2011.06.08 TRIAL Day Thirteen (Afternoon Session)

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The computer testimony has gone dry as the day went on. Jurors started taking a lot of notes.Then as time went on less notes and bored faces
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:47 PM

#CaseyAnthony Cindy Anthony just caught on camera yawning..she looks exhausted. George looks frustrated,mad, over it all
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 3:46 PM

Several of the jurors appear to be looking in the direction of #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:46 PM

#caseyanthony is again flipping thru a binder at the defense table.
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:45 PM

Jurors 14 and 15 are whispering in one another's ears
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 3:45 PM

The jury has been attentive this afternoon. The testimony may seem dry, but it is crucial to the state's case. #CaseyAnthony
by stevehelling via twitter at 3:45 PM

George and Cindy are both in the courtroom. Appear to be taking notes.
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:48 PM

I hope their ears perked up at the number 84.
So when do we start placing bets on how long the jury deliberation is going to take? I'll start with 10 minutes. And that will be just the jury saying their goodbyes to each other.
I can't help but recall TL testimony about ICA being a good mother...only got stressed when Caylee would fight going to sleep.

I want to know over how long a period these 84 chloroform searched occured. Because I am REALLY starting to think (chloroform habit anyone?) that she was using chloroform to knock this poor child out on a regular basis.

Lord help me if I'm wrong. But my gut is telling me I'm not.

This is what I think...wouldn't there be signs in Caylee that maybe Cindy could have noticed? I wouldn't think you could drug a small child more than once or twice before someone, especially a nurse, would notice something wrong or different.
Lost all video....84 times WHAT?

Visited this site:

"With me the chloroform infatuation was a case of love at first sight. I had been always temperate-almost a total abstainer, in fact, from stimulants of all kinds. Once or twice I had smelled chloroform, and thought its odor pleasant. I was a young man just finishing my education, fond of study, and taking a keen interest in everything about me. I had had some curiosity to know what it was like to be put to sleep with chloroform, which had been bought to use for a tooth ache, I believe. I took the bottle home with me and when I went to bed put a little of the chloroform on a handkerchief, and for the first time felt the delightful sensation of being wafted through an enchanted land into Nirvana. Those who know nothing of intoxication except in the vulgar form produced by whisky, have yet to learn what power there can be in a poison to create in a moment an elysium of delight. It is a heaven of chaste pleasures. What I most remember is the vivid pictures that would seem to pass before my eyes-creations of marvellous beautyevery image distinct in outline, perfect in symmetry and brilliant in coloring. The enjoyment is purely passive; you have only to watch vision after vision, but why each vision seems more wonderful and charming than the last you cannot tell, and you do not stop to question."
The computer testimony has gone dry as the day went on. Jurors started taking a lot of notes.Then as time went on less notes and bored faces
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:47 PM

#CaseyAnthony Cindy Anthony just caught on camera yawning..she looks exhausted. George looks frustrated,mad, over it all
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 3:46 PM

Several of the jurors appear to be looking in the direction of #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:46 PM

#caseyanthony is again flipping thru a binder at the defense table.
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:45 PM

Jurors 14 and 15 are whispering in one another's ears
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 3:45 PM

The jury has been attentive this afternoon. The testimony may seem dry, but it is crucial to the state's case. #CaseyAnthony
by stevehelling via twitter at 3:45 PM

George and Cindy are both in the courtroom. Appear to be taking notes.
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:48 PM

Anyone remeber which jurors are 14 and 15???
Who's winning this battle?

Jean C. says we weren't aware of all these searches. GA was at work when the searches took place. Not looking good for ICA.

:seeya: Jean C. ... should read at here at WS ... the computer search section here is great ... :great:
I don't want her to get the death penalty. I want her to live with this for a very very long time.
Bill Schaeffer is saying that LDB just laid a trap for JB by waiting for recross to bring out 84 times to the how to make chloroform site. JB brought out how long each one was but even if only one minute it comes out to 84 minutes reading the site.

She didn't even need to bring out tabs! LOL!
People with OCD often do things a certain way. Perhaps if she was obsessing on it she kept reclosing and opening it. Almost a guilty finger sort of x out, I do that one sometimes myself just out of reflex.

But I have observed my husband doing the OCD thing and he doesn't even realize he's doing it. For instance, he also scrolls up and down multiple, multiple times. Or will circle things with his mouse.

I do it with cooking recipes ,checking size portions,double checking .....
What question did JB ask that allowed linda to get the witness to say 84 times? how did she trap JB?

He said that the total "searches" for chloroform were a toal of 3 minutes only. She was able to come back and make that an HOUR of searching/web browsing and then was able to indicate that although the SEARCH for chloroform took 3 minutes - there were 84 revisists to chemistry.com to the chloroform page.

7 minutes before 5:00 - recess.....HHBP whips open his robe (wooo hoooo!) and pulls out a thumbdrive? attached to a neck holder.

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