17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #23

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Just catching up. I am stunned that Trayvon's mother believes his death was an accident, yet Corey has charged murder 2 and half the planet it seems, is beyond convinced that it was an intentional hate crime, possibly even a pre-meditated one. I haven't read the articles yet, so I don't know whether she has stated her opinion of the charge. If she understands it fully, she cannot agree with it. Depraved mind/heart murder is not an accident by a looonnnng shot. I wonder if she will testify that way if and when there is a sentencing hearing. Very, very interesting, imo. I usually try to keep my cynicism at bay, but murder 2 under the circumstances sounds very political to me. jmoo

I've never heard where Trayvon's mother thinks that it was an accident?

Anywho, Trayvon's mother does not have all the evidence the SA has. I am sure she will testify truthfully after she has all the facts.

I've never heard where Trayvon's mother thinks that it was an accident?

Anywho, Trayvon's mother does not have all the evidence the SA has. I am sure she will testify truthfully after she has all the facts.


She then said she believed the shooting was an accident and things got out of control.


I interpret that as her saying GZ didn't set out to kill her son, but the situation ended up escalating. JMO
I also thought it was only going to be a charge of Manslaughter, but I am not aware of the evidence they have against GZ. They know better than I know about what charges they feel GZ deserves for face.

We have to remember that the reason so many of us thought it would be a Manslaughter charge was based on evidence released by the SPD. We don't know what evidence the new SA collected, sent in for forensics, etc...

There were earlier rumors that Trayvon was the one who had a broken nose... and depending on whether or not that is true... they may have been able to see that Trayvon was the one fighting for his life.

We'll just have to wait? For right now, the right thing has been done. GZ has been arrested and charged for the death of Trayvon Martin.

It will now be up to the courts.

I really enjoyed listening to Mark O'Mara yesterday. It was really refreshing after having to listen to those two Ya-hoo's the day before. I think he will be a good attorney for GZ.

Now that GZ has been arrested and charged, we can allow Lady Justice to do her job. That's all Trayvon's family asked for and I am thrilled that they got this. They deserve answers and they deserve to have the person who killed their son face Lady Justice face to face.


He was refreshing and I remember him from the OTHER trial in Orlando. It struck me how polite and professional he was compared to some other high profile defense attorneys if you get my drift.
I've never heard where Trayvon's mother thinks that it was an accident?

Anywho, Trayvon's mother does not have all the evidence the SA has. I am sure she will testify truthfully after she has all the facts.

I just saw the clip lola - she said it this morning on one of the morning news shows. My local channel just showed the clip. Don't have link and didn't hear which show - so JMHO.

Also, my local channel here just said they will be covering the hearing live. I can not remember, for the life of me, ANY case down here (or high profile) that this channel broke programming to cover anything - especially just a bond hearing. I hope GZ's lawyer realizes that the safest place for him is in protective custody (just like FCA) - I certainly don't want the circus coming to town like it did when FCA was let out. It would be a mess and just keep contributing to the "divide". He's safer inside.


I interpret that as her saying GZ didn't set out to kill her son, but the situation ended up escalating. JMO

That's my take when listening to the entire interview.

That it wasn't premeditation.

2nd degree murder

Trayon's mother isn't a professional public speaker, she doesn't have anyone write speeches for her to make sure she says everything perfectly. And she is obviously running on high emotion.


I interpret that as her saying GZ didn't set out to kill her son, but the situation ended up escalating. JMO

I agree with that. I don't think GZ went out that night wanting to kill anyone... but that doesn't make what he did an "accident." The moment he jumped out of that car, followed Trayvon, and IMO, confronted Trayvon, took a tragic turn. GZ's decision that night resulted in an innocent life being taken. An accident is the gun accidentally going off. The minute he reached for that gun, which I believe was before any altercation, was the minute this turned into "murder."

In the Orlando Sentinel T V Guy:
GZ's family called Mark Nejame asking him to take GZ case. Mark declined citing lack of time with his young children and gave family five names including Mark O'Mara.

Bad spelling, but am I'm bed sick sending on my phone.
Just catching up. I am stunned that Trayvon's mother believes his death was an accident, yet Corey has charged murder 2 and half the planet it seems, is beyond convinced that it was an intentional hate crime, possibly even a pre-meditated one. I haven't read the articles yet, so I don't know whether she has stated her opinion of the charge. If she understands it fully, she cannot agree with it. Depraved mind/heart murder is not an accident by a looonnnng shot. I wonder if she will testify that way if and when there is a sentencing hearing. Very, very interesting, imo. I usually try to keep my cynicism at bay, but murder 2 under the circumstances sounds very political to me. jmoo

I agree 100%.


"I believe it was an accident. I believe it just got out of control and he couldn't turn the clock back," Fulton said, revealing her opinion about what happened the night her 17-year-old son was shot to death. "I would ask him, did he know that that was a minor, that that was a teenager and that he did not have a weapon."

I see a mother who wants to find some meaning behind her son's death. She doesn't want to believe GZ viciously murdered her son... which I don't believe GZ did. She probably has fought with those thoughts a lot in the past 45 days. Her son is dead and it seems to me that she doesn't want to have hate or anger in her heart towards GZ. I think she realizes that GZ didn't go out that night with the thought that he was going to kill someone, but I will say again, the moment GZ pulled out that gun, it went from a simple mistake to murder.

I just wanted to say that this is my first time back on WS since the other circus of a trial in Orlando and it's good to see some familiar names fighting for justice for Trayvon. Let's hope justice is served this time! It's good to be back!
Mike Galonos on HLN: Court proceedings will be carried live in about an hour.
I've never heard where Trayvon's mother thinks that it was an accident?

Anywho, Trayvon's mother does not have all the evidence the SA has. I am sure she will testify truthfully after she has all the facts.


There is a link with a quote in the last thread that is now closed. My thoughts are that it wouldn't be to hard to convince a grieving mother that her son's killing was intentional, particularly in the climate swirling around this case. All it took to convince 100's of thousands of complete strangers was a bag of skittles an unintelligible muttering on a 911 tape and some media spin, imo. She knows what the charge is, and I'm sure someone took at least a little time to explain to her that it means intentional. If she is quoted in the media as saying it was an accident, I'm sure her advisors and Corey are aware of that sentiment and would have at least shared enough information with her to try and disabuse her of that notion.

Imo, Trayvon's mother is one of the very few people who have been consistently honest and full of grace in this matter. If she thinks it was an accident, I believe her.

Also, I wonder how Corey is going to deal with the child/adult matter. It might be difficult for the prosecutor to argue with any integrity that Trayvon was a child but a 12 yo is an adult when the only determinitive factor is that one committed a crime while the other did not. If it comes up it probably is subject to a sustainable relevance objection, but as a matter of intellectual and moral honesty, I'd say Ms. Corey would be facing quite the personal quandary if the prosecution intends to get any mileage whatsoever from Trayvon's status as a juvenile. jmoo
Initial report also states by a PO “While the SFD was attending to Zimmerman, I over heard him state “I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me.”

At this time he did not know that the scream was captures on the 911 call. It is my opinion that it WAS GZ screaming on the 911 tape.

Two "independant" voice analyst reviewed the 911 call from Zimmerman and compared it to the screams over heard in another 911. Both stated that the screams did not belong to Zimmerman. They stated that your voice... is like a fingerprint, no two are the same in regards to patterns of wavelength. They show the voice pattern from the 911 call vs the later 911 calls with the screams in the background. They weren't even close. They can't confirm its Trayvon's because they don't Trayvon's on record. But if the screams don't belong to 1... then there is only 1 person left.

Plus when this first started, when Zimmerman said it was him screaming, i questioned why somebody would scream for help, when the closest help its inside his own pocket? Who is he expecting help from? If he already is armed with a weapon. And the screams stop suddenly... as soon as the gunshot goes off. And we never hear a peep out of him in the background after that. To me, the voice analysts demonstration, plus the fact that we never hear anything else after tells me those screams belonged to Trayvon.
The murder 2 charge is political? Angela Corey could have satisfied just about everyone with a manslaughter charge. Even Zimmerman's supporters saw that as a reality, and it's what most legal analysts saw coming.

The fact that she charged up, IMO, means that she's got d*mn good evidence. I don't think anybody was calling for Zimmerman to be facing life in prison, just for accountability. A jury trial.
Just catching up. I am stunned that Trayvon's mother believes his death was an accident, yet Corey has charged murder 2 and half the planet it seems, is beyond convinced that it was an intentional hate crime, possibly even a pre-meditated one. I haven't read the articles yet, so I don't know whether she has stated her opinion of the charge. If she understands it fully, she cannot agree with it. Depraved mind/heart murder is not an accident by a looonnnng shot. I wonder if she will testify that way if and when there is a sentencing hearing. Very, very interesting, imo. I usually try to keep my cynicism at bay, but murder 2 under the circumstances sounds very political to me. jmoo


If these people, in their torment, are able to find comfort in embracing the thought that an accident brought this unspeakable grief to their door, then who are we to say otherwise?

May the Lord God Almighty grant them peace through this judicial process.
Two "independant" voice analyst reviewed the 911 call from Zimmerman and compared it to the screams over heard in another 911. Both stated that the screams did not belong to Zimmerman. They stated that your voice... is like a fingerprint, no two are the same in regards to patterns of wavelength. They show the voice pattern from the 911 call vs the later 911 calls with the screams in the background. They weren't even close. They can't confirm its Trayvon's because they don't Trayvon's on record. But if the screams don't belong to 1... then there is only 1 person left.

Plus when this first started, when Zimmerman said it was him screaming, i questioned why somebody would scream for help, when the closest help its inside his own pocket? Who is he expecting help from? If he already is armed with a weapon. And the screams stop suddenly... as soon as the gunshot goes off. And we never hear a peep out of him in the background after that. To me, the voice analysts demonstration, plus the fact that we never hear anything else after tells me those screams belonged to Trayvon.

I'm right there with you. And, I know I sound like a broken record, but the fact that Trayvon's mom said it was him, is ALL the expert opinion I need.
The murder 2 charge is political? Angela Corey could have satisfied just about everyone with a manslaughter charge. Even Zimmerman's supporters saw that as a reality, and it's what most legal analysts saw coming.

The fact that she charged up, IMO, means that she's got d*mn good evidence. I don't think anybody was calling for Zimmerman to be facing life in prison, just for accountability. A jury trial.

But don’t forget that 2nd degree is one of the hardest to prove.
And that it may not go before a jury, that is yet to be determined, can be handled by a judge.
REASON: it may not be realistic to even find an untainted jury.

She knows exactly what she is doing....
He can even be found guilty on a lesser charge.
But I doubt that he will get a guilty for 2nd degree murder.
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