2011.05.25 TRIAL Day Two- (Morning Session)

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So the SA is showing that KC's lying was not just limited to Caylee's location. They were also off the Caylee topic, by her promising them tickets to the premier of Batman.

LORD HELP US. Guess we're going to have to put up with this farce from Baez with every witness ... still cannot get over this ridiculous strategy, may have had a minor bit of cred without the Kronk factor. Sheesh.

I thought JB was spinning a good story w/his opening statement UNTIL he brought in Kronk. Then he lost me.
wow HHJP is really pissed about something. Specifically he seems really ticked at the SA.
And I don't get it. The DT are the ones who've been the hold up these 3 years. The State has been plugging along in their case, not pandering to the media.
ETA: I woke up nauseated today...this is only day 2 and I wonder if I will make it through...feel so much stress.[/QUOTE]

My heart is pounding and my stomach is in knots..........lots of stress and this is only the beginning.......
He can't remember what kind of car he drove...said it was a little, white car.
Was there any thing about the defendants demeanor that made you suspicious of her behavior?
she was normal, happy, everything was fine, nothing caught my eye that anything wrong, never saw Caylee after she started staying there, Cameron & I had a conversation once or twice that we hadn't seen Caylee around for a couple of weeks, Caylee was with the Nanny going to Coco Beach, with the Nanny .. . it was summertime didn't really raise a flag to anyone. didn't question what she was telling me. Not much about her parents, her & her Mother would have phone conversations she would leave the apartment she didn't want us to hear her ague on the phone. Never heard her speak to Caylee or the Nanny. She had a little white car, not sure of the kind, never rode in it or got near it, she had car trouble just one day broke down around the corner @ Amscot, TL went to go get her. TL was gone 15 - 20 min @ the most.
She cooked and cleaned
No, she did not do my laundry
Fusion when ICA was there: 2-3x
LMAO... "Objection to what?" Here we go... Jose is gonna object to each & every party picture!
Objecting to the picture of NL and ICA at Fusion?
She never did my laundry.

Fusion Night club, TL & Roy House & friends had a production co, trying to get people in the door . . . Friday nites work @ Fusion 2 or 3 times, objection . . . may we approach? Objection to what? Objection to the picture . . .it's not published to the jury so lets wait.
Was with ICA at fusion 2 or 3 times. Objection to picture.
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