the 'why didn't she run' nonsense

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Sep 21, 2009
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She was 11 when she was stolen from a bus stop, tazered, tortured, raped, ect. She was most likely told if she tried to escape he would kill her familly. this abuse went on for years, then she had her first baby. Now she cant run because she doesnt want to leave her behind, or fears what garrido will do to her if she does. then she has the second baby and she feels utterly trapped and dependent on this monster.

It infuriates me that people will look to blame the victims of crime for they're own circumstances.

if it was they're own daughter, they would never say something like that.

if it happened to them, they would feel diffrently as well!
I have not seen anyone blaming her here, so why start this thread? Are you blaming her?
No person that was raised in a loving home such as Jaycee's would CHOOSE this type of life, it was imposed on her. Stockholm Syndrome is very real, and the guilt she probably feels about her dependence on these monsters and the imaginary "bond" she developed with them is horrific enough without the added speculation and accusations as to why she stayed. I will say that thankfully a lot of people don't understand the repercussions of Stockholm Syndrome because they have been spared such a terrible fate, THANKFULLY it doesn't happen more often to create a better understanding of it. I think it's very important for people to remember that Jaycee and her family could very well be monitoring the internet buzz around her story, including WS, and anything said could be viewed as hurtful and damaging. Hopefully her "handlers" have not allowed her access to the internet and news in order to avoid stalling her and the girls healing process. But just in case she is allowed access people should think about what she might be reading before posting nonsensical and accusatory remarks about her or her girls!!:twocents:
no i am not blaming her, nor am i saying anyone on this board was. sorry if i gave that impression.
I have heard it in circles of people, as i heard the same thing when Elizabeth Smart was found. people just dont understand you know?
I have not seen anyone blaming her here, so why start this thread? Are you blaming her?

I, too, have not seen any blame placed on Jaycee here. I don't think klb is saying that either. I think they just wanted to address this because it has been questioned by various media outlets and in passing conversations with people. I also wanted to address because it disturbs me that people aren't more compassionate to her circumstances and don't even try to spare Jaycee of more guilt. It's a careless question when asked "why didn't she just run?"
thanks tizzle.
im new to the board and have a lot to get off my chest....particuarly in this case :)
thanks tizzle.
im new to the board and have a lot to get off my chest....particuarly in this case :)

No worries, I'm new, too.:woohoo:
I've been following the Sharon Marshall story and only recently decided to join WS. My first posts were on this thread, so thanks for adding your thoughts, they got my attention.
Obviously, I have never been in this situation. I have 2 children so I know I would never leave them anywhere or put them in danger. It sounds like for the first 3.5 years, or until she had her first child, she was kept locked in the shed and not allowed out. Eventually, she was given more and more freedom.

I do NOT understand why, once the kids were older and able to be helpful, she didn't send some kind of message out. When she saw her mom and aunt, she immediately remembered them, so it's not like she didn't remember them anymore. So I'm wondering (AND NOT BLAMING HER AT ALL) but just wondering, why she didn't either 1. Literally run away with the 2 girls (they are old enough to run by themselves, not like she had to carry them, and they could corroborate her story) or 2. Send a message, either through a customer or on the Internet. Even if PG monitored her PC usage, it would have been too late -- she would have already sent the message.

I see downsides to both: 1. Maybe the girls didn't want to run away with her and I'm sure she wouldn't leave them. 2. Maybe she didn't know too much about the Internet, like how to search for someone such as her mother (since she was 11 and Internet was new when she was abducted).

Again, I'm not blaming her, but I think it's OK to wonder why she didn't do these things?

well she would always remember her family. he could never take that away from her no matter how much he infected her mind......but the truth is i heard he used constant threats against them to keep her in line. the fact that she loved her family probably prevented her from esacping or 'getting a meesage out'. finally when she went to the station with garrido, she felt safe enough to tell the truth. also, her girls thought this was normal family life, didnt know that jaycee was they're mom either......jaycee was in a catch 22 imo
No one knows the answer to that, because she hasn't said anything public about it. Everything you have heard is speculation.

You people keep talking about Stockholm syndrome. If she did indeed have that, threats wouldnt be necessary.
stockholm syndrome only came later.
im sure she had no sympathy for him when she was 11
Jaycee may not have run when she was a child because she literally couldn't get out of a locked room or something. Then she had the kids and PG says that he slept with the kids every nite since birth. Then there was that wife of his also keeping guard doing his every command. PG took the girls around with him, says he slept with them, etc. Maybe that was because he was afraid that Jaycee would run away with them. No one knows yet what threats he made after Jaycee was an adult, just how mean he was, or to what measures he went to. They were Jaycee's daughters, but they are also PG's daughters. There's no telling what he said he'd do if they were ever taken away from him or if he got wind of an escape plan. Abusive husbands do that to women all the time, and PG is a deranged lunatic.
Jaycee may not have run when she was a child because she literally couldn't get out of a locked room or something. Then she had the kids and PG says that he slept with the kids every nite since birth. Then there was that wife of his also keeping guard doing his every command. PG took the girls around with him, says he slept with them, etc. Maybe that was because he was afraid that Jaycee would run away with them. No one knows yet what threats he made after Jaycee was an adult, just how mean he was, or to what measures he went to. They were Jaycee's daughters, but they are also PG's daughters. There's no telling what he said he'd do if they were ever taken away from him or if he got wind of an escape plan. Abusive husbands do that to women all the time, and PG is a deranged lunatic.

awesome points txvicky :)
stockholm syndrome only came later.
im sure she had no sympathy for him when she was 11
Do you mean Stockhold Syndrome came later for Jaycee? Is this something that her therapist or a LE spokesperson has confirmed?

Thank you for the clarification.
Do you mean Stockhold Syndrome came later for Jaycee? Is this something that her therapist or a LE spokesperson has confirmed?

Thank you for the clarification.

'no this is my specuatlion. im just assuming all year old being brutalized raped and tazered isnt gonna feel much empathy for the man (and woman) doing it to her. as she got older and he allowed her my freedoms, its safe to assume she felt more empathy and became dependent on him
Do you mean Stockhold Syndrome came later for Jaycee? Is this something that her therapist or a LE spokesperson has confirmed?

Thank you for the clarification.
Stockhold Syndrome does not happen immediately.
AS I know it; a captive dreams of escaping for a long time.
They begin to bond with their captor at some point for survival reason.
that is when the SS begins to take hold.
And it is like a drug you do not even know you need it and
are dependent on it till it is too late.

Remember Patty Hurst? the publishing Heiress who robed banks for her captors and
yelled into a mike that she is part of the Liberation Army, and nobody is making her do this????
I think she was only captive 1-2 years.
First she was brain washed, then she thought she had her own ideas :eek:

I am sure that JCs protecting of the scum bag is thinking those are her ideas too.
I am certain it was part of the training.
Until JC begins to feel deep anger, she is still in deep freeze.
But 18 years is a very long time to unravel. :(

Just glad she has some good times, and good attitude too.
it sure helps a lot.
There is also the POSSIBILITY that Jaycee developed some type of Multilple Personality Disorder in order to cope with her conditions, thus making it easy to forget that she even wanted to escape....

Regardless of the reasons, I think it's safe to assume that she didn't stay there because she preferred the sordid lifestyle PG forced upon her over her previous happy, healthy one. She didn't CHOOSE this willingly.
Thanks for this thread. I've been bothered by how many people are stating that she had Stockholm Syndrome. Really? How do we know that? It seems to be making a pretty big assumption.

What are the actual facts? She was kidnapped, raped, tortured, kept outside, she had 2 children by the kidnapper, she was completely dependent on him for food etc.

What we don't know is why she didn't leave. I don't like anyone telling me why I do things and I don't think it is fair to say why others do things.

We could make a reasonable assumption that she was either physically prevented from leaving, or had a reason for staying.

Was she physically locked up for years? Maybe.

Was she afraid that she couldn't feed herself or her children if she left? Maybe

Was she afraid he'd kill her or a family member if she left? Maybe

Did she feel compassion for him? Maybe

If I had to guess, I'd imagine she was scared silly to leave because she couldn't get very far, he'd find her, hurt her or her family etc., perhaps kill them.

Could she have finally accepted that this was how her life was? Maybe.

Did she stay because of Stockholm Syndrome? Maybe.

My personal guess would be that she physically couldn't leave for a long time, until he knew she was so scared she wouldn't leave. However, that is a guess. I would not assume that she has empathy for him, or cares for him, etc. But those are my guesses.

I think we can list possible reasons, which makes for interesting thinking and reading, but for us to tell her how she felt and why is wrong.
No worries, I'm new, too.:woohoo:
I've been following the Sharon Marshall story and only recently decided to join WS. My first posts were on this thread, so thanks for adding your thoughts, they got my attention.

just googled the sharon marshall case
I've thought about this question ever since Jaycee was found - how do we even know if she knew her family was still alive? How do we know what sort of things this guy may have said to her? Maybe he told her he had killed her whole family?

Even if she thought of running (after the girls were born) she had to think "Where can I run to?" She lived very isolated - I can't begin to imagine what 18 years of not really knowing what is going on in the world was like. How did she know if people would even remember her? She was only 11 years old when she was taken. She lived longer with the abductors than with her family. I think it just became a way of life - I doubt that she could see any way out. She had very little formal education and two young children - how could she run and maybe (in her mind) put their lives in jeopardy by taking them into the unknown? I doubt that she had any idea about women's shelters or anything. She had to feel she had no choice.

He may have had a computer but I doubt very much that he let her do anything on it.

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