2008.08.04 George Anthony Interview Audio

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oh - I give LE a whole lotmore credit than that - those questions (the 100 million dollar ones) have been asked and answered in subsequent interviews - and I bet those interviews will not be released until trial. They have GA tell them about this car chase and then they ask CA about it and she denies it - so BACK to GA and ask more.

I had a thought while I was making lunch about this car chase. What if CA was IN THE CAR? She could have been bent over doing something, diggin in her purse, whatever and GA didn't see her initially and then KC picked him up in the rear view and say something so CA kept her head down. GA called CA - but did he call her on her cell? If so then he could have THOUGHT CA was a home - when she was actually in the truck - and that could be why CA told GA "don't go after her". But, again, another some more million dollar questions come from this: where were they going? why was CA and KC going anywhere? why did CA want GA NOT to find out?

Hmmmm.......IDK seems like *if* CA was in the car w/cellphone she might have made a call to LE alot earlier.....& somewhere it would be stated as to where KC went to & where CA left her.

I'd like to know how KC got to the house ?? Did she drive her car there for an exchange ??....or did someone take her there ??.....& why did KC need CA car??......& how did they get it back??

Seems like these A's never answer any (important) questions, & only create many more everytime we hear them speak.
That sounds like your internet connection speed is not very fast and so the video is being buffered. When enough of the clip is buffered, it plays -- then stops while the next portion of it is buffered in. This happens at work if we try to play videos and our IT person says it is the connection speed and a modem issue. We're working on replacing both.

I don't think it's connection speed I am on, I am on high speed (road runner) and don't have issues with other video's or audio's. I wonder if it's media player, I can keep hitting play when it goes off and it will come back for another 5 seconds.

If anyone figures it out let me know!
anyone think its a little messed up how Cindy never mentioned to George that he (George) had a mini-stroke?
LE had to tell George about his stroke??????
I guess Cindy didnt want George to know that Casey was telling her friends George had a stroke. George seemed pretty surprised to hear it. Yet Cindy knew back on July 15th when Amy told her on the wat to Tone's place. wtf?

what else is Cindy hiding from George? What else does Cindy not want George to know? and why?

I'm thinking CA is keeping things from GA to prevent a fight(s). When he (GA) made his first verbal confrontation with the media CA told them, he has a lot of anger, and pleaded with them, to go easy on him; her marriage was on the line, or something like that. So to save peace...the little they have its easier not to say anything. JMO

She does really seem to have this man pussywhipped though LOL!
I don't think it's connection speed I am on, I am on high speed (road runner) and don't have issues with other video's or audio's. I wonder if it's media player, I can keep hitting play when it goes off and it will come back for another 5 seconds.

If anyone figures it out let me know!

I'm probably not going to be much help, but I wonder if maybe you have too many programs running in the background while WM is playing? If so maybe try exing out of everything and try again? Good luck Jaded.
I'm thinking CA is keeping things from GA to prevent a fight(s). When he (GA) made his first verbal confrontation with the media CA told them, he has a lot of anger, and pleaded with them, to go easy on him; her marriage was on the line, or something like that. So to save peace...the little they have its easier not to say anything. JMO

She does really seem to have this man pussywhipped though LOL!

That's what I've been thinking too... but was afraid to post it.. LOL
Personally after seeing Cindys' interview, i would have to say she was taken back about her vehicle being taken plus she can prove wether she was at work. Cindy did seem like she was in the dark about that. Cindy acted like she was in the know about everything except that one area. I'm one of those people trying to get Caylee out of Cindys' hands on June 15. I see two options to what happen to Caylee, which i believe was June 15 nite. it had to be in the back yard to the trunk or she had to bring Caylee back from the trunk to the back yard then back to the trunk. i pick the first. but i may be wrong.
Personally after seeing Cindys' interview, i would have to say she was taken back about her vehicle being taken plus she can prove wether she was at work. Cindy did seem like she was in the dark about that. Cindy acted like she was in the know about everything except that one area. I'm one of those people trying to get Caylee out of Cindys' hands on June 15. I see two options to what happen to Caylee, which i believe was June 15 nite. it had to be in the back yard to the trunk or she had to bring Caylee back from the trunk to the back yard then back to the trunk. i pick the first. but i may be wrong.

I thought I read somewhere that George called Sindy and told her he was chasing KC...

Personally after seeing Cindys' interview, i would have to say she was taken back about her vehicle being taken plus she can prove wether she was at work. Cindy did seem like she was in the dark about that. Cindy acted like she was in the know about everything except that one area. I'm one of those people trying to get Caylee out of Cindys' hands on June 15. I see two options to what happen to Caylee, which i believe was June 15 nite. it had to be in the back yard to the trunk or she had to bring Caylee back from the trunk to the back yard then back to the trunk. i pick the first. but i may be wrong.
I don't think it's connection speed I am on, I am on high speed (road runner) and don't have issues with other video's or audio's. I wonder if it's media player, I can keep hitting play when it goes off and it will come back for another 5 seconds.

If anyone figures it out let me know!

i have road runner too bright house fl. maybe its just us -lol. i pay for higest speed but it is not worth it-its damm slowwwwww-
The following is just my opinion and all quotes are paraphrased.

I do not agree with GA being controlled by CA. CA is trying to have control by trying to control the things and people around her, but she obviously isn't in control of anyone or anything including herself. She is being emotionally tossed around by KC. KC is leading her on by rewarding her with hope. Ex.: I know CMA is close, I can feel it with my motherly instincts...she will be home by her 3rd birthday...don't trust Jesse...you will see what a great mom I am once CMA gets home...you can't trust the local police...etc.

CA also feeds her own hope by believing that although KC lies, she eventually gets to the truth. CA is searching for the truth in every statement that KC makes. For her to accept that KC's comments are pure lies is to accept that CMA is gone forever and she can't do that.
When CA goes over KC's story of the nanny's accident with great detail, (and other lies at other times), I feel she does this in hopes that LE will be able to make sense of it and extract the truth from the lies. When they fail to do that CA gets frustrated and feels they aren't doing their job. She only wants CMA home, and she isn't ready to face the facts yet. I don't understand why there is so much contempt towards this poor woman. :confused:

George is in control of himself during his interview. (He has lost control several times with the media and protesters though). I also believe he is in control of the family, even though he allows CA to run the show. But he has final say and CA knows this (how many times has she said "you have to ask George").

He goes around apologizing for his wife's behaviors because her emotions (lack of control) are somehow embarrassing to him. But when he loses it, she tries to smooth it over quickly and asks people to understand him.
He shifts focus off of himself and onto CA by saying how hard it is to live with three women and how much alike CA & KC are (strong willed). I disagree. KC is very much in control of herself and her emotions (except for temper) and she is very much like her father!

GA knows how to talk well. He was a car salesman for a time, plus with his past LE experience, he knows how he needs to communicate in this type of setting. Without the benefit of seeing video of this interview, it's impossible to see if he is gesturing, restless in the chair, looking away while he talks etc., and yet so many have jumped on the GA bandwagon based on just the audio. :waitasec:

Some things that bother me about GA's interview:
-Discrepancy of gas can stories, plus the Pontiac was probably backed in (per neighbor) which would offer a view of the trunk from the garage.
-He remembers too many details of what they were wearing and what was said (6/16), but doesn't remember other key dates or times.
-Discrepancy of his belief in KC's credibility "she has stolen gas from me before", "you believe your own child", "I felt for 2 years my daughter wasn't working".
-GA often uses phrases such as: "I have to be honest with you", "It's the truth", "I'll be straight with you". These are phrases people use when they're probably lying.
-The strong willed women comment. (Shifts focus/blame to the women, he wants people to think that he is not like them)
-GA tells LE about KC taking off with CA's car, but it's confidential information. LE says "oops, we mentioned it to CA and she denied knowing about it." GA says, "well she didn't want me to follow KC." Why would this be confidential information? Something here is off.
-He doesn't say anything but seems annoyed when LE says they think he knows about a lot of things.
-He says "my wife", "my son", "my daughter" and "the little girl". (He does occasionally say "my granddaughter" but mostly it's "the little girl".)

Other details that bother me about GA:
-He shrugs and lifts his hands up when he talks. This is a gesture people use when they are lying. As if to say I don't know, you can believe me or not.
-His ex says he is a compulsive liar. If you really want to know about a person, ask their ex. :eek:
-He talks to the guy at the tow yard about his missing granddaughter on the way to the car, almost as though to explain in advance the smell they were going to encounter.
-He knew to bring gas cans to the tow yard.
-He knew where they towed the car from.
-KC told AH the car smelled bad after GA drove her car (grain of truth?). Maybe she was so relieved that the source of the smell was gone that she felt free to concoct a story and elaborate on why it even has a smell.
-CA said during her interview that women don't forget their purses, and they don't forget them in cars! I agree with her on that, especially not on the front seat. I think someone who isn't accustomed to carrying a purse parked her car there for her and let the gas run out. Then maybe drove her to Amscott (after she emptied out the freezer) so she could call AL for a ride. AL asks about the car and KC tells him "my dad will take care of it".
Why do George & Lee have 2 different versions of Casey & the Gas cans on the 24th?

What was Lee doing at the Anthony house on the morning of the 24th?

It was a Tuesday Doesn't he work?

Where did the Frozen Tyson Chicken & Freeze Pops come from?

They were not in "market bags" - Did Casey take them from her mothers fridge on the morning of the 27th?

There is at least a 4 hour time gap from the time Casey ran out of Gas to the time she called Tony for a ride.

Did Casey return home to "SHOWER" - change her clothes & raid the fridge of "CAYLEE'S" Freezepops before calling Tony for a ride?

Does anyone know what time Casey left Tony's apt. on the 27th?

If the Car was at amscot at 7am then Casey must have left Tony's hours before that.

Where was she going so early in the morning?

Did she leave at 3am - 4am - 5 am?......Why?
As far as George calling Caylee the little girl...I know it sounds like he may be a bit detached when he refers to her that way. But I don't think he is. My husband has always had pet names for the boys, names you would expect a man to call is sons. They are now almost 27 and 25. Our daughter of course has a more endearing pet name. He has called her Tweety since she was small and if she hears him slip and refer to someone else that way it hurst her. She is now 16.

Since the boys were so much older than our daughter, and they used to be referred to as the boys..."Can you pick up the boys?" "Did you give the boys dinner?" "Have the boys had their bath?" As my daughter got older - instead of saying "Do I need to pick up the baby?" It was "Should I pick up the girl?" It was his term of endearment for her unless he was ralking directly to her.

He now calls our granddaughter, "the little girl". "Do we get the little girl today?" "Is the little girl sleeping?" See, our daughter is still at home, as is George's. His granddaughter also happens to be at his home, ours visits. This was his way of distinguishing between the two. They are still both his girls.
And if she did return home to shower, raid fridge, etc before calling Tony to pick her up, how did she get to her house if her car was out of gas and parked at the Amscot?

I am in agreeance with you completely! George has said some, as Cindy would say, "mistruths". Cindy has had her fair share too. I guess the whole fam lives in their own surreal world. Sad that they can't stop and admit they have/had problems and arguments just like the rest of us. And being misleading to LE of all people!
That sums it up perfectly. And maybe the reason their behavior seems to be becoming increasingly bizarre, is that they CAN'T stand it...but feel they must.

I'd be AFRAID to be in the house alone with her (or at least to go to sleep)! Gas cans in the shed, grill lighter somewhere in the house, kitchen knives, Lord only knows - chloroform? Yeesh!
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