2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Perhaps - but how much fun would it really be, to have people thinking you had a dream career, and in reality you have to steal for everything, cell phone, clothes----and get caught by Cindy, Amy, etc. Does not sound like fun to me.

Uhmmmm she wouldn't have to steal if she had gotten off her lazy a$$ and gotten a job!
Actually, no one is entitled to decide for another whether they get to have a productive life or not. She was acquitted and anyone who thinks they get to decide is vindictive and vengeful, IMO.

It is certainly up to her how she goes about that and how she chooses to deal with all of this, but it's really not okay, IMO, for people to purposefully get in her way. (That, of course, is not the same as people choosing not to help her--I'm fine with that).

If the public is seeking to harm her ability to function within society based on what they believe is a rightful return for a perceived injury then that is being vengeful.

But that is totally my own opinion.
Noone will have to. She'll screw up on her own. She has the mentality of a criminal, and she is a convicted felon. She's a high school drop-out. She's evil, not mentally ill. She most likely won't get her GED, won't get hired, and probably won't even seek out a regular job, beyond trying to get paid for interviews/photos/movies/books. She's a celebutante in the worst way! She's done nothing admirable to deserve her fame. At least the Kardashian sisters and Paris Hilton haven't killed anyone!

Has anyone ever seen Mrs. Baez? :wink:

Shes quite the stunner. I dont think Jose is as obsessed with Casey as much as all the people who are following her life and have been living and breathing her everyday for 3 years.

Yep...most of us saw her for the first time 3 years ago.

Has anyone seen the report about JB being warned by jail staff, on more than 1 occasion, for repeatedly hugging FCA during their visits? :wink:

Seems to me "stunner status" is non-applicable to JB.

Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

A week later, another report stated: "Baez again observed hugging his client."

Eyewitness News confronted Jose Baez about the situation.

"I have no comment," he said.

Mark Lippman, Cindy and George's attorney, said today on JVM HLN that JB called then yesterday to see if they would be decoys. They said "No", because according to Lippman it was too dangerous.

I found it interesting that only yesterday he was making plans. Wow!!

I always thought, during the trial, that he was flying by the seat of his pants. Evidently he procrastinates a lot of things.. JMHO
Interviews are a totally different story. You specifically stated MMPI interpretations are subjective.[/QUOTE]

Actually, no I didn't... that was the other poster. I was talking about his overall opinion.
Yeah, and her mom didn't press charges. She had to have known Casey was not working. She knew her daughter was troubled and she just went on her way ignoring there was something wrong with her daughter hoping for the best. She had an obligation to her grandchild and there is more than enough proof she knew how bad Casey was. When you grow up with a head in the sand mom and a messed up cheating dad, it WILL mess you up. But it was more important for Cindy to live in her fantasy world, and I dont blame her, it had to suck to have a messed up daughter and no good husband. Being away for 3 years was the best thing that happened to Casey. I hope she thrives and gets honest and does good.

Nope, she didn't press charges. She probably thought she was being nice and merciful, as opposed to strict and judgmental. I think she did not use 'tough love' because she wanted to keep Caylee close to home. She did not want to anger Casey. She walked on eggshells around her. Accepted her lies, just to keep the peace. And she did have an obligation to Caylee, which is why she
tried to overlook the scary stuff Casey was doing, in hopes of keeping her grand daughter with her at home.

I certainly doubt that Casey is going to 'get honest' and 'do good.' Look at what she did to escape her guilty verdict. She falsely accused her Dad of rape and incest and made up a phony accident story. Her attorneys are even now admitting that was just a phony story. So these past 3 years were not ones in which she reflected upon her past wrongs and changed anything,imo.
As we speak she is appealing the verdict upon her lying charges, and claiming indigence so the state will pay for it. Meanwhile her team of attorneys is putting her up in some swank place and giving her a makeover to prepare for her million dollar media blitz. She has not changed her ways. In fact, she is empowered by her 'victory.'

Was she supposed to know Casey was going to throw Caylee into the dump site?
Huh... all of a sudden his tweets are protected.

But one of them I saw was that he had a large trust from age 12 or something. I think he's full of it.
That was his response to me. :crazy:

I took a screen shot of some of his tweets bugging celebs because I figured he'd try to remove them after I tweeted him.

Originally Posted by Eileen730
""... there is something there between Lee and Casey ...""

Gut feeling: they were both sexually abused because when LA was on the stand ICA was genuinely crying.

Then supposedly state's attorney is reported to have said GA's sucide note had a suggestion of responsibility of sexual abuse in it.

IF any of that is true, then why would CA stay with GA?

States attorney said the suicide note had a suggestion of responsibility of sexual abuse in it???

Why on Earth would they have fought to have the note put into state's evidnece and the DT did not want the whole note in???

Makes no sense to me.

Do you have a link to this info?
She could make herself a great stripper's outfit from duct tape.
Actually she can! Home Depot now sells duct tape in a variety of colors- you name it- purple, pink, green, blue, yellow were some of the colors I saw.

(It's not your father's grey duct tape anymore...)
I wonder if Casey's parents filmed Casey's every single move as a baby/toddler as they appear to have with Caylee. If so, perhaps they promoted her craving the cameras so much that she could preen even when she's killed her kid, and people are there just for that reason.... On that last day, it sounded like cindy filmed Caylee at the nursing home and then as soon as they returned to their house they watched the videos they had just taken of her!
Actually she can! Home Depot now sells duct tape in a variety of colors- you name it- purple, pink, green, blue, yellow were some of the colors I saw.

(It's not your father's grey duct tape anymore...)

Don't forget Camo.
Did she steal becuase she was hungry? Did she steal becuase her child was hungry? Dud she steal becuase she or her child was sick and needed money for medical help? Did she steal because she had no shelter and she or her child were homeless? Did she steal because she had a drug addiction and needed the next hit?
Somehow stealing to pay your cell bill and get bras and beer at Target just does not fit my definition of desperation.

Oh, I bet she did not have to pay her cell bill.
I wonder if Casey's parents filmed Casey's every single move as a baby/toddler as they appear to have with Caylee. If so, perhaps they promoted her craving the cameras so much that she could preen even when she's killed her kid, and people are there just for that reason.... On that last day, it sounded like cindy filmed Caylee at the nursing home and then as soon as they returned to their house they watched the videos they had just taken of her!


Actually I think that tender moment CA described was just another lie trying to cover up the fight that she won't admit to.

Actually I think that tender moment CA described was just another lie trying to cover up the fight that she won't admit to.

Yes! The fight that I believe was the motive.
Oh, I bet she did not have to pay her cell bill.

It was said that was what she did with the check she stole from her Grandma SP..............which started the whole fight on father's day thing that CA says did not happen but LA says did.
I did happen to watch his second appearance also...I did not see "back-pedaling". Dr. drew did his job (as does Nancy Grace to create drama) and if I recall Dr. Drew asked him, "Are you hired by the defense? Are you hired by the courts? Do you work for somebody? Or is this purely an objective opinion?”

Dr. Krop responded by saying...“As a forensic psychologist, I have ethics to be as objective as I can to give the opinions that are based on data, and who I get paid for is irrelevant to my opinions. I am not paid by the defense. I’m not paid by the state attorney’s office. The state of Florida is responsible for, eventually, paying my bill pursuant to a court order by Judge Perry... So, I don’t feel like my opinions are paid for.”

Please note...Dr. Krop's professional opinion was solicited for the intent to be used at trial during the Mitigation phase had Casey been found GUILTY of capital murder. Who do you think his opinion would have served then? Surely NOT Casey Anthony.

Given, she was found NOT GUILTY and he is stating his OPINION...now, he is a "fool"? That defies logic...

Is it not possible that he was selected by the DT and since FCA was declared indigent , the JAC paid him after HHJP approved his bill.
That is how I interpreted his answer.
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