Josh Powell Money Trail (transfer of 7K)

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I'm going to guess the money is with the overly supportive sister that received the emails and voicemails. He couldn't send it to dad, he's in jail. Perhaps the brother, IDK. At least it is being investigated, but I think that is why the phone was not being turned over. It may show that the money was being arranged for the day he took it out and the sister had some idea of what was going on.

I don't see arranging for the utilities to be cut off, or for your funeral before killing yourself as odd at all. You know whatever family members you leave behind have to take care of your bills and funeral, so some planning in advance is not unusual, and another reason why I think the sister received it.

Is it a code of some sort, it could be, but only the ones that received the message would understand it, so I expect the police will be talking with the family members again, and soon.
BBM Actually, I think he was currently working because his boss was one of the 911 callers. He called in after he saw it on the news.

I am curious as to what kind of business it is.

I'm right there with you. I heard this yesterday, too (not sure if it was on Nancy Grace or Dr. Drew), but I thought; 'there it is, he did work, he had a boss. Why didn't Webslueths buddies talk about this?'

I can't wait for his timeline for the last 48 hours to come out. His boss and coworkers will be very valuable. I wonder if any of them took a few minutes out of their day to express concern. JP did not wear stress well.
I don't think he escaped - he really is dead...I'm sure it was confirmed on multiple levels.

However, I do agree about the 911 call being forced. I'm not trying to bash her either, but it seemed so planned...the things she said struck me as very odd.

I also believe he is dead, but as of yesterday, the news is still reporting that the bodies are "believed to be" those of Josh and the two boys ( So I'm not sure they have positively ID'd his body yet.
I wonder if they have checked to see if any large sums of money were deposited into any of his relatives account that same day? It does seem strange to withdraw so much money the day before you plan to kill yourself and your children. Why would the money be of any importance at that point?
I wonder if they have checked to see if any large sums of money were deposited into any of his relatives account that same day? It does seem strange to withdraw so much money the day before you plan to kill yourself and your children. Why would the money be of any importance at that point?

The state would take the money if he did not have a will leaving it to someone. He wanted to leave it with family members, and family members may just have it as cash on hand not deposited into an account yet.
I also believe he is dead, but as of yesterday, the news is still reporting that the bodies are "believed to be" those of Josh and the two boys ( So I'm not sure they have positively ID'd his body yet.

I am waiting for positive ID on Josh's body. Not wanting to be a conspiracy theorists but, want 100% positive ID that in fact it is him and his reign of terror is over.
How could he plan all these details or even want to plan anything when he was going to kill himself. Why would it matter if you pack the kids toys and gave them away? Why care if your electricity is turned off. And I'd this money doesn't turn up. Then why bother getting it out.. These things don't seem like things a person would care about if they were ending their life the next day. Maybe I dont get it. But if I was killing myself I wouldn't care about details. IMO it almost seems staged.

Honestly, I think this speaks volumes to the controlling, psychotic, PREMEDITATED thought process of this perverse piece of trash.
We've heard bits and pieces to this effect about his behavior towards Susan.
I think this also speaks volumes as to how he planned and plotted Susan's murder.
It almost seems like he got some sort of sick enjoyment from going thru all these "ritualistic" processes.
And, yes....if you're planning on blowing yourself to kingdom come, all the planning, etc is just an exercise in futility. How to turn off the utilities?? Really???
7K is a lot of money, but, IMO, it's not a kings ransom...I could see if it were 70K or 700K and take it out of the bank to avoid taxes, etc for the family, but IS quite bizarre.
Then again, IMO, JP was a "big man" in his own little mind.
I am waiting for positive ID on Josh's body. Not wanting to be a conspiracy theorists but, want 100% positive ID that in fact it is him and his reign of terror is over.
While it is possible to fake your own death (I saw a true crime show on a guy who hired a guy with the same height and build as him to do some work, then killed him by crushing him under a car- releasing the car jack) to get the insurance money, who would the other adult male victim be if not Josh???
While it is possible to fake your own death (I saw a true crime show on a guy who hired a guy with the same height and build as him to do some work, then killed him by crushing him under a car- releasing the car jack) to get the insurance money, who would the other adult male victim be if not Josh???

Good question.
I know faking his own death would be difficult if not impossible. Unless Josh thought the fire would turn the body to ashes and unable to test for DNA.
Unless Josh has murdered someone else that we are unaware of or had a friend over it's realistically going to be him.
But, I still would want to 100% sure if I was LE.
I'm going to guess the money is with the overly supportive sister that received the emails and voicemails. He couldn't send it to dad, he's in jail. Perhaps the brother, IDK. At least it is being investigated, but I think that is why the phone was not being turned over. It may show that the money was being arranged for the day he took it out and the sister had some idea of what was going on.

I don't see arranging for the utilities to be cut off, or for your funeral before killing yourself as odd at all. You know whatever family members you leave behind have to take care of your bills and funeral, so some planning in advance is not unusual, and another reason why I think the sister received it.

Is it a code of some sort, it could be, but only the ones that received the message would understand it, so I expect the police will be talking with the family members again, and soon.

I still don't get the turning off the utilities when his plan was to torch the house. Maybe it was code to someone that was what he was going to do. The sister (?)
So how does Josh have $7,000 to withdraw in the first place?

The WVC house was rented out, but that income would presumably be soaked up paying the mortgage on the same property (since he didn't own it outright). Then there's was rent to pay on the house he torched, which he's lived in since he moved out of the Steve Powell family house. He has had no job since he failed to turn up for work the day after Susan disappeared. Did he have any investment income? Did Steve Powell give him lump sums of cash before he was jailed (again, I assume SP had no access to his own funds after he was jailed)?


Checkbook journalism.
The faked death theory, while enticing for the cynics among us, doesn't explain how his boys had chop marks on their bodies YET they died of carbon monoxide and not the injuries. Actually as I'm thinking the escape scenario through while I write this...CARP it does fit! I REFUSE to give it further thought until LE states more about the body ID though.
Honestly, I think this speaks volumes to the controlling, psychotic, PREMEDITATED thought process of this perverse piece of trash.
We've heard bits and pieces to this effect about his behavior towards Susan.
I think this also speaks volumes as to how he planned and plotted Susan's murder.
It almost seems like he got some sort of sick enjoyment from going thru all these "ritualistic" processes.
And, yes....if you're planning on blowing yourself to kingdom come, all the planning, etc is just an exercise in futility. How to turn off the utilities?? Really???
7K is a lot of money, but, IMO, it's not a kings ransom...I could see if it were 70K or 700K and take it out of the bank to avoid taxes, etc for the family, but IS quite bizarre.
Then again, IMO, JP was a "big man" in his own little mind.

I believe that if someone deposits or withdraws more than $10K at one time, the bank has to fill out a form that goes to the feds.

Josh Powell may not have had much more than $7K but even if he did, he may have wanted to avoid triggering any sort of scrutiny.
Good question.
I know faking his own death would be difficult if not impossible. Unless Josh thought the fire would turn the body to ashes and unable to test for DNA.
Unless Josh has murdered someone else that we are unaware of or had a friend over it's realistically going to be him.
But, I still would want to 100% sure if I was LE.

The ME determined that the body presumed to be Josh died of carbon monoxide poisoning. No other pre-mortem injuries mentioned, so Josh couldn't have 'murdered' the person with another method and left him to burn.

So that leaves (in an imposter scenerio) a Josh imposter drugged by Real Josh by something that merely left him unconcious, (or clunked over the head to knock him out, but not bludgeoned) then Josh draped him over the gas can that melted. If Josh was willing to brutally hack at his babies and actually burn them alive, I don't see him humanely drugging or knocking out an imposter Josh so that he'll actually die of CO poisoning. (And I can't see him worried about murder injuries of imposter guy but NOT worried about hatchet injuries on the boys.) :twocents:

Also, since the boys will be buried Saturday, they have to have been positively ID'd. What if the Cox's are burying two imposter boys? They can't just assume it's them because they're small and the social worker just saw them go in--she just saw Josh at the door, and we wouldn't expect them to assume on him. IMO, if they could positively ID the boys in a day or two, there's no reason they couldn't positively ID Josh who was right next to them, at the same heat level/exposure.

But that's all just my opinion! :seeya:
The 7k may have been given to him by steve to run the house where all the non-working adults lived. jp would have passed it to Alina to use for household expenses. I would think steve's accounts were frozen because of the kiddie *advertiser censored*; possibility of profiting from the *advertiser censored*. Depending on the monthly expenses of the house, they won't last much longer. Somebody has to get a job.
Another theory about the $7K: It was SP's money that JP kept in his own bank account to transfer to SP's jailhouse account as needed. To keep the account out of probate and immediately available to SP (SP's own idea if he knew what JP planned to do???), JP emailed instructions to his sister AP on where to find it so that she could resume the transfer duties.

Josh had a lot to say to Alina, sending her FOUR emails that she refused to voluntarily turn over to police:

Well, isn't that something!

Thank goodness for court orders and search warrants.

I'm thinking the "turn off utilities" reference actually meant "getting back his deposits". Like the utility companies would give it back after their equipment was blown to bits. Don't think so.
So how does Josh have $7,000 to withdraw in the first place?

The WVC house was rented out, but that income would presumably be soaked up paying the mortgage on the same property (since he didn't own it outright). Then there's was rent to pay on the house he torched, which he's lived in since he moved out of the Steve Powell family house. He has had no job since he failed to turn up for work the day after Susan disappeared. Did he have any investment income? Did Steve Powell give him lump sums of cash before he was jailed (again, I assume SP had no access to his own funds after he was jailed)?

What would YOU do with $7k, if you were planning on killing yourself the next day? Mail it to someone? Stash it somewhere, with information on how to find it?

I have only gotten this far but had to comment on your question of how he had $7,000.00 in the first place.

My guess, the media.

Just like the Anthonys.

If the media didn't keep giving these murderers & their enablers hundreds of thousands of dollars to come on television, he wouldn't have been able to rent a home to kill those 2 precious boys in.

He would never have been able to leave his pedo father's house.

And the Anthonys wouldn't be able to drive around in new cars, go on paid vacations, and renovate the home Caylee was likely murdered in.

The media has been a big problem in these cases and they really need to stop giving money and coverage to those that aren't speaking for the true victims.
I don't think the detailed planning of withdrawing money, giving away toys, and shutting off utilities points to him faking his death or is weird at all. Suicidal people do these things all of the time, planning is a huge part of their process, even if it doesn't make sense to others. It is a way of psychologically preparing to end life. It also doesn't surprise me that others reported that he seemed upbeat and happy in recent weeks.

Giving away belongings, upbeat and happy attitude, closing out affairs are all classic precursor signs in suicidal people. They are actually considered major warning signs and point to danger.

This case has my head absolutely spinning and I am nauseated at the horror that those two little innocent boys endured at the hands of their father. What a selfish, sick and extremely sadistic man he was.
I don't know if this has been posted but here's a link with a pic of JP at the Bank of America making his withdrawal the day before.

On a side note, if someone is able to explain to me how to insert a pic in a post, that'd be great. Cause whatever I'm doing (clicking on the insert image icon and pasting url address into the pop up box) is wrong! :blushing:

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