Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #20

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I wasn't trying to be snarky, Unreals. A lot of people have responded to your posts with what I think are very good questions that you don't bother to reply to. You just surge ahead with your theories and disregard the questions.

I can't (or rather, won't) go back to find them for you. But I specifically asked you twice to link to the medical examiner's report where you claim to have seen reference to the tennis racquet and/or baseball bat.

I just think that if you're going to continue with the dialogue, you should pay attention to the questions asked of you and respond as you're able rather than just stating your opinions with disregard to other's input.

And, with all due respect, you do ask our posters and expert sleuthers for many links which they willingly take the time to search out and provide for you. Since you're using this forum for information with which to write your book, I think it's unfair to ask these fine people to do your research for you. My personal opinion.

Unreals, I agree whole-heartedly with Suzihawk. I have responded to many of your questions with links to what you are looking for without so much as a thanks, let alone a response....especially when the facts presented to you don't fit your 'theory'. Well, I'm not playing that game any more. You're on your own...
Possibly a tin of Powder Henna. Look at cap - as you would have for a powder.
If it is, I haven't seen one of these powder henna tins in about 30 years. The pink and green wrapped around top and lower portion of tin could be lotus pattern ("Egyptian").

This company is out of business, but perhaps in South America (many brunettes) powder henna is still popular there.
Possibly a tin of Powder Henna. Look at cap - as you would have for a powder.
If it is, I haven't seen one of these powder henna tins in about 30 years. The pink and green wrapped around top and lower portion of tin could be lotus pattern ("Egyptian").

You've got a better eye than I do, epiphany! Could be lack of sleep on my part, though.
Unreals, I agree whole-heartedly with Suzihawk. I have responded to many of your questions with links to what you are looking for without so much as a thanks, let alone a response....especially when the facts presented to you don't fit your 'theory'. Well, I'm not playing that game any more. You're on your own...


IMO, he knows it is over after he has murdered her, when he's wearing the red striped shirt, when he comes out of the opened hotel room door (after a few seconds) during the pathetic door knocking, limp-wristed scene. May have just been checking out who may have been around. Had anyone heard anything, been or is in the corridors? Simply, freaked out. In that videotape, he's stalling to see if anyone's coming, waiting, making sure.

There was nothing for him to do. Can't remove the body, can't clean the scene up. It's been his hotel room for two weeks. She was seen coming in, videotapes, etc. All he cares about is a few hours head start and when eventually caught, the best explanation/confession he can muster (cause he knows he's doing time for her death), which he knows will be next to impossible. But what's he gonna do? He's not stupid. He's a socio/psychopath. One does the best he can do. Try to move forward. Say what you can say. Smoke and mirrors. Whatever it takes. He adjusts and adapts well.

I think in the moment when he turned and went for someone to let him back in, he knew he was screwed. The only thing to do was skip fast.
He put a lot of mileage between himself and Lima asap. No place left to hide.
I wasn't trying to be snarky, Unreals. A lot of people have responded to your posts with what I think are very good questions that you don't bother to reply to. You just surge ahead with your theories and disregard the questions.

I can't (or rather, won't) go back to find them for you. But I specifically asked you twice to link to the medical examiner's report where you claim to have seen reference to the tennis racquet and/or baseball bat.

I just think that if you're going to continue with the dialogue, you should pay attention to the questions asked of you and respond as you're able rather than just stating your opinions with disregard to other's input.

And, with all due respect, you do ask our posters and expert sleuthers for many links which they willingly take the time to search out and provide for you. Since you're using this forum for information with which to write your book, I think it's unfair to ask these fine people to do your research for you. My personal opinion.

I don't believe I ever said that the statements about a baseball bat and/or tennis racket came from the medical examiner. The baseball bat story only lasted a day or two, and was primarily promulgated by Nancy Grace. No one finds her less credible than I do, but quotes from her show are often posted here when discussing other aspects of this case. As for the tennis racket, I believe this was mentioned in numerous news reports out of Peru, not to mention the t.v. shows that cover this case.

The only time I've really ever asked for a link is when people continue to claim that Joran killed a dog, pushed a bum off a bridge, etc. These stories are merely the claims of anonymous Arubans. As I've pointed out, the same kinds of unpleasant tales were told about Beth- if anonymous Aruban citizens can be used to smear Joran, why is it inappropriate to use them to smear Beth?

On the other hand, all the reports I've referred to, regarding the crime scene, as well as other revolving but important claims (whether Joran put a "do not disturb" sign on the door, told the staff he'd be back in a few days, said not to disturb "his girl," etc.) all came from official news sources, often direct quotes from the chief of the Peruvian investigation or the medical examiner. To me, even a report from Nancy Grace's program is at a different level entirely than a rumor based on supposed claims of anonynous Arubans.

I will be happy to try and answer any questions you have.
Unreals, I agree whole-heartedly with Suzihawk. I have responded to many of your questions with links to what you are looking for without so much as a thanks, let alone a response....especially when the facts presented to you don't fit your 'theory'. Well, I'm not playing that game any more. You're on your own...

Again, I'm not sure what links you're talking about. Like all of you, most of my posts are based on conjecture. That's really all any of us can do, especially when the "facts" about even the most basic aspects of this case keep changing. My interpretations are influenced strongly by this inexplicable change. It isn't a normal feature of any crime investigation I've ever studied.

If I neglected to thank you for something, I apologize. I place a premium on manners, and certainly never meant to offend you.
I'd thought I read the habeus corpus motion was denied. I didn't realize his confession was ruled valid.

Peru judge rules Van der Sloot confession valid
(AP) – 5 hours ago

LIMA, Peru — A Peruvian judge on Friday denied a defense motion to void the confession of Joran van der Sloot in the murder of a 21-year-old Lima student because the attorney representing him at the time was state-appointed.

Superior Court Judge Wilder Casique rejected the habeus corpus motion on behalf of Van der Sloot, who is jailed pending trial on charges of first-degree murder and robbery in the May 30 death in his hotel room of Stephany Flores, whom he met playing poker in a casino.
I am interested in hearing what the other players
at the table with them,(while playing)have to
say. Did anyone overhear what he told her to
make her get up and leave with him?

Was he romantic (ugh) was it business? I hope
the pit boss,dealer or someone overheard their
conversation that night.That will tell alot about
his motives and end alot of speculation

If this has been covered,please forgive me and
please share this info with me.

I still firmly and sincerely believe the guy in the striped green shirt sitting accross from SF MAY have some knowledge or even more. JMO He arrives at the table approx the same time as JVS and then again, he arrives from his little cubby hole/hallway right before they get up to leave. While she is cashing in her chips is when JVS gives him the high 5.
Thanks Sanny,
I guess I am the odd one out,but when I am at the casino
I always "people watch" and between playing listen to
what other people are saying.

Sometimes I get "tips" about the playing, just wondering
if this has been covered.:waitasec:

Right.. Whome? Usually card players are extremely conscious of other players. The face and body language can give much away. Sorry to repeat, but the guy in green watches SF like a hawk.
You know, I'm purely speculating here. But could she have had a club foot? It would account for her walking 'oddly' in the casino; it would not preclude her from playing sports; and it would account for her left foot positioning in the photos.

I have no idea how to confirm this, but it was something I thought about when the discussion first came up.

Herding Cats

I ditto your thoughts. I do think it may be she has a club foot and would cause her to walk with a waddle.
Possibly a tin of Powder Henna. Look at cap - as you would have for a powder.
If it is, I haven't seen one of these powder henna tins in about 30 years. The pink and green wrapped around top and lower portion of tin could be lotus pattern ("Egyptian").

This company is out of business, but perhaps in South America (many brunettes) powder henna is still popular there.

Believe it or not, we can get tins of henna here in the U.S. at the Asian Grocers. You have to go to one of the older stores though, not the new ones that look like a Kmart or something. We have many here, 6 on one block alone!

And a side note, one friend loved the "Bigun" black hair dye. Please don't let your friends buy it. It is very, very black, looks like you dipped your head in the ink well, only the well is a bucket, lol!
Not VDS's and SFR's conversation, but that night...VDS's frame of mind per Roberto Blades:,2933,594143,00.html


And so a friend of his approaches (inaudible). And he keeps insisting that they need to do it because the women are going to leave. And he kept playing and playing and losing. And at one point he says "I should have gotten up and left" because he's losing.

And when he was talking about the women, I got incredibly pissed off, because how could this guy be talking in this manner when he should know that somebody knows who he is? So I got up, found the guy...

And then he starts telling me he wants to go out with me because he sees that I know people, whatever, people are friendly towards me I'm a musician and people around here know me.

I'm going, yes, yes where are you going? I knew the way this guy was talking with his friend after that he had a connection and something that happened with Natalee could happen with the association of other people. It was parallel, two of the same.

He left. And after an hour and a half he came back and sat again next to me. He said, you know, you got to go out with me, I got to go out with you. I never have luck with picking up girls...

Wish we had video of this meeting/discussion/scenario.
Good question. I've never found the room phone either; and still would like to know if the room had a shower or sink. I don't recall seeing any on the diagrams.

I do wish we had the room plan or even a "video tour" hint, hint media folks.

I would assume there was a shower, as Joran said he showered, but that could be wrong. It could have been a shower down the hall, a community shower.
I think this is the moment Joran decided it was time to high tail it out of dodge...

I'm sorry, I know none of this is funny in the least, however, they way you posted this and the fact that I just got home from work and am over tired, made me LOL. My dogs now KNOW that I'm not right.

Sorry, just the look on his face, he knows the gig is up. I wish there had been one of these for when Natalee went missing. Stephany would still be alive and probably playing poker in the casino right now.
IMO, it's her individual walk. I have a few GF's who, by identifying their unique walk - the one's that have one, I know it's them even from a distance away. (As one poster said, perhaps a tomboy walk, maybe an athletic walk.)

I thought that too at first, but IIRC on her social web site it stated she was a fan of a famous football player: Miguel Riffo. He has a club foot also. If you look at pics on the web of club feet, most have an extended second toe; and it does look like SF may have had surgery.
There were green bruises on her feet...They probably were bound.
She was found with her knees bent upward towards her chest.
IMO she was attacked from behind with her face (red chin), chest, red knees towards the carpet/floor.

That's why I ask if the handcuffs on the property table were Joran's or LE's.

I've been skeptical of her being bound until this post. I think you may have convinced me. And yes, there were handcuffs on the table as well as Ben Wa balls, in the video of him and all his possessions at the LE station. One article says he had been watching *advertiser censored* in his room too. Don't know how they know that.....but.....maybe he was into S&M.
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