17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Also.. what made no sense to me, is that Tracy Martin got Tray's g/f to call juvenile justice, when that is where Brandy Greene works?? Why didn't he just call himself??


Another question, which will explain my comments above, why did Tracy Martin call the Juvenile Justice dept., and the Sheriff's Dept. to see if they'd picked TM up, before calling the non-emergency number? Link
"“I had [his girlfriend] call juvenile justice, just to check and see if anyone by the name of Trayvon Martin had been picked up. No Trayvon Martin,” the father told NNPA. “My next call was to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Department to see if any kid had been picked up.

“My third call was to a non-emergency number at the Seminole County Sheriff’s

Department and I informed them that I was filing a missing person’s report."
Hard to know what quote is what, but he didn't get Trayvon's girlfriend to call, he had his own girlfriend call.
Crump told the world in his press conference who contacted whom. Tracy Martin contacted the girl after finding she had been the last to talk to TM while looking at his phone bill on 3/18. I've cited the press conference dozens of times here.

No one is making her into a bad guy, she was contacted by Crump and Tracy, not the other way around. In my opinion, they needed her phone call to go exactly the way it did in order for the SYG law to not apply. Only if TM were the aggressor, would it apply. Without her phone call, it's GZ's alone.

Fair enough :)

I suppose I could have been more clear--I'm waiting for information from a courtroom or court document. More definitive, whole-picture, admissible evidence.

Thank you, though.
Could you explain that? Has there been cases in the past where a REALLY sincere apology helped the accused get BAIL?

He never said he was sorry he shot there son. So he offered condolances, not an apology. There is a difference. Most people offde their condolances but they never had anything to do with the death of that person. Even a doctor will say I'm sorry I could not save him (their concern is genune because a doctor feels he should have been able to save a patient)......never I'm sorry for you loss. GZ's removing himself from any type of responsibility for TM's death regardless of why he felt he had to kill him. GZ doesn't get it but the Martins sure do. jmo
Because she knew his exact location, right?

she could have told 911 he's in Sanford! They would have connected her to Sanford 911. GZ had of course already or may have even still been on the line with them If she had called, SPD had ALREADY been alerted -- maybe put 2 and 2 together? JMO
Only two witnesses saw them on the ground. TM was already lying face down when Officer Smith arrived. He's not an eyewitness. We all saw the video at headquarters so we know what GZ was wearing, including Crump. jmo

Here is what I wrote - "one eyewitness who noted on his police report, IIRC, GZ had on red"

What I meant, Smith was an eyewitness to the fact that GZ was wearing red and documented it. Of course Smith was not an eyewitness to the altercation.

By the time it gets this far, the point is lost. The point was that GZ was obviously the one being accosted because he was the one two eyewitnesses saw, the one with RED on, on the bottom.
OMG! and again!! You are SO right!!! One does NOT usually perceive someone running away from them as a threat!!!!
Keep posting zen! You are making the case against GZ stronger!!

<modsnip> I do not perceive someone running away as a threat TO ME. They can still be a threat to someone ELSE, to personal property, or any number of things. While my Mom might disagree, I am not the end all be all of everything in the world.
Have her tweets been in the MSM? NO? Then why is it even being discussed here? Leave her alone, otherwise please supply a link to a MSM article that talks about her tweets!

So people are saying it is a FACT that Crump was telling the truth that she went to the hospital the day after the wake. Why do we have to accept that AS FACT if there is possible evidence that Crump made that story up?

This is not about the girl, it is about Crump and his false story.
she could have told 911 he's in Sanford! They would have connected her to Sanford 911. GZ had of course already or may have even still been on the line with them If she had called, SPD had ALREADY been alerted -- maybe put 2 and 2 together? JMO

We do not know if she didn't try to call. We do not know and the reason we do not know is because of what some are trying to do right here....discredit her. At least her parents have enough foresight to see what would be happening down the road and tried to keep her out of it. Until March 18th I do not think she realized how involved she was and that TM was dead within a minute of her disconnected phone call. jmo
Orlando Sentinel
5/3/2012 6:41pm

The SOURCE said Zimmerman's account of events hasn't changed in his several statements to police &#8212; in which he said he was so unnerved by the teen's behavior that he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation. However, he never mentioned any of that while talking to the dispatcher.



How very interesting that we were discussing George's many statements & whether or not they differed from each other earlier today and then this article comes out tonight that says his police statements didn't change in his accounting of the killing!! From a "source"!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Baez had people infiltrating blogs to figure out how to defend his murder client so no doubt O&#8217;Mara is too jmo (article below). I wonder if Amy Singer is working for O'Mara? Think I'll be keeping certain ideas to myself from now on, just sayin'.

"When bloggers and others in social media sites started to attack George Anthony about his alleged mistress, the defense team beefed up their questions against him," said Fort Lauderdale-based consultant Amy Singer. "None of the bloggers ever changed their minds about him."

The innovative pro-bono tactic by Singer shows how social media sites like Facebook and Twitter could revolutionize the way lawyers defend their clients, especially in highly-publicized cases like the Casey Anthony murder trial."


Could you explain that? Has there been cases in the past where a REALLY sincere apology helped the accused get BAIL?

I really didn't feel like typing a LONG post But.. :sigh:
He did it to play on the sympathy of the courts indefinitely...
He also tainted the jury pool because people such as yourself think "Aww.. he is really sorry for what he did and what a nice thing he did for the family" (of the child he murdered!!)
That is another reason why the apology should have never been said )or allowed) at the bond hearing. Also the judge thought he was going to address the COURT and NOT the Martins.. I don't know why THAT little trick wasn't penalized as well!!
At that point he didn't know if he was going to get bail or not but if he DID he wanted to make sure the public "thought" he was sorry for killing Trayvon so he wouldn't be attacked walking down the street and perhaps.. wait.. perhaps they'll even donate money to my defense fund!!!!
WHY do people say they're sorry before a sentencing hearing?? Because they THINK it will lessen their sentence!
I'm too tired to research other "sympathetic" judges who gave a murderer such a small bond because he was "sorry" (cough, cough) but i will and I'll get back to you.
He never said he was sorry he shot there son. So he offered condolances, not an apology. There is a difference. Most people offde their condolances but they never had anything to do with the death of that person. Even a doctor will say I'm sorry I could not save him (their concern is genune because a doctor feels he should have been able to save a patient)......never I'm sorry for you loss. GZ's removing himself from any type of responsibility for TM's death regardless of why he felt he had to kill him. GZ doesn't get it but the Martins sure do. jmo

Nope, nice dodge. YOU stated that GZ apologized to "save his @$$" because he thought he was going to spend the time until trial in jail. I asked if you had heard of a case where the defendants bail was based on a REALLY sincere apology, because that is what you are claiming, that he apologized to get bail so he wouldn't spend the time in jail awaiting trial.
So people are saying it is a FACT that Crump was telling the truth that she went to the hospital the day after the wake. Why do we have to accept that AS FACT if there is possible evidence that Crump made that story up?

This is not about the girl, it is about Crump and his false story.

Because you can't sleuth it without getting the girl involved. Let MSM dig it up. I'm sure they are eager to do so. jmo
I have noticed, perhaps you have as well, that MY posts are only useful to you when they are taken out of context. I do not perceive someone running away as a threat TO ME. They can still be a threat to someone ELSE, to personal property, or any number of things. While my Mom might disagree, I am not the end all be all of everything in the world.

Whom else might TM of been a threat to?
Nope, nice dodge. YOU stated that GZ apologized to "save his @$$" because he thought he was going to spend the time until trial in jail. I asked if you had heard of a case where the defendants bail was based on a REALLY sincere apology, because that is what you are claiming, that he apologized to get bail so he wouldn't spend the time in jail awaiting trial.

He apologized in a bid for leniency in both situations, bail and trial. There are instances all over the web of defense attorney discussions of said fact.
Nope, nice dodge. YOU stated that GZ apologized to "save his @$$" because he thought he was going to spend the time until trial in jail. I asked if you had heard of a case where the defendants bail was based on a REALLY sincere apology, because that is what you are claiming, that he apologized to get bail so he wouldn't spend the time in jail awaiting trial.

I never said that....... You have me mixed up with someone else. Never said that. All I'm saying is it was not an apology, it was condolences and that Mrs. Martin knows the difference. jmo
So people are saying it is a FACT that Crump was telling the truth that she went to the hospital the day after the wake. Why do we have to accept that AS FACT if there is possible evidence that Crump made that story up?

This is not about the girl, it is about Crump and his false story.

Why in the world would he make up a lie that he knows could be so easily proven by providing hospital records?
Yes, by the same token, George had weeks before he lawyered up with Mark O'Mara to sincerely apologize. Since he only apologized once MO'M started trying to rehab his image, I feel it was insincere...
As you probably are aware, GZ was asked about this at the bond hearing by Prosecutor BD. IIRC when asked why he had not apologized to the parents before, he responded that he had been instructed not to communicate with them. Based on your statement, I was unsure whether you were aware of GZ's reply, so HTH. I apologize if I am misunderstanding you; I realize it's possible you did hear GZ explain in court why he had not apologized before, but are perhaps not believing his explanation. JMO
I really didn't feel like typing a LONG post But.. :sigh:
He did it to play on the sympathy of the courts indefinitely...
He also tainted the jury pool because people such as yourself think "Aww.. he is really sorry for what he did and what a nice thing he did for the family" (of the child he murdered!!)
That is another reason why the apology should have never been said )or allowed) at the bond hearing. Also the judge thought he was going to address the COURT and NOT the Martins.. I don't know why THAT little trick wasn't penalized as well!!
At that point he didn't know if he was going to get bail or not but if he DID he wanted to make sure the public "thought" he was sorry for killing Trayvon so he wouldn't be attacked walking down the street and perhaps.. wait.. perhaps they'll even donate money to my defense fund!!!!
WHY do people say they're sorry before a sentencing hearing?? Because they THINK it will lessen their sentence!
I'm too tired to research other "sympathetic" judges who gave a murderer such a small bond because he was "sorry" (cough, cough) but i will and I'll get back to you.

Lets address this a little at a time (and for some reason, my PC won't allow multi quoting). Okay, you have stated that he tainted the jury pool. But how did he do that with as you have said, an INSINCERE apology? As far as PENALIZING him, is there a law againt offering condolences on the stand? And as far as being ATTACKED while walking down the street, the guy is in HIDING, he is living out of state because the NBP has placed a bounty on his head.

I will await your offering.
I never said that....... You have me mixed up with someone else. Never said that. All I'm saying is it was not an apology, it was condolences and that Mrs. Martin knows the difference. jmo

My bad, it was deelyteful (sp?), I am sorry.
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