13 July 2010 - 2 New Search Warrants Executed

BBM. I would be interested in finding out more about this. Does anyone have a link to the video? Surely LE talked with her about what made her uncomfortable, right?

I tried to locate the links and had remember I mentioned it when I first started on webslueths. I believe the video has been deleted and know the Youtube version is not avail.

Starting over again - Brainstorm session - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community #36

Seems a lot of the older video's have been deleted.
As far as the monetary fund goes -- how soon one is set up usually depends on when the family's resources run dry. It doesn't surprise me at all that a fund was set up that quickly. I doubt if MB had spare change lying around to even print out flyers.
Hey everyone - can we please get back on topic? This thread is for the search warrants, not the video. i'll check to see if there is a video thread and if not, I'll start one and move the appropriate posts over.



ETA: Here is a thread for the STORE video: Store Video - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Wonder how long it will take for the forensics to come back on the items seized with these warrants? IIRC, in the "G" search, LE never mentioned any results. I wish I felt hopeful, but somehow I feel this was much to do about nothing. Maybe the guy has some really bad habits he wanted to hide, which made him look evasive because he lied. But it had nothing to do with Lindsey.

Heard anything new locals?
wonder how long it will take for the forensics to come back on the items seized with these warrants? Iirc, in the "g" search, le never mentioned any results. I wish i felt hopeful, but somehow i feel this was much to do about nothing. Maybe the guy has some really bad habits he wanted to hide, which made him look evasive because he lied. But it had nothing to do with lindsey.

Heard anything new locals?

nada>>> :(
I have been wondering about Lindsay's father and if he ever was deployed and if not, does he keep in contact with MB or the Grays Harbor Sheriffs Dept.?
Heard anything new locals?

Most of what we hear would probably qualify as rumor. The town doesn't seem to be getting any bigger.
This is also interesting, from their site.

Did you know?
ARAMARK served about 340 million meals in K-12 schools in North America last year.

Probably unrelated... just creepy if this guy ends up involved and was delivering to schools full of kids. But then again, looks like this company does a ton of stuff, so he could have been delivering anything anywhere. This just caught my eye real quick.

I have not yet finished reading this thread (yes, I am WAY behind!), but I wanted to comment about the ARAMARK truck. I have no idea if this person has been ruled out yet, so this comment may not have any significance.

I live in a small apartment community, albeit in another state. One of the residents that lives here apparently works for ARAMARK (I do not know this person, even though we have been "neighbors" for going on 3 years).

Several nights a week, the ARAMARK truck is parked overnight here at our apartment complex, so my assumption is that the delivery drivers are permitted to keep the truck they are driving at their home.

If this person of interest did indeed work for ARAMARK, he may have been permitted to keep one of the delivery trucks overnight at his home. If this person of interest had anything to do with Lindsay's disappearance, he could have used the delivery truck to aid him in removing her from the area using said truck.

Just something to ponder.
WA State unclaimed money from Aramark is owed RG if you search his name...
There is unclaimed wage money for a xick Gurley by Aramark, a uniform and clean rug company,,,in Seattle

Mailing address for RG above is a homeless shelter by Seattle waterfront....
Compass Housing Alliance
Copyright © Compass Housing Alliance • 77 South Washington St. Seattle Wa 98104-2519 • Phone: (206) 357-3100 • Fax: (206) 461-3874.

Walking distance to Aramark...

Aramark Corporation‎-
Ste 606, 101 Yesler Way, Seattle, WA‎ - (206) 624-2115‎

Maybe he was a CPA or driver for them ?????????

There are many sex offenders to chat with on S. Washington St., if RG did live there....( 214 within 1/2 mile )....


Maybe a connection of S. Washington St. to McCleary ??....just an idea...
Scott Bryan Cline

412 S 3RD ST
MCCLEARY, WA 98557-9658

412 S 3RD ST
MCCLEARY, WA 98557-9658
Another Cline, who worked with Nancy Moyer....
A WW connection possible, from Wildlife and Ecology offices maybe??

Poston worked with Moyer for 10 years at the state Department of Ecology. Poston told the crowd that before Moyer disappeared, she told Poston she was happy, was blessed to have good friends and that life was going well. Since, Poston has been among a group of volunteers who have participated in about two dozen search-and-rescue efforts and also have held fundraisers to help raise about $8,000 in college money for Moyer’s children. Vicki Cline, who also works at Ecology and knew Moyer, also was there. On her red balloon, she wrote, “Come home Lindsey.”

Read more: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2010/06/27/1243259/lindseys-day-spotlights-families.html#ixzz0vmeudtlX

Another Cline, who worked with Nancy Moyer....
A WW connection possible, from Wildlife and Ecology offices maybe??

Poston worked with Moyer for 10 years at the state Department of Ecology. Poston told the crowd that before Moyer disappeared, she told Poston she was happy, was blessed to have good friends and that life was going well. Since, Poston has been among a group of volunteers who have participated in about two dozen search-and-rescue efforts and also have held fundraisers to help raise about $8,000 in college money for Moyer’s children. Vicki Cline, who also works at Ecology and knew Moyer, also was there. On her red balloon, she wrote, “Come home Lindsey.”

Read more: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2010/06/27/1243259/lindseys-day-spotlights-families.html#ixzz0vmeudtlX

Nancy Moyer
Thinking of Lindsey today.. Was hoping to see some sort of news today. NO news though. One can only hope that LE, will bring a little more to light.
Aramark operates various resorts, one of which is in the Olympic Forest at Lake Quinalt...maybe RG has a connection between McCleary and there.
Just a thought if other possibilities have not panned out....



WA State unclaimed money from Aramark is owed RG if you search his name...
There is unclaimed wage money for a xick Gurley by Aramark, a uniform and clean rug company,,,in Seattle

Mailing address for RG above is a homeless shelter by Seattle waterfront....
Compass Housing Alliance
Copyright © Compass Housing Alliance • 77 South Washington St. Seattle Wa 98104-2519 • Phone: (206) 357-3100 • Fax: (206) 461-3874.

Walking distance to Aramark...

Aramark Corporation‎-
Ste 606, 101 Yesler Way, Seattle, WA‎ - (206) 624-2115‎

Maybe he was a CPA or driver for them ?????????
Aramark operates various resorts, one of which is in the Olympic Forest at Lake Quinalt...maybe RG has a connection between McCleary and there.
Just a thought if other possibilities have not panned out....



Looks like he is still in the area....
1 Gurley, Richard Donald
Defendant Thurston County Dist 9-M000499 08-21-2009
2 Gurley, Richard Donald
Defendant Thurston County Dist I05541325 07-23-2009
3 Gurley, Richard Donald
Defendant Clark County Dist 3Z0294587 03-05-2013
4 Gurley, Richard Donald
Defendant Grays Harbor Dist #2 3Z0440956 05-20-2013
5 Gurley, Richard Donald
Defendant Clark County Dist 3Z0653386 07-18-2013
6 Gurley, Richard Donald
Defendant Mccleary Municipal 3Z0629293 07-19-2013

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