17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Here's what you missed:

A: The sky is blue.
B: Not when it's storming. Then it's gray.
C: Sometimes the sun shines when it's storming.
D: Yeah but sometimes the sky's white when it snows.
E: Sometimes it's red. Or black.
F: There's always blue, even if you can't see it.
F: I had this sky once, and it was purple.
G: We aren't supposed to talk about purple.
H: We can talk purple as long as we don't talk violet.

There you go...all caught up. We really need a document dump!

LOL, you rock!
because they're like, a little BETTER at deciding who is a real threat as opposed to a delusional threat cooked up in some gun totting vigilantes mind. Trayvon exhibited none, zero, actual suspicious behavior. But George calls 911 anyway-fine, then let them do their job. But no, he was sick of those a$%holes getting away. So, he decided to apprehend and detain Trayvon.

The intent to detain someone is not lawful but that's what he intended to do. No other reason to follow and CONFRONT him as shown by the gf's phone call when he pops up again after Trayvon thinks he is safe from the nutcase scoping him out. If someone IS a danger the last thing the police want you to do is go anywhere near them. Most people, when they call the police, actually do what the police tell them-don't follow the guy means wait in your car the REAL police are coming. He choose not to do that and he is thus responsible for everything that ensued, even if one thinks his following was legal (which I don't as it was clearly done with the intent to apprehend and detain) it was also stupid and jeopardized everyone within the reach of his gun, depraved indifference to anyone but himself.

<modsnip> I do not perceive someone running away as a threat TO ME. They can still be a threat to someone ELSE, to personal property, or any number of things. While my Mom might disagree, I am not the end all be all of everything in the world.
That would be true of anyone. So you are saying we should be stopping everyone on the street and demand that they strip to make sure they are not carrying a screw driver?????? That makes no sense. jmo

Good point. It sounds like the poster is of the opinion that we should start shooting people because they "look like" they might be a threat to someone somewhere. Because of how they LOOK. OMG. Words fail.
I was beginning to get that impression. I can't do the whole semantic dance. Just like my damnable computer, I am fried with all the bickering. Hope that is alright to say...

Right now, none of knows piddly @#$%

We can only go on our gut for now and the little that has come out. My gut tells me that GZ is guilty of more than just following Trayvon.
Lets address this a little at a time (and for some reason, my PC won't allow multi quoting). Okay, you have stated that he tainted the jury pool. But how did he do that with as you have said, an INSINCERE apology? As far as PENALIZING him, is there a law againt offering condolences on the stand? And as far as being ATTACKED while walking down the street, the guy is in HIDING, he is living out of state because the NBP has placed a bounty on his head.

I will await your offering.

There are many many people that do NOT follow these cases closely. When they see someone like GZ "apologize" yet they do NOT know the intimacies of the case, they will be sympathetic.. "hence" tainting the jury pool
Secondly.. it was a BOND hearing. the courts KNEW he was going to apologize but NOT directly to the Martin family.
There are plenty of YouTubes of the bond hearing in case anyone finds the desire to "research" this fact
It's an international case. No matter where he is "cowering" people will recognize him and if an apology prevents 1 out of 10 people from wanting to get their OWN vigilante justice, well O'Mara was willing to take those odds.
IMO, JMO, MOO <--- I do this when I don't have MSM links handy at the moment to back what are MY opinions.
the bond hearing CAN be researched though...
He apologized in a bid for leniency in both situations, bail and trial. There are instances all over the web of defense attorney discussions of said fact.

Do they cite any cases where this has happened before?
We will never see them. She's a minor. MOM might see them but they will never be released to the public because it has nothing to do with GZ shooting TM. jmo

Well, then I guess he had no worries about making something up if he needed to embellish his story a bit. And since there are visible records which seem to conflict with his hospital story, people should not treat it here as if it is FACT. imo
Well she is a minor and with Hippa laws he figures it will not come out but there are other ways and I am sure MSM will figure it out.

I'm assuming Crump wants this to go to trial. The records would come out at trial, Hippa or no Hippa. So you think he would make up this whole huge lie that would most assuredly be exposed at trial - that would kill the case he wants to be a success for his client??

That was so convoluted, it was difficult to type it out.
Good point. It sounds like the poster is of the opinion that we should start shooting people because they "look like" they might be a threat to someone somewhere. Because of how they LOOK. OMG. Words fail.

Well, if we think someone is suspicious, and we call the police, and in the process of following them (again, COMPLETELY legal) they attack us, yes, we SHOULD be able to shoot them.
because they're like, a little BETTER at deciding who is a real threat as opposed to a delusional threat cooked up in some gun totting vigilantes mind. Trayvon exhibited none, zero, actual suspicious behavior. But George calls 911 anyway-fine, then let them do their job. But no, he was sick of those a$%holes getting away. So, he decided to apprehend and detain Trayvon.

The intent to detain someone is not lawful but that's what he intended to do. No other reason to follow and CONFRONT him as shown by the gf's phone call when he pops up again after Trayvon thinks he is safe from the nutcase scoping him out. If someone IS a danger the last thing the police want you to do is go anywhere near them. Most people, when they call the police, actually do what the police tell them-don't follow the guy means wait in your car the REAL police are coming. He choose not to do that and he is thus responsible for everything that ensued, even if one thinks his following was legal (which I don't as it was clearly done with the intent to apprehend and detain) it was also stupid and jeopardized everyone within the reach of his gun, depraved indifference to anyone but himself.

From what I have seen, that has been and still was GZ's MO through the moment he killed an unarmed teenager. My bet, he will never learn to respect the wishes of others. IMO, he thinks he is "KING," judge, jury and executioner. In his mind, his wishes always come first.
because they're like, a little BETTER at deciding who is a real threat as opposed to a delusional threat cooked up in some gun totting vigilantes mind. Trayvon exhibited none, zero, actual suspicious behavior. But George calls 911 anyway-fine, then let them do their job. But no, he was sick of those a$%holes getting away. So, he decided to apprehend and detain Trayvon.

The intent to detain someone is not lawful but that's what he intended to do. No other reason to follow and CONFRONT him as shown by the gf's phone call when he pops up again after Trayvon thinks he is safe from the nutcase scoping him out. If someone IS a danger the last thing the police want you to do is go anywhere near them. Most people, when they call the police, actually do what the police tell them-don't follow the guy means wait in your car the REAL police are coming. He choose not to do that and he is thus responsible for everything that ensued, even if one thinks his following was legal (which I don't as it was clearly done with the intent to apprehend and detain) it was also stupid and jeopardized everyone within the reach of his gun, depraved indifference to anyone but himself.

Wow, you have a link to some evidence that GZ DETAINED TM? That would change my opinion of the situation COMPLETELY. Could you provide it?
Well, then I guess he had no worries about making something up if he needed to embellish his story a bit. And since there are visible records which seem to conflict with his hospital story, people should not treat it here as if it is FACT. imo

We each have our own opinions. Have no reason to disbelieve Crump.
I'm assuming Crump wants this to go to trial. The records would come out at trial, Hippa or no Hippa. So you think he would make up this whole huge lie that would most assuredly be exposed at trial - that would kill the case he wants to be a success for his client??

That was so convoluted, it was difficult to type it out.

ITA....and the privacy rules do not apply if the patient/guardian signs a simple release form....quick, easy and records can be used as needed.....

But then again, it means NOTHING for this case. The phone records will confirm her story, there will be forensic evidence from the autopsy, gsr tests, angle of entry for the shot, the conflicting accounts....and OMG....there will be witnesses that have chosen to stay out of the MEDIA but who will be willing to testify!

OMG! and again!! You are SO right!!! One does NOT usually perceive someone running away from them as a threat!!!!
Keep posting zen! You are making the case against GZ stronger!!
I'm curious whether this is in response to donjeta's OP topic, or only zenreader's reply to it?

IMO the topic of whether GZ had reason to fear TM while still inside his SUV on the phone with dispatch, is not in the same ballpark as what allegedly happened when GZ next encountered TM, resulting in a loud fight, many 911 calls, a fatal gunshot, and GZ claiming self-defense.

IOW, GZ has surely not told LE that he fired his weapon in imminent fear for his life/safety because TM ran away. JMO

:( OTOH, I bet GZ now wishes he had simply sat in that SUV and waited for LE to arrive, so he could have told them how another one had gotten away. JMO
Sorry, he is charged with murder until it can be proven that he acted in self defense, it is indeed can be proven. What I stated was that he was FOLLOWING TM, which was COMPLETELY within the law. It is NOT illegal to FOLLOW someone.

And, BTW, people are charged with stuff all the time, that does NOT make them GUILTY, thus until that ARE proven guilty, they are considered within the confines of the law.

The State of Florida, which represents the People of the State of Florida, has accused and now has subsequently charged Zimmerman with second degree murder. The people do not take this lightly since an innocent 17 year old boy is dead. The State of Florida will now set out to prove Zimmerman guilty. Afterall, if Zimmerman is in fact guilty, he should pay for his crime, no? Just as much as if the State cannot prove his guilt he should go free.

May justice prevail.
Here's what you missed:

A: The sky is blue.
B: Not when it's storming. Then it's gray.
C: Sometimes the sun shines when it's storming.
D: Yeah but sometimes the sky's white when it snows.
E: Sometimes it's red. Or black.
F: There's always blue, even if you can't see it.
F: I had this sky once, and it was purple.
G: We aren't supposed to talk about purple.
H: We can talk purple as long as we don't talk violet.

There you go...all caught up. We really need a document dump!

I really needed this right now!
That was great
Firstly.. I am NOT going to address YOU. That's not what we do here at WS.. i will address your POST.
There are many many people that do NOT follow these cases closely. When they see someone like GZ "apologize" yet they do NOT know the intimacies of the case, they will be sympathetic.. "hence" tainting the jury pool
Secondly.. it was a BOND hearing. the courts KNEW he was going to apologize but NOT directly to the Martin family.
There are plenty of YouTubes of the bond hearing in case anyone finds the desire to "research" this fact
It's an international case. No matter where he is "cowering" people will recognize him and if an apology prevents 1 out of 10 people from wanting to get their OWN vigilante justice, well O'Mara was willing to take those odds.
IMO, JMO, MOO <--- I do this when I don't have MSM links handy at the moment to back what are MY opinions.
the bond hearing CAN be researched though...

I was also addressing YOUR post, sorry if I was not clearer. I think we have gone as far with this banter as one can go. Good day.
there are many, many people all over the interwebs congratulating George on shooting that , wanna be , etc. Someone on here just yesterday commented "it makes me sad he didn't shoot faster" and about how he should have been arrested as a criminal and then he wouldn't have been in a position to be shot and that maybe George did see him doing something another time and thus he really was one of those a$%holes that get away as he had the "beginnings of a career criminal". Yet, the only one with a criminal record and one for violence at that, is George Zimmerman, neighborhood hero to some.

And this is one of the few times on this web site where I see people trashing the victim, his family and his gf or friend, whatever she was and extolling the killer. That's everyone's choice-victim or killer-I just generally choose victim especially when it's a young boy gunned down for no reason by someone who was completely wrong about everything he thought about Trayvon and who failed to follow the instructions of police and who shot a person begging for his life despite having no life threatening injuries himself.

I will never get it, what people see in this guy that's at all worthy of respect. He has a history of violence and violent crime and brags about getting off and yet he's assumed to be some innocent victim of a young person who had no idea he even existed, who was walking home, who has no history of violence and who most certainly did not attack George Zimmerman. Yet, for some reason people, especially certain people, are all too willing to believe Trayvon was some violent criminal who just snapped while walking home and suddenly decided to, for the first time, attack someone and try to KILL him even though the guy has no apparent injuries on video 20 minutes later and whose shirt isn't even wrinkled. It's just absurd.

I have not seen ANYONE applauding the killing of TM. Many of us are DEFENDING the persecution of who we see an an innocent individual, and even MORE of us are defending the persecution of a man before all of the evidence is known.
The State of Florida, which represents the People of the State of Florida, has accused and now has subsequently charged Zimmerman with second degree murder. The people do not take this lightly since an innocent 17 year old boy is dead. The State of Florida will now set out to prove Zimmerman guilty. Afterall, if Zimmerman is in fact guilty, he should pay for his crime, no? Just as much as if the State cannot prove his guilt he should go free.

May justice prevail.

IF he is guilty, I agree, he should be punished. But what we currently KNOW as FACT does not point to that.
Well, if we think someone is suspicious, and we call the police, and in the process of following them (again, COMPLETELY legal) they attack us, yes, we SHOULD be able to shoot them.

What ever happened to the good old fashioned fist fight where the playing field is level? Getting hit, if ol' GZ even did, does not warrant shooting an unarmed kid and with hollow point bullets! When GZ shot that gun, he knew it would kill Trayvon. IMO and all that.
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