’48 Hours’ “Hannah Graham: Deadly Connections”

Hannah was even prettier in motion. Looks like the video of her is from a class.
Detective in Fairfax knew it was sketch as soon as he saw a picture of Matthew.
RG is

"I might say, brilliant."

according to "Commonwealth's Attorney Ray Morrogh" who had guilty pleas in the Fairfax case.

"I want to see what happens when evil intersects with justice"

Gil Harrington says.

WOW!!!! Detective Boone took the initiative himself!

It all moves so fast, then remembering it all, show is well done, pretty heady stuff, all a twitter.

He is such a horrible thing from any angle. It doesn't get easier seeing him. These courageous families that keep bearing witness as things move forward.
Laura says they went back to his apartment a second time for something specific, and LE said they found it.
Lawyer says either maybe additional DNA evidence came back in February, or DA weighed aggravated/mitigating factors, and that's possibly why it was upped to death penalty.
RG was afraid she'd be victimized again by people blaming the victim :(
There isn't much we didn't already know, but to see it all brought together, with the previously unseen video, it's just all so chilling.
Morough says he thought about RG, Morgan and Hannah pretty much every day since they made the JM link.
RG was afraid she'd be victimized again by people blaming the victim :(

"This wasn't just a rape case. It was a rape case tied to the Hannah Graham"

case according to Neal Aug.


"tweets painted a vivid picture"


"I never once saw her [RG] look at" him.

"She came just a whisper from being murdered." Ray

Morrogh says and in court she was getting justice

"by calmly recalling what happened on that violent night."

according to Neal Aug.

"The brief recess lasted longer and longer..."


"Then you see..."

according to Laura French, a great blow by blow of people reacting in the moment!

Neal Aug. saw the Big A plea being walked into the court!

Castro pure hero, gosh. You see he's still touched by what happened deeply.
The state never offered JM a plea. The Alford plea was all him.
Gil Harrington’s Thoughts from June 16, 2014

Dear Morgan,
We know now that we will survive, but still have to figure out how to actually live and flourish post you. The means is literally at hand. I got your gold signet ring back from the Virginia State Police recently.
We all have the same ring and choose to wear this family emblem frequently. I am finding myself changed by wearing your ring. My
visceral response to it has surprised me a bit. It/you elevates me
through out my day.
I see the flash of gold on my hand as I rinse out a tea cup and I pray “Please Morgan, help me see things more clearly.” I smile to realize that I now pray to you rather than for you, knowing you are beyond all pain and harm, – angelic now. 241
<snipped - read more>
Her friend and coach say they're all waiting for justice as are the Grahams.
Oh my, the closing segment ... so powerful. Heartbreaking.
Justice is coming, my friends. Fairfax sentencing in October, Hannah's trial in June. Nice having you all to watch with!
Sep 26

"48 Hours" correspondent Susan Spencer visits the scene of a 2005 rape and attempted murder in Fairfax, Va., and explains why that case and evidence recovered has helped investigators ID a suspect in two murders over 100 miles away.


Justice is coming, my friends. Fairfax sentencing in October, Hannah's trial in June. Nice having you all to watch with!

Susan Spencer and &#8220;48 Hours&#8221; investigated the tragic disappearance of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham and the tireless police work that linked her alleged killer to other cases in &#8220;Hannah Graham: Deadly Connections,&#8221; broadcast Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS 6.


The stellar coverage of these cases continue.

Hoosgirl, this seems so unique to me, the very deep, precise, responsible, and effective way it was covered, but it could just be my awareness of things prior to Hannah Grahams case?

Good as it gets, watching with you, as this is how I know you. So many thanks friends and Hoosgirl, as we wait.
I don't know what it is about this case that grabbed people's attention and hearts and the media to such a degree. It's hard for me to judge since I'm in NC, but from VA, so it seemed very close and I was also friends with a case insider. So it seemed like tremendous coverage, but then I was also seeking it out, you know? But I would guess those media contacts the Harringtons and HSTNG cultivated over many years certainly had an impact. JMO
The case was definitely covered very well by the media. I think it worked out that way due to Chief Longo and the circumstances. When Hannah was missing, Longo was making regular media appearances, asking for the public's help. He needed help with the video, with locating JM, and with searches for Hannah. The general circumstances of the case fit what the media is interested in, and LE needed the public's help, so they had this repricopal relationship. LE was providing the media with actual developments; the media wasn't just making up sensational tidbits to keep the gravy train going. Also, Hannah was missing for a little over a month before she was found, and JM was arrested before that, so there wasn't really much time where nothing was going on/case was unsolved or going cold.
So sickening to hear a lawyer (I think he was a lawyer-balding guy with glasses toward the end) even hypothetically say that a defense could be there is no proof he hurt these girls...what?? What the heck is DNA for? I don't even want to hear how creative a defense might get in trying to say the DNA does not mean he murdered them.

Anyway, I have a feeling there will be some kind of plea, probably for life without parole. I almost hope so, due do the horrors likely to be exposed at trial. Plus he is clearly guilty...I almost hate to see the huge expense of the trials wasted on him. Jmo

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