2011.05.14 - Sidebar Thread (Juror Selection Day Six)

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here is a link to the jurors that made it thru (it is a stickie with no conversation).. it has all the recaps from each one that is thru:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135667"]Unexcused Juror List ***LIST ONLY NO DISCUSSION PLEASE*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

the sidebar is closed during the actual trial so there is some discussion... those of us watching yesterday lost our feeds from the bad weather perhaps that is what those comments were about.

hope that helps you out

eta: I also think it would help to have a "recap" stickie to sum up each day... not sure if that is possible???
after court was in recess yesterday I drug my aching back outside to cut our acre of land with the push mower... I thought about this case the whole time...

went to bed.... kept thinking about it... woke up and here I am thinking about it again...

I wonder how this next phase will go with the backstrikes... it is driving me nuts... what if they are all struck but a few??? how long will this take....? This seating of the jury is really interesting but so scary at the same time.
Today I am going to clean my entire house so I am ready to watch the rest of this unfold. I pray there are no bumps in the rest of the jury selection road...

Justice for Caylee!


I am fully expecting the DT to use the remainder of their 9 strikes as soon as they can:

1) To delay the trial as long as possible
2) Because they can

I think at this point they have to know that ICA will most likely be found guilty. They are probably praying for that 1 juror to gum up the whole thing, so what do they have to lose really from throwing 9 out and finding 9 more? They either get the same thing that they currently have, or they may get 1 gem.

That being said, if allowed, I'm guessing the SA will throw out the lady they tried to before (again if they are allowed to?).

That will cause HHJP to try to seat 13 more. 1 the SA's strike (at least), 9 the DT strikes and 3 alternates.

I hope I'm wrong. :banghead:
I was unable to watch/listen at all yesterday, so spent late last evening and this morning reading the threads for morning and afternoon from yesterday.

First, I want to sincerely thank everyone who posted about the jury selection.

Second, I do want to state that the number of extraneous posts is absolutely maddening when you go back in trying to pick up a missed day! Not trying to be rude here AT ALL, but the continuous posts about "there's a big storm at my house now" "it is raining hard at my house now" "I heard we are going to get a big storm here later today" are taking up a whole lot of time and space.

And yes, they can and are being scrolled through.

Was there not an instruction/agreement that the "Trial Thred" would be for trial related info only and the "Side Bar Thread" would be more for the extraneous comments?

I am not referring to "witty comments" . I am referring to "I just got back from T-ball, what's happening?" "I have to go out to the store now - hope I don't miss too much" and "Just took a long nap, what did I miss?" type of things.

Or, during the testimony will mods be doing a "Clean Up" thread? (And I know that has to take FOREVER to go back in and delete all the extraneous stuff.)

Is there any proposed solution for this?

I understand your dilemma. ;)

We will try to remove as many OT, extraneous posts as we can. If will have to be done in real time and it will depend on how many mods are able to moderate at the time. It is a BIG job when you have 3 threads a day and each contain 2,000+ posts. There is no way...just impossible for us to go back through each page of those threads at the end of the day. So, please bear with us 'cause I promise you we are pedaling as fast as we can here. :)

The best solution is for posters to remember that the thread is not a "chat room" - it is intended for trial related discussion. I do understand how it happens - we all get so caught up in the moment and so many have been posting together for years now, that we tend to let our guard down and OT we go. We all need to check ourselves and remember the intended purpose of the thread. The best solution is for us all to work together.
So, just scrolling through the Current News thread this morning and note that Luv has posted an article from clickorlando.com

The article starts out with:

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Local 6 News has learned that the Casey Anthony murder trial is now set to begin on Thursday in Orlando.
Jury selection will resume in Clearwater on Monday, and it's expected to wrap up on Tuesday.

I'm wondering if they are making a good guess or if they actually have information that let's me know HHJP has alerted "his people" in Orlando or what.

And, are we expecting opening statements on Day One?:woot:
So, just scrolling through the Current News thread this morning and note that Luv has posted an article from clickorlando.com

The article starts out with:

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Local 6 News has learned that the Casey Anthony murder trial is now set to begin on Thursday in Orlando.
Jury selection will resume in Clearwater on Monday, and it's expected to wrap up on Tuesday.

I'm wondering if they are making a good guess or if they actually have information that let's me know HHJP has alerted "his people" in Orlando or what.

And, are we expecting opening statements on Day One?:woot:
I must say I called that! LOL (thursday start date)...

I think it *could* be an educated guess on the part of the reporter but perhaps they got hold of the schedule... would be nice if they cited their source LOL
I have a couple of possible suggestions but I personally feel that a little OT stuff is pretty normal.

1) Keep the sidebar thread open all day


2) Open up a CA thread for each day for any and all things not related specifically to jury selection or sidebar but basically case related chit chat

For those that want just the facts, they could read InSession or
CFNews13Casey posts on Twitter; or the twitter thread here at WS, right?

Just a couple ideas ....

I kinda like the "losing feed" OT comments but I'd like for those posters to state which video feed it is that they're watching/losing so that any of us that are also watching that particular feed will know it's not just us.
Just my two cents,but I feel like I'm having an experience with friends when watching a hearing,jury selection,or a trial,and I don't consider the posts extraneous.
It's why I come to WS and would miss it if we had to strictly remain court reporters only.

I understand the frustration when you are looking for info ,after the fact, and have no solution ,other than 2 seperate threads.

Just for the record,the weather info was because it was disrupting the signal for the live streams out of the courthouse.

This is a dilemma in neighborhoods everywhere.What brings some pleasure ,is annoying to others.

I'll respect whatever rules are in place for the trial ,but I'll miss my peeps : (
Cruised over to the Hinky a few moments ago, and read a really interesting and long comment from one of their posters who was there in the courtroom yesterday.:innocent:

I am not comfortable quoting any or all of her post over here - it doesn't feel fair, but for anyone who wants to read this blow by blow fairly irreverent article from someone who understands who everybody is - go over and have a peek. Well done Marcena!:great:

The post is in Miscellaneous topics on Caylee, the posters name is Marcena, posted this morning at 9:14am. It's long and well worth the read IMO:rocker:
LOL - I have a vision of all across North America, Hundreds of WS'ers are waking up with a start at "trial start time" on their brains....for weeks to come!

Not me. I'll be on vacation after the 28th in Aruba for 3 weeks so I'll have to do a quick checkin from there. Probably just check the news daily.
I must say I called that! LOL (thursday start date)...

I think it *could* be an educated guess on the part of the reporter but perhaps they got hold of the schedule... would be nice if they cited their source LOL


:seeya: NurseB.

I get very suspicious when there is no source cited - not even "a source close to the court" or a "reliable" source.
i guess I'll wait 'til HHBP releases his schedule before making any plans for the next 8 weeks!! :floorlaugh:
Much as I'd like to, we can't keep Sidebar open all day for a few reasons : 1) We'd have parallel trial threads running at the same time; and 2) the mods are slammed right now mod'g the real time thread and topical threads. It just isn't possible for us to try to keep up with the 2 most popular threads on the forum flying at the same time. Sorry guys.

We're not going to heavily snip and moderate the real time threads, no matter what. We will remove multiple, repetitive OT posts that clog up the thread and make it hard to follow, but that is about it. It will never become a transcription of the hearing, that is not it's intention or purpose.

There are many threads here for those that want to get a quick recap - the Twitter thread is super fast reading w/ real time updates, then we have daily News thread and the Media Links thread. I would suggest those threads for posters who are looking for an abbreviated version of the news of the day.
Not me. I'll be on vacation after the 28th in Aruba for 3 weeks so I'll have to do a quick checkin from there. Probably just check the news daily.

BBM: In that case, you are in charge of umbrella drinks!!!
Just my two cents,but I feel like I'm having an experience with friends when watching a hearing,jury selection,or a trial,and I don't consider the posts extraneous.
It's why I come to WS and would miss it if we had to strictly remain court reporters only.

I understand the frustration when you are looking for info ,after the fact, and have no solution ,other than 2 seperate threads.

Just for the record,the weather info was because it was disrupting the signal for the live streams out of the courthouse.

This is a dilemma in neighborhoods everywhere.What brings some pleasure ,is annoying to others.

I'll respect whatever rules are in place for the trial ,but I'll miss my peeps : (

Thank you Miss James! I agree, and while I understand this poster's frustration, I'm not sure posters who do not spend 8/10/12 hours a day watching and posting on live feed appreciate how difficult it actually is.

The threads zoom along at an alarming rate so you will see multiple posts about the same thing. And sometimes we go slightly off topic for something that is funny or concerning because we need a relief break. For many of us this is a sacrifice we are making away from own real time lives. Yes, we choose to do it, and worry about what we "should" be doing at the same time. Some of us, like me, work full time at at the same time, and are constantly juggling phones, documents, news feed, blah, blah. I don't think any of us are sitting here because we have nothing better to do.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant - I don't mean it that way. Just saying, until you try it two or three days in a row, you might not understand why the "final product" turns out the way it does.
Cruised over to the Hinky a few moments ago, and read a really interesting and long comment from one of their posters who was there in the courtroom yesterday.:innocent:

I am not comfortable quoting any or all of her post over here - it doesn't feel fair, but for anyone who wants to read this blow by blow fairly irreverent article from someone who understands who everybody is - go over and have a peek. Well done Marcena!:great:

The post is in Miscellaneous topics on Caylee, the posters name is Marcena, posted this morning at 9:14am. It's long and well worth the read IMO:rocker:

You are welcome to post the link here. We can't copy & paste more than 10% of her post, but links are fine!
Thanks, 'Beach. I totally respect that and didn't think about the additional moderating burden until after posting. :)
Cruised over to the Hinky a few moments ago, and read a really interesting and long comment from one of their posters who was there in the courtroom yesterday.:innocent:

I am not comfortable quoting any or all of her post over here - it doesn't feel fair, but for anyone who wants to read this blow by blow fairly irreverent article from someone who understands who everybody is - go over and have a peek. Well done Marcena!:great:

The post is in Miscellaneous topics on Caylee, the posters name is Marcena, posted this morning at 9:14am. It's long and well worth the read IMO:rocker:

Could you kindly direct me on how to find Hinky? I'd also love to peek at the recipe thread that someone referenced yesterday but have no idea where to look. TIA to anyone who may be able to help.
You are welcome to post the link here. We can't copy & paste more than 10% of her post, but links are fine!

Thanks Beach - I find it hard to post their links because they don't number their posts clearly like we do but I will give it a try. The hinky link is www.thehinkymeter.com for those who are unfamiliar with it.

I'll bring a part of her post back to give everyone a little "dim sum" this morning.:great:
Cruised over to the Hinky a few moments ago, and read a really interesting and long comment from one of their posters who was there in the courtroom yesterday.:innocent:

I am not comfortable quoting any or all of her post over here - it doesn't feel fair, but for anyone who wants to read this blow by blow fairly irreverent article from someone who understands who everybody is - go over and have a peek. Well done Marcena!:great:

The post is in Miscellaneous topics on Caylee, the posters name is Marcena, posted this morning at 9:14am. It's long and well worth the read IMO:rocker:

What's the Hinky?? Is that on here somewhere? I looked, but can't seem to find it.
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