2011.05.24 TRIAL Day One (Afternoon Session)

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OMG, had to take my puppy out and missed GA's direct. Can I get opinions on his demeanor--did he appear as if he was telling the truth on direct?

I thought he was probably not telling the truth when asked about the sexual abuse.
CA apparently bothered by GA trying to check if KC worked at Sports Authority
I am so proud of him- telling the truth even with his wife in the room!
Why is JB trying to badger George like this???
I still cannot believe what JB said about George in his opening statement, totally dispicable!!!

Because he is blowing JB's theory! Did JB really think GA was going to go along with this BS story?
GA was forced to "let it go" when faced with KC's lie about working at Sports Authority.
Did you tell your wife about your detective work (going to Sports Authority)? Yes. Was she happy about it? No.
I think JoseB is trying to make George explode so he can turn around and say "see? i told you he's a bad person"
It wouldn't be a big surprise if JB goads GA to show his temper...which I'm sure we'll see in videos and witness testimony (think protesters).
JB made absolutely NO headway with GA. He hasn't proved his point at all or taken his argument anywhere with this jury.
JA is such a "gentle" person with George ... such a contrast between JA and JB ...

And ... you can clearly George's demeanor has now changed on re-direct, being more comfortable and calmer with JA than he was with JB ...

Yes and so did GA.

It's almost as if they decided to say that yeah, all of this is so obvious, so they're gonna cop to all of it and make excuses for it or explain it away? Takes some major cajones in that case (or foolishness, but a lot of the times one can easily be the other). A bit of a hail-mary though I would think, because if it fails, where do they go?
This is a perfect time to ask GA about Cindy ruling the roost and why he backed down and didn't push when Cindy got upset that he dared to question the fact of casey's employment.
It all boils down to the parents would discover Casey was lying to them, they may have, or not, confronted her, she gave some bs answer and they let it go. Seriously? When they knew she was lying. They allowed it!

See what happens when you're an enabler? :(

Sorry...I slipped into jargonese!...think of the data plots/graphs as the peaks of a mountain ridge.....each element within the sample has a seperate peak aka the top of a mountain. kinda like the picture of a rollercoaster where the one element (chlorine) is a certain height and the other (chloroform) would be ANOTHER height. The pattern is matched to control peaks, that is a known sample of chloroform is shot into the GC/MS and a peak is identified and the unknown sample is shot and its peak (s) are compared with the known height peak.

Thanks....So I guess its possible that no chlorine would get in the car since she was wrapped in a bag?
George is quickly becoming my hero. I think the Anthonys were sandbagged by this defense. They had some knowledge but the things Baez said in his opening were beyond anything they were prepared to hear. I think it is going to back fire on the defense big time.
Atty. Baez needs to learn to lay a foundation for his questions.

Wondering if tonight there will be some consideration regarding JB's lack of experience in a DP case. Based on today's crash course and the number of questions that have been sustained in JB's questioning it already looks like ineffective council........DAY 1.

If JB can't question witnesses on Day 1 it seems we got the issue already.

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