2011.03.23 - 03.24 Frye Hearing Summary Thread *NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE*

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3/24/11 Dr. Arpad Vass, SA’s Odor Expert, Part Four
Taken from Raw video
HHJP=His Honorable Judge Perry
ICA=Inmate Casey Anthony
DT=Defense Team
SA=State Attorney’s Office Team
(JB=Jose Baez, JA=John Ashton, and so forth EXCEPT for some reason I keep calling Linda Drane-Burdick “JDB” instead of “LDB” and expect that continue sometimes but always with my apologies…I’m not a professional;) )

  • JB: an issue has arose can we approach?
    HHJP: no, what?
    DS from DT: a camera was showing my laptop
    HHJP: I told them not to is there evidence that they did?

    They discuss camera showing laptop issues for a while…says it’s not descernable
    DS: I’m sure they’ll be able to see it then asks to approach and he lets her…Baez drifts up, too, so JA walks up…I think he shows her how to lower laptop screen slightly for angle…she shakes her head…Baez drifts away…DS and JA stay at bench…lots of pointing and what-not…then they’re back
  • JB: your peer-reviewed articles deal w/buried remains, yeah?
    W: first one did
    JB: part of findings also took into account effects soil has on decomp chemicals, yeah?
    W: define effect
    JB: does soil effect what chemicals come out?
    W: it may or may not
    JB: did you indicate any of that any of your papers?
    W: we included wind, etc, but we only had only kind of soil out there, so..
    JB: and part of your ….is it your belief that the soil effects decomp odors?
    W: migration of them, yes
    JB: and depends on how low or how steep a body is buried effects it?
    W: plume cloud or flow or something, yes
    JB: this study was done over a period of years, right?
    W: yes
    JB: and it was your opinion that chemicals took about 17 days to reach surface?
    W: in the burial, yeah
    JB: and the ’08 study…you had also included surface bodies (yes)…and…is chloroform detected on surface decomp?
    W: let me refer to my papers…chloroform according to table one is not a component of surface decomp
    JB: so in order for chloroform to be part it has to be buried?
    W: no…I’m talking about oxygen deprivation, burial just happened to be the method of oxygen deprivation in this study.
    JB: how do you distinguish between the two…
    W: oxygen deprivation can occur by wrapping somebody in something…removing the air from someplace…
    JB: how did you come to that determination during this study?
    W: b/c any situation where the environment becomes anaerobic, chloroform was detected, no matter how shallow the burial.
    JB: you’re making a bold statement saying chloroform was only present during anaerobic conditions…isn’t that right, you didn’t
    JA: object before Baez is finished and they discuss objection and which kind it is, etc….
    HHJP: let him finish question before you object
    JB: I’ll rephrase this, judge
    HHJP: okay
    JB: you didn’t study different conditions to make that blanket statement only in anaerobic conditions
    W: still confused about your term blanket conditions
    JB: you made a conclusion that chloroform was not detected on surface condition
    W: correct
    JB: unless a body is buried you won’t get chloroform in decomp and you said no, right?
    W: I said any anaerobic conditions would
  • JB: and I’m saying that in the study you were only dealing with buried remains…and surface remains…let me rephrase…you were dealing with buried bodies or bodies above ground
    W: correct, but some bodies above ground were in body bags and such which would affect oxygen
    JB: so your conclusions that any decomp as to chloroform is based on body bags and burial
    JA objection W hasn’t made that statement..
    JB: he can answer if he mays
    JA: problem is he’s asking as if W already made that statement
    HHJP: overruled
    JB: are you including just body bags and the soil to make the conclusion “any”
    W: we have surface bodies as well with no wrapping, no body bags, and we do case studies of that nature, but for this study that is true
    JB: bodies in body bags or soil to say that chloroform did not appear in these two studies
    W: for these studies I’d say that’s correct
    JB: and you didn’t make the assertion in your paper…and this is after years of studying human decomp, correct?
    W shakes his head indicating yes and JB says…and it is interesting to note…
    JA objection need citation and it’s given…
    JB: p. 390 under discussion
    HHJP reminds JB how to offer a citation and he does it
    JA: needs lines, etc..and is given
    JB: it is interesting to note that many of the compounds found in table 1 are not unique and can be found in many outdoor samples taken virtually anywhere, you make that assertion, don’t you doctor? (he was quoting from dr.’s paper)
    W: absolutely, yes
    JB: okay, and after studying for many years…it’s your conclusion that these TOP 30 compounds found in human decomp can be found virtually anywhere
    W: As individual components. As a mix—that’s a different issue.
    JB: do you state that in your discussion there or is that sentence complete?
    W: the sentence you read is exactly what it is…we [humans as we decompose] go from complex matrix down into basic organic and not unique organic compounds
    JB: so the conclusion is based on the combination of chemicals, not the individual ones?
    W: Yes it’s that they were all found at the same time
  • JB: (reading again) for the most part…human decomp end products are not very unique in chemical world
    JA objection he needs to read context of entire paragraph
    JB: he can do that on redirect, your honor
    HHJP: objection is sustained
    JB reads quickly re: maximum compounds…test samples were always higher than controls…no minimum…blah blah blah…the rest of that paragraph doesn’t detract from your statement does it?
    W: no
    JB: one of your conclusions is that fluoride is unique to decomp..
    W: I didn’t say it was unique I said it was present
    JB: and you consider that significant
    W: yes b/c it was completely unexpected
    JB: and in this case you didn’t find any fluoride, right?
    W: right
    JB: and you make the conclusion that b/c another study in another country did not find fluoride then it’s unique to Americas
    W: I wouldn’t put it that way, it’s that fluoride is put into drinking water often in some places…and when you decompose that fluoride is released

    JB refers to another Dr.’s work and they discuss drinking water…
  • you and I spoke before your depo?
    W: yes
    JB: and do you recall when I asked you
    JA objection improper impeachment (something else) may we approach JB argues he’s not impeaching
    HHJP: yes
    JB: do you cite Schmidtz’s (SP?) work as being comparable to yours?
    W: I don’t think he does longitudinal studies like we do
    JB: so no one in the scientific community does what you do?
    W: I’d say Greek person is…
    JB: and you compared your paper to his…
    W: I referenced it, I didn’t compare it
    JB: he gives full disclosure as to all his chemical compositions, doesn’t he?
    W: I don’t think he gives everything he found, does he? I’m not convinced of that, no.
    JB: do you know how many of your 30 did he find?
    W: 19 I think
    JB: and 19 out of 30 is…?
    W: well you have to consider the context…they had these bodies that had been in the water…and they took limited samples…so I think under the circumstances it was pretty remarkable
    JB: you think it’s remarkable that bodies under a completely different set of conditions, etc. are comparable to yours?
    W: I mean, yeah, it’s pretty cool isn’t it? :)))
  • JB: now, this case, you ran as to the chemicals…you did what was called qualitative analysis, right?
    W: yes we didn’t look at exact concentration of every compound
    Discuss qualitative vs quantitative
    JB: in your paper don’t you describe…is it not a quantitative analysis?
    W: relative concentrations…we didn’t do standards for every compound
    JB: didn’t you say earlier that it’s the amount of these chemicals that is relevant to your studies?
    W: it’s very complicated…levels depend on what point in time decomp occurs…(explains cyclical aspect of decomp)…
    JB: interrupts, JA objects, W can’t remember what he was saying
    JB: basis of your paper talks about these compounds over time?
    W: the main point of paper is which compounds are present and when are they present….unknown is what is causing these compounds to be liberated
    JB: did you …in this case…establish that a quantitative analysis was not appropriate because the trunk is a free-flowing environment.
    W: No, b/c I wanted to make it a comparative asset, b/c we couldn’t determine when time of death was, we were just looking for presence or absence
    JB: did you talk to Dr. Wise/Weiss re: how trunk has air flowing through it and would be impossible to have real world analysis re: exactly how much chloroform was in trunk of car?
    W: I don’t recall but it’s possible…sounds like something we’d talk about
    JB: and you can’t sit there as a scientist and give judge Perry any quantity as to what the levels of chloroform were in the trunk of car?
    W: no we cannot
  • JB: you are also aware there were other items in the trunk of car including a bag of garbage
    JA objects, HHJP overrules
    JB: a bag of garbage
    W: yes
    JB: and you never inspected this garbage
    W: correct
    JB: you never looked at photos?
    W: can’t remember
    JB: did you check ingredients of the items from the garbage that had been left in a hot car for three week?
    W: yes they did send me a list of ingredients
    JB: they sent you a list of ingredients of each item???
    W: I believe so…no no no they sent me a list of the items, like…coke can...sprite bottle…
    JB: but you never inspected the ingredients of those items to see if they would contribute to the alleged decomp you say was there
    W: well I looked at the list essentially and the majority of these things if I recall were plastics…paper…if there was a pile of rotting hot dogs in there I might do a control test
    JB: but you didn’t know what was in there?
    W: I know what was on the list…
    JB: just the list they gave you and nothing more
    W: correct
  • JB: what you used to come up with these chemicals is the Gas…machine…
    W: it didn’t come up with the compounds…it ID”s them
    JB: but that’s the sole instrument you used other than LIBS to determine compounds
    W: yes
    JB: show defense exhibit “I”
    JA: objection something about showing him in court and they both approach
    [HHJP looks irritated and is asking about dates and looking things up…MOO]
End of Part Four
3/24/11 Dr. Arpad Vass, SA’s Odor Expert, Part Five
Taken from Raw video
HHJP=His Honorable Judge Perry
ICA=Inmate Casey Anthony
DT=Defense Team
SA=State Attorney’s Office Team
(JB=Jose Baez, JA=John Ashton, and so forth EXCEPT for some reason I keep calling Linda Drane-Burdick “JDB” instead of “LDB” and expect that continue sometimes but always with my apologies…I’m not a professional;) )

  • still at bench…HHJP: okay now Mr. Baez what are you trying to do?...you all can talk from there…this is not a bench conference…
  • HHJP: this is the stipulation we signed off on we are not to be asking questions about the validity of the G-machine (I forget) and the LIBS…those two instruments as the their ability & their findings….
    Now as to the interpretation of their findings and how they apply--that is being challenged. So the purpose of those notes are for what?
    JB: what wer are challenging, judge, we’re not challenging actual G thing or LIBS, we are challenging validity of interpretations and methodologies I’ve told that to JA a hundred times already…
    JA objects that’s not what is in stipulation…reads stipulation out loud…they are not going to question validity of instruments as to their ability and their findings.
    DS walks up
    JB asks to approach
    HHJP says no
    JB: if you’re going to limit my cross
    HHJP: I’m not going to limit your cross! This is something you can do in open court it is not a bench conference…I’m all ears, folks, I’m trying to figure out…there’s been an objection about notes and I want to know the purpose of the notes.
    JB: they are notes about how they actually ran these tests and problems they incurred during these tests
    HHJP: then why did you say you weren’t going to ask about validity
    JB: of the actual the instruments, judge! [JA shaking head and waving paper in background] Not the type of instrument…not the way they ran these tests and of these conclusions that they’re making.
    DS: it’s my understanding that SA was concerned about having someone come out and talk not about the test themselves but the application.. (something like that)
    JA: my stated concern, and the reason for the court’s multiple orders…was to b/c the motion was so vague and this is the specific stipulation as a condition of the state dropping contempt request and now they are trying to rescind this very clear document that shows that they were not challenging anything but the interpretation and how they are applied to this case. It’s Crystal. Clear.

    JB will “begrudgingly” respond (goodness)…and only because I feel compelled to…I wanted to do this sidebar…I agreed to that and I have several emails to Mr. Ashton where I explain to him the methodologies that we challenging about this process…which are part of the court file…and this…and he is correct that this was agreed upon as a condition…as part of the resolution of…this contempt charge…now …I don’t want to use the words “coercion” or “forcing my hand” or anything of the kind (flourish says, uh then don’t use those words) but I think if we’re going to limit cross examination on a specific witness on a critical point…when I have explained it time and time again… that we were questioning methodologies…this stipulation which was spoken in open court…and Mr. Ashton said, and I think the court has the transcript that “I’m still not sure what he means so that’s why I want it in writing.”

    HHJP: please keep your voice at a reasonable level…
    JB: I’m sorry judge
    HHJP: We don’t have anybody in here that I know of with hearing problems
    JB: he just stated in court “I’m still not sure what he just said” and yet that is good enough to be the written portion for the resolution of this issue. Now I don’t understand how something that is spoken in open court…this is word for word during status conference…this whole contempt issue was spun b/c he said he didn’t understand…and yet the resolution of the matter was good enough to be written into the resolution…
  • HHJP: I ‘m not concerned w/the contempt issue. The only thing I’m concerned about in this stipulation is that you were only going to attack the interpretation of their findings and how they are applied…now explain to me how that goes to attacking the validity of the GCI and the other instrument
    JB: it goes to methodologies…the interpretations of instrument that is not working properly goes exactly to what the notes are referring to.
    HHJP: if you knew that…and I take it that you didn’t just find out about that yesterday…
    JB: I knew that…and I expressed it numerous times to JA.
    HHJP: wait when did you know it did you know it on the date that you executed this document?
    JB: yes, but my answer isn’t a yes or no answer I’d like to explain my answer
    HHJP: I’ll let you explain your answer…after you answer my questions…if you knew that, why didn’t you place that reservation in this document so all minds would be clear? Because if you didn’t do that one might assume you were waiting in ambush. Now you can explain.

    JB: There is absolutely no way mr ashton could consider that he was waiting in ambush when numerous communications were clearly laid out in writing and verbal that we were challenging the methodologies…these notes were spoken to extensively in the depos and this is no surprise to JA, in fact this is something where an intelligent lawyer foresaw problems with and he took advantage of this situation where he could get something down in writing so he could come down now and say such a thing…where better opportunity landed in his lap did he have a contempt charge lying over defense counsel’s head to basically force his hand to agree to a limited version of a stipulation. We went back in that room judge and we went through numerous, numerous statements and they were never good enough for him—it’s as if he was writing it—then it ultimately came back to something I said in open court, which, and at that time he said he didn’t understand what I was saying, but yet he understood when we decided to put it in writing because he knew he could “lock it in” and that’s exactly what happened here.

    HHJP: let me make myself abundantly clear, as I tried to do the last time…both sides like to loosely use the term “contempt.” I said at the time it was not contempt…never was contempt…and I imposed sanctions, not contempt. And the word “contempt” are words that the state and you utilized and in terms of discovery violations they are basically sanctions…but it looks as though ya’ll don’t have an agreement or you’re trying to rescind an agreement you already entered into, b/c if you knew what you knew back when you did this…that you were not going to honor it…and you could have simply wrote that down and said that then…maybe ya’ll would have come to an agreement or not.

    JB: I disagree

    HHJP: let me ask you a question…what you do you propose to do w/the documents you have
    JB: I would like to question this W as to problems running these samples which was brought out in direct and question W about that. The court can measure exactly how this applies to whether…

    HHJP: but Mr. Baez…what you are talking about doing is perfectly doable…on dealing with weight and credibility of evidence for the trial fact…what does that have to do with the Frye issue? The question is whether or not this is new or novel science…is the instrument is good and the end product is bad then that has to do w/issues other than Frye…so …

    JB: may I respond?
    HHJP: yes but your co-counsel is trying to talk to you…
    JB: may we have 5 minute recess?
    HHJP: yes you may

  • HHJP: Okay, any additional argument?
    JA: no
    JB: only that I would clearly reiterate that I in no way shape or form entered into an agreement with the intention of rescinding it. For the purposes of moving things along, I will …do so…

    HHJP: you may continue
    JB: Dr. Vass, is it generally accepted in the scientific community to use a G-machine to measure and make a determination for human decomp?
    W: the instrument doesn’t make a determination for human decomp…the instrument ID’s compounds
    JB: question is: is it generally accepted in the scientific community that that is an instrument to measure levels, and specific compounds for human decomp
    W: I would say, yes, it can do that
    JB: I asked if it’s generally accepted science
    W: I don’t understand the question...it sounds like you’re asking me can the GCMS be used to ID if something is a human decomp product and that answer is “no.” but it can ID compounds which can be associated with human decomp
  • JB: my question is: is it generally accepted to use a gas (machine) to use to determine chemical compounds of human decomp?
    W: yes
    JB: can you write down all the labs that engage in such practice?
    W: the only ones I know of are FBI and the Greek Dr.’s lab
    JB: the FBI uses that machine to do that?
    W: I don’t know if they do but the have capability
    JB: so you don’t know what they do
    W: no I don’t work there
    JB: can you tell us another lab
    W: it’s used worldwide to every university…if they want to apply it to human decomp great but I wouldn’t necessarily know about it
  • JB: you did three reports for this case, yeah and you have them with you?
    W: yes and yes
    JB: In 1st report: 54 chemicals ID’d within your DB
    W: correct
    JB: so out of 484 you got 54
    W: ….yes
    JA objection relevance…overruled for now
    JB: now you state many of them overlap w/gasoline
    W: well…a certain %, yes
    JB: 43, right?
    W: yes
    JB: and this goes to what the number at that you’re using?
    W: sorry?
    JB: what’s the total number of your DB?
    W: we’re in the high 400’s now, but you have to understand not all 500 of those are going to apply to decomp chemicals…these are just compounds we have detected during decomp events
    JB: is it at your last publishing that you have 484?
    W: have to look…p. 387…says 478
    JB: 478…is that the last count?
    W: I believe so
    JB: so you got what you consider 478 only 43 in this case
    W: ok
    JB: that’s less than 10%?
    W: again, the 478…a particular chemical only showed up one time…I don’t consider that relevant
    JB: do you list the ones which are important to have?
    W: yes, 2008 paper
    JB: the 30?
    W: yes
  • JB: so your papers aren’t protocols are they?
    W: protocols…procedures were used in order to obtain those…
    JB: in your lab do you have a list or a set determination that if we see these chemicals in a certain location, that is human decomp?
    W: that’s what the entire ’08 paper is about
    JB: I mean in your lab do you have any protocols?
    W: do you mean do I have them glued to the wall? No
    JB: in a filing cabinet?
    W: …no…the protocols are outlined in the papers…
    JB: so is there a cutoff level of saying okay I see a certain number of these chemicals so now I can say that’s human decomp?
  • JA objects asks to approach for relevancy objection
    HHJP: why can’t you…
    JA: okay…(speak in open court)…the question implies that this doctor has opined that he has discovered a particular set of chemicals that conclusively determines human decomp…and he’s never said that so I think it’s improper b/c he has never said that
    JB: (says something he’s said the W said) and JA said he’s wrong…possibly of human origin…never said certainty…question implies…
    HHJP overruled I think witness can answer if he understands and we’re not going down the (something) path
    W needs question repeated…
    Question is basically: so is there a cutoff level of saying okay I see a certain number of these chemicals so now I can say that’s human decomp?
    W: this list of 30 compounds includes ones which are liberated during human decomp…cyclical…so some times they appear during some stages, sometimes the don’t…environmental conditions…it’s complicated…I never implied that every one will be present at every moment during decomp cycle
    JB: and of these 30 most important, how many did you find in this case
    W: I believe 7
    JB: which ones?
    W: checking report…lists stuff I can’t spell…#’s 16, 22, 19, 1, 15, 7, and chloform 12
    JB: so out of the 30 you deem most important for human decomp…you only found 7
    W: well, besides the ones that were also present in gas, so we excluded those: 8, 9, 11, 13
End of Part Five
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