2010.12.21 Stream of Motions - General Discussion


Hi there NJ! Do we know which if any of these are too late to be filed?
It is legally insuffiecent, as a matter of law , replete with errors from top to bottom, the court should not even entertain it. We ask the court to deny the motion, without prejudice, and if the defense would like to prepare a proper motion, of course they are free to resubmit to the court, but this....
this...."It doesn't even come close to the legal requirements. It is a farce". That is what Mrs. Drane Burdick would artfully argue, rather than what the hell, you have got to be kidding me. Even you, Jose, you just can't make this stuff up!!!!


Can't help but wonder if this motion has been filed previously.

Hi there NJ! Do we know which if any of these are too late to be filed?
It is legally insuffiecent, as a matter of law , replete with errors from top to bottom, the court should not even entertain it. We ask the court to deny the motion, without prejudice, and if the defense would like to prepare a proper motion, of course they are free to resubmit to the court, but this....
this...."It doesn't even come close to the legal requirements. It is a farce". That is what Mrs. Drane Burdick would artfully argue, rather than what the hell, you have got to be kidding me. Even you, Jose, you just can't make this stuff up!!!!


LOL -- btw, you are the esteemed member who came to mind when I typed that!
Kronk is on the list and I thought that expiration date was up on the milk carton.
What I can't wait till the 3rd is to see if CA glares at JB for saying her GA were state spies doing the dirty work. I seem to remember the state on hands and knees in those woods doing the dirty work.

Funny that phantom pic from the 'internet' was taken at an angle where someone who sits on the 'not for Caylee' side always sits, isn't it? Now, for me to make an observation on a post on a forum is one thing, but to accuse the state on a legal motion - woahhhhhhhh doggie, he had too much eggnog. If this man retains a license to practice I will be shocked!

Can't help but wonder if this motion has been filed previously.

Yes, my good friend, it seems to me they did their usual cut and paste from when they first filed a motion when Judge Strickland was presiding, they were asking for the court to not allow the videos be released to the public, etc. Every single thing the judge at that time ruled against them on they will likely try to resubmit for reconsideration. They aren't even clever enough to begin a new document. It is sad, tired and pitiful. Summer of 2009, iirc.

TWA - you are being sneaky - that video classic was not there a minute ago! One of my favorites too!
http://www.wftv.com/video/19590215/index.html hearing part one

Friend, some times I post the words ,to the best of my memory, then get the video and attach it. I wish I were more clever and could do both faster. The funny thing is I nearly have LDB go off on Baez that day, memorized, it has me in stitches laughing. Still!
Check out the hearing on this matter, it was a funny one too!
http://www.wftv.com/video/19591538/index.html Baez aftereward

Defense attorney Todd Macaluso told the judge that releasing the surveillance video would violate Anthony's right to privacy since it was filmed while she was in a medical office at the Orange County Jail, seeking medical treatment. Anthony's attorneys have alleged that her jailers worked with the Orange County Sheriff's Office to have the television news on in the medical office so Anthony's reaction could be recorded.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office has said there was no orchestration with the jail.

"This is cruel. This is inhumane. This is illegal. This is unconstitutional," Macaluso said. "This defies any common sense of what law enforcement should and should not do."

"Why is it so critical for Baez's team to keep that video away from the media? Well, the saying is, 'A picture is worth a thousand words,'" Eyewitness News legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

Baez claims the videotape was staged. He says Anthony was brought in front of the camera and told Caylee's remains were found just to see her reaction.

"Look, where is she? She's in jail. Does she have a right to privacy, in the jail? And the answer to that is no, she does not," Sheaffer explained.

Come in Tokyo! You can't have it both ways, back then Todd argued her privacy was violated because she was getting medical attention, now they are arguing, literally, the opposite is true, she was not getting medical treatment. Hello.....always check what you already argued on the matter before you file some fresh new idea, contradicting your own arguments. Too, too funny.
LOL -- btw, you are the esteemed member who came to mind when I typed that!
Kronk is on the list and I thought that expiration date was up on the milk carton.
What I can't wait till the 3rd is to see if CA glares at JB for saying her GA were state spies doing the dirty work. I seem to remember the state on hands and knees in those woods doing the dirty work.

Funny that phantom pic from the 'internet' was taken at an angle where someone who sits on the 'not for Caylee' side always sits, isn't it? Now, for me to make an observation on a post on a forum is one thing, but to accuse the state on a legal motion - woahhhhhhhh doggie, he had too much eggnog. If this man retains a license to practice I will be shocked!

Personally, I think that the As won't mind...it gives them an out...they can blame their behavior on those sneaky investigators. I wouldn't be surprised if they supported this and will testify to how they felt manipulated. But, if I were them, I wouldn't push the envelope, so to speak. They've been given lots of passes IMHO.
I am a teacher, and I am really tough on my writings, Andrea Lyons said
8:48 Kathi Belich asks, "Why are you not out looking for the real killer?"
run on, non answer from defense attorneys
Happy New Year Kathi Belich! You deserve a big raise and promotion!
I know I'm late coming in here (was celebrating our 44th anniversary) but I wanted to do more than just push the thank you button, 'Beach.

The huge majority of us here at WS want only to add help and support in this case and would be chagrined if we thought any of our postings have done anything to make the case against Casey stutter. We rely on you and the other mods to make sure that doesn't happen. . . So there are time that "censoring" might be appropriate and I appreciate that all of you mods are sensitive to that!

Thank you for being perceptive enough and evaluating all our posts from a perspective we might not be cognitive of when we submit our comments. . . I, for one, sincerely appreciate it and would never consider that kind of censoring an insult!!

Thank you to all our mods! :gthanks:

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And......many more! Congratulations!

:cake: :toastred:
Anyone else remember the VERY FIRST DAY that Mason appeared in court as part of the "team".....that BEFORE the hearing began he was blathering on and on about the mics and saying they would have to "address that issue" (paraphrased)?????



First hearing CM attended and he WAS whining about mics. Anyone doubt now????
I think I found the photo in the motion.

Casey Anthony case: Criminal trial photos Image 23 of 131
Casey Anthony, 24, right looks over documents during a hearing at the Orange County Courthouse.
(Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel / October 29, 2010)


OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is talent!!!

It appears to referencing the case of Matthew Bent and Jesus Mendez. I think this is the doc..... http://www.4dca.org/opinions/Sept%202010/09-29-10/4D10-2726%20&%2010-2727.op.pdf
:great: Too funny!!!!!!! But, I do see a problem with that solution - KC and JB will be fighting over viewing rights - as I think they both like looking at themselves.
Wait - if KC hasn't seen herself in a mirror lately - we could get the penalty phase before the trial even starts! Someone build a defense table rear view mirror! LOL

there are times they have the "rear view mirror"----computer screen that they look at so much
I am reading all these motions now - but seriously, somebody needs to get counting skills. Is it me?

Page 3
"admission of the statements would be improper on four separate grounds."

Where is the third reason?
1. Right to counsel 5th and 6th
2. (Secondly) due process
4. (Finally) 4th and 5th

So can we make up #3??????? :banghead:

Mostly what I have gotten so far, is the team sure is spending a bunch of time and resources following youtube, WS, bloggers and comment sections. :seeya::seeya: waves to her team! But, as fun as we are :chillout::werk:

WTH...they can't be serious..."agents of the State"??? George???? Cindy???? Lee???????:banghead:
Motion to Restrict In Court Photography/Videoing on page 3, number 11, where CM complains about the "bloggers" hearing comments made at the defense table via the microphone.... and even gives a couple of examples..... anyone notice that one of the examples is NOT KC saying, "Make him stop"!!!!! Guess he doesn't want to call extra special attention to that little ditty. :giggle:

Heck what is he complaining about....most of the time you can't understand him:waitasec:
Thanks Sleuther ... I was wondering if I was the only one who was suspicious of that picture ... it's the first time I've seen it, and it sort of looked to me like something Baez came up with to support his motion ...
I really think the issue Baez really has with the cameras is that they are focused on the defense table most of the time ... and whose fault is that? Certainly not the court's or the prosecution's ... they are not the ones that created this media circus IMO

After reading some of Sheppard vs Maxwell http://supreme.justia.com/us/384/333/case.html , I have come to the belief that Baez is playing games. IMO, Casey and Baez were "acting" in the earlier hearing, and it was staged, it was scripted! Baez wanted to get it on the record that the court was failing to control the cameramen in the courtroom (which was not true, there was no zooming or handing over of a note). Thus, hoping to create grounds for later getting Casey new trial.

If you watch the video of the hearing closely, you will see that Baez's words don't even match Casey's actions. She was writing, not passing a note as Baez claimed. This was a poorly scripted and poorly acted scene. Shucks, the cameraman wasn't zooming in, but instead just filming regularly....

Suppress Court Video Motion: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/26331298/detail.html
After reading some of Sheppard vs Maxwell http://supreme.justia.com/us/384/333/case.html , I have come to the belief that Baez is playing games. IMO, Casey and Baez were "acting" in the earlier hearing, and it was staged, it was scripted! Baez wanted to get it on the record that court was failing to control the cameramen in the courtroom (which was not true, there was no zooming or handing over of a note). Thus, hoping to create grounds for later getting Casey new trial.

If you watch the video of the hearing closely, you will see that Baez's words don't even match Casey's actions. She was writing, not passing a note as Baez claimed. This was a poorly scripted and poorly acted scene. Shucks, the cameraman wasn't zooming in, but instead just filming regularly....

Suppress Court Video Motion: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/26331298/detail.html

ITA---we know he loves "To kill a mockingbird" and I do believe pretends to be Atticus Finchthe

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