, based only on their testimony, that they still love Casey, and blame themselves for raising her. I know I would say, "If only I did this", or "If only I didn't do that.

In either guilty, lesser charge, or acquittal, she will not be having Bella Vita. That I am positive of.
They'll transfer her to prison on the day she's formally sentenced, most likely. They don't mess around. That's the way it was with Scott Peterson when he was sentenced to death row at San Quentin, IIRC. Not only did his attorney, Mark Geragos, not visit him in prison, he didn't even bother to show up for his verdict. :crazy:

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