2009.10.5 - Nancy Grace.

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I still have concerns with the missing SO, CR.I also still have concerns with the handmade chair in the woods-that tells me someone may have been watching the family. I know he went missing a week earlier-maybe he was in the little chair in the woods. I know LE said they have ruled him out, but why? He was young, attractive, someone MC or her brothers and cousin could know. He probably used drugs and MC had the full care of a little girl. Seems like a good place for a SO to watch. He still hasn't been found. I know Couey hid his little victim, even when LE searched his home. Then he buried her. Have they thoroughly checked every SO home there? The way we would? I just have serious doubts, and they really are not about Misty. I also believe that if this is going to be resolved, it will probably begin here. When we can step back and objectively look at EVERYONE in this place. I also have not ruled out the Crystal. If she had had a plan (or someone in her family, she may not have known-)to kidnap Haleigh to keep her from going to jail on the child support (?).and/or to get custody back? Everyone keeps saying why would they only take one? My answer is because one is all they would need. JR could stay right where he was. If/when Crystal got custody, she would then have JR, also. And someone who knew the children may have known JR was a lighter sleeper and easier to wake up, while Haleigh was a heavier sleeper and wouldn't wake up. Or felt she may be the easier child to care for and keep hidden. Or it may have been someone she knew, and she stirred,recognized and relaxed. I am sure most people would assume if a little girl is kidnapped from a 17 year old babysitter who uses drugs, it would be easy to then convince the courts to give Crystal custody. Then Haleigh could be conveniently found..(dropped off at a Walmart or something). Perhaps no one thought it would become such a big story and go national. Many missing children barely make a dent in the headlines-Adji, Tangina...just for examples. Maybe no one counted on the country falling in love with this beautiful little girl. She may be too 'hot to handle' now-and too hot to return.
I am not accusing anyone-I am simply keeping an open mind and looking at ALL possible scenarios-who benefits? Who could have had access? Who would Haleigh NOT wake up and scream for? Assuming Haleigh was NOT harmed and killed, who would benefit from kidnapping this child? (And I PRAY it was a family member)..
I, too am very concerned about SO Chad Reynolds.
As his grandparents lived in Cresent City.

The chair in the woods VERY concerns me......

Misty says brother Tommy came by with "a friend"
I, too am very concerned about SO Chad Reynolds.
As his grandparents lived in Cresent City.

The chair in the woods VERY concerns me......

Misty says brother Tommy came by with "a friend"

Me too. Isn't the chair a homemade deer looking simple stand? Not fancy, just some ladder steps, made roughly but functional. Wonder why LE didn't take this chair in for forensics? LE should have. It could have forensics attached and left by the perp. I am leaning heavily towards an abductor. I began posting two weeks ago, after refreshing and learning much, that it looks to me that Misty and Haleigh were being watched.

We have all the needed risk factors included. Ron being known to work night shift and not being around at certain hours giving the perp more opportunity and feel more in control. M and R being so young, not thinking, and saying things like "Ron works late, works night shift, not home at night, blah blah" putting them at risk if heard by the wrong ears.

Being newly moved in, this perp could have been possibly even stalking the prior tenant or tenants, then young pretty girls move in, and his voyeurism took over into something much more criminal. Good post Carmel and Beatrice.
That is exactly where I am going. I guess it bothers me when so many people have just made up their minds that Misty did it, because by fully embracing that idea, they are excluding any other potential kidnapper. And Haleigh may never be found, if in fact, Misty truly was sleeping (drugged or otherwise) . I do feel she is lying, but insofar as her recreational drug or alcohol use. I do feel she has suspicions, and that may have caused deception on her LDT (as in "do you know who did it?"-answer no.) Her suspicions may be strong enough to reflect the doubt in the test. I just don't want minds shut to other possibilities, because only by pursuing those ideas-CR, SO, cousins and brothers and friends, other 'druggies'., other family members...will Haleigh be found.
I still have concerns with the missing SO, CR.I also still have concerns with the handmade chair in the woods-that tells me someone may have been watching the family. I know he went missing a week earlier-maybe he was in the little chair in the woods. I know LE said they have ruled him out, but why? He was young, attractive, someone MC or her brothers and cousin could know. He probably used drugs and MC had the full care of a little girl. Seems like a good place for a SO to watch. He still hasn't been found. I know Couey hid his little victim, even when LE searched his home. Then he buried her. Have they thoroughly checked every SO home there? The way we would? I just have serious doubts, and they really are not about Misty. I also believe that if this is going to be resolved, it will probably begin here. When we can step back and objectively look at EVERYONE in this place. I also have not ruled out the Crystal. If she had had a plan (or someone in her family, she may not have known-)to kidnap Haleigh to keep her from going to jail on the child support (?).and/or to get custody back? Everyone keeps saying why would they only take one? My answer is because one is all they would need. JR could stay right where he was. If/when Crystal got custody, she would then have JR, also. And someone who knew the children may have known JR was a lighter sleeper and easier to wake up, while Haleigh was a heavier sleeper and wouldn't wake up. Or felt she may be the easier child to care for and keep hidden. Or it may have been someone she knew, and she stirred,recognized and relaxed. I am sure most people would assume if a little girl is kidnapped from a 17 year old babysitter who uses drugs, it would be easy to then convince the courts to give Crystal custody. Then Haleigh could be conveniently found..(dropped off at a Walmart or something). Perhaps no one thought it would become such a big story and go national. Many missing children barely make a dent in the headlines-Adji, Tangina...just for examples. Maybe no one counted on the country falling in love with this beautiful little girl. She may be too 'hot to handle' now-and too hot to return.
I am not accusing anyone-I am simply keeping an open mind and looking at ALL possible scenarios-who benefits? Who could have had access? Who would Haleigh NOT wake up and scream for? Assuming Haleigh was NOT harmed and killed, who would benefit from kidnapping this child? (And I PRAY it was a family member)..

BBM. I agree it would seem a reasonable expectation. I hope it was a family abduction for custody too because IMO that's her best chance to be alive and well cared for. Well, as well as you can be in hiding, away from your family. The more time goes on the less likely I feel this is though. I have read here that Crystal hasn't filed for custody yet, and it seems like an awful long time to wait, Haleigh who knows where. If I desperately wanted the custody of my children and had to stash one of my children somewhere in secrecy in order to achieve this I would like to have the situation resolved as soon as possible.
This is funny and tragic at the same time.

BROOKS: Now, I know it`s a rough time. You know, she disappeared -- little -- little -- the bottom line is, where is little Haleigh right now? She doesn`t have a job, no income that I know of. Help me out there if you know of any job she`s got or how she`s earning any money. Maybe she`s down in Orlando sitting by the interstate with a little cup in her hand, you know, and a little sign, hopefully, Help find Haleigh.

Also joining us there in Florida is Teresa Neves. She is the grandmother of the missing 6-year-old, Haleigh Cummings, and father -- and mother of father Ronald. Ms. Neves, thanks for joining us again.

NEVES: Thank you for having me.

BROOKS: Look, what is going on with this family feud? And I`m not talking about the TV program.

NEVES: OK. Which family are you speaking about?

Which family are you speaking about?!?

I dunno... I find it incredibly sad that there is so much family feuding going on around this missing little girl and her brother that she needs to ask which family feud is being referred to.
I agree. If this case hadn't gotten so big. If it had gone like Adji, or the little boy in Arkansas, or the many kids we barely hear about. Assuming it was a family abduction, and pretty much stayed local news, Crystal could have filed for custody and gotten it, and then Haleigh could have appeared a few weeks later. No big deal. But with all the media attention, speculation and national media, it couldn't work that way. If Crystal , say, filed for custody, won and then Haleigh reappeared-it would focus all the attention on her. It would be SO obvious the family had done it. Again, I am not saying Crystal or her family did it. In truth, I am FAR more worried that a SO, or CR, or a cousin or 'friend'-saw an opportunity. But I would RATHER find out it was Crystal, because it would be a given that Haleigh was still alive.
Does this talking head make sense to you? I don't really understand what his point is, other than he's being a defense atty and giving a positive spin to everything.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, I`ll tell you the truth, I`m mystified at the criticism that you`re leveling against her. She`s 17 years old. For months, she`s been under the scrutiny of the police. What is wrong with her going down to Orlando, even if it`s for a few days to take some vacation...

BROOKS: Alex...

SANCHEZ: ... and clear her head? And maybe when she comes back, maybe she will be prepared to speak to the police...

BROOKS: But -- but -- OK, well...

SANCHEZ: ... and reveal some important information.

BROOKS: Well, ask me -- answer me this. If she is so concerned about finding her stepdaughter and she`s the last one that had -- that knows where -- that -- who was with Haleigh at the time, why isn`t she here talking to police out there looking for her stepdaughter?

SANCHEZ: Because she has answered every single question that could possibly have been leveled at her at this point. There`s no additional questions I think the police could ask her.


SANCHEZ: She`s gone there. She needs to clear her head. And I think it`s in the police -- in the advantage of the investigation for her to go there and maybe speak to a friend and come back and say, You know what? I want to reveal more information.

Does he really think Misty has answered every question that has been levelled to her? And that there are no more questions to be asked?
If so, why the heck should she come back from Orlando suddenly primed to reveal some new information? She's already answered every question under the sun so what's she going to reveal to LE? "Hey, I had an interesting convo with Cindy the other day..."?
I agree. If this case hadn't gotten so big. If it had gone like Adji, or the little boy in Arkansas, or the many kids we barely hear about. Assuming it was a family abduction, and pretty much stayed local news, Crystal could have filed for custody and gotten it, and then Haleigh could have appeared a few weeks later. No big deal. But with all the media attention, speculation and national media, it couldn't work that way. If Crystal , say, filed for custody, won and then Haleigh reappeared-it would focus all the attention on her. It would be SO obvious the family had done it. Again, I am not saying Crystal or her family did it. In truth, I am FAR more worried that a SO, or CR, or a cousin or 'friend'-saw an opportunity. But I would RATHER find out it was Crystal, because it would be a given that Haleigh was still alive.

Yeah, good point. It's a shame about Adji and the hundreds of others who barely hit the small print...

However, if Crystal was hoping to have the story stay quietly in the local news and fade away quickly she could have perhaps achieved that by keeping herself away from the spotlight. For a while there in the spring the disagreements between her and Ron was pretty much the only thing keeping Haleigh in the national media... If she'd kept away from Geraldo and Nancy Grace the story might have gone away much faster.
Just a thought. It seems to me everyone is so convincved Misty did/knows something. To get a fresh look at the whole mystery, let's suppose Misty really WAS innocent? Either was drugged, had used herself, or was naturally (for her) in a deep dead sleep/ But let's just suppose she really knows nothing. Where would we look then? Who would we look at? Maybe looking this way, someone will come up with an answer. Maybe we can still find out where Haleigh is.


I think this is a great idea! Start with getting some books on crime scene profiles, and criminal profiling. See how many sex offenders bring there own brick but need to turn on kitchen lights because they forgot the flash light. This person knew the door was open, because it wasn't bumped or kicked in, but they knew that narrow ramp that faced a neighbor without any cover, on a full moon, would be the best place to enter the MH. Did they know the neighbor wasn't home, or that the light would not wake Misty or Jr or Haleigh. Also they knew no one would shoot them coming in, and they were smart enough to put the laundry in the washer and dryer to fool LE and make it look like Misty lied. I bet they took the laundry detergent too. Also they knew where everyone was sleeping, and took the time to change Haleigh cloths to mess with LE and the Amber alert. This person was smart! They didn't even leave so much as a hair behind. Ya, that the ticket, reach someone who could know that much about the family, next move onto why Misty has 3 versions of the story for each thing. They were on the couch sleeping, all in the bed, I was in the bed with Jr and Haleigh was on the floor. Too bad for Haleigh.
I woke up to pee, I woke up to get a drink of water, I just woke up and the kitchen light was on, glaring in my face. I woke up before 3, I woke up at 3, I woke up and just saw a 3. Haleigh was put to bed with pj, Haleigh was in a pink shirt and underwear, Haleigh was in a pink shirt and tan shorts. You need to find why she is confused and sleeps so deep, and find out why she failed all the LTDs and VSA and couldn't be hypnotized too, then maybe we can move on. And last thing look at a picture of the front of the MH and look at the side entrance, then READ the 911 call, don't listen READ it. She is confused as to which door is bricked. Good luck, and hope we have someone else to sleuth.
Just a thought. It seems to me everyone is so convincved Misty did/knows something. To get a fresh look at the whole mystery, let's suppose Misty really WAS innocent? Either was drugged, had used herself, or was naturally (for her) in a deep dead sleep/ But let's just suppose she really knows nothing. Where would we look then? Who would we look at? Maybe looking this way, someone will come up with an answer. Maybe we can still find out where Haleigh is.

Play Misty for me....
I have a question: Two of those bloggers LE warned us about are talking about the status of Ronald and Misty's marriage. My question is: Why didn't TN say anything last night on Nancy's show regarding this newly "reported" development?
I am so glad Mike Brooks is sitting in for NG tonight ~ you go get 'em Mike!!! :woohoo:

Love, love, love Mike Brooks! Wish they'd give him a show and put him on in Joy's place... :innocent:
Just a thought,
Did anyone follow the Natalie Hollaway case and see the special where the finally had Vanderslooth on tape confessing to what he did with her body .
I wonder if Mistys new found friend is hoping for the same thing. This friend has only known her for a short while.. maybe law enforcement is on this more than we know.
Love, love, love Mike Brooks! Wish they'd give him a show and put him on in Joy's place... :innocent:
I wish they would give him Nancy's show. Maybe then we would actually see some BOMBSHELLS! :woohoo:
Just curious about something brought up on tonight's show ~ when NG's producer was talking about MC's friend who she's with now, the friend not working and husband being rich (or words to that effect). Anybody know where this information is coming from or who the friend might be? :waitasec: MOO

Like you, I wonder about this new "friendship." For a long time now I've thought that the lack of information in the few media interviews by Misty and Ron was, whether intentional or not, just driving the price up. Is Misty cashing in now? Do we see an "exclusive" coming?
Like you, I wonder about this new "friendship." For a long time now I've thought that the lack of information in the few media interviews by Misty and Ron was, whether intentional or not, just driving the price up. Is Misty cashing in now? Do we see an "exclusive" coming?

Well, looks like Ron has an exclusive tonight with NG.
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