Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #22

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I know you did not post for me, but I felt I had to put my 2 cents in.

I was abused by my extended family for years. I tried to tell my mother about it when I was in my 20's and her response was "that never happened". I was gob-smacked (as the Brit's say). She then proceded to tell me that she had been molested by her Uncle and "bad things happen to everyone" and I just needed to forget about it, get past it. After many years of processing this, and putting together other pieces of information, I concluded that she, as well as at least some of her sisters, had also been abused, to a much greater degree than she admitted to or remembered. It is/was a huge family secret, so huge, they have all conveniently forgotten about it, make up lies to cover it up, do nothing to stop it (because it never happened in the first place)....................denial is very powerful. These things are not isolated incidents, they run in families, and you really have to be "trained up" in one of these families to be willing to pull the wool over your own eyes to cover up. I think the shame is just to much to bear or admit to.

I am speaking of generational abuse. It would be different if say, a child was abused at a preschool, church setting, an unknown person.

snipped because of length....
....becca said..."You don't live in a house where abuse of any kind is happening and not have a clue."

Hey becca....
i'm just you believe this is true in EVERY case?
i know you posted this a while back....
but i'm just curious....
i was abused for years by my step mom and i were always very close....i was afraid to tell her cuz i didn't want to break her heart....and i thought it would destroy her....
i'm 32 now....and she finally found out a few years ago...
she swears she never had a clue....not at all....i used to believe that....
but there are times when i think....we were sooooo could she NOT know what was going on?...
she still says she doesn't.....:(

I have been around many abused children and parents over the years. I had one or two in my daycare and I fostered a teenage girl for a year. I firmly believe the parents had a clue.... but wanted to keep the family unit together. The children acted out in different ways the younger ones were angry and aggressive towards other kids and adults. Especially adults of the same gender as the abuser. The teenager tried to tell everyone that would listen about her father. The mother finally admitted years later that she knew but didn't know what to do. I had a good suggestion or two for her but it was too late. The father had passed away and the girl was grown. People get away with abuse inside the family because the members of the family don't want to admit that something is wrong. Each child gave off clues but the adults in their world looked the other way.
Hope that helps some, but this is just my view and not a scientific theory. To ignore a child's cry for help is an adults failing not the child's.
this case is on hold with no scheduled hearings until the USAG decides how to proceed correct?

i saw another thread regarding sex offenders in massachusetts and a proposed law change there (that will never pass).

but it reminded me of something i posted a long time ago regarding this case while we were discussing possible penalties and theoretical appropriate penalties for various sexual crimes.

i asked that - if you remove brooke bennett (RIP poor kid) from the case and try jacques on just what he did to J1 (not sure if its ok to use her initials anymore, J1 as in the indictments to be safe) what would be an appropriate penalty?

i think i would be just fine with his penalty being life with no chance of parole, because of the particularly heinous and insidious nature of his crimes against J1. i might even be ok with a jury being allowed to consider the death penalty, would have to give that more thought tho, but i could definitely see an argument being made.

regarding brooke, i will shocked and deeply saddened if they dont charge with the death penalty. if it is determined by the USAG that the death penalty is not appropriate for these crimes then LAWS NEED TO CHANGE.
LWOP works for me. Jacques will find a special kind of hell in prison, death would be too easy for him.
Regarding Brooke.........Death, prison and H*ll are all to good for Jacques, I think some rare form of punishment for a long extended period of time, and even that would not bring justice for Brooke.
yeah :( when the details came out about what he had done all i could think was "i hope someone gets their hands on him before he is locked up".

the stuff of nightmares.
Isn't this yet ANOTHER conviction? The one we knew about was a relative in 1985 (charges dropped) and a conviction in 1992...this one is a neighbor in 1987. And looks like the state of VT hid this crime...the victim was barely able to prove that the conviction happened because the record was expunged.
This was all so preventable IMO...if the law worked. They failed not only this woman, but Brooke as well.
I'm quoting myself here, cuz i haven't seen much back about what i said and i kinda wanted to add a little bit too...
i really hope this is ok to write, but i just have so many mixed up emotions about what i feel about AR.
To me, i feel like she should be held responsible in some way for her part in this...i mean i know she was a victim of MJ too...
but to me...she was old enough to know keep Brooke from getting warn tell speak up somehow...i just don't get it....she could have been the way to help save her cousin's life...i mean how do you hate someone that much???...and even more so that she is living her life as "normal" as can be...and why would anyone at this point want to have anything to do her?...why would anyone want to be her friend? can anyone trust her?...look how she betrayed her own family? bothers me so much....she should not be allowed to be going on like's scary to me actually that she is allowed to be living her life free and normal...i wouldn't want my kids around her at all if it was my choice....
am i way out there???
I hear you, agree with you, and wish I had an answer.
Bumping for Brooke...we haven't forgotten you, sweet angel.
Post from SoYesterday
i really hope this is ok to write, but i just have so many mixed up emotions about what i feel about AR.
To me, i feel like she should be held responsible in some way for her part in this...i mean i know she was a victim of MJ too...
but to me...she was old enough to know keep Brooke from getting warn tell speak up somehow...i just don't get it....she could have been the way to help save her cousin's life...i mean how do you hate someone that much???...and even more so that she is living her life as "normal" as can be...and why would anyone at this point want to have anything to do her?...why would anyone want to be her friend? can anyone trust her?...look how she betrayed her own family? bothers me so much....she should not be allowed to be going on like's scary to me actually that she is allowed to be living her life free and normal...i wouldn't want my kids around her at all if it was my choice....
am i way out there???

I so agree with you on this and do not understand why she has not been held accountable in some way. I realize that she may have been a victim, but she also had the chance to talk as she got older. She was old enough to tell someone about the abuse, I know schools have programs and I just feel if she had wanted out, she must have had a chance to tell someone. I also remember from the text messages she had written that she had been watching some "male farm workers" and seemed to be interested in them, plus she had also written that she wanted Brooke to suffer. I am in no way saying that this girl didn't suffer at the hands of Jacques but I do believe she was/is old enough to understand right from wrong and I believe she knew or had a feeling that Brooke was going to be killed. I believe she should be held accountable for that if only in a facility where she can get help to understand right from wrong. Of course I also believe the state of VT needs that same lesson.
Post from SoYesterday
i really hope this is ok to write, but i just have so many mixed up emotions about what i feel about AR.
To me, i feel like she should be held responsible in some way for her part in this...i mean i know she was a victim of MJ too...
but to me...she was old enough to know keep Brooke from getting warn tell speak up somehow...i just don't get it....she could have been the way to help save her cousin's life...i mean how do you hate someone that much???...and even more so that she is living her life as "normal" as can be...and why would anyone at this point want to have anything to do her?...why would anyone want to be her friend? can anyone trust her?...look how she betrayed her own family? bothers me so much....she should not be allowed to be going on like's scary to me actually that she is allowed to be living her life free and normal...i wouldn't want my kids around her at all if it was my choice....
am i way out there???

I so agree with you on this and do not understand why she has not been held accountable in some way. I realize that she may have been a victim, but she also had the chance to talk as she got older. She was old enough to tell someone about the abuse, I know schools have programs and I just feel if she had wanted out, she must have had a chance to tell someone. I also remember from the text messages she had written that she had been watching some "male farm workers" and seemed to be interested in them, plus she had also written that she wanted Brooke to suffer. I am in no way saying that this girl didn't suffer at the hands of Jacques but I do believe she was/is old enough to understand right from wrong and I believe she knew or had a feeling that Brooke was going to be killed. I believe she should be held accountable for that if only in a facility where she can get help to understand right from wrong. Of course I also believe the state of VT needs that same lesson.

I think the reason she hasn't been charged with conspiracy is because she is going to be a witness at trial for the State. Many times the DA has to go to hell to retrieve their witnesses, as Nancy Grace says often. I am sure they have told her if she doesn't testify to the truth then she can have charges brought against her.

She knew this was very wrong. She did nothing to stop it but helped facilitate the deplorable acts.

snipped because of length....
....becca said..."You don't live in a house where abuse of any kind is happening and not have a clue."

Hey becca....
i'm just you believe this is true in EVERY case?
i know you posted this a while back....
but i'm just curious....
i was abused for years by my step mom and i were always very close....i was afraid to tell her cuz i didn't want to break her heart....and i thought it would destroy her....
i'm 32 now....and she finally found out a few years ago...
she swears she never had a clue....not at all....i used to believe that....
but there are times when i think....we were sooooo could she NOT know what was going on?...
she still says she doesn't.....:(

They know. They will always deny that they didn't know but they knew.
Jacques is contesting Denises petition for divorce and is asking for joint custody of their daughter.....HA, AS IF!!

This came from a very good friend of Denise.
Thanks for keeping us up to speed bdmama.

What can his lawyer be thinking?
Jacques is contesting Denises petition for divorce and is asking for joint custody of their daughter.....HA, AS IF!!

This came from a very good friend of Denise.

Wow. Does he realize April Fool's Day isn't for several more months?

What a moron.
This is the case that lead me to WS, I can't believe this hasn't had any kind of trial yet.

Unbelievable :(
I cannot wait until his trial, I keep asking my friend for updates but so far she hasnt heard anything about upcoming court dates, I expect it will be quite a bit longer before they actually get him in front of a jury. I cannot even imagine the evil things that will come out at trial.
I'm wondering if this will come to trial.

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