2009 - Search Warrants, 25 Sept 2009

Police acknowledged that the search that began Friday found no evidence that will help find 11-year-old Lindsey Baum, who disappeared June 26 while walking home from a friend's house.

Is it fact that LE found "no evidence" that will help?
It's now a mater of public record, correct? Can we discuss it now?

Looks like fair game to me. We probably have to be careful about any info posted on the site linked in the media article?

Is it fact that LE found "no evidence" that will help?

I wonder how they can say that when testing hasn't even been done of the used condoms. They are testing them, right?
Is it odd that the items taken were posted on another forum with explanations? Or is this something that is usually done? I am trying to think about what I would do if it were my home that was searched and I don't think I would be saying a word about anything unoffically on the internet. JMO.

Jules - I think it is very ODD. How many people that were the subject of a search warrant would expose this information? I sure wouldn't.

I think the family is overly defensive. They have abandoned structures on their property, where anyone could have been. If evidence is found, then LE will have to link it back to the family before it can be used against them. The evidence could link back to any transiet or other person with knowledge of the abandoned structure.

And as far as we know, NO it is not true LE did not find anything helpful. Potential evidence has been sent for testing. Until the tests are completed, we won't know if they found anything helpful.

Looks like fair game to me. We probably have to be careful about any info posted on the site linked in the media article?


What concerns me is the condoms. I know, I know...people have them and that in itself is not an issue but for the fact that we have a missing child. I want to know if Lindsey's DNA is on those condoms...and I pray it isn't.
I want to know why they are looking for Lindsey's bathing suit if she showered before she went to her friend's house. Do 11-year old girls generally put their dirty suit back on after they shower? I really think that is weird!

I want to know if Lindsey's DNA is on those condoms also. Who leaves used condoms laying around?

From the family's comments, it doesn't sound like the computers will be of any value, but they are worth checking. Also the receipts and paperwork may provide some useful clue about what the POI was doing on the days surrounding Lindsey's disappearance.

I want names because I've found an RSO in WA, not McCleary but in the State with same last name, which by the way is just not a real common name. :wink:
I want to see if there is a connection.
I want to know why they are looking for Lindsey's bathing suit if she showered before she went to her friend's house. Do 11-year old girls generally put their dirty suit back on after they shower? I really think that is weird!

I want to know if Lindsey's DNA is on those condoms also. Who leaves used condoms laying around?

From the family's comments, it doesn't sound like the computers will be of any value, but they are worth checking. Also the receipts and paperwork may provide some useful clue about what the POI was doing on the days surrounding Lindsey's disappearance.


It is strange Salem, isn't it. Is the suit missing? If she did go home and shower then I would think the suit would have been found by her mother, at home, probably on the bathroom floor if she's anything like my kids.lol
So maybe she didn't go home after swimming or maybe she went home and just put her cloths on over her suit. But why would they just be looking for the suit? Why not the hooded jacket (one is listed in the warrant), why not her jeans and shirt? Why just the swimming suit?
i think sweeping the floors for Lindsey's hair....they only need one to show that she was either at the house or the abandon house....one hair....even on the clothes they took...im sure they swept it good...and what about the oder sheets....what are those?
maybe she had more then one bathing suite?
I would be very wary of a homeowner's "explanation" of items in a search warrant.
I'd also like to point out that the copy of the search warrant posted did not come out very well, and the identification of many of the items are from the poster, not the actual copies of the search warrant.
should we wait to post those item's until we see the actual SW from LE?
I would be very wary of a homeowner's "explanation" of items in a search warrant.
I'd also like to point out that the copy of the search warrant posted did not come out very well, and the identification of many of the items are from the poster, not the actual copies of the search warrant.

So y'all are discussing a COPY? Not the actual? Let's get the actual copy. I don't agree w/discussing someone elses 'notes'. If it is public, you sleuthers find it and let's get it up. Let me know if you need help posting.
It might be interesting to make a record of the items listed by the poster as being on the search warrant so they can be compared to the items that are actually on the search warrant, when we see an official copy.
I would be very wary of a homeowner's "explanation" of items in a search warrant.
I'd also like to point out that the copy of the search warrant posted did not come out very well, and the identification of many of the items are from the poster, not the actual copies of the search warrant.
I think this is a very important point. As always, we need to be aware of the sources of information, and to keep in mind that people sometimes try to "spin" information to appear favorable to themselves and their goals. Good to take everything with large grains of salt. :)

I feel like I'm watching a slow moving accident - the release of the search warrants and their own explanations seems like it helps no one - least of all themselves.
It might be interesting to make a record of the items listed by the poster as being on the search warrant so they can be compared to the items that are actually on the search warrant, when we see an official copy.

"Police acknowledged that the search that began Friday found no evidence that will help find 11-year-old Lindsey Baum, who disappeared June 26 while walking home from a friend's house."

So, without official issue of the SW, we've gone from nothing ....... to this?

Until I read an official Press Release regarding these findings, we can only assume that this is the writers take/spin on past LE press releases regarding this search.

It well could be that the authors impressions are drawn off the planted spin among the posts that the link provided in the article leads one to .... which in addition to the SW listings, also includes a link to private conversation posts as well.

Words mean something, and I don't recall police saying this YET. They've said some things, but the above statement is not what they have said.....at least so far.

Perhaps the author of this article can be contacted and asked for the Official LE Statement or person that he can attribute this exact statement from?

It's pretty important to not just except a blanket statement like this.

(Heck, by the time I get done editing this post, they may have issued the Official Statement that reflects these exact findings.)
So y'all are discussing a COPY? Not the actual? Let's get the actual copy. I don't agree w/discussing someone elses 'notes'. If it is public, you sleuthers find it and let's get it up. Let me know if you need help posting.

looks to be a scaned original SW that was left with the home owner...and then the forum wrote out what was on there and their thoughts on it....

but again...who knows....but the news did report that it came from the home owner and was posted on a forum and then they linked the forum....
I do feel really bad for these people if in fact they are totally innocent. Just wanted to throw that in here.

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