2011.07.04. HLN - 'In Session' News Coverage - Caylee Anthony Case

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OH leave the jury alone, for goodness sakes they have been through this for 6 weeks. Let them do what they need to do. ARGH

It appears to be a common pattern among these shows since the deliberations began; perhaps nothing else to discuss than to dissect the jury. :waitasec:
I keep hearing that LDB made the defense attorney cry. I assume it was DCS? CAn someone put this into context for me? PLEASE?:crazy:

I'm running behind ya'll but it was very confusing. This was not something recent, IMO.

Jean C. was talking about when GA was on the stand earlier in the trial, and then a break was called, and after the jury left, ICA started crying and then she thought Sims did too.

Then they come back and start the topic again, and NG talks about someone on the DT "bursting into tears".

....bombshell (roll eyes icon here). jmo
Thanks Kantoo as I am watching back todays coverage... LDB doing the Ickey shuffle... which was aaaaaaaaaaaaawesome btw... I see ICA not covering up her back talking in many places.. odd.. many Dr. Vinnie will have some extended lip reading coverage... :woohoo:
What happened to Dr. Drew? He hasn't been on in over a week.
Thanks Kantoo as I am watching back todays coverage... LDB doing the Ickey shuffle... which was aaaaaaaaaaaaawesome btw... I see ICA not covering up her back talking in many places.. odd.. many Dr. Vinnie will have some extended lip reading coverage... :woohoo:

well, NG just said again that the DT cried after the closing statements. never saw it, will respond back if i have anything to clarify. :crazy:
Tim Miller!!! maybe they will let him speak this time about how the "lying no good *advertiser censored*" acted when he was there.. they always cut him off because like we really need to hear LKB for the 4000000 time.
Ugh. I am so tired of seeing that clip of JVM stalking the defense team. It was not great when it first aired and it hasn't gotten any better since.

Dr. Drew will be back tomorrow.
Don't know if this post goes here or not but I was just watching HLN and the reporters are saying that juror 11 has been titled "very good-looking single man" ok the reason I bring this up... remember when ICA was tying her sweater up so it would be more figure flattering and somewhere in all these posts on here we were discussing it and wondering why she was doing that. In fact she is still bunching and tying her shirts up, watch when she stands up and turns her back to the camera, you can see a little knot in all her shirts.

I wonder if she was trying to get or maybe she already had gotten juror 11 attention....we all know she would try because in her mind she is innocent and beautiful and getting ready to be free.
Watching the laughing guy clip on FXNWS.. what a classic!! JB going on and on about fantasy this and fantasy that... I see LDB whispering to JA.. I can just picture her whispering Da plane Da plane.. boss da plane while JB is going on and on with his fantasy dissertation......How JA could keep from busting a gut with JB's amateurish defense is remarkable.... I know I have seen a few clips of HHJP hiding his laughter at JB as well....has to be hard for him to come down on JA
NG has sub-titles for what ICA was saying during LDB's CS. But I think she got the last one wrong referring to blaming/twisting the knife in GA. NG that ICA said, "It's not his fault". I clearly see her saying, "It IS his fault."

Also, she keeps showing Baez yawning with big old chipmonk cheeks over and over again. LOL!

I agree with u!! I played it back several times and u can clearly see that she is saying it IS his fault.
Just heard Tim Miller telling it like it is!!
Paraphrasing what IMO is the only truth I have heard so far in this circus. TY JVM for only giving Tim 10 freakin seconds!!
When he brought out the map, George went and got Casey from her room, handed her a pen and said, "Point to where they need to look." Casey exploded, Cindy exploded and that ended his relationship with the Anthonys. He said George and Cindy knew that child was dead and they should all go to Hollywood.
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