2/22/2010 Nancy Grace: Misty Croslin on jailhouse tape to dad: 'Worry about me first!

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Nancy has a soft spot for Ron. She just said so. There is nothing we can do about it. Take a deep breath and concentrate on the other information in the show please. Do not turn this into a bash fest.
Hey, Kimster...I think that went over pretty well. I think most folks are numb by now to NG's musings.

(fingers and toes crossed!)
Thanks... I'm not watching the show, since the t.v. is in the other room.
Thinking like Nancy now... dealing drugs does not make him guilty of harming Haleigh.
Ooooohhh... that hurt. But it's her way of thinking, I guess.

But Nancy doesn't see him dealing drugs either.

She thinks he is just along for the ride.
I'd really like to know if these drugs are obtained from doctor-shopping, as somebody on the show suggested, doesn't everybody know who MC is? How does she find that many doctors? And the same with RC! :waitasec: MOO

eta ~ Rx are also expensive so who's paying for them. It can't be medicaid!

Ms. Nancy messed that up - Ron and Misty aren't getting all of the pills from doctors - heck they got this UC guy dropping them off next to a school so they can get pills from some guy. Maybe their sources are getting the pills from Drs but these two are buying from local small time druggies with the exception of the ones Donna Brock got for them in Virginia.

That soft spot she has is because of the kool aide she is drinking.
Misty screams out the window to Ron "HE DON'T WANT TO DO IT RIGHT HERE!" Um, I think the cover is blown! Can't everyone hear her and figure out it is a drug deal? :loser:
I still giggle whenever that comes to mind. :crazy: "BEBBYY, YA WANNA DO THE DRUG DEAL AT SPINNER'S?" Okay, not her exact words, but she said as much.

As for Miz Nyancee, she likes to pull our chain. Pffffttt.. I don't care what she says or whom she believes. I just wish she'd keep quiet long enough for her guests to finish their comments.
Doctor shopping.
But here's my question ~ insurance companies (and especially state aid) won't pay for all these doctor visits and prescriptions so I tend to agree with the caller who asked about a "big dealer". RC/MC and even DB (as mentioned) couldn't be getting all these pills! MOO
No, imo, they are getting them by hitting up old retired ex-military guys. And their widows.
aaahhhh!!!!! LFlorida - is there a big population of older vets and/or widows up there? That makes more sense then you know right about now.
The caller apparently never took an Oxy- big difference between a Percoset and an Oxycontin.

I think its a big difference between oxycotin and oxycodone but I have no idea about pills either.
Art Harris just said MC has "something wrong with her too" - in reference to doctor shopping and getting the Rx's. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HER??? I may be behind - but this is the first I've heard of "something wrong with her".

Can anyone help?

I think DB got MC to her dentist, but I have no link or anything like that.
Doctor shopping.

Is Doctor shopping going to different doctors for Rx? If so, then they still have to get the Rx filled, how many places are there to go to do this in their area, plus they still have to pay for them, right? I just don't get it.
Ron told uc he likes getting high on powder. Misty said they have to pick up son and go do another job...things that make you go hmmm

I saw that! How did I miss that when watching the tapes before, or did they just not show that part before?

I remember a conversation something about sniffling, but I think it was in another thread and was about HC.
I'd really like to know if these drugs are obtained from doctor-shopping, as somebody on the show suggested, doesn't everybody know who MC is? How does she find that many doctors? And the same with RC! :waitasec: MOO

eta ~ Rx are also expensive so who's paying for them. It can't be medicaid!

Something happened very bad in my town to a dying woman I know.
She has Lou Gherrig disease.
As she lay in pain, and was babysat by her nephew ..............he was stealing her meds that were narcotics.
Her husband noticed the meds were gone, then the Fed X didn't come.
Nephew signed for meds and took them also.
100% profit!!!!
That is 1 way these thugs get there drugs to sale.
Long story short, the husband had to press chanrges on the theft of nephew.
So he could get her the meds she really needs!!!
Also when another friend died a few years ago, her relative stole all the drugs left in her house while family was at the funeral home.
She was caught also in a drug sting!

WHY do I do this to myself??? I just started taking high blood pressure meds about a month ago and I am convinced it is Mizz Nancy's fault. Tonight's show just finally really does do it for me. Her saying "ronald looks like a 5th wheel along for the ride", and the deal about wrestling with the angel if the angel said Ronald had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. Nancy is in such crazy denial where Ronald is concerned.

Honestly, I really am not going to watch her show anymore - I may blow a gasket!

During the video where Misty is saying she did not want to be set up, did I hear her say her family worried about it too? I honestly think I did. If so, then every single Croslin with the exception of Timmy should be sitting in jail also. I say Timmy only because he wasn't in the state.

Really, I am going to have to go back and listen because I honestly believe that Misty alluded to her family not wanting her to be set up also.

Okay. I am done. Any more and I will have a stroke.
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